

640 Uppsatser om Second-parent adoption - Sida 12 av 43

Pusselbitar som blir en helhet ? Internationellt adopterades längtan eller inte längtan efter sitt ursprung

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur det kommer sig att en del internationellt adopterade längtar efter sitt ursprung och hur det kommer sig att en del inte längtar efter det. Målet är att få en bild av vilka faktorer som kan påverka adopterades längtan eller inte längtan efter sitt ursprung och om detta är kopplat till psykisk hälsa. För att få svar på vårt ovan satta syfte utgår vi från följande två frågeställningar: Hur har adopterades upplevelser i barndom, tonår och vuxenliv påverkat längtan eller inte längtan efter ursprunget? Finns det någon koppling mellan att längta eller att inte längta efter sitt ursprung och psykisk hälsa?Vi valde en kvalitativ metod. En sådan metod skulle ge oss en ingående bild av informanternas upplevelser kring sin adoption och längtan.

Förekomst av agens i kattsnuvekomplexet på ett svenskt katthem

Conjunctival swabs from 12 cats in a Swedish animal shelter were analyzed by real-time PCR for FHV-1, Mycoplasma felis and chlamydiae. The purpose of this study was to see whether and to what extent these agents can be detected and if they were detected from cats housed in quarantine or in the adoption department. Samples were first taken upon arrival at the quarantine and then a second sample was taken two weeks after moving to the adoption department, or upon presentation of signs of disease. The cats spent the quarantine period in two separate quarantines: five in a new quarantine (quarantine A) and seven in a room in the old shelter (quarantine B). The difference between these quarantines was that in B the cats were often mixed together ant the hygiene routines were not as good as in quarantine A.

När en förälder dör : En studie av tre fiktiva tonåringars identitetsutveckling och coping vid förlust av en förälder

The purpose of this study is to examine how the identity of teenagers is affected by the loss of a parent as well as what coping strategies support identity development. The reactions the teenagers exhibit, in such circumstances, will also be examined. To accomplish this,  a theory package was created, comprising theories in developmental psychology, identity work, coping and theory of grief reactions of children and teenagers. This package provided a broad perspective, which facilitated the analysis. Furthermore, it made it easier to address the purpose and the issue of the analysis.

Vem ser barnet? : En kvalitativ studie om psykosocialt stöd till familjen när en förälder lider av en livshotande sjukdom

The purpose of this study has been to investigate how psychosocial support for families where a parent suffers from a life threatening illness can be constructed. The intent was also to explore how the child's perspective is protected and what barriers and opportunities there are for family oriented support. The study has a qualitative approach and includes interviews with four social workers. The interviews were analyzed with a systems theory and attachment theory. The conclusions are that the whole family suffers psychological and social pressures when a parent is sick.

Individanpassad omvårdnad för det för tidigt födda barnet : En litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to describe the meaning of individual care according to Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment programs (NIDCAP) to the early born child. The care around the early born child has shown a big importance. NIDCAP incorporates many care aspects that give structure for an individual tailored care. A fast care planning within three days and night after the birth according to NIDCAP has a positive effect for the cognitive development. The early child has showed that the surroundings environment has an important role for their development.

Förbättrar en kvalitetssäkring skördarens dimensionsmätning?

In this study it was investigated if the adoption of a new routine for quality control could improve the precision of the dimension measurement obtained by harvesters. Data was collected from three different harvesters. First, a reference data set was collected before the new procedures had been incorporated, and then when the new methodology was implemented another data set was collected by the harvester operators, allowing the two data set to be compered. The results indicated that following the implementation of the new procedures, the reliability and the precision of the measurements has increased. All harvesters included in the study had improved regarding most of the controlled factors such as standard deviation, systematic difference and hit rate within ± 2 cm for length and ± 4 mm for diameter..

Welcome to Holland ? a study in parent experience, copingstrategies and interaction with school and municipality, of parents to children with Asperger syndrome.

The purpose of the study is to examine, describe and analyse how a selection of parents to children with Asperger syndrome understand, experience and cope with their parenthood. To attain this purpose we focused on these following questions;How does the respondents view their parenthood?; What kind of strategies does the respondents use to cope with their parenthood on the basis on their child with Asperger syndrome?; How does the respondents experience the mesosystem interact with them regarding situations contenting strenuous and stress?We chose to do a qualitative study by conducting separate interviews with eight parents to children with Asperger syndrome. Then we analyzed the answers using an abductive research, we tested the empirical data against our choice of theoretical perspectives. The results shows; that several of the parents in the study have experiences of high strenuous and stress in combination the several roles their parenthood contained.

Att ha sitt barn i terapi : Föräldrars upplevelser av delaktighet i parallell barn- och föräldrabehandling

Parallell barn- och föräldrabehandling är idag det vanligast praktiserade sättet att bedriva behandlingsarbete med barn och familjer. Det har sin grund i ett psykoanalytiskt förhållningssätt där man traditionellt betonar arbetet med barnet, med en möjlig risk att föräldraarbetet och föräldrarnas roll i barnets terapi kommer i skymundan. Följande studie lyfter fram föräldrarnas egna berättelser kring att medverka och vara en del av en parallell behandling tillsammans med sitt barn. Syftet var att belysa föräldrars upplevelse av delaktighet i sina barns terapier när familjen deltagit i en parallell barn- och föräldrabehandling. Det är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med en tolkande ansats ur ett psykodynamiskt och systemiskt perspektiv.

Samma eller likartad verksamhet : ?Avkvalificering? av andelar i fåmansföretag

The thesis deals with packaging of real estate?s; an approach concerning tax benefits with the purpose to sell real estates in a more beneficial process than what is doable in direct sales. The proceeding can be beneficial because of the rules in Inkomstskattelagen (19999:1229) regarding underpriced transfers and selling of business related shares.  The real estate owner initiates the procedure through an establishment of an affiliate to a previously wholly owned parent company, where the real estate is the solitary asset of the affiliate. In order to fulfill the rules of underpriced transfers the transfer from the parent company shall be valued in regards to the tax value, else it will be taxed.

Man känner sig lite kluven ibland : an international adopted?s experience of her learning process

The aim of my study was to describe and interpretate how an international adopted person look back at and describes her learning process individually and in interaction with others. Data are based on one in-depth interview with a phenomenological inspired approach.The findings showed that the interviewee has repressed a great deal of her former life from her country of origin. According to the interviewee, the process of learning in interaction with other people has worked well. She has furthermore never felt that other students have treated her differently based on her appearance. There is some ambivalence in how the interviewee describes this though, which opens up for other interpretations..

Föräldrars erfarenheter av stöd i sin parrelation inom barnhälsovården

Det är påfrestande att bli förälder och det medför därför en risk att parrelationen blir sämre. Enligt tidigare forskning har föräldrarnas parrelation en betydelsefull inverkan på barnets hälsa. Sjuksköterskans förebyggande arbete inom barnhälsovården är att främja den fysiska, psykiska och sociala hälsan för hela familjen. Eftersom sjuksköterskan på barnavårdscentralen nästan träffar alla föräldrar till barn mellan 0-6 år ger det en unik möjlighet att stödja och stärka föräldrarna i sin parrelation och därmed förebygga ohälsa. Det finns inga nationella riktlinjer att sjuksköterskan skall ge stöd i parrelationen, men det finns förslag att ge stöd och råd vid vissa besök.

Ingenmansland?Man är ingenting, tillhör ingenting?En studie om nationella adoptioner

The purpose of our study was to investigate whether national adoptions could be an option within the childcare system in Sweden. We wanted to create an understanding of how the professionals agree to this. We have implemented a comprehensive literature review as well as a qualitative study, taking benefit of a phenomenological method of analysis. The result of our study shows that national adoptions cannot replace foster placements but be a good addition to foster homes. Adoption gives the children a more secure and stable life..

Lokalitet, globalitet och folklighet : Hälsingegårdarna som världsarv

The aim of this essay was to investigate the effects of adopting a site to the UNESCOs World Heritage List. Thefocus laid on the example of the Decorated Farmhouses of Hälsingland, which was the most recent Swedishadoption. With the question of impact of the World Heritage List in mind, the region of Hälsingland became themain focus. The study was made with particular focus on Gästgivars, a farm located in the municipality ofBollnäs, to which the theory of social life of things was applied. The result of the World Heritage was, in the caseof Gästgivars, an increase of the cultural value and social status.This case study has shown that the impact of the nomination has not been immense, but suggests that longtermeffects can show.

Konsumentens attityd till innovationer : En studie om fingeravtrycksläsare i mobiltelefoner

Den här studien handlar om konsumenters adoption av fingeravtrycksläsare i mobiltelefoner. Att implementera fingeravtryck som en verifieringsmetod har blivit allt vanligare i mobiltelefoner. Under 2013 lanserades iPhone 5S med fingeravtrycksläsare. Därefter har två företag lanserat teknologin i sina premiumtelefon, Samsung Galaxy S5 och HTC One Max. Det har även blivit möjligt att utföra betalningar genom PayPal med hjälp av teknologin och snart kommer det även att gå att betala på Alibaba.com, vilket är en kinesisk variant av eBay.

Föräldrars erfarenhet av sjukhusvistelsen- En kvalitativ studie

Introduction: Nowadays, it is a considerable fact that parents stay with their hospitalized child, however the role played by parents may not always be obvious. For many parents, this is a difficult experience, which may cause stress among parents who want to be supportive for their child. Parents and children have a close bond and influence each other emotionally; therefore it is of great importance that parent?s experiences of hospitalization should be noted. The pediatric nurse may apply this experience to give the best possible care for the child and the family.

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