

331 Uppsatser om Sediment sampling - Sida 12 av 23

En geokemisk kartering över området kring Nasa silvergruva : Effekterna av historisk gruvdrift i svensk fjällmiljö

The aim of the study was to map the extent of Fe, Cu, Pb, As, Zn and S contamination in the area surrounding the Nasa silver mine. The mine operated between 1635 and 1810 with some prospecting performed in 1889, and has become infamous for the gruesome ways that the indigenous people were treated during the early years of operation. This study tested three hypotheses through a geochemical survey: 1) sulfide oxidation is still active in the abandoned mine, 2) the soil downslope of the mine is contaminated by mine drainage, and 3) the stream downslope of the mine is affected in the same way. All three hypotheses were valid, as the results showed that still, >200 years after mining operations ceased, signs of the historical mining are clearly visible in the surrounding environment. Acidic conditions were discovered in surface waters close to the waste rock piles, which indicates active sulfide oxidation.

Co-branding och dess effekter på Brand Equity : En fallstudie på samarbetet mellan Prada och LG

This dissertation is a case study on the Co-branding between Prada and LG, ?The Prada phone by LG?. The purpose of the study is to broaden the understanding of Co-branding and the effects this type of collaboration can have on a company?s brand. The research questions are: ?What effects can a Co-branding have on a company?s Brand Equity?? and ?How can these effects be measured??.

Kantzoner, skogsbruk och vattenkvalitet : modellgenererad kantzonsbredd

Kantzoner mot vattendrag är av stor betydelse för att upprätthålla eller förbättra vattenkvaliteten i våra vattendrag. De strandnära zonerna fungerar som reservat i skogen med stor biologisk mångfald. De utgör barriärer för näringsämnen, löst organiskt kol, sediment, kvicksilver och andra miljögifter. Trädens rötter armerar jorden närmast vattendraget och minskar erosion och sedimentation. Syftet med detta arbete har varit att beskriva varför kantzoner bör användas och hur bredden på kantzonen, med hjälp av en modell i ArcMap, kan anpassas efter förhållandena runt vattendraget.

Undersökning av mätsystem och regulatorstrukturer för industriella tillämpningar

This thesis is divided in to two different parts. The first part includes examination of the measurementsystem of an industrial robot using a resolver sensor. The main focus is on methods for suppressing noise in the angularvelocity signal without increasing timedelay. Five different methods are investigated. Three of these are based on oversampling: burstsamplingmethod, meanvaluemethod and correlationmethod.

Närsalter och bottenlevande organismer i Mönsteråsviken

The focus of this study was to examine the nutrients and benthic organisms of the bay ?Mönsteråsviken?, which is influenced by eutrophication. The purpose was also to look at an interesting gradient forming in the bay, namely the distance from the river outflow of Lillån. At 18 sampling sites in the bay samples of water, sediments and benthic organisms were collected in late April of 2011. The water was analyzed for nitrate, phosphate and chlorophyll.

Utsläpp av växthusgaser under islossning i små boreala sjöar

Freshwater ecosystems have long been neglected as an important part of the global carbon cycle. However, research shows that most of the world?s lakes are net-heterotrophic and consequently emitters of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. In many boreal and north-temperate lakes, most of the yearly emissions usually occur in spring, shortly after ice-thaw. The aim of this study was to quantify the flux of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) in three boreal lakes, during this annual event.

Nya tillämpningar för utandningstest kopplade till Kibions diagnostikinstrument IRIS ®

The focus of this study was to examine the nutrients and benthic organisms of the bay ?Mönsteråsviken?, which is influenced by eutrophication. The purpose was also to look at an interesting gradient forming in the bay, namely the distance from the river outflow of Lillån. At 18 sampling sites in the bay samples of water, sediments and benthic organisms were collected in late April of 2011. The water was analyzed for nitrate, phosphate and chlorophyll.

Vegetationens roll i erosiva vattendrag : en review och fältstudie av två nyckelområden i Rönne å

The vegetation?s impact on erosion control is widely explored, even though research? results are scattered where it suggests a both positive and negative relationship between roots and erosion tendency. Research has measured the roots? impact on erosion by many different methods, hence the aim of this study is to offer a clearance of what factors play an important role in the choice of appropriate species controlling river bank erosion. I have therefore studied 17 articles concerning vegetation and erosion control, which were found in different databases such as: Web of Knowledge, Biological Sciences, Academic Search Elite and Google Scholar.

viljan att dela med sig : En undersökning i svenska användares delningsvanor på Facebook.

This thesis work researches what motivates swedish Facebook users to pass along and shareinformation on Facebook, their attitude towards shared information and what affects this behavior. The goal of this thesis is to research todays behavior and motivations to enlighten  what makes information worth sharing to others on Facebook, instead of simply attracting attention. By using a web survey we have collected data by sampling a part of the actual population  of  swedens Facebook users.Our results show that swedish Facebook users main reason for using Facebook is to socialize with offline friends and share information to show otherssomethingtheybelivetheywillhaveuseforand/orwillappriciate.WecompareourfindingstoexistingresearchandtheFIROtheoryabouthumaninterpersonalneeds.Wefindthatuserssharinghabitscanbeidentifiedasmotivatedbyinterpersonalneedstomaintainsocialbonds,influenceothersopinionaboutthemselves,feeluniqueandstandoutinthecrowd.WeconcludethathumanneedsarecontributingtosharingactivityonFacebookandinfluencethesharinghabitsoftheSwedishFacebookusers.Theusersshowacriticalviewonsharingbehavioringeneralbutdonotbelievethattheyshareforthesamereasonthemselves..

Konstruktion av datainsamlingskort för mätsystemet COMET

During test flights SAAB uses the data acquisition system COMET 16. The part of the system that receives the signals from the sensors and converts them is called KSM 15. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a data acquisition module on stacked PC/104 modules with a lower production cost. Our work has been divided into one part about analog signal conditioning and a second part with digital filtering and memory management of the sampled data. The analog part, designed of regular components like instrument amplifiers, voltage references, operational amplifiers and multiplexers, adjusts the sensors signal levels for the ADC?s that converts the signals.

Analog-to-Digital Converter Design for Non-Uniform Quantization

The thesis demonstrates a low-cost, low-bandwidth and low-resolution Analog-to- Digital Converter(ADC) in 0.35 um CMOS Process. A second-order Sigma-Delta modulator is used as the basis of the A/D Converter. A Semi-Uniform quantizer is used with the modulator to take advantage of input distributions that are dominated by smaller-amplitude signals e.g. Audio, Voice and Image-sensor signals. A Single-bit feedback topology is used with a multi-bit quantizer in the modulator.

Grooming behaviour in the Red-tailed guenon

The behaviour of the red-tailed guenon (Cercopithecus ascanius) was studied over the course of nine days in the Sabaringo forest surrounding Kichwa Tembo Tented Camp near the Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. A focal animal instantaneous sampling method with a one minute interval was used to record the behaviours of the monkeys for approximately 12 hours a day, the day being divided into six shifts á two hours. This method has proven successful in earlier studies of red-tails in this area. The study subjects included both lactating and non-lactating females, juveniles and on some occasions the resident male. The purpose of this study was to examine the grooming behaviour of red-tailed guenons and whether or not the occurrence of grooming varies depending on monkey type (lactating or non-lactating) and time of day.

Svensk Filmmarknad VS Illegal Fildelning

Att den illegala fildelningen är ett problem för den svenska filmmarknaden som måste bekämpas är något som Antipiratbyrån vill framhålla. Piratbyrån å andra sidan menar att problemet inte är så stort och inte ens värt att lägga energi på. Vi ville därför undersöka hur den illegala fildelningen verkligen påverkar den svenska filmmarknaden. Detta gjordes genom att först intervjua både Antipiratbyrån och Piratbyrån för att få fram olika synsätt på problemområdet. Vi gjorde även en litteraturgenomgång där vi fann relevanta teorier som vi utformade vissa antaganden utifrån.

Bentiska evertebraters förekomst i källor på Öland

Abstract The benthic macroinvertebrate fauna of 22 natural springs on Öland was sampled, by using a time-standarized kick/sweep sampling technique, in the end of September and early October. The aim was to determine the number of species and their abundances in the macroinvertebrate communities in springs and how/why these may change between different springs. Likewise there was a purpose to investigate possible differences between springs considering the proportions of the number of species and the abundances of the five functional feeding groups; shredders, collectors, filter-feeders, scrapers and predators. There was also an aim to investigate if the distances betweeen springs had any influence on similarity between the communities of benthic macroinvertebrates of the springs. Analysis from the springs collected material showed several interesting patterns in the number of species and their abundances when compared between springs devided into groups depending on their environmental factors such as depth and pH.

Tillgänglighet för äldre bidrar till gemenskap : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om En buss för alla

För att äldre personer ska kunna utföra meningsfulla aktiviteter och känna gemenskap med andra krävs att de kan transportera sig. Det är viktigt för att bibehålla god hälsa och uppleva livskvalitet. Många äldre har svårighet att transportera sig med vanliga bussar på grund av funktionsnedsättningar som kommer med stigande ålder. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva vad En buss för alla har för betydelse för äldres delaktighet i samhället. Studiens design var kvalitativ, en målinriktad sampling gjordes och undersökningsgruppen valdes ut från förutbestämda kriterier.

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