

536 Uppsatser om Self-compacting concrete - Sida 24 av 36

Ungdomars egna upplevelser om relationerna till sina föräldrar : ?Det finns inget härligare än att jag står så nära mina föräldrar? Sandra, 14 år

Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka hur ungdomar upplever betydelsen av sina föräldrars engagemang för ungdomarnas eget välbefinnande. Hur tillgängliga upplever ungdomarna att deras föräldrar är; hur upplever ungdomarna deras samspel med föräldrarna och hur upplever ungdomarna det sociala stöd de får från sina föräldrar? I studien har åtta ungdomar intervjuats om hur de upplever sina föräldrars engagemang och samspel. Av intervjuerna har det bland annat framkommit att samtliga ungdomar ville spendera mer tid med sina föräldrar, att de ville ha möjligheten att prata med sina föräldrar om allt och att de gärna gjorde saker tillsammans. I diskussionen dras slutsatser att ungdomarna i denna studie upplevde att de mådde bättre om de hade möjligheten att pratar med sina föräldrar.

En bibliometrisk underso?kning av bibliometrins utveckling : Underso?kning av hur publikationen av bibliometriska, informetriska, scientometriska och webometriska artiklar har utvecklats sedan 1960- talet

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to analyse the publication- and citation patterns of the articles concerning bibliometrics, informetrics, scientometrics, and webometrics which can be found on Web of Science, and give a brief description of how the definition of the four terms has developed. I have looked at how the number of published papers have developed over the years and to what extent they have been quoted by other researchers. I have also briefly adressed what other research fields are referring to articles published in the four areas. The material I looked at includes articles that can be found on Web of Science with one (or more) of the four terms as topic and are categorised under library- and information science starting with the first bibliometrics article which was published in 1969, and ending in 2013. The results show that the publications in all four fields are continuously increasing.

Renovering av Gamla Årstabron med injekteringsbetong

Gamla Årstabron i Stockholm uppvisade efter 80 år i drift omfattande skador på de bärande betongkonstruktionerna enligt en utredning som genomfördes 2006 av dåvarande Carl Bro AB på uppdrag av dåvarande Banverket Region Öst. Det konstaterades att omfattande reparationer och förstärkningar av brons betongvalv var nödvändiga för framtida rationell drift av bron. Det beslutades efter vidare utredning att de första tre valven på Södermalm i Stockholm skulle renoveras med injekteringsbetong. Renoveringen av de tre valven på fastlandet på Södermalm var ett prov i full skala för att hitta den optimala metodiken för den fortsatta renoveringen av resterande 17 betongvalv. Det här examensarbetet syftar till att utvärdera metoden med injekteringsbetong med hänsyn till injekteringsbetongens egenskaper, material och produktionsteknik. Bakgrunden till detta examensarbete är att det finns ett stort behov av att följa upp renoveringsmetoden med injekteringsbetong eftersom den inte har använts i någon större utsträckning i Sverige sedan slutet av 1970-talet.

Informationskompetens i Tyskland och Sverige : En jämförande studie av användarundervisningen vid två högskolebibliotek

This master?s thesis studies library teaching at two university libraries, Freie Universität Berlin in Germany and Södertörn University in Sweden. The aim of this paper is to study views on information literacy, how these views affect teaching practice, and how the teaching of information literacy is connected to, on the one hand, German and Swedish learning culture and, on the other, the local community of practice at the studied university libraries. The theories applied in this paper are learning culture and community of practice as developed in the works of Judith Ricken and Etienne Wenger. The methods that have been used are qualitative, semi-structured interviews that were conducted at both university libraries.It was observed that the teaching practices were highly connected to learning cultures.

Slöjdens mening och nytta : För eleven i grundskolans senare år

Syftet med studien var att förstå betydelsen och nyttan av slöjdämnet i grundskolanbetraktat genom elevers berättelser om ämnet.De frågeställningar som jag utgick ifrån var:· Vilken karaktär av kunskaper uttrycker eleverna att slöjdämnet leder till?· Vilken mening och nytta uppfattar eleverna att slöjdämnet har?Litteraturavsnittet tar upp slöjdämnets historia, tillkomst och förändring fram till dagenskursplan och läroplan. Vidare tas kunskapsbegreppet upp utifrån läroplanen, Aristotelesfilosofi samt Vygotskijs sociokulturella teori.Den andra delen av litteraturkapitlet behandlar slöjdämnets kompetenser såsompedagogisk process, kropp och kommunikation samt entreprenöriellt lärande.Elevers dagboksanteckningar samt deltagande observationer utgjorde data. Deslöjdkompetenser som eleverna gav uttryck för och som jag såg i mina observationervar entreprenöriell kompetens, kroppslig och kommunikativ kompetens,processkompetens samt en känsla av lust.Resultatet visade att den betydelse och nytta eleverna tillskriver slöjdämnet är desskaraktär av konkretion samt av engagemang och delaktighet.I diskussionen kopplas litteratur och resultat ihop med egna reflektioner. En av defrågor som studien bidrog till är hur och om de praktiska och estetiska ämnena kan sessom utgångspunkt för mer teoretiska ämnen? Mot bakgrund av studiens resultat kan detfinnas outnyttjade möjligheter att dra nytta av slöjdämnets fördelar inom andra ämnen..

Upptryck : En jämförelse mellan RIDAS och internationella riktlinjer

Old hollow trees of oak contain a large amount of wood mould. Unfortunately, these trees have in the last century been greatly reduced in numbers. It has resulted in that species that depend on these habitats, saproxylic species, have become at risk to decrease in numbers or die out regionally. Previous studies have shown that the volume of wood mould is an important factor for occurrence and population size of saproxylic organisms. The aim of the present study was to examine how the volume of wood mould varies among ash (Fraxinus excelsior), lime (Tilia sp.), maple (Acer platanoides), aspen (Populus tremula) and oak (Quercus robur).

Mötet mellan psykiskt funktionshindrad individ och sällskapsdjur : En etnografisk studie om interaktionens betydelse för känsla av välbefinnande.

The purpose of the study was to find out whether the interaction between mentally disabled individuals and pet positively affects the individual and gives a feeling of well-being to the extent that this might be implicated in the psychologically disabled people?s everyday life in some form of rehabilitation measure. The study is qualitative and builds on an ethnographic design. Data collection was performed through six observations, six interviews and reflections. Interviews were also conducted with relatives and assistants for greater opportunity for follow-up questions, and descriptions of the situation.

Ideologiska skillnader mellan socialdemokraterna och moderaterna : En idéanalys av olika politiska sakfrågor

ABSTRACTEssay in political science, C-level by Cecilia HolmbergSpring semester 2006, Tutor: Arne Larsson- Ideological similarities between the Swedish Socialdemocratic and the Swedish conservative party- An idealanalysis of different political issuesThe purpose of this essay is to examine wheater the political ideologies have lost their importance in the Swedish political system. The study will focus on the ideological similarities or differences between the two largest parties in Sweden, the socialdemocratic and the conservative party. Therefore, the main research question is:? Are there any ideological similarities or differences between the socialdemocratic and the conservative party?To be able to answer this question, I have used Herbert Tingsten?s idealanalysis. This type of analysis examines how someone, in this case a political party, describes reality.

Cellarmering : En jämförande studie mellan traditionell betongarmering och en ny typ av armering innefattande projektering och produktion

Idag, inte bara i Sverige, bygger man mer och mer i betong. Betongkonstruktioner ses inte längre som något kallt, grått och tråkigt då man kan uppföra byggnadsverk som inte bara är starka och tåliga utan även med originella former och färger. För att få betongen stark, inte bara i tryck måste så gott som alla konstruktioner dock armeras på ett eller annat sätt. Dessa nya och ofta komplicerade former på konstruktionen ställer nya krav på armeringsmetoden som används, trots detta har sättet att armera i stort sätt sett likadant ut i många, många år.I den här rapporten kommer man att utreda möjligheterna för en ny typ av armering att etablera sig på en mycket konservativ marknad där utrymmet för utveckling och nytänkande är till synes mycket litet.Jämförelser mellan traditionell armering och denna nya cellarmering har gjorts, framförallt med avseende på projekterings- och utförandenivå. Detta har gjorts genom intervjuer med sakkunniga, både ute på byggarbetsplatsen och i armeringsverkstad.

Barns upplevelse av dagkirurgi : Från ovisshet till lättnad med nyvunnen erfarenhet

Background: An increasing number of operations on children are performed as day surgery and this experience of health care may affect future hospital stays. The aim of this qualitative study was to describe children´s experiences in connection with day surgery. Method: Ten children aged six to fifteen who had gone through general anesthesia at examinations or surgery were interviewed and the content was analyzed by systematic text condensation. Result: The core category ?From uncertainty to relief with newly acquired experience? could summarize the result of this interview study.

?I ain?t goin? in there!? : HIV-infekterade patienters upplevelse av vården

Background: HIV is a worldwide spread disease with many deaths. People with the disease have previously been met with attitudes, stigma and discrimination in various contexts. A caring relationship should be built on empathy, respect and communication, where the patient is not seen as their illness, but as a person. Today, there are laws that are there to protect the patient, however, there is a lack of knowledge about what is current. Health care workers knowledge in the 2000s has improved, but there is still a lack of knowledge.Aim: To illustrate how patients with HIV experience health care.Method: The literature review was conducted with twelve scientific articles of which two articles were quantitative and the other qualitative.Results: The results revealed three main themes; Different expressions of fear, Perceived negative attitudes and stigmatization, as well as The wish to be lovingly treated in health care.

Byggnads- och investeringskostnader : Robotmjölkning eller konventionell mjölkning?

This project is based on my fathers farm which lays outside Löberöd, twenty kilometres south of Eslöv in Skåne. While my family for some time have thought about building a new milkingstable with AMS(Automatic milking system) I decided to compare the AMS with a conventional milkingstable. We are abit concerned about how many cows we should have in the new stable. Because of that I calculated with two different number of cows. I have compared three different types of milking stables: One alternative is 180 cows milked in a double eigth hearing bone milking stable. The second alternative is 128 cows milked with two DeLaval VMS-robots. The third alternative is 171 cows milked with three DeLaval VMS-robots. One salesman from DeLaval and one salesman from A-betong helped me to get marketprices on the milkingrobots, building, ventilation and prices on all the concrete. In all the costs labour is included. The rest of the costs are calculated in a softwareprogram called K-data 03 which is a program with predicted costs. The calulations from the program showed that the price in the milkingpit system was 51 000 sek per cow.

Det gåtfulla tillståndet ? Samarbete och arbetssätt kring barn med selektiv mutism.

AbstractThis study is based on my work as a secondary school teacher of literature and the Swedish language and rooted in my interest in developing knowledge about the importance of teaching literature in order to both cultivate young people?s reading habits and their view of themselves as readers. The more concrete purpose of this study is to examine a reading project that focuses on theories of literary perception and teaching literature.I examine four pupils who, in 2003, participated in the reading project as readers and compare this description with their view of themselves as readers seven years later. I complete the study by examining how they discuss reading and the teaching of literature. The method is qualitative and the empirics include materiel collected in two different time periods: first in 2003, in a class I taught in a secondary school; and second in 2010, when I examined four of the former pupils who participated in the project from 2003.

Faktorer för framgång - En studie av grundskolebibliotek och hur de kan integreras i undervisningen

TitleFactors for success : a study of school libraries at compulsory schools and how to integrate them in the educationAbstractThis Master's thesis aims to identify success factors for the integration of school libraries in the education. The search for factors are concentrated to three areas: control documents for the school and school library, the Principal and organisation and the collaboration of librarians and teachers.The method consists of three parts: a documetary study, a questionnaire survey and interviews. The documentary study aimed to reveal how concrete control documents for schools and school libraries are concerning pupils' information literacy and school libraries. The questionnaire survey gave a general view of the situation of school libraries in Skåne and to help identify two suitable objects for closer examination. Gunnesboskolan and Rönnowskolan were chosen, and the principals, the school librarians and teachers representing different subjects were interviewed.Our results indicate that there are important factors in all three areas examined.

Nyhetens behag: En kvantitativ studie av möjligheter och risker med produktplacering på modebloggar

The advantages with product placement in blogs compared to traditional media is shown in earlier empirical findings where consumers found blog posts more credible and informative than a corresponding article in a web paper. It can therefore be argued that the informal structure and personal tonality of the blog reinforces the effects of product placement on brand attitude and intention to buy as the consumer has no persuasion knowledge and does not detect the rewriting of the product as commercial.This paper?s overall aim is to provide concrete implications for how to manage product placement on fashion blogs. The purpose of the essay is therefore to investigate the communicative effects of product placement in fashion blogs as well as to examine if a revelation of commercial interest behind a blog posts about a certain brand effects the consumers? attitude towards the blog and/or brand attitude and intention to buy.

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