

331 Uppsatser om Sediment sampling - Sida 11 av 23

Adaptiv nivåreglering : Dynamisk expansion av ljudsignaler i en reell arbetsmiljö

Fo?r att implementera en adaptiv niva?reglering av ljudsignaler i en industriell miljo? kra?vs ha?nsyn till ma?nga faktorer info?r en reell implementering. Rapporten avser identifiera dessa faktorer, bedo?ma deras betydelse, samt presentera en grundla?ggande o?versiktlig implementeringsmetod. Fo?rutsa?ttningarna a?r ett verklighetsbaserat scenario, i form av ett nyinstallerat larmsystem i ett kontrollrum pa? ett pappersbruk, da?r ett av huvudma?len a?r att fo?rtydliga ljudande larmsignaler fo?r personalen.Da? fysisk tillga?ng till implementeringsmiljo?n var begra?nsad, samplades ljudmiljo?n sa? att analys av pa?verkande bruska?llors betydelse fo?r niva?regleringen kunde utfo?ras.

Trummor utan trummor : En undersökning om musikaliskt skapande med begränsade resurser

Den här uppsatsen undersöker alternativ till dyra inspelningar av trummor genom att visa hur man kan göra egna truminspelningar med bara en mikrofon, ett DAW och vanligaföremål som finns i hemmet. Undersökningen går in på ett djupare tänk kring hur man med olika lager kan forma sina egna trumljud med ett fåtal hjälpmedel för inspelning ochbearbetning. För att omsätta mitt tänkande kring olika lager i trumljud har jag tagit fram tretrumsound inom tre genre: Popsoul, house och indiepop. Resultatet säger att dessa trumsetvisar sig vara användbara i popmusik från ett kreativt perspektiv, då popmusik tillåter mer bredd i trumljuden. Uppsatsen kommer också fram till att det ekonomiska värdet i att göra egna trumljud sjunker något, då färdiga samplingar går snabbt och är billiga att använda..

Klövviltets besöksfrekvens och bete i sydsvenska poppelplanteringar

Energy is an essential part of the society and for a sustainable future we need to use the energy resources in a sustainable way. The forest is Sweden?s most important resource for renewable energy and a higher production combined with shorter rotation periods (time from planting to clear cutting) can increase the access to energy. The tree genus poplar (Populus spp.) is interesting as energy resource as it has both high production and short rotation period. But browsing ungulates are a major threat to the establishment of poplar plants and therefore the poplar plantations need to be fenced in today. To use fences is expensive and time consuming; this makes it interesting to find more cost-effective solutions where there is no need to fence. The aim with this study was to look at the ungulates? occupation rate and browsing pressure in poplar plantations without fence.

Redovisning av immateriella tillgångar vid företagsförvärv enligt IFRS : resulterar förändringen i en mer rättvisande bild?

När en kommersiell hamn byggs ut fordras omfattande muddringsarbete för att säkerställa ett brukligt djup för sjöfart. Då stora delar av muddermassorna ofta är förorenade av tungmetaller och miljögifter krävs särskilt omhändertagande av dessa. Traditionella omhändertagningsalternativ består av att deponera massorna på särskild avsedd plats på land eller tippa till havs, något som inte tillåts för förorenade sediment. En relativt ny metod är stabilisering/solidifiering (S/S) som innebär att muddermassorna behandlas med ett bindemedel för att sedan kunna användas som fyllnadsmaterial i exempelvis kajkonstruktioner. Dessa alternativ behöver noga vägas mot varandra med hänsyn till ekonomiska och miljömässiga aspekter.

Identifiering av fosfatfosfors käll- och flödesfördelning i ett litet jordbruksområde

Eutrophication of lakes and streams are nowadays a well known environmental problem and implies an enrichment of the nutrients phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N). Phosphorus is considered to be the most important component for the growth of aquatic plants and leads in too large quantities to an intensification of growth. Phosphate (PO4) is the fraction of phosphorus that can easiest be taken up by plants and thus have the greatest impact on eutrophication. Increased plant growth in lakes and unfavorable conditions for aquatic animals are two examples of negative consequences. A significant portion of the increased nutrient supply to nearby water can be derived to phosphate leaching from agricultural areas, where private sewers and agriculture is two main sources.

ATP bioluminescence to establish a test procedure for hygiene testing of liners and tubes on farm level : an investigation of the effect of ageing on the hygienic status of rubber liners and tubes

When rubber equipment in a milking system ages, physical and chemical deterioration occurs and cracks, crevices, as well as deposits of organic and inorganic material is formed on the surface. Bacterial colonization can accumulate, especially on ageing rubber equipment and if the cleaning procedure is not functioning properly. Formation of biofilm in milking equipment could in turn cause bacterial contamination of bulk tank milk. ATP bioluminescence is a fast and easy way to determine the hygienic status of a surface based on its ATP content, and results are given in relative light units (RLU). The method measures both bacterial contamination as well as residues from other organic material.

Fysiskt aktiva äldres erfarenheter och upplevelser av fysisk aktivitet och hälsa : Intervju med 4 stycken äldre

Aim: The aim with the thesis was to examine elderly peoples? motives towards physical activity. Method: A qualitative approach has been adopted with a purposive sampling procedure. Four half structured interviews have been conducted using a thematic interview guide. Results: The fear of being overweight and not being able to take care of themselves were announced as important aspects, since it motivated them to perform physical activity.

Cystocentes versus spontankastad urin : tillförlitlighet vid klinisk diagnostik hos tik

This master thesis was conducted in order to investigate the effects of the browsing species Yeheb on animal tissues in Swedish landrace goats and to make a literature review in order to increase the knowledge of the importance of this plant for livestock production in Somalia. The evergreen Yeheb bush is a very important feeding source for grazing and browsing animals in Somalia during the dry period. Yeheb contains cordeauxiaquinone that stains the bones of the animals red/pink, which has been an increasing problem when exporting meat to foreign countries. In an experiment, two goats were fed dry and fresh leaves from the Yeheb bush for one and two months, respectively. The goats did not feed the intended amount of dry leaves, since the supply and palatability was not as high as estimated.

Allmänsjuksköterskans kunskap och attityd gentemot patienter med HIV/AIDS

The aim of this study was to examine nurses knowledge and attitude towards HIV/AIDS patients over the world. A descriptive literature study has been made based on scientific articles from the databases PubMed and Cinahl. The authors have examined the sampling and the falling off of the articles. The result shows that the attitude towards HIV patients is different from one country to another. The attitude was affected by several of factors such as experience, fear, knowledge / education and the nurses attitude and willingness to care for these patients.

Vinster med björkinblandning i granbestånd i syfte att höja markens pH-värde

The soil acidification and the pH-value of the soil have been discussed for many years. Many observations of the tree species effects on the soil pH have been done. We have discussed the effects on the soil surface pH-value with a birch (Betula spp. L.) admixture in Norway spruce stands (Picea abies L.).We have used data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory. We have also discussed how the wood production and the biodiversity can be increased in mixed stands, in according to the Swedish forestry act Skogsvårdslagen. Our sampling areas are located in Norrland, Sweden. The results show a significant correlation between an increased birch admixture and an increased pH-value of the soil.

Tillit i moldavien

Moldova is one of Europe?s poorest countries with a struggling business environment and an unpredictable political situation. The purpose of this thesis is to understand the implications of corruptions and why networks have come to play a key role in the Moldovan culture and if the formations of network are due to heritage or an effect of functionalism. The focus of the study is also to explain how the networks develop and the formation and maintenance of loyalty and trust among the members of the network. The study is of a qualitative nature that uses a key informant sampling method to get access to members of different business networks.

Renare dagvatten från kvarteret Brännugnen

Regnvatten, smältvatten och spolvatten som rinner av från hårdgjorda ytor kallas dagvatten. Dagvatten är ofta förorenat av tungmetaller eller svårnedbrytbara organiska ämnen, som kan göra stor skada om vattnet inte renas innan det når recipienten. I dagsläget finns det inga nationellt fastslagna riktvärden för föroreningshalter i dagvatten. Dagvattengruppen på Vattenfall AB Värme Uppsala har tillsammans med miljökontoret i Uppsala tagit fram riktvärden för föroreningshalter från kvarteret Brännugnen, som området som studerats i detta examensarbete kallas. Vattenfall har idag problem med att klara dessa riktvärden för bland annat metaller i en del av kvarterets dagvattenbrunnar.

Alkohol -en socialt given dryck? : Hur omgivning, kontext och identitet kan påverka studenters uppfattning av alkoholbruk.

The overall aim of this study is to gain an understanding of how student?sexperiences influence their perceptions about the use of alcohol during the study years. We focused on various factors that might have an impact on the individual?sperception and alcohol intake. These are: environmental influences such as family, school and friends and their dominant norms, context such as place and time in life and how individual and social identity affects student?sperceptions.

Matvanor och attityder hos högskolestudenter i förhållande till livsmedelsverkets kostråd

The study was a quantitative cross-sectional study which aimed at investigating college students? eating habits in relation to the Swedish food agency dietary recommendations. The likely factors associated with eating habits and attitudes towards dietary recommendations were also investigated. Non probability sampling method was used giving rise to convinient study sample of 51 individuals (41 women and 11 men) ages 19 to 37. The participants were part of four different types of educations, Care and health, Economy, Engineering, computering and societal planning and Culture and media.

Finngruvan - Uppföljning av vattenkvalitet, analys avavrinning och recipienter i området efter gruvdrift

This thesis raises the problem with acid mine drainage around the closed mine Finngruvan.The purpose of the investigation was to compare metal content in surface water in the areaand its catchments between year 2010 and 2003, also to make calculation of specific runoffand metal load, furthermore determine the recipients in the area. Surface water samplingwhere preformed at the same place as 2003 and also at a few other places of interest. Adigital elevation file were used in GIS to calculate the area of the watersheds in the region,observations in the field where also made. The collected data were used to make comparisons,calculations and conclusions. The result showed that the surface water 2010 had somewhatlower metal concentrations.

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