

1096 Uppsatser om Sedation-free - Sida 3 av 74

Agerar stora stater utifrån egenintresse? En studie om Frankrikes syn på frihandel.

AbstractLarge states are not as interdependent as small countries are. Due to the extent of the home market, producers in large countries can sell the greater part of their products at home. Accordingly large countries become less dependent of other states. Large states are consequently in a better position to promote their self- interests internationally than smaller states are. Applying this reasoning on a large state such as France I come to conclude that she probably exerts this policy of self- interest in an area like free trade.

Svensk Affärsetablering i Kina -en fallstudie av Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone

Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone är geografiskt utmärkt placerad vid bedrivande av handel och utgör idag en internationell hub. Området har också tillgång till en god infrastruktur som ständigt förbättras. Waigaoqiao erbjuder sakkunniga konsulter och har ett starkt styrelsestöd. I framtiden då Free Trade Zones inte kommer att vara det enda valet för svenska företag som vill etablera sig i Kina, utan att behöva ingå joint ventures eller liknande avtal, kommer Waigaoqiaos handelsbefrämjande miljö att vara avgörande vid ett etableringsval i just det området. De skattefördelar och tullfördelar som idag existerar i Waigaoqiao kommer att försvinna när Kinas WTO-avtal i sin helhet träder i kraft.

Värdet av "utan extra kostnad" - En empirisk studie av gymnasisters utvärdering av bankerbjudanden och deras finansiella förmåga

There are over 100 banks in Sweden. Yet, most people tend to choose one of the top four banks and stay with them. Times are changing, however, and the growth of online-based self service solutions has increased the importance of attracting and retaining customers at an early age. SEB and Swedbank have addressed this issue by introducing bank bundles. Since most banks offer similar services, the packaging and framing of the bundles have become increasingly important.

Global frihandel i en regional värld : Hur påverkar frihandelsavtal möjligheterna att nå global frihandel?

How does the recent wave of preferential trading arrangements affect, the incentives for further trade liberalization of member states, and the possibility of obtaining global free trade? And are there any differences in this aspect between custom unions and other forms of preferential trading arrangements? These questions are well debated and have divided international trade researchers into two camps, one in favour for preferential trading arrangements and the other side against them. I have used well acknowledged researchers in the area of international trade theory to make a literature study of the above mentioned key elements in the debate. When comparing the two sides I have focused mainly on their differences, assumptions and results. I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing to be alarmed by of the wave of regionalism that?s occurring in the world today, but caution should be applied and more research in this area is necessary before any certain conclusions can be drawn.

Jämförande studie av normal ERG-svar hos tre olika hundraser :

The purpose of this study was to compare normal electroretinographies (ERGs) from three different canine breeds in order to evaluate if there were any marked similarities or differences between these breeds as to ERG responses. It is known that healthy dogs from different breeds but also dogs within the same breed but in different age categories may have different appearances of their ERG responses. This may be a problem when evaluating if an ERG is normal or not from a dog within a breed not previously examined. Because of this it is important to obtain normal values for each breed and age group in order to be able to use these for later comparisons of ERGs obtained from individuals affected with various retinal diseases. In this study we have chosen to examine dogs within the three breeds: Labrador Retriever (LR), English Springer Spaniel (ESS) and Chinese Crested Dog (CCD). All of these breeds may be affected with hereditary retinal diseases such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA). It is possible that ERG-responses vary due to a number of different factors.

Den pedagogiska innemiljön i öppna förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om fem pedagogers tankar kring den pedagogiska innemiljön i öppna förskolan

The purpose of this study was to examine some teachers thought about the educational indoor environment in free preschool. With free preschool this study means a Swedish specially adapted to parents/adults and their children and for a typical type of children who are 0-5 years old. Questions to the study were:? How do some teachers in free preschool perceive that they are adapting the preschool indoors environment to children and learning?? How do some teachers in free preschool perceive that they are adapting the preschool indoors environment to children and learning to attract children to the pedagogical environment?In this study I used qualitative methods and interviewed five teachers and preschool indoor environment is observed. I applied the socio cultural perspective to my study.

"Boken är kvinnans ljuva hämnd" : Boven i mitt drama kallas kärlek av Unni Drougge och debatten av boken läst som en performance

With a background in the 17th century?s English political events, but also the ideological scene of that time, the purpose of this essay is to analyze two concepts, freedom and happiness, in Thomas Hobbes?s political writings. Hobbes is well known for his political works, mostly for Leviathan, where his thoughts about government and religion are exposed. But what does he say about freedom? And what about happiness? The study shows that Hobbes?s political thought is quite original from this aspect too.

Varumärkesrätten inom EU : - ensamrätten i konflikt med EG: s konkurrensregler och reglerna om fri rörlighet för varor

The single market is one of the underlying ideas of the European Union. Free movement of goods and efficient competition are central for the function of the union and are therefore carefully protected by the Treaty of Rome. Exclusive rights of trademarks in the EU can be seen as a method of dividing the common market, preventing the free movement of goods and to be anti-competitive. What comes out of this is that there is a conflict between exclusive rights of trademarks and the rules of both free movement of goods and competition. The aim of this work is to see in which kind of situations the exclusive rights of trademarks can be a part of this conflict but also to study how this problem is resolved by the European Court.

Vocal Free Improvisation

As a vocalist, Casey Moir wants more than to just express what is written on the page or that which the harmony allows. She wants to discover every aspect of her voice to see how she can express her musicality on a deeper, more personal level. Some of the questions that helped Casey start her journey are: Why is musical expression so important to her? Why improvise freely? What sounds can her voice make? Can she utilise these sounds in her music and how?.

Design and Analysis of an All-optical Free-space Communication Link

Free Space Optics (FSO) has received a great deal of attention lately both in the military and civilian information society due to its potentially high capacity, rapid deployment, portability and high security from deception and jamming. The main issue is that severe weather can have a detrimental impact on the performance, which may result in an inadequate availability. This report contains a feasibility study for an all-optical free-space link intended for short-range communication (200-500 m). Laboratory tests have been performed to evaluate the link design. Field tests were made to investigate availability and error performance under the influence of different weather conditions.

EU:s frihandelavtalsförhandlingar med Mercosur : Implicita orsaker bakom avbrutna och återupptagna förhandlingar

This essay is about the European union freetrade treaty negations with Mercosur. I have in this essay used a qualitative content analysis, to study from the EU perspective the reasons to why, the EU and Mercosur suspended the free trade treaty negations 2004, and after several years resumed the negotiations again in 2010. The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding from the EU perspective of why free trade negotiations were suspended and then resumed. In order to achieve a deeper understanding of this event, I have applied neorealism and neoliberalism on the explicit statements and the implied actions, as these theories may provide different explanatory power of implied causes of negotiations.I have come to the conclusion that the theoretical perspectives can indeed explain explicit statements and implicit actions for suspended and resumed negotiations with Mercosur. The implicit reasons for suspended negotiations are among others that the EU has an egoist thinking concerning a free trade treaty.

Sederingsnivå hos ventilatorbehandlade intensivvårdspatienter

BakgrundDjup sedering är associerat med förlängd vårdtid och ett flertal komplikationer för intensivvårdspatienten. Även för ytlig sedering medför komplikationer, stress och lidande. Studier visar på vikten av adekvat sedering, samt att skalor och protokoll används. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva sederingsnivå, andel optimalt, över- och undersederade patienter, vårdtid i ventilator och vårdtid inom intensivvården för patienter på en svensk intensivvårdsavdelning.MetodStudien, med deskriptiv design, inkluderade konsekutivt sederade, ventilatorbehandlade patienter, 18 år och äldre, på en svensk intensivvårdsavdelning under nio månader. Primära utfallsvariabler var sederingsnivå, utifrån Motor Activity Assessment Scale och andel optimalt, över- och undersederade patienter.

Fysisk aktivitet- En social gemenskap : Motionsgympans effekt på den upplevda fysiska och psykosociala hälsan

Background: Examinations with the intent to assess neurological functions and level of conciousness are common in neurocritical care, but the effect on the patient is not entirely researched.Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe the patient?s situation at the neurological wake-up test concerning the environment, nursing interventions and the possibility given the patient to become awake, and if these conditions affect the outcome of the wake-up test.Methods: A quantitative observational study took place at a neurocritical care unit, where 20 patients were observed from interruption of sedation to the neurological assessment, which was performed by a neurosurgeon or a specialized critical care registered nurse. Nursing interventions, environmental factors and physiological parameters were documented.Result: Twelve intervention varieties to control patients? physiological parameters were used. CPP > 80 mmHg was found in 90 % of observations.

Köttfri Kommunikation : En studie av den digitala kommunikationen i kampanjen Meat Free Monday

Denna studie har genomförts för att undersöka hur Meat Free Mondays kampanj för att minska människors köttkonsumtion representerar och presenterar relevanta frågor om miljö och hälsa i delar av deras externa kommunikation.Syftet har varit att se hur miljö- och hälsofrågorna presenteras och representeras i Meat Free Mondays digitala kommunikation via videoklipp och delar av hemsidan. Vi har diskuterat vilka motiveringar som finns för att helt eller delvis sluta äta kött och utgått från tidigare forskning och teori i miljö- och hälsokommunikation. Vidare har vi utgått utifrån begrepp som kommunikationskampanjer och social marketing, och utifrån ett teoretiskt ramverk över miljö- och hälsoutfall undersökt vilka motiv och retoriska resurser som används i kommunikationen. Det har även diskuterats vilken roll och verkan Paul McCartney har som ambassadör för kampanjen.Studiens metodologiska ram har baserats på Karlberg & Mrals neoaristoteliska retorikanalys av både text och bild, och huvudsakligen de tre appellerna ethos, logos, och pathos. Materialet innefattar fyra videoklipp från Meat Free Mondays YouTube-kanal där Paul McCartney framför tal, samt delar av Meat Free Mondays hemsida, med innehåll som berör aspekterna hälsa och miljö.Studien visar att innehållet av Meat Free Mondays kommunikation kombinerar olika strategier för att stärka kampanjens teser. Budskapet förmedlas genom att anspela mycket på människors ekologiska drift och gemensamma värderingar, och användandet av den retoriska appellen pathos framträder tydligt i materialet.

EU, den fria rörligheten och asyl - En studie av EU:s viseringsregler och Dublinförordningen

This thesis studies two instruments within EC-law, affecting asylum issues, the Schengen Convention and the Dublin Regulation. These instruments are developed as a result of the free movement of persons in the European Union, and the development of the free internal market. The member states are afraid of losing control of who is residing within their borders, as their border controls has been removed, and these instruments are made to protect the member states now that their own means of control are gone. The thesis explains the relationship between the free movement and asylum issues and shows the connection between them. Its focus is aimed at the free movement of workers and how the European court of justice has interpreted article 39 to increase the workers ability to move within the union.

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