

908 Uppsatser om Satisfaction with the supervisor - Sida 14 av 61

Förbättringsarbete och avvikelsehantering för ökad tjänstekvalitet hos SCA Skog AB Jämtlands skogsförvaltning :

On a highly competitive market, quality is an important aspect to take into account, both in terms of goods and services. The Swedish timber market is very competitive and to achieve long-term success focus on the customer, in this case private forest owners, is a prerequisite. SCA Skog AB Jämtlands forest management administration is dependent on the acquisition of timber from private forest owners to fulfil their mission to the supply of SCA's paper and sawmills in Sweden with raw material. To be able to develop the cooperation with private forest owners, the administration investigates their quality management by measuring the customer satisfaction index (CSI). The purpose of the study was to identify a practical and systematic method to handle deviations and suggestions for improvements to achieve a higher customer satisfaction.

Vad är det som gör kunder lojala? : En studie om kundlojalitet med inriktning på flygbolaget SAS

Over the last couple of years the airline business has gone through some turbulent changes, which has meant that customer loyalty has been affected. It?s no longer certain how or why customers are loyal to an airline, although the companies now use more and more complicated loyalty programs to keep their customers.The purpose of this essay has therefore been to examine what makes customers loyal to a service business, and what is the extent of their loyalty.To be able to answer these questions, a survey about costumers loyalty were accomplished. The results we received show that availability is the most significant issue for customers of SAS, and satisfaction is the minimum requirement for the customer. But to be able to attract loyal customers the airline has to offer them more..

Argument för och emot privat sjukvård

Title: Argument in favour of and against private health care ? A scenario for a future health care with a possibly new Government Authors: Jessica Andersson, Nina Gunnarsson Supervisor: Thomas Danborg Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology Course: Bachelor?s thesis in Business Administration, 10 credits Purpose: To describe the problem with privatizing of the health care by analyse the arguments in favour of and against private health care and describe a scenario about a future health care with a possibly new Government. Method: Qualitative Grounded theory method, categorizing secondary facts in order to get the complete picture. Results: The market for private health care will increase by a possibly new Government.

FÖRTROENDE FÖR CHEFEN-En studie med enhetschefer inom två av Göteborgs stadsdelsförvaltningar

There is a relationship between confidence in management and personnel satisfaction. The personnel?s confidence in management can be seen as a fundamental tool which is needed to ensure the success of the organizations mandate. This study investigates how management works to create and maintain confidence. The conditions that management has for building confidence are explored, as well as the significance of leadership in the building of confidence.

Förbättringsarbete och avvikelsehantering för ökad tjänstekvalitet hosSCA Skog AB Jämtlands skogsförvaltning

On a highly competitive market, quality is an important aspect to take into account, both in terms of goods and services. The Swedish timber market is very competitive and to achieve long-term success focus on the customer, in this case private forest owners, is a prerequisite. SCA Skog AB Jämtlands forest management administration is dependent on the acquisition of timber from private forest owners to fulfil their mission to the supply of SCA's paper and sawmills in Sweden with raw material. To be able to develop the cooperation with private forest owners, the administration investigates their quality management by measuring the customer satisfaction index (CSI). The purpose of the study was to identify a practical and systematic method to handle deviations and suggestions for improvements to achieve a higher customer satisfaction.

Motivation hos forskare : en studie om vad som leder till forskares tillfredsställelse i arbetet

Som det ser ut idag är konkurrensen hård gällande lediga tjänster på arbetsmarknaden.Det förekommer ofta diskussioner kring vikten av att profilera sig och att det intelängre räcker med standardiserade Cv:n vid en arbetsansökan. Syftet med vårt arbeteär således att ge en inblick i hur rekryteringsansvariga värderar och förhåller sig tillolika situationer som kan komma att påverka rekryteringsbeslutet. Med andra ord villvi få en insikt i hur en rekryterares värderingar och prioriteringar kan se ut i praktiken.Vi ansåg att en kvalitativ metod lämpade sig bäst för detta ändamål, då vi villåterspegla en nyanserad och beskrivande bild av ämnesområdet. För att uppnå syftetmed arbetet har vi genomfört sex intervjuer med rekryteringsansvariga inom Karlstadkommun.Vi har utformat en teoretisk referensram som behandlar tidigare forskning ochbegrepp inom ämnesområdet. Resultatet från vårt empiriska material har vidare ställtsi relation till dessa teorier.

Symtom och orsaker till stress : En kvantitativ studie av hur elever i år 4 och 6 upplever stress i skolan

This thesis has two purposes: (1) to analyze the emptiness in Blodbok by Christine Falkenland, and (2) to analyze my own reading of the same book. I have chosen to focus on how emptiness is expressed through the body, the language and the place in Blodbok, because of the deep impact these seem to have on the emptiness. The thesis discusses what kind of emptiness that is described, what it does to me as a reader, and how it is connected to other works by Falkenland. Cultural politics of emotions by Sara Ahmed, Uses of literature by Rita Felski and Pouvoirs de l?horreur by Julia Kristeva together form the theoretical framework.Blodbok is a poetry collection, about the loss of a mother.

Prediktioner och förklaringsmodeller för konkurser i aktiebolag - en studie av tre svenska aktiebolag i konkurs

Title: Predictions and explanation models for bankruptcy in stock-companies ? A study of three failed Swedish companies Author: Tim Svanberg Supervisor: Emil Numminen Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of technology Course: Bachelor?s thesis in business administration, 10 credits Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to find explanation for bankruptcy with the help of prediction models. The purpose is also to add explanation by using Behavioral analysis Method: Quantitative research of bankruptcies using financial prediction models and qualitative study of psychological pitfalls. The study is deductive. Results: I found that it is possible to explain the bankruptcies using the prediction models. The behavioural perspective adds further explanation.

Lucifer : ljusbringaren i rummet, om olika filmvisningskontexter

AbstraktI´m too ashamed to show you är ett undersökande projekt som består dels av filmen Satisfaction (2011) och dels av uppsatsen Lucifer ? Ljusbringaren i rummet, om olika filmvisningskontexter. Projektet är en observation och analys av visningssammanhangets betydelse för filmmediet och hur man som besökare är med och konstruerar de rumsliga konventionerna för den rörliga bilden. Titeln Lucifer anspelar dels på ordets latinska innebörd (lucem ferre) som betyder ljusbringaren och dels på att Lucifer inom den kristna mytologin har identifierats med Satan. Bildskärmar eller projiceringar bringar ljus till rummet och Tv:n har också ofta liknats vid en lägereld.

"Man kan inte vara ledare om man inte har några följare" : En kvalitativ studie om hur chefer upplever sin position

According to science internal communication is a complicated, yet very important, issue of organizations today. An organization with a successful internal communication shows better results both economically and in terms of coworker satisfaction. The two main theories on communication are sensemaking and transmission. After a century with a transmissionary point of view, researchers stress the importance of sensemaking internal communication.Main question of this thesis is ?Which of the two main theories is the most useful when anchoring important messages in large organizations??According to the results of this study, conducted by interviews, neither one is more useful than the other.

Sociometrisk status och arbetstilfredsställelse : en kvantitativ studie av olika prediktorer för arbetstillfredsställelse

Denna uppsats är en kvantitativ studie som haft som syfte att undersöka vad som bäst predicerar arbetstillfredsställelse. De variabler som har mätts som eventuella prediktorer är; sociometrisk status enligt sociometerteorin, socioekonomisk status, personlig känsla av makt samt personlighetsdraget extraversion. Urvalet bestod av (N=128) deltagare som alla var anställda av ett medelstort företag. Denna studie har utgått från en liknande studie The Local-Ladder Effect: Social Status and Subjective Well-Being (Anderson, Kraus, Galinsky & Keltner, 2012) som handlade om subjektivt välbefinnande och sociometrisk status. Arbetstillfredsställelse mättes enligt MSQ (Minnesota satisfaction questionnarie).

?världens mest fruktade terrororganisation? en diskursanalys av rapporteringen om Islamiska Staten

Title: ?världens mest fruktade terrororganisation? en diskursanalys av rapporteringen om Islamiska Staten Author: Martin Landin Subject: Undergraduate research paper in Journalism studies, Dept. Of Journalism, media and communication (JMG) Gothenburg University Term: Autumn 2014 Supervisor: Gabriella Sandstig, JMG GothenburgPages/words: 34/16295Purpose: The purpose is to examine the discourses that characterize the news about the Islamic state (IS) in Swedish newspapers, and to study how these discourses are expressed. Method: Critical Discourse Analysis Procedure: 10 articles from Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet were analysed through Critical Discourse Analysis. Results: The analysed articles shows tendencies of orientalist discourse and of a propagandistic discourse which is a part of war journalism..

"Nivea - för skönhet är lycka" : En studie om skönhetsreklam i konsumtionssamhället

The overall purpose of this study has its starting point in theories about the consuming society and its advertising. I have examined what kinds of methods that are being used in TV-commercials for beauty products, to influence the consumers. To study advertising, a semiotic method, symbolic interactionism and other theories which discuss symbols and influences, have been used. Six different TV-commercials for beauty products have been examined.The results from this study indicate that the advertiser apply to feelings such as, happiness, a sense of satisfaction, status and success, to affect the consumers behaviour. The findings in this research are discussed in the light of different theories which deal with the significance and the meaning of symbols..

Deliberativ demokrati i praktiken : Begränsning eller utveckling av den representativa demokratin

Bachelor essay in political science by Andreas Byfeldt, autumn 2007?The practice of deliberative democracy- limitations or enhancements of representative democracy??Supervisor: Erik AmnåThe purpose of this study is to find out what impact the practice of deliberative democracy might have on a representative democracy. What effects deliberative democracy could have in this context are scientifically as well as publically relevant seeing that participation in representative democracies as well as the forms of representation is altering.The essay contains both a theoretical segment and a case study. The information regarding the case is based on the results from a questioner, conversations by and observations from the author. In addition an analysis is performed in the case study.The conclusion of the essay is that there is too little empirical research on the subject of deliberative democracy to make a qualified conclusion about what effects the practice of deliberative democracy could have on a representative democracy.

Effektivisering av UI-utveckling i datorspel

This thesis presents my work at the company Fatshark AB in Stockholm. My supervisor Rikard Blomberg, who works as a chief technology officer at Fatshark and is one of the owners of the company, explained that they had experienced weaknesses in the methodology used when developing heads up displays (HUD) for their games. In the latest production, Lead  and Gold, the HUD had been redesigned a number of times, becoming an unnecessarily big expense due to the number of work hours invested. In modern software development, an iterative workflow is commonly encouraged. Despite this fact, the work efficiency could likely be increased by setting up guidelines as a help in the process of developing HUDs and reviewing the solutions.

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