

536 Uppsatser om Self-compacting concrete - Sida 25 av 36


Projektets utgångspunkt är ett nytt konstmuseum i Uppsala, i området bakom Uppsala centralstation, som nyligen genomgått ett ansiktslyft.Museets långsmala karaktär har hämtats från det intilliggande godsmagasinet och från tomtens form. Genom byggnaden har ett diagonalt stråk öppnats, för att ge möjlighet åt fotgängare att passera genom byggnaden och för att skapa liv och rörelse på platsen.Genom fönstren i passagen kan förbipasserande få en skymt av vad som händer inuti muséet. I passagen ligger museets entré, den pedagogiska verksamheten och ett kafé för allmänheten.Museets fasad är inspirerad av den arabiska mashrabiyan. Byggnaden har fönster längs hela fasaden, som i sin tur är täckta av skärmar tillverkade av sträckmetall. Ljuset tillåts komma in i byggnaden samtidigt som sträckmetallen täcker fasaden och bevarar något av museets hemligheter för förbipasserande.Museets inre väggar består av massiva betongskivor, placerade i ett rutnät som fått sin riktning av passagen genom huset.

Vårt älskade Alnarp : en inventering av SLU Alnarps identitet, positionering och image

By surveying conceptions of SLU Alnarp?s resources and competence among its students and personnel, this thesis has the purpose of inventing identity, positioning and image of SLU Alnarp. The underlying idea is that the analysis of the opinions of the students and the personnel will provide the SLU management with new ideas and general advice for an innovative strategy for success. Four quantitative interviews with selected representatives from different staff groups were performed. In order to obtain a differentiated view of the employee thoughts and opinions on the university, five persons were selected to be interviewed ? all with different types of responsibilities.

Den ständigt avvikande förorten : Medias diskriminering av förorten Andersberg

The emerging Swedish suburbs of the 1960- 1970s started out as a utopian vision: a new city for the modern people. Media presented a different view and emphasized the inhuman livingenvironment and the social problems of the suburbs. Nationwide there have been local attempts to avoid this negative publicity by adjusting identified suburban problems. Due to medial presentation the suburbs are still associated with segregation, criminality and social problems. The presentation of suburbs and immigrants affects not only the process of integration and the general public idea of integration processes, but also the individual perception of themselves and their living.

Cefskap och familjeliv - en kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga chefer i socialt arbete

This essay is a qualitative study whose aim is to see how to find a good balance between family life and managership. The result could give concrete proposals on how help can be designed to prospective female managers. The study is based on interviews with eight female managers. The interviews have been inspired by the narrative approach with the focus on how these women have tried to find a balance between management and family life and which obstacles they faced and the support they have had. The results of the study has shown that the support that the woman has been given by their spouse / partner has been one of the best and most important support for her to full fill her mission as being a manager as well as a mother.

Att inkludera hästen i behandling - vilken betydelse har det? : En kvalitativ studie om hur professionella uppfattar betydelsen av hästens medverkan i behandlingsarbete.

The aim of this study was, that from a view of professional's understand the meanings of including horses in therapy. In order to achieve the aim of the study, qualitative method was used and therewith interviews was performed with professionals who work with equine- assisted therapy. The professionals did also have an education which allowed them to independently treat clients and besides that at least five years of experience of equine- assisted therapy. The issues of the study was to understand the professionals? view of the horses role in equine-assisted therapy, which opportunities and constraints professionals consider that equine-assisted therapy entails and also if the horse could bring something unique to therapy.

Heligt krig mot förvillelsen och tidningsterrorismen : Bernhard von Beskow och kritiken mot pressen

Holy war against the aberration and the newspaper terrorismHeligt krig mot förvillelsen och tidningsterrorismen This paper explores Bernhard von Beskow?s (1796-1868) conservative critique of the, for the early 19th century, new dominating voice in public matters namely the liberal press. There are competing narratives about the emerging liberal press and its critics. On the one hand the conservative critics were seen as hopeless reactionaries which acted against freedom of the press, themselves stripped of positive ideals and/or handled with little interest as footnotes in the great story of the liberal victory over its opponents. On the other hand this story has been questioned and an alternative has been presented of how to understand the conservatives and their critique of the press.

Rollstil och välbefinnande : -En socialpsykologisk studie av rollstilens betydelse för välbefinnande i receptionistyrket.

Denna socialpsykologiska studie handlar om receptionistens mående och hur måendet påverkasberoende på olika faktorer i arbetsklimatet grundat i receptionistens rollstil. Studien är gjord på ettträningsföretag i en större stad i Sverige. Studien är en kvalitativ studie där metoden som använts ärsemistrukturerade intervjuer. Fyra receptionister har blivit intervjuade på företaget. Studien ärfrämst grundad i Goffmans rollteori samt Asplunds teorier kring konkret och abstrakt socialitet.Andra teoretiska ansatser är Karaseks krav och kontrollmodell kring stress, Maturanas och DávilaYánez förståelse kring emotioner samt Alvessons teorier kring organisationskultur.

Svenska som andraspråk : En kvalitativ studie av utformningen av undervisningen inom andraspråksinlärning

The purpose of this qualitative study is to understand and examine the problem andreason why second language pupils have difficulties reaching the goals of thecurriculum in ?Swedish as a second language?. The study is based on interviews withtwo second language teachers and Vygotskijs and Antonovskys theories. The interviewswith teachers gave a broader view on why these difficulties exist and whatconsequences might occur. This analysis shows that there can be different reasons as towhy pupils can not reach the goals in their second language that are set for them.

Akustisk mätning av U-värde

This pre-study investigates the possibility of U-value measurements through an acoustic method. A hypothesis about an acoustic model built on acoustic theories combined with U-value theories is presented to answer the questions: ? Can U-value theory be combined with acoustic theories? ? Can the coefficient of heat be affirmed trough an acoustic measurement? The idea for this dissertation begun with a logical idea in mathematical similarity, between the coefficient of heat transmission units and sound intensity units. The U-value theory is based on assumptions such as initial resistance for inner walls and initial resistance for outer walls. The resistance in the material is interpreted through sound intensity theory. The argument is built upon mass law theory, which means if the frequency or thickness of the material layer doubles it implies an increase of sound reduction by 6 dB.

Vårlamm eller dikoproduktion i Dalarna : fallstudie

This study investigates a farm in Dalarna which includes 16 ha of farmland and 1, 7 ha of pasture. The purpose is to find out if it is possible to start an animal production in Dalarna. The study is set only to compare spring lamb production with nurse cow production. There are two buildings on the farm that can be used for this purpose. One is an old cowshed, and the other is an unused silo for silage with a roof on top. Both of the buildings are compared to every alternative in the calculations.

Stadsmöbler för ungdomar :

The title Urban furniture for young people reveals that this paper handles two central phenomenon in landscape architecture; the form and content of the urban spaces, respectively the users and their need for an appropriate outdoor environment in the city. In this paper youth is referred to as 15-18 year olds and the paper is based on theories of their physical use of the city?s outdoor environment. Urban furniture refers to equipment and components in the public room which becomes furniture when people takes them in to claim and gives them a meaning and a function that is useful for the moment. The starting point is that the users, in this case youths, defi nes urban furniture as something signifi cantly more than traditional park furniture, bicycle racks and waste baskets. This paper aims to investigate how the city?s furniture can be developed to meet the youths need to see each other, move and make their marks in the public room. The theories about how youths uses the city are presented in the Theory chapter.

Genuspedagogis i Förskolan

Several cities have implemented various projects to improve traffic safety in city centers.During 1970s and 1980s the city centers changed as the suburbs grew and large shopping centers were located outside the center. At the same time, several projects were initiated with construction of pedestrian streets and restriction of traffic in the center. In year 1994,shared-used areas were introduced in Sweden and these areas are often used in center environments.In Sweden, municipalities are responsible for integrating security in public places and in comprehensive plans and detailed development plans. The National Board of Housing,Building and Planning is the authority for administrating planning issues and develop general guidance about planning. Traffic is one of their key issues, although today there are no concrete guidelines from the National Board of Housing, Building and Planningfor the design of traffic safety in city centers.Traffic safety in city centers affects many people because the city center is a public place.It is therefore important that there are current guidelines available that are helpful for changes and improvements in traffic safety in the city center.The purpose of this report is to formulate guidelines for planning city centers from a traffic safety perspective.

Designprojektet BEDÅRANDE BARN AV SIN TID - Ett innovationsprojekt om material, traditioner och en arbetsmöbel

ADORABLE CHILD OF ITS TIMEThis text will describe a inovative project about material, traditions and someideas about furniture for work in an home inviroment. The content is partlyabout exploring ancient marine- and textile techniques to find somethinguseful for furniture of the twenty first century. It is also about the designprocess of creating a sustainable piece of furniture that questions the paradigmathicsabout usage and the context about manufacturing furniture.The text will briefly describe the design process and then reason about theresult in a deeper sense. Questions that has been considered from the verybeginning of the project as well as those one stumbled across during theevolution of the work will be objectives for the discussion. The result will bein focus as a foundation for the discussion and also the values and issuesabout that.

Vandrarhemmet Gamla Gefle : Investering eller ej?

Purpose:The background to this study is an upcoming sale of a property. Owner of the property is currently city of Gävle and tenant is Jan Ekroth who runs the hostel Gamla Gefle in the buildings belonging to the property. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Gamla Gefle AB has the financial ability to acquire the property and if it can be defended in a commercial plane.Method:In this study a qualitative method has been used, in which empirical data has been gathered from interviews and financial data taken from annual reports. These empirical data have been put against our theoretical framework and led to our analysis. In the analysis, cash flows and discounted future values have been calculated to determine the outcome of the investment.Results & conclusion:The study reaches the conclusion that the hostel Gamla Gefle should complete its acquisition of the property, in spite of an decrease of the annual cash flow.

Bemötande : En observationsstudie om hur flickor och pojkar bemöts i förskoleåldern

The aim of this study is to examine metaphors and what may be perceived as motif-circuits in Stig Dagerman?s play Den dödsdömde (The Man Condemned to Death) and the two short stories ?Den dödsdömde? (The Man Condemned to Death) and ?Mannen från Milesia? (The Man from Milesia). My intention is to discuss a single theme and identity-marks that unites all three works, using Paul Ricoeur?s The Rule of Metaphor (La mêtaphore vive) as well as the ?thematic critique? of Jean-Pierre Richard.What is metaphor for Ricoeur is for Richard themes (theme): an organizing principle, a sort of schedule around which a world is constituted. Hence, I find similarities between the motif-circuits, Ricoeur?s metaphor-theory and Richards?s themes.

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