

1386 Uppsatser om Secure base - Sida 22 av 93

Grafisk profilering för butiksmiljö : Creating a visual identity for a store

A new visual identity for the ski store Alpingaraget in Stockholm has been proposed as the result of this thesis. Theproposal includes a new logotype, various printed matters, design planning of the store, interior design, signs and otherapplications.The theory section is within the field of graphic profiling and with some focus on profiling in stores.A clear visual identity is important for a company because what the company communicates internally and externallyshould be kept as consistent as possible. This is especially important nowadays when more and more similar products andstores are available. This means that the visual identity becomes part of the competition with other products and stores.The base elements in a visual identity are logotype, colors and typograpy. Using these elements according to rules andtemplates makes a consistent visual profile..

Base Camp

Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att ta fram handlingar åt räddningsverketsinternationella avdelning, så att de på ett mer effektivt och ekonomiskt sätt kan leverera 10fots sanitetscontainrar på internationella uppdrag. Kravet som ställdes var att de skall ha enlivslängd på minst tre år i extrema väderförhållanden samt att de skall vara lätta att bygga omoch anpassas för de etniska behoven.I examensarbetet har vi arbetat med ett antal skisser på toalettcontainer och duschcontainersom räddningsverket har fått granska och lämna synpunkter på, ut ifrån dessa skisser har viarbetat fram ritningar.Rapporten beskriver hur vi har arbetat och jämfört olika material. Hur beräkningar har gått tillför att hitta optimala lösningar på isoleringen och ytskikt.Examensarbetet utgör en bra kunskapsdokumentation som bör ligga som grund förnyframställning av sanitetscontainrar.Rapporten innehåller en del terminologi som kräver ett visst byggtekniskt kunnande och vanafrån ritningsläsning..

Förändrad syn på svensk militär alliansfrihet? : En studie om svensk neutralitetspolitik mellan 1990-2008

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine how the Swedish policy of neutrality has changed between the years 1990-2008. The research method used for this essay has been comparative case study, which strives to answer four research questions. Two of these questions are: Which specific occurrences have been fundamental in changing the Swedish policy of neutrality? How have the Swedish policy of neutrality and the policy of non-alignment changed between the years 1990-2008? The theoretical frame work of this study consists of Europeanization as a comprehensive theoretical perspective. In order to explain the Swedish act regarding the policy of neutrality, Logic of Consequences and Logic of appropriateness are used.

Implementation av iterativ rastreringsmetod för färgbilder

This report describes the procedure in which we accomplished our task, which was to implement a present algorithm. This was made using C++. The algorithm is developed by Sasan Gooran, who is our examiner in this project. The algorithm uses an iterative method to produce the halftoned images. The reason for this project is to speed up the existing program which is made in Matlab.

Föräldrar till barn med funktionshinder : upplevelser av samhällets stöd

The aim of this essay is to study how parents to children with learning disability experences the support they get from society. My main question has been: what kind of support offer does society offer this parents? What is good and what is less satisfactory in this support? The study is based on a qualitative method. Five parents with children who has learning disabilities has been used as base. The material has been analysed with a narrative, hernmeneutic perspective.The study concludes that the parents, use in this case, find that society does not offer the necessary understanding for their problem of their family.

För mycket information? : En analys av begreppet Information Overload mot bakgrund av det framväxande informationssamhället

This paper deals with the concept "Information Overload" (IO). It describes the intellectualcontent of the idea as well as its supposed domains of activity. Furthermore it problemizes theimage of "Information", "Information Society" and other concepts related to those phenomenons.A division by two fundamental different distinctions of IO are being made. InformationOverload serves as a name for:I. An information-intensive environment.II.

Vård på behandlingshem : -manipulation eller frigörelse?

In this study have I examined how treatment of girls with neuropsychological impairments is functioning? I have looked at the theories and methods of treatment on the base of the care program and how it is put into practice. In addition I have interviewed four girls who have undergone the treatment program.To gain perspective on institutional care as a social phenomenon, I have tried to give a brief historical retrospect in which particular care for women are described. I am also affecting certain gender aspects of institutional care. I have also tried to make a brief account of current research on the treatment.The study is a qualitative study in which I am apart from literature studies used participant observation in depth interviews as a method.My results indicate that a well structured treatment with CBT approach can work well to achieve lasting behavioural changes in students..

Innebörden av god handledning bland sjuksköterskestudenter i verksamhetsförlagd utbildning

Supervision has a strong impact on students` professional development. It is during clinical education that students will receive help in linking theory and practice. This study aimed to describe the meaning of good supervision among nursing students in clinical practice. A qualitative design was used. Nine nursing students in western Sweden, who had all experienced good supervision in clinical practice, were interviewed.The interviews were analyzed using a descriptive phenomenological methodology.The meaning of the phenomenon, good supervision in clinical education among nursing students, was shown as the students were gradually piloted to increased responsibility.

Motivation till ökad fysisk aktivitet : Ledares tankar om vad som motiverar klienter med Fysisk aktivitet på recept

In today?s society, many people are physically inactive and the health care is for example usingPhysical activity on prescription (PaP) to work against it. In order to increase the physical activitylevel in people they need to feel motivated and there are many factors that can motivate people. The purpose of this survey is therefore to explore the leaders of PaP and their thoughts about whatmotivates clients with PaP to increase their physical activity levels. This is explored by aqualitative method incorporated with semi-structured interviews with four respondents who workswith PaP.

Uttagsbeskattning av en kooperativ förenings försäljning av el till självkostnadspris

The thesis has as purpose to describe and analyse a decision made be the Swedish tax committee in which it was decided that a cooperative economical associations selling price, which was less than the comparable public bonds market price, would be the focus of a withdrawal tax. There are exceptions from a withdrawal tax, that is if the transaction has a business motivation. However the concept, business motivation, is narrowly interpreted both in the preparatory works and in case law, which makes it irrelevant to the situation at hand. A cooperative economical association is a form of association nearest akin to the limited companies. These types of associations have as purpose to increase their owners wealth with the benefit of freedom from personal responsibility.

OMT-A : An Extension of OMT to Model Active Rules

Today there are commercially available databases with active features, i.e. active mechanisms are available for development of information systems. But the usage of active mechanisms is low in practice. This is due to the insufficient methodological support in analysis and design for developing ECA rule based software. It has been proposed that one of the most suitable ways to tackle this problem is not to develop new methods but to extend existing methodologies.In this thesis an extension of the Object Modeling Technique (OMT) is developed, called OMT-A, which is able to model active rules.

?Attack är bästa försvar? : en kvalitativ intervjustudie med före detta mobbare

The objective of this study was trying to understand bullying focusing on the bully. The questions at issue were: What can contribute in the making of a bully? What are the benefits and losses in bullying? What are the former bullies? thoughts on bullying, now in comparison to in their youth. This was investigated with a qualitative approach from a former bullys perspective, hence three former bullies were interviewed. The result was presented in themes and was then analysed from a social psychological and social constructionist perspective.

Marknadsmässig spannmålshandel

The agriculture throughout the world is becoming increasingly deregulated and this has affected the prices of raw materials to fluctuate at a higher degree than earlier. This in turn has made it interesting and in some cases even necessary for the trader as well as the producer to gain knowledge about the trade instruments available to ensure a good enough price for their produced goods. This study encompasses a number of ways to trade grain and oil plants in order to clarify what differences there are in the several contracts that exist in the present situation, economical as well as practical. The various trade instruments available to the producers on the Swedish market are described in the theoretical part of this study. The study also contains a simple arithmetic example, based on historical prices collected from grain traders and trading floors, in order to point out the differences in the economical outcomes depending on the business strategy used to sell the produced goods. The study shows the importance, as a producer, of being able to use and take advantage of the different trading instruments at hand to monitor and exploit the shifts in the market. From an economical point of view it is not enough to just excel at farming but knowledge about the market functions and the trade instruments at hand is also required to be able to secure a good enough price for your goods.

Våga ta steget!: En studie om de attraktiva produktkategorierna

This paper studies patterns of consumption within a product category. Using make-up as a base for the study, we applied the Mokken Scale to examine if consumers follow a hierarchical pattern when buying items within the product category. Based on a survey of 250 female respondents, we establish a hierarchic scale for consumption. Assuming generally accepted attributes for determining physical attractiveness, the results of the Mokken Scale study were cross referenced with a survey among 200 male and female respondents. Students were asked to evaluate pictures of a model using different combinations of make-up, i.e.

Lärobokens roll för undervisningen i engelska

The purpose of this study is to investigate and describe the role of course books for teaching English to children at intermediate level of primary school in Sweden. The essay is based on a descriptive, qualitative method and interviews have been conducted with seven teachers in different schools, teaching English in year 4, 5 and 6.The result of the study shows that course books have considerably influence on the teaching of English in the schools who took part in this investigation. The participating teachers use a course book as main teaching material and almost everybody follows the traditional routine working with Textbook and complementary tasks in Workbook every week. They base their lessons on course books and use alternative teaching material mainly for fun activities, speaking practice and individualization. Even though all teachers rank speaking and listening as most important for new learners, it is reading which has the largest impact on their teaching.

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