

1386 Uppsatser om Secure base - Sida 39 av 93

The mobile phone - a resource in schoolwork?

The aim of this thesis was to investigate how students, teachers and special teachers use, or may want to use, mobile phones as a resource in everyday schoolwork. An analysis of the result was made base on two main theories. One i Säljös theory about the sociocultural perspective, where artefacts play an important part in the devolopment of human society. The other is Laurillardss thougts of social learning and the use of technology in teaching. The methods used were inquiries and semi-structured interwiews with individuals and groups.

Datakvalitet : En fallstudie om kvaliteten i SJ:s underhållssystem

SJ is a government-owned passenger train operator in Sweden. SJ currently uses asystem called Ford for control and monitoring of maintenance. Technical andorganizational factors have given Ford the character of a monolithic system withoutflexibility and conditions to meet SJ's increased requirements.The main purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate how data quality can bedefined at SJ and to examine the data quality in Ford. This will give SJ an indication ofwhat their quality efforts should focus on in the future.The technical data quality parameters found are: accuracy, timeliness, completenessand consistency. The user centred data quality parameters are: accessibility,understandability and reliability.

Konstruktion av 6:e axel på 5-axligportalfräsmaskin

During springterm 2010 Erik Persson and Magnus Hansson performed their ThesisWork with DIAB Laholm, in Hallands County for University of Halmstad.The project has been a product development project without exterior customers. Thusit had a great emphasis on functionality and less emphasis on marketing and such.This reflects the ambition to develop machinery to be used within the productionfacilities of DIAB Laholm, not to be sold to exterior customers.Main objective has been to create machinery which enables the production ofrotational symmetric work pieces within a NC-milling machine with 5 axles. Thework pieces milled will be made of DIAB?s material Divyncell with varyingdensities.The project has followed Fredy Olssons method involving Principal ? Primary ?Manufacturing constructions. However a complete manufacturing construction hasnot been made since DIAB just wanted a good Primary construction which will serveas a base for finishing touches at DIAB.By the end of the project material including calculations has been sent to DIAB andthey will finish the work and manufacture the machine if they find economic viabilityin this.The work method has been suited for this by several reasons, it was created withthese projects in mind and it?s also the method most familiar to us..

Åtgärder för att skapa säkrare hämtning och lämning vid skola : Undersökning vid Ludvigsbergsskolan i Valbo

Researchers, planners, and government agencies agree that road safety for children must be a priority and in particular that children should have a safe and secure way to travel to and from school regardless of age or the distance travelled. In Sweden, child traffic safety is a key part of the country?s Nollvision, a long-term traffic policy goal of ?no deaths or serious injuries?. Unfortunately, many countries have recorded increases in child traffic accidents as the percentage of parents who drive their children to school and thus congestion around schools has increased. Common strategies include traffic safety education for children, the redesign and improvement of traffic infrastructure, bicycle training, and carpooling.This thesis assesses the traffic problem around Ludvigsberg School in the district Valbo in Gävle, Sweden.

Ledarskap i klassrummet : En kvalitativ undersökning om fem grundskolelärares uppfattningar om sitt ledarskap

The purpose of this study has been to investigate the views of five teachers on their own leadership, and on the way they make it work in the classroom. The method was a qualitative investigation consisting of separate interviews with five elementary school teachers from three different schools in the southern part of Stockholm. The results showed that a good pedagogic leadership, successful with the pupils, can be characterised as at the same time democratic and "situation adjustable". This includes the ability to formulate the rules of conduct clearly, to take decisions and to create a good working atmosphere in the classroom, so that the pupils can feel secure, and be able to learn and develop. That however, cannot be accomplished if the teacher only maintains a negative communication, reminding the pupils of what is forbidden.

Guds bekräftande blick : en undersökning av anknytning i kristen själavårdslitteratur

This paper is based on Bowlby's attachment theory in the exploration of Christian pastoral care literature. Kirkpatrick and Granqvist account for the majority of previous research on the subject, however, not related to counselling or counselling literature. The selected pastoral literature, which is three books by each author: Liselotte J Andersson and Margareta Melin provide several possible associations with attachment theory. In the process, nonetheless, more literature has been studied than those reported here. This paper aims to investigate whether a relationship with God is given as an attachment relationship of the selected pastoral literature.

Vårdpersonals upplevelser av att vårda personer med demens som uppvisar BPSD-symtom.

Dementia is a concept that describes different conditions when memory and cognitive abilities degenerate. Approximately 140 000 persons in Sweden suffers from some kind of dementia. Many are stricken with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, BPSD. The aim of this study was to illuminate nursing staff?s experiences of caring for persons suffering from dementia and BPSD within municipal and institutional care.

Småpratets betydelse för ledarskapet

Title: The significance of small talk on leadershipDate of seminar: 13 October 2010Course: Bachelor paper in Business, in Organization, 15 ECTSInstitution: Swedish Business School at Orebro UniversityAuthors: Linda Andersson & Ebba HallbergAdvisor: Gabriella WennblomPurpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe how leadership is affected by the small talk, with these three managers. This with the manager?s perspective as a starting point, within the three services we examined.Research methodology: This paper is based on a qualitative method. Targeted open interviews were carried out with three respondents. Literature in the organizational field has been searched through to give a base for the study.Theoretical framework: This paper uses the theory of communication, the theory of leadership and the theory of small talk.Conclusion: The conclusion we make is that the small talk makes it easier for the modern leadership, this is because the small talk, among other things, allows the manager to spread information and to avoid misinterpretation, and that the manager become more involved in the company.Keywords: Communication, small talk, leadership.

Är transportbeteende något att spela om? : -En studie om hur gamification kan stödja de transportpolitiska målen i Stockholmsregionen

The aim of this study is to examine the possibilities to use gamification to reach thepolitical goals for the transportation system in the Stockholm region. The study has aninterdisciplinary approach and is based around two main building blocks: gamificationand the transportation system in the Stockholm region. The first part examinesgamification. This includes contemporary use, debate, academic definition and aninvestigation of how gamified applications should be developed. One of the mainfindings is a suggestion that gamification should be seen as a process rather that a setof predefined game mechanics that can be applied to any activity.

Anknytningens betydelse för relationer i vuxenlivet hos extremt prematurt födda och fullgånget burna individer

The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between adult attachment, denoted as mental representations of childhood experiences, and social relations. A secondary purpose was to examine the impact of prematurity on attachment and social relations in adult age. The study is part of a larger longitudinal study carried out by professor Karin Stjernqvist and Anne-Li Hallin, candidate for the doctorate, at the Department of Psychology, Lund University. Participants of the present study were 30 individuals randomly selected from the larger study. Of these, 16 individuals were premature born and 14 individuals were full-term born.

Beröringens makt : En litteraturöversikt om hur vårdpersonal använder sig av beröring i omvårdnaden

Background: Human interaction by touch plays a central role for our health and well being throughout life. When people touch each other our bodies release a hormone called oxytocin into the bloodstream, this gives the body a soothing effect. Touching on the other hand can be perceived as unpleasant if it is not in accordance with the patient?s norm or wishes. From biblical times and through to today human touch plays a central part of nursing.

Den djupa muskelfunktionen hos kvinnliga elitvolleybollspelare : En studie om transversus abdominis funktion påverkas av stabilitetsträning.

Background and purpose: Volleyball requires a lot of the human body, andeffective core stability is necessary for the athlete. Our muscles cooperate as achain of motions and core stabilization is the base for the moving muscles.The most well-known stabilization muscle is m.transversus abdominis (TrA).The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the function of TrA inSwedish female elite volleyball players and to observe the influence of eightweeks of stabilization exercise on the TrA. Method: 10 female elitevolleyball players (mean age 24,7 years, range 18-31 years) participated inthe study. TrA was measured in supine position with a pressure biofeedbackunit. Subjects were instructed to draw in the abdominal wall without movingthe pelvis and hold for 10 seconds.

ICC-profilers duglighet vid gråbalansjustering av arkoffsettryck

Adjustment to a neutral colour balance when printing was the starting point in this degree project. Onthis base ICC-profiles were evaluated and assessed. The survey was concentrated on the similarity betweenreproductions on different papers with various ICC-profiles. The colour balancing introduced aconsistent variable between four graphic papers. With raised uniformity the probability increased toreceive similarities between the various combinations of ICC-profiles and papers.Numerous of measurements and calculations have been carried out, mainly to confirm whether or notadjustment to a neutral colour balance is possible and repeatable.

Är själv bäste dräng

In part this paper is a contribution to the ongoing Swedish discussion about our public structures. The discussion has picked up speed in the last years thanks to a government backed committee trying to come up with a suggestion to make our public sector more efficient. A big part of the debate is about the independence and work of our municipalities, what they should do, what they shouldn?t do and when the state should step in and take over. I make a theoretical investigation into one of these issues, the one about job creation.

Minoritetspolitik för vem?

Different reports imply that the Roma are an excluded group in numerous areas of both Sweden and Europe. Efforts have been done through the centuries without given intentional results. The past 12 years as a Swedish national minority have not diminished the gap between the Roma and the majority society. How does Sweden create and operate its minority policy especially towards the Roma? We have studied international and national minority policy to see how it is described and implemented in the municipality work.

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