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Kundvärden i en värld av tyll, slöjor och brudbuketter : En studie om svenska bröllopskoordinatorer
Denna uppsats består av en kvalitativ undersökning som antog en induktiv ansats. Detta föll sig naturligt för oss eftersom vårt intresse av bröllopsindustrin och bröllopskoordinatorer gjorde att vi ville komma vårt problemområde nära och få en mer djupgående inblick, hellre än en bred bild. Den empiriska studien består av nio intervjuer med bröllopskoordinatorer runtom i Sverige och två nygifta par som har använt sig av en bröllopskoordinator vid planeringen av deras bröllop.Genom den teoretiska och empiriska analysen har vi kommit fram till att bröllopsplanering är en komplex och tidskrävande process som består av många detaljer. Bröllopskoordinatorer arbetar mycket med kundanpassning och behöver brudparens medverkan, mest i form av information om önskemål, för att kunna utföra sitt arbete och på så sätt ge bra servicekvalitet. På grund av att de arbetar nära med brudparen skapas nära och intensiva relationer till brudparen som dock oftast bryts efter bröllopet.
Att arbeta med en arbetslinje : Närbyråkratens syn
Malmö, like many other bigger cities in Europe, faces a double undertaking when facing the challenges the future. Not only must the municipal be able to provide its citizens with welfare and a high standard of living, it must also establish a level of economic growth that allows the city to act as catalyst for the surrounding area. In order to provide the population with welfare and the economy with a qualified working force, these two challenges have been combined into one plan for the future called Welfare for Everybody. As part of this plan, new organisations have been created with the purpose collaborating with the social services office and support people in their transaction from welfare recipients to self-providing workers. The purpose of our thesis is to build on Michael Lipsky's classic work "Street-level Bureaucracy" and by conducting interviews with a number of front line workers study how they view their role, the client group and how they motivate the working line.
Unga människors upplevelse av övervikt. Vilken roll har skolsköterskan? : En litteraturöversikt
Ungdomstiden är en kritisk period i livet med fysiska och psykiska förändringar. Övervikt och fetma ökar bland unga människor och påverkar deras hälsa. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva unga människors egna upplevelser av övervikt och detta gjordes i en litteraturöversikt. Tre databaser användes för litteratursökningen, som genomfördes med hjälp av nyckelord som bedömdes relevanta för ämnet. Artiklarna bearbetades och resultatet sammanställdes i fyra olika områden: Kroppsuppfattning och utseende, Upplevd hälsa, Sociala relationer, Skolsituationen.
Förändringsstrategier vid övergången till ett kontantlöst banksystem
Title:Change strategies in the transition towards a cashless banking systemLevel:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Elin Lånström och Vildana SmailagicSupervisor:Stig SörlingDate:August 2013Aim:In our study, we compare what it is that drives a bank to implement changes in their business, what problems these changes may bring, and how organizations deal with these. We do this by studying how different banks choose to relate to the handling of cash.The questions we ask ourselves are:? What lies behind the decision to make changes in cash management?? How is the change implemented in practice?? What do banks think this change will mean for the future?Method:The study was conducted with the help of a qualitative scientific method. We conducted interviews with representatives of four banks, and made use of secondary data in the form of scientific literature and scientific articles.Result & Conclusions:Organizations implement changes in order to adapt and achieve balance with their environment but also within the organization itself. Our study shows that the decision to introduce cashless branches is mainly a result of banks' efforts to become more cost efficient.
Vilka personliga egenskaper är utmärkande för spelberoende indivder samt vilka konsekvenser medför ett spelberoende för individen
For many individuals gambling gives an opportunity for relaxation and social relations. The positive effects of gambling are for most individual?s considerable more than the negative effects. Even if gambling gives positive effects there is individuals that cannot control there gambling and therefore develop an addiction which disturb there life situation and health. The aim of this study was to describe which personal characteristics distinguish people with a pathological gambling and which psychological, physical and social consequences this pathological gambling causes for the individual.
Brukarinflytande hos personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar. Brukarinflytande hos PERSONER med psykiska funktiONSnedsättningar : Personalens syn på brukarinflytande.
Title: The customer?s contribution to the innovation-process ? a study of using customers to discover latent needs. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Robert Klein Supervisor: Agneta Sundström Date: 2014-06 Aim: The purpose of this study is to gain enhanced understanding of what knowledge costumers contribute with in an innovation-process lead by a producer of goods, and how that knowledge is used to fulfill latent needs. The area of research has formerly described which results customer-involvement lead to, but have been scarce in describing how results are produced. Method: From a qualitative onset, a case-study collecting data through observations and interviews capturing customer knowledge contributions, and producer use of fetched knowledge has been conducted. Data has been analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Results have been processed in several steps in which material has been categorized and enriched continuously. Result & Conclusions: Customer-knowledge is broken down into market-knowledge, everyday-knowledge, and specialist-knowledge, which all are significant to a producer of goods.
Postoperativ smärta ? en litteraturstudie som beskriver patienters postoperativa smärta
Bakgrund. Många patienter oroar sig inför kirurgiska ingrepp. Ett av
orosmomenten är smärtan efter operationen. Smärtpåverkade patienter utsätts för
ett lidande. Detta lidande bryter patientens naturliga förhållningssätt till
den levda världen.
Diabetessjuksköterskan inom primärvården FyrBoDal
Syftet med litteraturstudien var att kartlägga sjuksköterskans och patientens syn på egenvård vid typ två diabetes. Studien genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie. Materialsökningen har skett via facklitteratur, Internet samt databaserna Blackwell Synergy, EBSCO HOST, Elin@Dalarna och Ovid. Sökorden var diabetes, education, empowerment, management, nurse, nursing, patient, satisfaction, selfcare. Totalt användes 31 referenser till studien varav 16 empiriska artiklar låg till grund för resultatet.
Anknytningsstil : En undersökning om arbetstillfredsställelse och anknytningsstil hos anställda i vårdsektorn
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka anknytningsteorin i relation till arbetslivet. Anknytningsteorin behandlar samspelet mellan omvårdnad och anknytning. Teorin omfattas av olika anknytningsstilar: trygg, undvikande och ängslig, som människan utvecklar beroende på hur de behandlas av sin primära vårdnadsgivare under uppväxten. Det huvudsakliga syftet var att undersöka om trygg anknytningsstil genererar hög arbetstillfredsställelse. Studien utgick från Self Determination Theory som bygger på att behoven autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet bör uppfyllas för att skapa motivation och därmed nå högre tillfredsställelse.
Sammanställning av möjligheter att konvertera ICD till AIS för bedömning av risken för medicinsk invaliditet : En systematisk litteraturstudie
The aim of this study is to create an increased understanding of shared leadership and how it takes shape in the relationship between first-line managers in human service organizations. Shared leadership is seen as a complement to the traditional one-man leadership and briefly means that two managers share the role that usually is held by a single leader. The study has a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with managers in human service organizations. The interviews mention the mangers thoughts and experiences about shared leadership and gain approval in the hermeneutic science field. The study is analyzed based on symbolic interactionism where perspectives from the theoreticians Mead and Goffman are used.
Anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelse av barnanestesi
AbstractThe aim of this study was to describe the anesthesia nurses experiences of pediatric anesthesia in two surgical wards, a general surgery department and a day surgery surgical department at two hospitals in central Sweden. The study had a descriptive design with a qualitative approach, in which ten anesthetic nurses with more or less experience in children's anesthesia participated. Data were collected using semi-structured interview questions and were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The results were reported based on a theme, three sub themes and nine categories. The theme When skills, tactfulness and interpersonal skills come to a head, with three sub themes Being prepared and ready, Interacts and open for participation and Emotional tension.
Kundens bidrag i innovationsprocessen : En studie om användande av kunder för att upptäcka latenta behov
Title: The customer?s contribution to the innovation-process ? a study of using customers to discover latent needs. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Robert Klein Supervisor: Agneta Sundström Date: 2014-06 Aim: The purpose of this study is to gain enhanced understanding of what knowledge costumers contribute with in an innovation-process lead by a producer of goods, and how that knowledge is used to fulfill latent needs. The area of research has formerly described which results customer-involvement lead to, but have been scarce in describing how results are produced. Method: From a qualitative onset, a case-study collecting data through observations and interviews capturing customer knowledge contributions, and producer use of fetched knowledge has been conducted. Data has been analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Results have been processed in several steps in which material has been categorized and enriched continuously. Result & Conclusions: Customer-knowledge is broken down into market-knowledge, everyday-knowledge, and specialist-knowledge, which all are significant to a producer of goods.
Egenvård vid typ 2 diabetesur ett sjuksköterske- och patientperspektiv
Syftet med litteraturstudien var att kartlägga sjuksköterskans och patientens syn på egenvård vid typ två diabetes. Studien genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie. Materialsökningen har skett via facklitteratur, Internet samt databaserna Blackwell Synergy, EBSCO HOST, Elin@Dalarna och Ovid. Sökorden var diabetes, education, empowerment, management, nurse, nursing, patient, satisfaction, selfcare. Totalt användes 31 referenser till studien varav 16 empiriska artiklar låg till grund för resultatet.
Har det skett en kvalitetsförändring i och med avskaffandet av revisionsplikten för småföretag? : Kvalitativ studie med utgångspunkt från tre intressentgrupper
Title:Cash is King ? or is it?Level:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Caroline Eng and Jessica HillbergSupervisor:Jonas KågströmDate:2011- 06Aim:There is a long tradition of trading the currency and the first coins can be traced back to Persia already 500 BC. With the modernization of society and the technological advances we have made in recent years, we are now using electronic payments more and more. We pay by card, Internet banking and mobile phone in addition to cash. The purpose of this paper is to follow Swedbank project "cash smart" and have it as a basis when we examine if we are heading for a cash-free society and what obstacles and opportunities there is for a cash-free society.Method:We have used a qualitative method to conduct interviews with two individuals involved in the project "cash smart" at Swedbank in Gävle.
Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning : Vem finner nytta med den?
Master thesis in business administration, School of business administration, Linnaeus University, accounting, 4FE03E, Spring 2011.Authors: Linda Åslund and Shirin Yousef.Supervisor: Professor Sven-Olof Yrjö CollinExaminer: Christopher von KochTitle: The Swedish code of good governance ? Who finds it useful? Background: Corporate governance has emerged to maintain the stockholders interests in corporations where the owners are separated from control in order to create confidence in the corporations. In 2005 the Swedish code of good governance emerged to prevent in part additional corporate scandals from happening and to make sure that the board is acting in the interest of the owners. The code is a complement to the Swedish Companies Act since it has a more strict demand in certain areas but it gives the companies a possibility to deviate by either complying or explaining their actions.Purpose: The purpose with this thesis is to examine who finds the Swedish code of good governance useful.Method: The research method of this survey is quantitative where the purpose is to investigate deviations in the companies? corporate governance reports.