

331 Uppsatser om Sediment sampling - Sida 15 av 23

Den skogliga informationens roll i ett kundanpassat virkesflöde : en bakgrundsstudie samt simulering av inventeringsmetoders inverkan på noggrannhet i leveransprognoser till sågverk

This MSc thesis is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the need for information from forest campartments selected for clear cutting, in connection with planning in an integrated forest- and sawmill enterprise. A review of literature is followed by a case stud y, where present conditions in a Swedish forest company are compared with current research in the area. The seeond part consists of a simulation stud y, which aims at camparing the accuracy of inventory estimates using different methods. The estimates are delivery forecasts, covering one month consumptian of timber in a large sawmill.

Green structure planning in Transit-oriented Development (TOD) : a spatial analysis of Önnestad

During the winter 2011 Isaksson and Andersson did a time budget study on Nordens Ark?s Przewalskis horses during daytime when there were visitors and caretakers in the park. This time budget study was made during daytime and when there were no visitors or caretakers in the park. The horses where observed in the morning (5.30-6.30 am) and in the evening (5.45-6.45 pm) during four days. In addition to a time budget, the horses? positions in the enclosure were registered.

Teknikimplementering vid muddringsprojekt : Viktiga faktorer vid teknikval samt olika aktörers betydelse i processen

There are today large amounts of contaminated sediments in the Baltic Sea. These contaminants are the result of many years industrial activity where the contaminants have not been taken care of and just released out in the water. When ports want to dredge in their fairways and harbor areas the contaminated sediments need to be considered since they are a environmental risk. The development in this area has been slow and new techniques have just recently made its way into dredging operations in the Baltic Sea region. As a result of this there are no clear methods for implementing new techniques today.

Patientens upplevelser och röntgensjuksköterskans information, kommunikation och bemötande av patienten före, under och efter en MR-undersökning

Type 2 diabetes is a growing disease in the population which includes that older people are a risk group. With the disease grows even cost?s. A lifestyle change is a major part of the treatment for type 2 diabetes. There are several factors that suggest positive effects on prevention among the elderly where, among other things, economic and health benefits are presented.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att uppmärksamma, bedöma och hantera somatiska symtom och problem i det psykiatriska omvårdnadsarbetet

Background:Patients with mental disabilities are more prone to somatic illnesses than the general public. Unhealthier lifestyles and side effects of medication might be causes of conditions that lead to diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and premature death. According to the Social Board patients with mental disabilities receive poorer treatment than patients with only somatic diagnosis.Aim:The aim of the study was to describe nurses' experiences to identify, assess and manage somatic symptoms and problems within the psychiatric care.Method:The study is based on interviews with 12 nurses working in psychiatric outpatient and inpatient care. A qualitative content analysis was chosen.Result:The nurses performed nursing through talking, blood sampling and measuring for example blood pressure. They followed up side effects of medication.

Hantering av skadade styrstavar

The thesis was performed at Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB in the department ofmechanical engineering, FTCM. Forsmark nuclear power plant has had problems with cracks in some of the controlrods which are placed in the reactor at Forsmark 3. To investigate the cause of this,material samples were taken from five of the damaged control rods. This sampling ofthe rods resulted too short rods to be transported in the shipping container to theinterim storage facility for used nuclear fuel in Oskarshamn. Control rods are crucial components in a nuclear reactor, regulating the reactoreffect by blocking or unblocking fuel rods. Control rods which have been in thereactor are always handled under water in order to protect against the radiation theyemit. The task was to design a control rod adapter that extends the control rod sotransport can be performed from Forsmark. The goal of the work was a complete setof blueprints so the control rod adapter can be manufactured and mounted on theshort control rods and then be transported to the interim storage facility. The work began with mapping of how control rods normally being handled from thereactor to the interim storage facility.

Behaviours of wild male and female Colobus angolensis palliatus during morning and afternoon in Diani Beach, Kenya

Colobus angolensis palliatus is a small old world monkey inhabiting southern coastal Kenya to southern Tanzania. The species activity budget is known to vary between seasons and areas, probably due to differences in group sizes, diets, predatory presence and resource competition. The variations between male and female activity budgets are reckoned to be a result of pregnancy and lactation. The aim of this study was to investigate potential differences in behaviours between morning and afternoon periods and between males and females. The study was carried out in two forest fragments in Diani Beach on the south coast of Kenya.

Matting of Natural Image Sequences using Bayesian Statistics

The problem of separating a non-rectangular foreground image from a background image is a classical problem in image processing and analysis, known as matting or keying. A common example is a film frame where an actor is extracted from the background to later be placed on a different background. Compositing of these objects against a new background is one of the most common operations in the creation of visual effects. When the original background is of non-constant color the matting becomes an under determined problem, for which a unique solution cannot be found. This thesis describes a framework for computing mattes from images with backgrounds of non-constant color, using Bayesian statistics.

Hur livet påverkas : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om äldres upplevelser av att leva med typ 2-diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a growing disease in the population which includes that older people are a risk group. With the disease grows even cost?s. A lifestyle change is a major part of the treatment for type 2 diabetes. There are several factors that suggest positive effects on prevention among the elderly where, among other things, economic and health benefits are presented.

Beteenden hos geparder i två stora svenska djurparker

Cheetahs in the wild are declining due to hunting, lack of prey, exploitation of habitats and loss of cubs to predators. Those are the main reasons to why cheetahs are kept in captivity today for conservation. Many cheetahs kept in captivity are seen pacing ? a behaviour that arise when the animal is prohibited from performing natural behaviours. It is believed to being attributed to a lack of stimulation in the environment where they are being held.

Påverkas bottenfaunan av att timmer lagras i sjöar? En studie i Kisasjön efter stormen Gudrun

Stormen 2005 drabbade södra Sverige och skövlade nästan 70 miljoner m3 timmer på en natt, varför mycket timmer lagrades i Kisasjön. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka om bottenfaunan i Kisasjön påverkats av timmerlagringen genom låga syrehalter och ändrat bottensubstrat. Även den närbelägna Knoppetorpssjön dit Kisasjöns vatten rinner undersöktes. På vardera tio djup under språngskiktet i varje sjö togs fem ekmanhugg. Syreförhållandena mättes vid varje lokal och sedimentet beskrevs.

Automatic registration of dairy cows grazing behaviour on pasture

Information regarding cows grazing behaviour and time spent grazing can be of great interest to dairy farmers, since this information can indicate how well suited the pasture is to the cows. Feed intake at pasture is however challenging to measure. Automated systems for monitoring the behaviour of cows within dairy production have become increasingly important and relatively common. The aim of this study was to validate an activity measuring device (HOBO® G Logger Pendant Data Logger, USA), a triaxial accelerometer that registers the cow?s head positions during grazing, in order to see if cows? grazing behaviour on pasture could be distinguished from their non grazing behaviour.

Utilization of different habitatsin Colobus angolensis palliatus in the forests of Diani Beach, Kenya

The Angolan black and white colobus monkey (Colobus angolensis palliatus) is an arboreal primate that inhabits coastal forest fragments on the south cost of Kenya and is consequently vulnerable to forest fragmentations. The study was carried out in March and April 2011 in Diani Beach in Kenya where two of the largest populations of the species are distributed. This study is a pilot study to test methods for a Master?s thesis. The aim was to investigate any variations in use of two habitats of C.a.

En preliminär tefrokronologiför Karinmossen, Gästrikland

De senaste årtiondena har det blivit allt viktigare att korrelera och jämföra resultat från olika klimatarkiv, till exempel iskärnor, sediment, trädringar och speleothem, då det är av stor vikt att kunna sammanställa resultat från olika studier på en gemensam tidsskala med relativt högupplösning. Ett av de viktigaste verktygen för att det ska vara möjligt att göra exakta jämförelser av klimatarkiv från kvartärperioden kan vara tefrokronologi. Idag har fler än 125 tefrahorisonter med isländskt ursprung identifierats i den nordatlantiska regionen, men många av dessa har dock ännu inte identifierats utanför Island. I Sverige har det främst gjorts undersökningar i de västra och mellersta delarna av landet, men det har även gjorts ett par undersökningar i andra delar av landet också, så som norra och södra Sverige. Syftet med studien var att bestämma koncentrationer av tefra i Karinmossen, Gästrikland, som ligger i ett område där det inte har gjorts några tidigare studier av förekomst av tefra.

KUNDRELATIONER : - En fallstudie på Nyby Torshälla Ridklubb

Abstract ? ?Customer relationships ? A case study on Nyby Torshälla Riding Club?Date: December 20th 2011Level: Bachelor thesis, 15 ECTSInstitution: School of Sustainable development of society and technology, Mälardalen UniversityAuthors: Linn Ericsson, Elenor Flodin, Emma Jakobsson22nd June 1987 24th April 1987 24th May 1989Title: Customer relationships ? A case study about Nyby Torshälla Riding ClubTutor: Daniel TolstoyKeywords: Relationship marketing, customer relationships, customer loyalty.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how Nyby Torshälla Riding Club maintains their customer relationships. This is to get a deeper insight into how small service companies, in a business to consumer market on a local basis, strategically can work with their customer care.Method: The study was qualitative in its nature and was based on an inductive approach. The primary data has been collected through personal interviews and since the respondents were selected strategically, this means that a non-probability sampling was used. The secondary data that has been used for this thesis was based largely on literature, articles and the Nyby Torshälla Riding Club website.Conclusion: This study indicates how small size service companies can benefit from nurturing their customer relationships.

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