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Kommunikationsstrategi för Renbruksplan : är det en fungerande modell för samebyarna vid samråd?

The reindeer planning system (Renbruksplanen, RBP) is a communication and planning tool designed for Sami groups. A key purpose of this is that it will act as a tool in consultation with other market players, including forestry. Sami groups have asked for a model of how this can be used in a flexible manner. With the Swedish Forest Agency as a project manager, a communication model for how to use the RBP has been designed. It consists of a number of points divided into ?before?, ?during? and ?after? the consultation.

Mätningar och betydande faktorer gällande företags kundrelationer: en fallstudie inom Stadium AB

Strong relationships are something that is really important for companies to succeed with, in purpose to increase and protect their market shares. After major research on the subject, it has been found that variables like exchange of relationship, trust, control mutability, satisfaction and commitment are important in the establishment of measuring a relationship. The purpose with this thesis was to: increase the knowledge on how companies measure, and then consequently evaluate, their relationships. To answer the purpose of the study we chose to do a case study at Stadium AB, which is a retailing concern with a high level of customer contact on a daily basis. The conclusion is that trust most likely is the key variable in measuring relationships.

En förstudie till kvalitetsutveckling på GD-tryck

The print- and mailroom at Gefle Dagblad (GD-tyck) is handling an increasing amount of commercial jobsalong with the newspaper production. Investments have above all been done in the mailroom to be able tooffer commercial costumers a higher degree of finishing and there are plans to expand further in the commercialmarket. GD-tryck is of the opinion that they need to secure the quality of their production to be ableto do such expansion, which is the reason why a quality system of some kind may be appropriate. Howeverthere are no plans to certify such a quality system according to ISO 9001:2000.In this exam report the present methods of working have been analysed from a quality perspective.Suggestions on how GD-tryck should be working with quality development is presented in the fields whereshortage of quality has been discovered. The suggestions taken together do not form a quality system butcan be looked at as ideas of approach to quality fields that have to be developed if a working quality systemshall be accomplished.Many of the quality fields that have been discussed do not have anything to do with technical qualitydirectly but are in some degree requirements for a working quality system.

Allanblackia stuhlmannii ? a tree under current domestication: what are the soil requirements?

Allanblackia is a genus of trees that grows in the rainforests of West, Central and Eastern Africa. Its big fruits contain seeds very rich in oil which has been used by local communities for cooking and making soaps. The native stands are threatened by overexploitation and the demand for the oil is much greater than the supply. Domestication programs, aiming at introducing the trees to small holder agroforestry systems, have been started for some of the species. The main aim of this study was to investigate the soil requirements of Allanblackia stuhlmannii in terms of chemical and physical parameters, as revealed by the soil conditions in native stands. Another aim was to see if these varied along an altitudinal transect.

Base stations for communication in obstructed environments

The purpose of this project was to produce signal relay stations that could receive information via 2.4 GHz radio and relay the information to a designated target station. If a relay station was located outside of signal range for the target station it was supposed to utilize other relay stations to transfer the information to the target station, so called multi-hop.The would-be application of the relay stations was orienteering. When an orienteer punches a checkpoint the signal stations would relay information of who punched the control, when it was punched and the checkpoint that was punched to the speaker tower in the goal area.The work resulted in prototypes which fulfilled the statement of purpose and was tested at an orienteering competition with satisfactory results. The performance of the prototypes was tested and found adequate for the would-be application..

Vårdpersonals upplevelse av att vårda patientermed diagnosen afasi efter stroke : En litteraturstudie

Background: Stroke is one of the leading causes for longlasting sequelae, among themloss in cognitive function, like aphasia. Aphasia effects the patients ability to understandand express themselves in speaking and writing. To be able to reach a good level of care,the careproviders and patients ought to have the same goals and values. This requires agood communication between the careproviders and patients. Which can be problematicfor the caregivers when they don't feel secure in their way of getting close to these patients.Aim: The purpose of this study was to illuminate caregivers experience of caring forpatients with the diagnosis aphasia following stroke.Method: This is a literature study where nine studies, with qualitative design, has beenanalyzed and compiled.

Kinetisk Keramik

Do ceramics have to be static? This was the question that spurred me into this work, and what kept me working on to achieve the possibility of motion in my ceramic objects. By combining the knowledge gained through my former education as an avionics technician with my interest in the ancient ceramic craft, I strive to create kinetic ceramic handicraft suitable for interaction with an audience.By a series of different phases I slowly go from understanding what kind of motion I want my objects to have, to actually realizing this motion in three-dimensional objects. Through the use of simple models made from corrugated fiberboard followed by more advanced plaster models, combined with different complementary materials such as bicycle inner-tubing and recycled aluminium cans among many others, I, through a vast series of testing, slowly build up a knowledge base later applied to the ceramic objects.The result is for me a success; I have found a way for me to combine ceramics with mechanics. Through this I have created kinetic ceramic handicraft intended for interaction with an audience..

Antropologi eller estetik? En studie av definitionen och användningen av begreppet mångkultur i svenska dagstidningar under Mångkulturåret 2006

The purpose of this study is to examine how the concept multiculture has been defined and used in selected articles, which were published during the year 2006 and the following month. The study is based on five Swedish newspapers, from which 57 single articles were chosen and divided into total seven categories and dimensions which were partly developed from the theoretical base and partly from the chosen material itself. By using a qualitative analysis I have found following: In most articles the concept multiculture is used in an anthropological sense, meaning that the presence of several anthropological cultures is claimed before the concept multiculture can be real. An anthropological culture is of varying size and contents, in the majority of the articles an anthropological culture consists of a non-western and foreign country but can also represent a region or a continent. Aesthetic culture is, for the most part, used primary as an aid to define the current anthropological culture and not to stand for its own belonging to a specific genre..

?För avsaknad av fara är ju inte nödvändigtvis tryggt.?

This thesis aim to shed a light on how to communicate the individual and subjective feeling of safety in the arena of public events such as music- and cultural festivals with the safety-project on Peace & Love festival in Borlänge, Sweden as a practical example. Earlier research has mainly been focusing on the objective side of safety on these kind of events. Peace & Love decided to put a larger focus on the safety for the festival in 2012, and Trygghetsprojektet was started. By looking at how the project is formed this study wants to show how organisations can communicate a feeling of being safe to the audience to enable them to fully enjoy an event.The main questions asked in this study is: How can a feeling of being safe be communicated to a large number of people by focused acts of communication at a festival? How does the head of safety and the safety coordinator work with communicating a feeling of being safe to the audience? How does these communication acts relate to earlier research on mass communication? The results shows that communication within the organisation and with its partners is of great importance for the outcomes of the project and that communication of the feeling of being safe is much greater then the hands-on communication of words.

Eldens hemlighet : om att arbeta med skönlitteratur i andraspråksundervisning

The purpose of this essay is to investigate Swedish as a second language acquisition in a group of students with diverse culturul backgrounds. my intension is to find out if a dialogical posture in teaching with focus on the students earlier knowledge,experianses, thoughts and feelings, will contribute to a teaching enviroment where the students can express them selves and listen to each other. the teachers task is to help the students to explore their own thinking.According to the theoretical base of the essay, sucessfull second language asquisition occours in a meaningsfull context through dialogue and interaction between students and teacher as well as between student and student.I have used a qualitative method consisting in participating as a teacher in this group of second language learners during four lessons, observing, taking notes and writing diary. The teaching material used during the lessons was a book (fiction but based on a true story) and the dialogue in the group proceeded from the story we read together..

"Jag tror att våra ord är ingenting" : Om hur ungdomar som deltagit i upplopp beskriver sina livsvillkor, bakgrunden till upplopp samt använder hiphop som symboliskt motstånd

The aim of this study is to describe and analyse how young men who have participated in a riot describe their life-situations regarding to their relations to the police, their neighbourhood, employment, the background to the riots and how they use hip-hop as a resistance to subordination. The study is conducted through three semi-structured qualitative group interviews and to some extent field studies. The theoretical points of departure are Slavoj Zizeks theory of violence, which is divided into subjective, symbolic and systemic violence, and subcultural theory. The results of the study show that the young men in their daily life are exposed to by both systemic and symbolic violence, feel secure within their neighbourhood and find themselves harassed by the police. A major finding is that the riot primarily can be understood as an act to get society conscious of their situations, while they found themselves marginalised, lacking employment and youth club.

Det är dags att komma ikapp!: En kvantitativ studie av vad som påverkar fotbollssupportrarnas intentioner att konsumera ett varumärke

The study examines what affects loyal football supporter?s intentions to an array of behaviors that can generate revenues to the football clubs. Specifically the study shows that attitude towards the club affects the supporter?s intentions towards consuming products and services that in some way are related to the favorite club stronger than the satisfaction with the club. Furthermore, the study also shows that there are different kinds of attitudes that drive the intentions and that the strength of these drivers varies.

Musikens roll i förskolan : Musikens roll i förskolan ur fyra pedagogers perspektiv

With this empirical essay I want to research how and why pedagogues use music in their preschool activities. Music is important to me and in relation to the new educational plan I have cautions about that the esthetic subjects may be less prioritized than before. The purpose with my study is to find out preschool pedagogues perspective in learning and evolving children?s educational matters through music. I base my literature theories in this study on Vygotskij and Fröbels theoretical perspectives.

Tillbakablickande nationalism ett minne blott? En teorikritisk fallstudie om nationalism och identitet i Hong Kong

In this thesis I have criticized traditional nationalism theories formulated by Eric Hobsbawm, Ernest Gellner, Benedict Anderson and Anthony D. Smith. The critique has been based on my belief that nationalism theories do not explain nations whose foundation is built on forward-looking, dynamic aspects such as economy, human and civil rights, and democracy. Traditional nationalism theories have been focused on historicizing perspectives whereas I want to draw attention to non-historicizing perspectives within the field of research. So far nationalism theories has had a shared past or a shared ethnicity as its focal point.

Så långt inuti, näst intill borta

Through wing pattern, posture and movement, a harmless moth of the family Brenthia imitates an eight-eyed jumping spider. When an octopus of the species Thaumoctopus mimicus sense danger it can alter its appearance to that of a venomous sea snake. They are both drawing attention to themselves. Nevertheless, and because of this, they are protected. The mechanism is called mimicry.

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