

640 Uppsatser om Second-parent adoption - Sida 14 av 43

E-faktura : Relationernas förändring mellan småföretag och storföretag vid införandet av EDI

This essay describes some factors that may effect small business survival in relation to becoming a supplier for bigger companies that may implement the use of EDI for electronic invoicing.The purpose of this study is to analyse and evaluate what impact may occur during the introduction of EDI between small and big business.Following on from the introduction of methods used in this study there will be a complete analysis made detailing results.From our research we have found that most small business have developed a professional working relationship between themselves and their clients.The adoption of EDI by big business has revolutionised the day to day dealings between both supplier and consumer in that EDI has empowered both chains to collaborate data in real time.In conclusion our research illustrates that in order for small business to survive the must implement EDI. The results of our study have shown that the introduction of EDI to both small and big business has had a positive outcome..

Flerbarnspappors erfarenheter och behov av föräldrastöd på Tjörn

Background: The health of children and youth has decreased the last two decades. The Swedish government has decided to back a national plan for parenting support. The municipality of Tjörn is a part of national parental support project to identify the need and to improve the parental support in the municipality. Purpose: The purpose with this study was to identify experience and need of parental support among fathers with more than one child on Tjörn. Method: Five individual qualitative interviews were conducted with the fathers.

Line–extensions; A longitudinal study concerning effects on brand equity

Thesis purpose The study aims to examine the effects vertical and horizontal line extensions might have on the total parent brand equity in terms of strength and its baseline product regarding of market share, loyalty and penetration under an elapsed period of time. The study aims to investigate a number of actual conducted line extensions effect on the above mentioned aspects of Kellers (1993) definition of brand strength as a part of the total brand equity. Methodology The effect of a number of line extensions of the parent brands and the baseline products is being examined in terms of market share, loyalty rate, cannibalization and market penetration. The thesis is focused on the correlations between these different parameters during a certain elapsed time ratio in order to test our theoretically routed hypothesizes in a deductive manner. Occasional correlations are derived from an indexation of data collected from the Gfk database. Theoretical perspective The study is derived from Kapferers (2004) definition of brand equity, where he is dividing the concept into three parts. This study is focused on Brand strength in particular, which is one of the parameters in the above-mentioned theory.

Föräldraroll - ett framtidsyrke? : en empirisk studie om hur sex föräldrar ser på föräldrarollen i ljuset av utbildningsidealet

Over the past decade there has been considerable debate in the media concerning the necessity of educating parents in how to be better parents, and strengthening their parental role. This question has also been debated at a national level, resulting in the state commissioning a number of official investigations into the problems that parental education could resolve. A growing body of scientific studies have shown that parental-educational programmes play a strong role in preventing behavioural problems amongst children and teenagers. Many Councils in Sweden already offer these parental courses to their citizens, but discussions are ongoing as to whether these courses should be obligatory for all parents before or near to the moment that they begin to have children. This conclusion has been supported by the official investigations commissioned to look into this issue.

?En ensam kamp om hjälp?Hur bemöter vi suicidbenägna ungdomar och deras föräldrar??A lonely struggle for help?How are suicidal youth and their parents being met?

The aim of this study was to examine how the feelings of ?being met? from personnel can affect suicidal youth and their parents, when searching for help. Five Swedish parents share their experiences of ?being met? by personnel regarding the care of their child who has taken their life. ?Face to face? interviews where done with four of the parents.

Line?extensions; A longitudinal study concerning effects on brand equity

Thesis purposeThe study aims to examine the effects vertical and horizontal line extensions might have on the total parent brand equity in terms of strength and its baseline product regarding of market share, loyalty and penetration under an elapsed period of time. The study aims to investigate a number of actual conducted line extensions effect on the above mentioned aspects of Kellers (1993) definition of brand strength as a part of the total brand equity. MethodologyThe effect of a number of line extensions of the parent brands and the baseline products is being examined in terms of market share, loyalty rate, cannibalization and market penetration. The thesis is focused on the correlations between these different parameters during a certain elapsed time ratio in order to test our theoretically routed hypothesizes in a deductive manner. Occasional correlations are derived from an indexation of data collected from the Gfk database.

Föräldrars upplevelse av kontakten med barnavårdscentralen

Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur mammor och pappor upplever BVC kontakten. Totalt deltog tio mammor och tio pappor och data samlades in via intervjuer. Resultatet visade att både mammor och pappor överlag var nöjda med BVC personalens bemötande. De flesta respondenterna ansåg att BVCs verksamhet riktades mer till mammorna. Papporna beskrev att de ville få större möjlighet till delaktighet i BVC.

Tonåring med en döende förälder : Tonåringars retrospektiva upplevelser

Inledning: Att vara tonåring och leva med en svårt sjuk och döende förälder är påfrestade och det finns en ökad risk att detta på lång sikt påverkar det psykologiska välbefinnandet. För att kunna stödja dessa tonåringar och förebygga risk för framtida psykisk ohälsa behöver vi ta reda på mer om deras upplevelser.Frågeställningar: Hur upplever tonåringar att ha en svårt sjuk och döende förälder?- Upplevelse av den egna livssituationen- Upplevelse av familjens livssituation- Upplevelse av delaktighet- Upplevelse av förberedelseMetod: Tematisk analys (Hayes 2000). Upprepade retrospektiva intervjuer med tonåringar som förlorat en förälder, som erhållit palliativ vård, inom ett år efter förlusten. Kvalitativ analys användes för att analysera resultatet.Resultat: Samtliga tonåringar upplever ett ökat ansvar.

Föräldrars erfarenheter av stöd i sin föräldraroll genom deltagande i syskoncirkel- en intervjustudie

Introduction When a child comes into a family changing conditions for the older sibling, who may feel left out. This can be a problem for parents who face new challenges towards the older sibling, which can lead to parents looking for advice and support. Parenting is an activity that strengthens the role of parents and provides information about children's health and social development. Purpose The purpose is to describe the parents' experiences of support in their parental role by participating in the sibling circle. Method Semi-structured focus group interview was conducted and qualitative content analysis was performed.

Bibliotekarier och forskare i samspel : Fallstudier på ett företag och ett universitet

Librarians like to think that libraries contribute substantially to the progress of research. However, libraries still seem to have serious problems getting integrated in their parent organization on equal terms with other parts of that organization. The degree of integration of the library is thus the main topic of this thesis and the purpose is to examine how the interaction between librarians and scientists is formed and can be developed. That issue leads to concrete questions concerning what part librarians play in the scientists work and which factors influence the cooperation or lack of cooperation. We have chosen, for reasons of comparison, to make two case studies; one is a branch of a university library and the other is a library in a large pharmaceutical company.

Franska dotterbolags etableringar på den svenska marknaden.

Today?s globalisation has opened up borders between countries as can especially be seen with the opening of the European Union. This has increased possibilities of communication and transportation, which has provided companies with greater expansion opportunities throughout the world. However, difficulties may occur when companies choose to establish abroad, for instance when French companies establish in Sweden through subsidiaries, the lack of knowledge and understanding, when it comes to the business culture, customs, and values within the host country, as well as the culture and the structure within the company, may contribute to misunderstandings and inability to work in an amalgamated manner. These barriers are a cause of unsuccessful penetration within foreign markets.

Katten i Bilderboken - Hur gestaltas katten i bilderboken och vad säger det oss?

The purpose of this essay is to look at how the depiction of cats is performed in childrens? picture books. I will analyze eight pictures from four different books, two from each. The books are from two different decades: from the 1960s and from the 2000s.My ambition is to see if there are any artistic or cultural differences when comparing the two decades? depictions of cats to each other.

Utvecklingssamtal : om vikten av förberedelse

Fokus i vårt examensarbete ligger på utvecklingssamtal med föräldrar och elever med annat modersmål än svenska. Syftet med arbetet har varit att undersöka hur lärare förbereder utvecklingssamtal. För att ta reda på detta undersökte vi vissa förhållanden. Kallar läraren till möte eller inbjuder hon? Bestämmer läraren plats eller får föräldrarna vara med och bestämma? Hur får föräldrarna veta syftet med mötet? Verkar föräldern uppfattas som en jämlike/jämbördig till läraren? Vi delade ut enkäter på två skolor, en på skola A som ligger i en av Stockholms förorter och en på skola B som ligger i en större ort i Dalarna.

Varför används inte balanserat styrkort? -En jämförelse mellan adopterande och icke-adopterande kommuner

Problembakgrund: Under 1980-talet kritiserades ekonomistyrningen inomorganisationer då den ansågs vara allt för finansiellt inriktad. En ekonomistyrningsmodellsom presenterades av Kaplan och Norton, med löftet om att effektivisera och förbättra denekonomiska styrningen var balanserat styrkort. Styrmodellen fick en stor genomslagskraftinternationellt sett men också i Sverige. I början implementerades modellen av mångaprivata företag för att sedan användas även inom den offentliga sektorn.I traditionell litteratur förklaras organisationers adoption ? implementering av olika styrmodellersom ett rationellt val för att kontinuerligt kunna förbättra sin verksamhet.Abrahamsons typologi som presenteras i arbetet pekar på påverkande faktorer vidadoption av styrmodeller.

Leksaker : Fem föräldrar reflekterar kring leksaker

In this study I have explored five parents reasoning about toys, from a gender perspective. During the interviews, we have reasoned about toys that are made for girls and for boys, what the differences are, and what advantages and disadvantages there might be for children to play with a variation of toys, made for both genders. The results of the study show that most of the participants are more accepting for girls playing with toys made for boys than the other way around, which indicates that boys? experience of the world might be somewhat limited, while girls have easier access to toys made for both genders..

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