

5122 Uppsatser om School satisfaction - Sida 8 av 342

Vattenhål för kunskapstörstande elever? Om gymnasiebibliotek i förändring.

Fountain of Knowledge? The Changing Role of the Library at the Upper Secondary School Level. There have been many changes in the Swedish society in general, and in the school system and hence the school library in particular during the last decade. The aim of this master thesis is then to study what students at the upper secondary school level consider to be the optimal school library to meet their specific information needs at school. In addition to and in comparison with this, the aim is also to study the present conditions of the upper secondary school library as described in documents, reports and other studies in this field.

Och sen då? : En kvalitativ studie av föreställningar om döden hos elever i årskurs nio

The purpose of this study is to see how adolescent students in high school formulate their thoughts of death and if a belief in transcendent existence affects their thoughts. The study was done on two separate schools, one municipal school and one private religious school, in minor cities in Sweden. The method used was qualitative inquiries and the amount of participants was four from each school, eight in total. The result of the study showed that six out of eight participants had a belief of a transcendent existence, three from the municipal school and three from the religious private school. The result also showed that the participants from the municipal school that had a belief in an transcendent existence also had a belief in a form of ?afterlife?, this was however not reflected on the students in the religious private school where result showed that one out of four had a belief in a form of ?afterlife? and three view death as the final stage of existence..

Hur fungerar skolbiblioteken? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om skolbibliotekers och pedagogers syn på litteraturförmedling

This master thesis is aiming to find out how school libraries work towards children in school years 1-6. The mainfocus is how the school librarians and teachers work with literature and reading. The theoretical viewpoints aremainly the sociocultural theory and the child perspective.The study was conducted with participants from five different schools in Uppsala, in the form of qualitativesemi-structured interviews. The results show that schools work with literature first and foremost in a pragmaticway, with reading-strategies and activating discussions. Very little time is spent on reading for its own sake.

Självskadebeteende i skolvärlden : En kvalitativ studie kring skolkuratorers upplevelser och uppfattningar av självskadebeteende hos högstadieelever.

This study is of a qualitative phenomenological approach. Its background lies in recent reports that show the problem of self-harm increasing among adolescents. The intent of the study was to highlight school counselors? view of self-harm, and their experiences of meeting self-harm through their work. Six school counselors, all employed in secondary school, have participated in semi-structured interviews.

Lägre arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse bland omsorgspersonal med flexibel arbetsplats

Syftet med studien var att undersöka skillnader i arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse bland omsorgspersonal beroende på om de hade en fast eller flexibel arbetsplats. I studien ingick två deltagargrupper där den ena gruppen tillhörde en fast avdelning medan de anställda i den andra gruppen flyttade runt mellan avdelningar beroende på var det för tillfället fanns behov. Studien genomfördes som en enkätundersökning inom omsorgsförvaltningen i en mindre kommun. Totalt besvarade 55 personer på enkäten som var uppdelad i två delar; Basic need satisfaction at work scale som mätte arbetsmotivation med delskalorna autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet och Minnesota job satisfaction som mätte inre och yttre arbetstillfredsställelse. Studien visade att anställda med en flexibel arbetsplats hade lägre arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse än anställda med fast arbetsplats.

Gymnasiebibliotekariens yrkesroll En fenomenografisk undersökning.

Although school librarians have an important role to play in high schools helping teachers and students during their education, Swedish school librarians are often considered to end up left out by teachers and head principals due to school librarians vague and unclear professional role in the school. The aim of this thesis is to attempt to study school librarians own apprehensions of their particular professional role in a high school context, and how their professional role is believed to be apprehended by teachers and head principals. The results are based on interviews made with eight school librarians working in different high school libraries in Gothenburg during April 2002. By using phenomenographic method various existing apprehensions of the specific phenomena that the professional role of the school librarian constitutes of are made clear. The aim of the method is not to study what the profession constitutes of, but rather how it is apprehended by the school librarians themselves.

Skolskötersors användning av MI-metoden

AbstractMI stands for Motivational Interviewing, the Swedish translation of MI is Motiverande Samtal. Adolescence is a period in life when challenges are encountered and pivotal choices are being made. It is during this period adolescents form their lifestyle, which have an impact for their health for the rest of their life. MI has shown to be an effective and appropriate method for school nurses within school health care, to utilize in approaching by adolescents with risk behavior. This is because it gives adolescence to take responsibility and empowers them to make decisions regarding lifestyle-changes.

Skolsköterskors användning av MI-metoden

AbstractMI stands for Motivational Interviewing, the Swedish translation of MI is Motiverande Samtal. Adolescence is a period in life when challenges are encountered and pivotal choices are being made. It is during this period adolescents form their lifestyle, which have an impact for their health for the rest of their life. MI has shown to be an effective and appropriate method for school nurses within school health care, to utilize in approaching by adolescents with risk behavior. This is because it gives adolescence to take responsibility and empowers them to make decisions regarding lifestyle-changes.

Tillgång till skolbibliotek i glesbygd

This is a two years master?s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies, which purpose is to find out what ideas there are about school libraries and to get an idea of how informants interpret the new Education Act, which requires all students to have access to school libraries. Another intention of this paper is to highlight the potential rural-related attitudes of the responents. The study includes the sparsely populated municipality of Krokom and is based on interviews with librarians, the school director, principals and politicians who work there. The theoretical basis for this paper is Loertscher?s model för school libraries and a centerperiphery perspective.

Inre arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse hos anställda inom äldreomsorgen

Syftet med studien var att undersöka inre arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse genom att se vilket motivationsbehov och vilken typ av arbetstillfredsställelse som skattades högst. Syftet var även att undersöka vilka motivationsbehov som bäst predicerar inre och yttre arbetstillfredsställelse. Studien genomfördes inom äldreomsorgenen i en mindre kommun i Sverige. 80 personer deltog i studien som genomfördes som en enkätundersökning. Mätinstrumenten som användes var Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) och Basic Need of Satisfaction at work Scale (BNS).

Lärares arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse - Skiljer sig upplevelsen beroende på organisationsform och kön?

Studiens syfte var att undersöka om det förelåg några skillnader i upplevelsen av arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse bland lärare avseende organisationsform och kön samt om det fanns en interaktion mellan organisationsform och kön avseende arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse. Totalt deltog 84 respondenter i undersökningen. Mätinstrumenten som användes var Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire och Basic Need Satisfaction at work scale. Resultatet visade att det inte förelåg några signifikanta skillnader i arbetsmotivation beroende på organisationsform och kön. Vidare visade resultatet att det fanns signifikanta skillnader i yttre, inre och generell arbetstillfredsställelse beroende på organisationsform, där privatanställda var mer tillfredsställda i jämförelse med offentligt anställda.

En insyn i faktorer som påverkar gymnasievalet : Att marknadsföra en gymnasieskola

A quantitative survey of students in grades one in high school, where the aim is to find out what factors affected their upper secondary school. The survey is based on marketing, and looks to how to market a high school..

Sjuksköterskans arbetstillfredsställelse och psykosociala arbetsmiljö inom psykiatrisk vård

 To enjoy work, and be satisfied in the work you do, is important to most people. Work scientific research shows that dissatisfaction with physical or the psychosocial work environment often gives negative effects on the performed work. The purpose of our study is to chart the experience in work satisfaction and psychosocial work environment amongst nurses within psychiatric care. It is an empiric cross section study. The participants in the study contains nurses who are either employed on a conditional tenure or have a temporary post (>3 months) in policlinics and wards in general adult psychiatric care (n=126).

Skolan: en arena där normalitet och avvikande görs

This essay will analyse how Asperger?s syndrome and autism spectrum disorder is made in two municipal high schools. I have interviewed school personnel and analysed the schools? policy documents and diagnostic manuals. In this essay AS and ASD are being deconstructed as political and ideological object and I analyse techniques in school, that makes these objects to subjects.The school?s mission is to foster and educate pupils to become desirable citizens and at the same time its aim is to provide an equivalent school.

Samverkan för barnens bästa : Ett organisatoriskt och sociokulturellt perspektiv på övergången mellan förskola och förskolaklass

Each municipality in Sweden have to offer all children a place in a pre-school class starting the autumn term of the year the child turns six until it starts compulsory school. Despite the fact that it is a non-compulsory education, 95 % of all six-year-olds attend pre-school class.The purpose of this study has been to explore how pre-school and compulsory schools organize the pre-school children?s transition to pre-school. It also aims at examining how teachers? co-operate in order to fulfill the commission of the national curriculum and how they make a smooth transition to the new school for the children.Research questions: In what way do teachers in pre-school and compulsory school co-operate in in order to make the children?s transition easy? What part of the process and which operators are most important for the children in the transition? To what extent does the school organization fulfill the commission of the national curriculum regarding co-operation between pre-school and compulsory school?To answer these questions I have used a qualitative method where I have made seven interviews as well as a text analysis of annual reports from the studied schools.

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