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Svårigheter vid "Förmedlingstjänst för Bildtelefon"

The aim writing this essay is to understand and to explain difficulties with communications during sign language interpreting at the Video Relay Service (VRS). Another aim is also to identify the necessery conditions for communications at the VRS and to investigate why difficulties may arise in lack of these necessary conditions. The questions of this essay are: Which are the vital important difficulties in communication at the VRS and why do these difficulties arise?To answer these questions, four sign language interpreters working with the VRS, have been interviewed. These interviews constitute the empirical data of the essay.

Amigos, Vale y Tapas : En analys av de kulturella aspekter som presenteras i några textböcker i spanska

El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los contenidos culturales de algunos libros de enseñanza del español, como lengua extranjera, publicados en Suecia.Estos libros de textos fueron analizados basándose en la información cultural y centrándose en los aspectos interculturales que estos pudieran presentar. Para analizar la información cultural los datos han sido divididos en datos concernientes a España y América Latina, respectivamente. Para abordar la interculturalidad se ha tenido como base principal la contrastividad cultural.Este trabajo llega a la conclusión que dos de los libros estudiados presentan de una buena forma la contrastividad cultural, sin embargo, su falta de variedad en la temática cultural y su falta de acercamiento a una discusión sobre los estereotipos, hacen que los libros, finalmente, nos entreguen una visión incompleta de la perspectiva intercultural.Palabras claves: enseñanza del español, cultura, la perspectiva intercultural, contrastividad cultural..

Arbetet med iPad i förskolan : En undersökning om hur man arbetar med iPads i en mellanstor kommun

Researchers, planners, and government agencies agree that road safety for children must be a priority and in particular that children should have a safe and secure way to travel to and from school regardless of age or the distance travelled. In Sweden, child traffic safety is a key part of the country?s Nollvision, a long-term traffic policy goal of ?no deaths or serious injuries?. Unfortunately, many countries have recorded increases in child traffic accidents as the percentage of parents who drive their children to school and thus congestion around schools has increased. Common strategies include traffic safety education for children, the redesign and improvement of traffic infrastructure, bicycle training, and carpooling.This thesis assesses the traffic problem around Ludvigsberg School in the district Valbo in Gävle, Sweden.

Biblioteket i Alexandria historien om ett bibliotek

he purpose of this master thesis is to learn more about the ancient Alexandrian Library. The method used in this thesis is methodology of history, especially a critical attitude when it comes to evaluating the ancient texts. I put forward three questions to which I desire to find answers. First: What do the sources from Antiquity tell about the Alexandrian library? Second: How do modern writers of books on the subject use these sources? Thirdly: I look into the possible historical and cultural reasons that the first of the Ptolemaic kings could have had for establishing the Mouseion and the Library of Alexandria.

Jämförelse mellan sådd och naturlig föryngring av tall i Härjedalen

The purpose of this study was to compare naturally regenerated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris (L.)) against seeded Scots pine in terms of benefits and differences. An inventory was performed at a number of different sites, 4 ? 6 years after soil scarification and data on the number of new established plants, their height growth as well as ground-line diameter was collected. Information about site conditions such as altitude, quarter exposure and frost risk was also collected. A review of previous studies was conducted in addition to the field study.

En jämförelse av krypteringsalgoritmer

Today the Internet is used more and more as a transportation for information. Much of the information is confidential and should not be read by those not privileged. To protect the information from unauthorized access cryptography can be applied. The cryptography algorithms in use today all have their pros and cons. They are therefore suited for different applications.

Produktnedläggning : - En jämförande undersökning på fem ABB-bolag

Title:Product abandonment ? A comparative study of five ABB-units Level:Master thesis in Business administration, spring 2011.Purpose:The purpose of this paper is to through a comparative analysis examine how different companies, within the same group, works with product abandonment and what factors influence the process.Problem:How important is situational and product specific factors in a product abandonment process in which the organizational factors are constant?Method:This study is based on primary as well as secondary data where interviews represent the primary data. Interviews, following the same interview guide, were made with five companies within the same group.Result:The results from the empirical studies presented in the text below recurring themes derived from the framework.Conclusions:Our conclusions are that the importance of product specific factors is of significant matters in a product abandonment process, even when organizational factors are constant. We base that on that although the companies are within the same group, under the same strategic direction and constructed according to the same organizational structure the product abandonment process is different for the respective companies.Keywords:Product abandonment, product deletion, product elimination, weak products, ABB .

I händelse av kris. Så arbetar Halland, Jönköping och Kronobergs länsstyrelser med kriskommunikation. En kvalitativ jämförelse av Länsstyrelserna i Halland, Jönköping och Kronobergs kriskommunikationsplaner och strategier.

The purpose of the essay was to examine the way the SwedishCounty Administrative Board works with crises communicationbefore, during and after a disaster. A qualitative comparisonbetween the County Administrative Board in the Swedish regionsHalland, Jönköping and Kronoberg has been made in order to seeinequalities and simmulariteies in their strategies and policies forcommunication. In order to fulfill the purpose two main questionswere asked:? How does the County Administrative Board in Halland,Kronoberg and Jönköping work with crises communicationbefore, during and after a disaster?? In what way does the three County Administrative Boardsco-operate with other organizations before, during and aftera disaster regarding crises communication?The theoretical base of the essay was classical and postmodernstrategic communication. I interviewed communicators at theboards and took part of their communication plans and strategies toseek answers to my questions.

Sharing is Caring : En studie om viral marknadsföring i ideella organisationer.

The increased use of social media in recent years has attracted the attention of different kinds of nonprofit organisations. The purpose of this study is to identify a foundation for viral strategies for nonprofit organisations as well as to understand the current interactivity between the organisation and its followers in social media. Following that we have chosen the research question: In what ways can nonprofit organisations develop viral marketing in social media? The study has a qualitative research methodology with empirical findings as base. We have throughout the research process strived for an inductive nature in the study though there are deductive elements.

Irreguljära immigranter - en idéanalys av den politiska debatten

Every human being has the right to the highest attainable standard of health. This is regulated by the UN in the Declaration of Human Rights. However, Swedish legislation discriminate the group of irregular immigrants, regarding the right to health care. Therefore, Paul Hunt, the UN's special rapporteur on the right to health, draws serious critique on Sweden which has caused extensive debate regarding the matter, both in the civil and political sphere of society.Thus, the aim of this essay is through an analysis of the political debate; make visible the norms of citizenship which are dominating the argumentation of the seven parties represented in the Swedish Parliament. An analytical framework, consisting of three dimensions, is therefore used in order to interpret the material which is relevant for the debate.The conclusion is that Moderaterna and Centerpartiet mainly base their arguments on communitarian values, while Kristdemokraterna and Folkpartiet rather show influences of liberal ideas.

Design och konstruktion av Splitmaskin

During springterm 2010 Erik Persson and Magnus Hansson performed their ThesisWork with DIAB Laholm, in Hallands County for University of Halmstad.The project has been a product development project without exterior customers. Thusit had a great emphasis on functionality and less emphasis on marketing and such.This reflects the ambition to develop machinery to be used within the productionfacilities of DIAB Laholm, not to be sold to exterior customers.Main objective has been to create machinery which enables the production ofrotational symmetric work pieces within a NC-milling machine with 5 axles. Thework pieces milled will be made of DIAB?s material Divyncell with varyingdensities.The project has followed Fredy Olssons method involving Principal ? Primary ?Manufacturing constructions. However a complete manufacturing construction hasnot been made since DIAB just wanted a good Primary construction which will serveas a base for finishing touches at DIAB.By the end of the project material including calculations has been sent to DIAB andthey will finish the work and manufacture the machine if they find economic viabilityin this.The work method has been suited for this by several reasons, it was created withthese projects in mind and it?s also the method most familiar to us..

För vem är friheten större? - Hur Vellinges politiker tänker i flyktingfrågan

Vellinge is one of few municipalities in Sweden that refuses to accept refugees. The subject of this thesis is to find out how the local politicians in Vellinge make their considerations when they decide not to welcome refugees. The analysis uses the representation theory as a starting point. The two ideals of the representative role, either as a bound mandate or as a free independent role, is the base of the analysis. Vellinge is in the analysis compared to Lomma, a very similar municipality in southern Sweden that for a long time alsohas refused to accept refugees, however suddenly in 2007 decided to change their mind.

Occurrence of Verotoxin-encoding phages in mussels grown downstream the sewage treatment plant in Lysekil

The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence of Verotoxin-encoding bacteriophages in mussels, cultured downstream the sewage treatment plant in Lysekil.Mussels were collected in three growing areas from April 2008 to March 2009. Real-time PCR was performed for detection of vtx1 and vtx2 genes and enrichment of bacteriophages on non Verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157: H7 was carried out. All samples in real-time PCR analysis were negative; no presence of Verotoxin-encoding phages was shown. No plaque was formed on blood agar base plates, indicating that no bacteriophages had been taken up by E. coli bacteriaThe levels of Verotoxin-encoding phages and E.coli outside the sewage treatment plant in Lysekil were not high enough to be able to form VTEC in mussels, indicating that the faecal contamination was low.

Inskolning till skolans värld : hur tryggheten skapas för individen i gruppen

Syftet med denna uppsats är att få en inblick i pedagogers syn på inskolning. Vi ville ta reda på hur pedagogerna praktiserar sina kunskaper och erfarenheter för att barnen ska få en trygg och positiv start när de börjar skolan. Att ta reda på föräldrarnas uppfattning av inskolning är också en del av syftet i och med att de spelar en viktig roll i inskolningsprocessen. Undersökningsmetoden som vi använde oss av är en empirisk studie. Resultatet bygger på intervjuer med sex pedagoger och insamlade enkäter från 76 föräldrar.

Traumaomhändertagande på akutmottagningen : Upplevelser ur patientens perspektiv

Background:A trauma is a potential life threatening state which demands special resources and optimal care. Trauma doesn't just mean physical violence against the body, it can also put the patient in a psychological crisis. The trauma care in the emergency department is a short and intensive assessment between the patient and the emergency staff, where there is a risk that the patient may feel exposed and uncomfortable. For the nurse to be able to provide security and meet the patients' needs of well-being during the trauma care, the nurse has to try to understand the patients' needs and experiences. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate the patient's experiences during trauma care in the emergency department.

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