

469 Uppsatser om Scania. - Sida 3 av 32

Finns det någon som lyssnar?: -Om kunskapsspridning vid repatriering

The purpose of this thesis is to study how organisations are working with repatriation of employees who have been working abroad, especially regarding how their experiences and competences are being utilised and transferred within the company. A qualitative abductive method is used, since the aim is to obtain an understanding of this phenomenon. The main source of information has been 21 interviews. The interviews were executed in two steps; a preliminary study with nine Swedish organisations was followed by our main study, containing 12 interviews with repatriates, their colleagues, and personnel employed at the International Assignment departments at Scania and Volvo. The conclusion of this thesis is that large Swedish companies, which have Swedish employees working abroad do not seem to be working with repatriation according to suggestions given by the theories, even though their performances are better than earlier research implies.

Nitrogen flow in Scania : substance flow analysis on a regional level

In this thesis, the flows of reactive nitrogen (Nr) in Scania were investigated and quantified. The thesis was also intended to form a basis for comparison between the urban nitrogen flow and other flows of nitrogen within Scania. The management of nitrogen in society has disturbed the natural nitrogen cycle. This is linked to a series of environmental problems such as eutrophication, acidification, global warming and smog. The method used was Substance Flow Analysis (SFA) for Nr. For calculation and flow charts Scania was divided into three subsystems; air, water and society.

Analys av sorptiv kylning i industri- och kontorsbyggnader

Energy efficiency is important both to reduce costs and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. Reducing costs will also help maintain business competitiveness.Scania in Södertälje is a company where the optimization of energy use is an ongoing and continual process. One area with potential to make energy and cost savings is the effectiveness of the ventilation systems in offices and industrial premises at Scania. During the summer months an increased demand for cooling occurs, leading to increased ventilation and a peak in district cooling system usage. Sorptive cooling is a technology where the supplied air is cooled by applying external heat.

Materialanskaffning av emballage på Scania

Är lager en belastning eller en tillgång? Tidigare var det ett sätt att ha bra leveransservice. Idag ser man lager som ett bundet kapital man vill minimera. ScaniaCV AB bildades år 1900 och började tillverka cyklar. Idag är Scania en global tillverkare av tunga lastbilar, bussar samt industriella och marina motorer.

Skånes landskap - ett industriminne? : en betraktelse med utgångspunkt i Findus ärtodling

This paper argues that the food industry in general and the one taking place in Scania in particular, are disregarded in the official management of industrial preservation carried out in Sweden today. Despite the articulated ambition of a cultural heritage that as many as possible could identify with, the practice tend to create an industrial heritage based on stereotype ideas about the landscape in Sweden and the characteristics of industry. The way the open land of Scania differs from the traditional image of the appearance of Sweden, is used as one possible way to explain why the food industries of Scania are overseen in the management of industrial heritage. It is also argued that the high number of female employees might bee a reason why the food industries in general are given low priority in the practice of cultural heritage. By putting the Findus pea industry and the cultivated landscape that provides the factory with primary products against the official criteria for industrial memories, it is examined what values for preservation the food industry contain..

Försvenskningen av Skåne, 1658-1720 : I danska och svenska populärhistoriska framställningar från 1920 - tal till 2010 - tal. Historiesyn, nationalism och vetenskap

The title of this study is: The Swedish assimilation of Scania during the period 1658-1720 - In descriptions of Danish and Swedish popular historians` during 20th century to current view. View of history, nationalism and science .                                                                                                          The study concerns the Swedish, after the conquest of Scania 1658, attempts to induce feelings of Swedish nationality to the people in former Danish province of Scania 1658-1720. The goal of this study was to analyze 20th century and present Swedish and Danish historians? descriptions of the Swedish and Danish treatment of the native Scania population. The aim was further to describe this historians` view of native rebellious group called ?snapphanar? and which measures were taken to assimilate the Scanian population to Swedish realm.

Vad vet gymnasieelever om betygskriterierna och kursplanen i Idrott och Hälsa?

The Scanian woodfences has been determined by two mainly elements: Scania's composition of tree species, with a large element of deciduous forest, and the local building tradition which has more in common with the European continent than the Swedish tradition. By examining responses from ethnological question lists deriving from the first half of the 1900s, combined with literature studies, I have been able to deepen and broaden the knowledge behind the various fencing design. In addition I ?ve constructed maps which could illustrate their historical geographic distribution.I have come to the conclusion that there was three main types of woodfences that was most common until the barbed wire was introduced in the early 1900s and later on replaced the elderly woodfences. Common for the three main types is that the base material was made out of Juniperus communis, this largely because of its durability against rot.

"Den här är lite mer svenssonskriven" : Hur alternativa definitioner tas emot av Scania Lexicons användare

Den här uppsatsens främsta syfte är att undersöka hur en grupp användare av Scanias termdatabas Scania Lexicon ser på alternativt utformade terminologiska definitioner. Som en del i undersökningen berättar använd­arna hur de använder Scania Lexicon, om de har användning för definitionerna och om de tycker att definitioner­na är begripliga, lättlästa och användbara. De alternativa definitionerna består av en version skriven enligt klarspråksprinciper vad gäller meningsbyggnad och ordval, och en skriven enligt ett relativt nytt ordboksformat kallat cobuild. Användarna har fått läsa fem originaldefinitioner samt de två omskrivna versionerna.Resultatet visar att reaktionerna på cobuildformatet är negativa i nästan samtliga fall medan reaktionerna på klarspråksversionerna är blandade. Två användare tycker att klarspråksdefinitionerna är bättre i majoriteten av fallen medan de övriga fem oftast tycker bäst om originalet.

Q-plats : Eett nytt arbetssätt för kontrollmätning på Scania

Metoder och system för mätteknik får en allt större betydelse för moderna tillverkningsföretag. Allt fler företag har insett det strategiska värdet av en förbättrad kvalitetsuppföljning för att minimera kostnader på grund av kvalitetsbrist. Syftet med denna rapport är att ta fram en strategi för standardisering av kontrollmätningen vid den nya typ av mätplats, en Q-plats, som ställts upp inom avdelning DXMH vid Scania Transmission. Q-platsen ger möjligheter för operatörerna att i större grad själva genomföra kontrollmätningen i närheten av produktionslinjen. I rapporten analyseras först Q-platsens funktion utifrån en studie av Scania Transmission DX, dessutom redovisas fallstudier på andra avdelningar inom Scania och vid andra tillverkningsföretag.

Betydelsen av IT-stöd i problemlösning : Analysverktyg för att studera hur IT-system stödjer problemlösningsstrategier hos servicetekniker

Scania Top Team is a competition where the best mechanics in the world are competing against each other. In 2011, the world final was recorded and this material is now used to see which problem solving strategies these top of the line teams are using to solve the realistic problems assembled in front of them. To help them, the mechanics are allowed to use two of Scanias IT-systems: Scania Multi and Scania Diagnose and Programmer 3. This report consists of two parts. The first part is the development of a method to analyze the recorded material.

ALWAYS ON : Minimering av planerad nertid för webbservrarna vid Scania FleetManagement System

SammanfattningDetta examensarbete, som har utförts på Scania CV (Commercial Vehicles)AB, undersöker hur de kan minimera den planerade nertiden för webbservrarnahosScania Fleet Management System ett system som har en webbportaldär kunderna kan se specik information om sina fordon. I dagsläget tassystemet ner vid systemunderhåll, vilket gör att kunderna inte har åtkomst tillsystemet under tiden. Intervjuer genomfördes för att få en uppfattning om hurandra företag löst liknande problem. Det undersöktes även om användningenav molntjänster skulle kunna lösa problemet och hur det skulle vara möjligtatt göra uppgraderingar utan att användarnas sessioner bryts. Resultatet somframkom var att den arkitektur som rekommenderades oftast är att ha någonform av klustrad lösning med lastbalanserare för webbservrarna.

Utredning av teknisk specifikation

SammanfattningPå Scania används idag ett antal olika dokument som informationsbärare mellan olikaavdelningar. Ett av dessa dokument är teknisk specifikation. Teknisk specifikationuppkommer redan under förutvecklingsfasen, kallas då teknisk specifikations extract,inför nya projektet och har då som syfte att stötta projektets medlemmar medinformation. Informationen som dokumentet ger i denna fas är vad som skall producerasoch eventuellt vad som skall ersättas. Det uppkommer även som en publicerad variantoch är då ett grunddokument för organisationen som visar alla möjliga kundval Scaniakan erbjuda.Teknisk specifikations syfte och framtagningsprocess är något som ifrågasatts interntpå Scania.

Arbetsmätningssystem på Scania Vehicle Service Information : En analys av nuläget samt framtagande av rekommendation för framtida utveckling

Scania CV is one of the world's largest truck manufacturer. It is not only the directproduction of vehicles and methods that are important for Scania but also the servicemarket handling spare parts, repairs and workshops. The department Vehicle ServiceInformation construct standard times through work measurement for particularworks in the workshops. The software application STAM is used in the servicemarket to create and store standard times which then are exported to theworkshops' own systems.The purpose of this master thesis is to analyse and evaluate the internal workmeasurement system that includes standard times and the software STAM. Also,based on external analysis and benchmarking of other systems suggest appropriatefuture development within the area for Scania Vehicle Service Information.In order to perform the investigation, interviews and studies have been doneinternally at the departments that are involved in work measurement as well asexternally at Scania workshops.

Uppföljningsverktyg för analys av användarloggar

In order to understand user behaviour and navigation patterns, user logging is today widely used in analysis and development of user interfaces. These user logs tend to be quite many and can contain a lot of different data. A big issue is how to process and display this data in a perspicuous way to the stakeholder. This study is about how to develop a prototype to handle this issue. It was solved by various methods from human-computer interaction.

Hunner eller heruler? : Skånes kontinentala kontakter under folkvandringstid

 The intention of this paper is to explore the contacts between the Swedish province of Scania and Southeastern Europe in the Migration Period. This has been done through comparative studies of four object categories. Parallels to glass, horse trappings, jewellery with inlays and sword decorations found in Scania have been studied in southeastern and centralEurope, as well as the cultures of peoples involved in the Migration processes. The conclusion is that contacts were upheld in several ways: through trade, exchange, alliances and gifts. Old trade routes along the Vistula were used in the south-easterly direction to the Pontic area but were changed to the Moravian Gatein the latter half of the period, while westerly routes probably worked most of the time.

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