

888 Uppsatser om Server Message Block - Sida 2 av 60

Effekten av fear appeals : en studie om marknadsföringsstrategin fear appeals och dess påverkan på mottagaren

The purpose of this thesis is to study if there are any relations between the perceptions of a fear appeal message in relation to the individual experiences of the area. Furthermore to give a general view over research made on fear appeals. The research is made in a qualitative approach were the case study is used. Interviews were used to get relevant information from the chosen respondents. The results if the thesis indicates that there is a relation depending on individual experiences during the perception of a fear appeal message.

Jämförelse av klientlösningar

In this report I have made various comparisons between different client solutions; a standard client solution (PC-server), to use as a comparison and look at various differences in costs against the other client solutions that I have compared, which is Windows Thin PC, Dell Wyse, Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization and FSData terminal server/thin clients. All these solutions require a form of server to work against, which also the standard solution uses, but the main difference is that most of the data and computing power is on the server instead of the client.Window Thin PC, Dell Wyse, Red Hat EV and FSData all use some kind of thin client as hardware. Some of the main differences is that Windows Thin PC can be installed on almost any hardware. Dell Wyse is a special hardware group from Dell, that uses its own proprietary software, and Red Hat EV which is based on linux, is the cheapest option where the only cost is for support. FSData terminal server/thin client use as the name suggest a terminal server and a form of thin client to connect to it, the solution essentially means that your rent the complete hardware from FSData.The comparisons are made with the view of different scenarios based of the number of clients, where costs and licenses, as well as time spent on installation, upgrades, monitoring and managing are some of the main points raised..

Ett modulärt pluginramverk

I denna rapport presenteras ett existerande system som kan hantera paketerade program (?building blocks?) modulärt. Systemet tillämpas på produkten iipax. Ett building block är en enhet (?plugin?) som kan förflyttas mellan iipax-projekt.

SAMVERKAN STÅL/BETONG : Kontroll av kapacitet hos blockankare i Connector Samverkansbalk

In April 2007 we contacted Lennart Augustsson at Designpartners AB in Västerås. He came up with the idea to investigate and evaluate their construction of a interaction beam, CSB-beam. CSB is short for Connector Interaction beam. The beam is based on a horizontal C-profile of high-tensile steel and in the bottom of the profile are vertical flat bar welded so called block connectors. These block anchorsare also made of hightensilesteel.

Polisiär provokation: En studie av gällande rätt och analys av rättsläget

Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med att utveckla en iPhone app och ett serverprogram till Mac. Programmet är tänkt att användas av besökare på festivaleroch liknande evenemang. Så de kan dela med sig av vad de ser med andrabesökare. Appen använder den inbyggda kameran för att ta bilder som sedanautomatiskt laddas upp till en lokal server om en finns tillgänglig. Serverprogrammet sparar bilderna och visar dem sedan på en skärm eller med envideo projektor eller något liknande.

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services vs. Citrix XenApp

Den här rapporten undersöker om gränsen mellan Terminal Services och Citrix XenApp har börjat suddas ut eller om man ännu kan dra en tydlig linje mellan dessa. Detta för att avgöra om organisationer som idag kör Windows Server 2003 med Citrix XenApp enbart klarar sig med de nya funktionerna i Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services och ändå uppfylla de krav och behov en organisation har. Arbetet genomfördes rent teoretiskt. För att avgöra likheter och skillnader mellan applikationerna, så användes till största delen ett ramverk. För att kunna få en bild av hur applikationerna tillämpas rent praktiskt, användes tidigare testar samt analyser.

Fast driftställe vid internetbaserad verksamhet

It is more common now to purchase products and services on the Internet. More and more companies choose to sell their services and products this way. Some services and products the customers can get delivered directly to their computers. Therefore, it is important for entrepreneurs to know when they risk a permanent establishment in another country due to their Internet based activity. If the company gets a permanent establishment in the other country, the other country can tax the income which is relatable to the company?s permanent establishment.

Analys och utveckling av en metod för distribution av data

Detta examensarbete omfattar utveckling och test av en metod för distribution av data i ett multidatabassystem. Testen av metoden har gjorts genom att den har implementerats i en fallstudie. Fallstudien berör en organisation som har behov av att integrera tre av sina databassystem. Detta för att information ska kunna utbytas mellan dessa. Integrationen av databassystemen har gjorts på ett sådant sätt att de data som distribueras från dessa skickas till en central databas, med SQL Server som databashanterare.Det verktyg som har valts att användas i examensarbetet för att lösa uppgiften är Data Transformation Services, DTS, i SQL Server..

Proxyserver för passiv informationssökning

In today?s society the average person is flooded by information from everywhere. This is in particular the case when using the Internet; consider for a moment the fact that a decent search engine at this moment scans 8 058 million homepages. For a user that repeatedly comes back to the same site, the case is often that they know what they are looking for. The problem is to isolate the important information from all the other information embedding it.We would like to state that we have found one possible solution to this problem, where the user himself can define what information he is looking for at a specific server, then scan the server when visiting it with his browser.

Indelningsändringar : en studie om varför Norra Sandsjö kommun, Bringetofta församling och Norra Sandsjö församling delades i samband med att Sävsjö kommunblock bildades

This paper is about a new organization how to get smaller communities to join together and become much larger. The purpose is to find out why Norra Sandsjö community and Bringetofta and Norra Sandsjö parishes were separated when Sävsjö municipality block was formed. The purpose is further to find out what the councils of Norra Sandsjö, Nässjö and Sävsjö, the church council and the people who lived in the area thought about the decision that was made by the executive organization in this matter (länsstyrelsen in Jönköping). Voting was arranged amongst the people, who lived in the specific area that in the first inquiry was suggested to be connected with Nässjö municipality block. The source material gives the result of this voting and the opinions of Norra Sandsjö, Nässjö and Sävsjö communities in this question.

Mjukvaruverktyg för loggning och analys avindustriella processer

This report discusses developing a software log tool for analysis of industrial processes. The target was to develop software that can help electro Engineers for monitor and fault finding in industrial processes. The tool is called PLS (Process log server), and is developed in Visual Studio.NET Framework 2005. PLS works as a client with Beijer Electronics OPC Server. The program is able to read data from PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), trough the OPC Server.

Analys av CORBA som gränssnitt mellan Java-klient och Ada95-server i en distribuerad miljö

Today, Ericsson Microwave Systems (EMW) uses non-graphical user interfaces in some of their Ada95 applications. EMW wishes to develope a more easy-to-use and platform independent graphical user interface (GUI) for their applications. To meet these requirements EMW has chosen to evaluate Java in GUI development with Ada95. To make it possible for the Java GUI to communicate with the Ada95 application, some kind of standardized interface is required. CORBA is a specification of such an interface.

GALS,Design och simulering för FPGA med VHDL

Heat, clock scew and frequency optimization are some of the problems a semiconductor designer must face. By splitting a synchrounous block into multiple pieces which comunicates asynchronously with eachother and provide them with independent clocks, these problems may be reduced. GALS (Global Asynchronous Local Synchronous) is a wrapper that wraps a synchronous block and provides it with a clock. Multiple GALS-elements will make the whole system. The clockfrequency may be independently adjusted between each block.

Design av slutsteg med digital PWM-teknik för gitarr

Softube has developed DSP-card and software for simulation of the sound of old tube amplifiers. The purpose with this thesis is to design a compact amplifier with high power to function together with the DSP-card and build a unit that can replace several other guitar amplifiers. The advantages with that kind of solution could be that it would be cheaper, easier to carry and easier to stor than the real amplifiers. The amplifier that has been designed is of class D type with digital PWM modulator. There is several types of amplifier modules on the market that use analog input signal, but if one of them would be used a D-A converter is needed on the DSP card.

Peer-to-peer som företagslösning

Problemområde: Idag är användandet av peer-to-peer (P2P) - applikationer såsom KaZaa, ICQ och Seti@home utbrett bland privatpersoner. Användningen inom företag är dock ännu i sin linda. Vi kommer därför i den här uppsatsen utreda om ett eventuellt införande av P2P- teknik i ett företagsnätverk ger några fördelar jämfört med en klassisk Client/Server-lösning. Hypotes: Arbetet bygger på hypotesen: ?En P2P-lösning ger fördelar för företaget jämfört med en Client/Server-lösning? Genomförande: För jämförelsen mellan P2P och Client/Server definierades och jämfördes fem områden: Säkerhet, Användbarhet, Tillgänglighet, Bandbredd samt Utrustningskrav.

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