

106 Uppsatser om Salary - Sida 3 av 8

Hur balanserar fastighetsmäklarna sitt liv och vilka prioriteringar gör de?

De allra flesta fastighetsmäklare i Sverige arbetar med provisionslön. Syftet med det här arbetet är därför att förhoppningsvis skapa en diskussion i fastighetsmäklarbranschen om det är nödvändigt med provisionslön. Vi har intervjuat sex fastighetsmäklare och bland annat kommit fram till att det är dags för en förändring i fastighetsmäklarbranschen och att det bör föras en gemensam diskussion om lönesättningen..

Externa kostnader för viltolyckor

The objective of this paper is to estimate monetary and non-monetary costs for the huntercaused by deer-vehicle collisions in Sweden. These costs include losses in hunting value as wellas time and money efforts related to the handling of wildlife casualties. The calculations arebased on available statistics from 2004 on deer-vehicle collisions involving moose, deer, roedeerand wild boar and on telephone interviews with hunters involved in the tracking of injuredanimals. Altogether, the annual loss in hunting value for moose was assessed to approximately30 million SEK based on the 2004 accident statistics. For roe-deer and fallow deer, thecorresponding figure was approximately 56 million SEK and 1.2 million SEK, while wild boaraccounted for 1.3 million SEK, respectively.

Individuell lönesättning : Rätt väg för jämställda löner?

Today there is still irrelevant pay differential in society. In Sweden in 2010, the average pay differential was 15,4 percent between the sexes. Only 0,8 percent better than EU:s average.In Sweden the individual salaries increasingly have begun to characterize the Swedish labor market. Based on this, the aim of this study is to highlight the issue of equal pay between men and women from the perspective of individual Salary. This would also been doing with a background in the regulatory environment of equal pay.When it comes to equality between women and men it is the area of labor law in EU who is the most developed and in Sweden this is the area who is most affected by EU law.

"Nu måste ni lyssna på oss" : Kontext och betydelse av den svenska vårdstrejken 2008

Den här studien tar fasta på kontexten och betydelsen av 2008 års svenska vårdstrejk och utreder dess motivationer. Studien utgår från tre kvinnliga sjuksköterskor, som alla deltog aktivt i strejken..

Utgör Privata Militära Företag en tillgång eller ett hot mot den svenska Försvarsmakten gällande återrekrytering med soldaterna ur FS21 i huvudfokus?

Subject: Independent essay in War Science (15 points) which debate the question if PrivateMilitary Companies is an asset or a threat to the Swedish Armed Forces regarding rerecruitmentwith focus on the soldiers of FS21.That which is investigated is the general attitude amongst soldiers who have completed theirconscript duty according to the old conscript system and now is employed in order to conducta tour abroad with Afghanistan as area of operations. Further investigated is their attitudeagainst the Swedish Armed Forces as an employer, as well as the private sector whichwant/could benefit from the skills the soldiers is possessing. Could the soldiers se themselvesleave the Armed Forces before the contract has expired in benefit of private companies whichclaim they solve similar tasks.Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to contribute with knowledge about a number ofemployed soldiers? attitude against Private Military Companies. Further; if the soldiersbelieve the Armed Forces provide them as they think they deserve/ want in order to stay andnot leave their job in favour of PMC:s, and through it clarify what the soldiers value asemployees.Order of Approach, Method and Material: The method I?m using is a survey in whichsoldiers and squad leaders have answered the questions.

Genuskommunikation i biblioteksvärlden: hon och han i kvinnosfär

The librarian profession is dominated by women. The aim with this essay is to find out howmen and women in this field get on together, and how they experience their psycho·social work situation bearing this in mind. Are there any advantages or disadvantages being a woman or a man in this profession? What do the librarians think about the future? Men and women working at five different public libraries, where the domination of women is greatest, have been interviewed. The essay is based on their opinions and experiences.The female and male librarian get on well with each other and have a good cooperation.There are not many advantages or disadvantages depending on the sex in the profession, but the image, status and Salary would probably be better, if there were more men in the profession.

Lönemodellens påverkan på fastighetsmäklares balans mellan familje- och arbetsliv

Titel: Lönemodellens påverkan på fastighetsmäklares balans mellan familje- och arbetsliv.Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomi, 15 hp.Författare: Desiree Apell och Liza MalmqvistHandledare: Maria Fregidou-Malama, Ernst Hollander och Pär VilhelmsonDatum: 2014 ? maj Syfte: Denna studie avsåg att förklara hur fastighetsmäklare upplevde att deras lönemodell påverkade deras balans mellan familje- och arbetsliv och i vilken utsträckning de ansåg att lönemodellen var stressande eller motiverande.Vidare avsåg den här studien att till viss del validera en framväxande teori, genom att besvara huruvida tre faktorer, kön, karriärambitioner och föräldraskap påverkade fastighetsmäklares upplevda balans mellan familje- och arbetsliv.Metod: Tillvägagångssättet för arbetet var kvantitativa studier i form av mailenkäter.Resultat & slutsats: Om respondenten kände sig motiverad av sin lönemodell upplevde de inte att lönemodellen påverkade deras balans mellan familje- och arbetsliv, dock ansåg de att de hade balans i livet. Flexibla arbetstider kan vara en faktor som bidrog till att respondenterna upplevde balans i livet. Individer som upplevde stress ansåg dock att lönemodellen påverkade deras upplevda balans i livet och ansåg även att de inte hade balans mellan familje- och arbetsliv.Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Studiens syfte samt forskningsfrågor behöver vidare forskning för att fastlås eller avslås. Även faktorn flexibla arbetstider bör studeras vidare för att fastställa om den bidrar till balans mellan familje- och arbetsliv hos fastighetsmäklare.Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien kan inspirera franchisetagare eller chefer inom branschen att utforma stabilare och bättre villkor för sina anställda utifrån vår studies resultat..

Ledning och övriga anställdas upplevelser av attraktivitet på arbetsplatsen "Mora of Sweden".

Ledning och övriga anställdas upplevelser av attraktivitet på arbetsplatsen ?Mora of Sweden? looks at how management and employees at the Swedish manufacturing company ?Mora of Sweden? perceive an ideal attractive company and what factors that determine one, as well as how these two groups perceive the situation at their own company. The main purpose of the essay is to compare the management?s point of view with that of the rest of the employee respondents? perspective. While doing so the author concludes that there are several factors such as how the employees feel about their physical working environment as well as their Salary, of which the management lacks understanding or perceive differently and that there needs to be more of an open dialogue between the management and the employees..

Sjukfrånvaro - ett kostsamt problem

The purpose of this essay is to identify the costs of illness in different organizations, and compare the calculated result with the actual result in their annual reports.We collected information thru interviews with the personnel manager in the selected organizations, and used the annual reports to add necessary information.When we applied our model, we found that the selected organizations, in some cases, have a cost of illnes which is up to seven times higher than shown in their annual reports. It?s, in general, the costs that aren?t related to the Salary (additional costs), which are much higher than shown.The absence of a model that calculates the costs of illnes can result in wrongful decisions. If a model would be applied in an organization, it should increase the awearness of the actual costs of illnes, which can lead to better decisions througout the whole organization.This report is written in Swedish..

Personlig Assistans : utifrån assistentens perspektiv

Personal assistants ' descriptions of their own professional role are usually removed for the benefit of users ' description of the profession. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the assistants perceive their profession by providing assistants a possibility to talk about their experiences of the profession. Data has been collected by twelve interviews with active working personal assistants aged 22-57 years. Assistants interviewed have different experiences and working with people with various disabilities. The method used is a qualitative method with a narrative analysis method, where the twelve interviews have been merged into four fictional stories.

Attraktiv arbetsgivare : En kvantitativ studie inom Luftfartsverket

This study was carried out at Luftfartsverket (LFV Group, Swedish Airports and Air Navigation Services). The aim was to study what characterizes an employer of choice and further to examine how well the employees at Luftfartsverket feel that their employer lives up to this image. A quantitative method was applied in the form of a selfdeveloped questionnaire. It was answered by a random sample of employees at Luftfartsverket.The results showed that Salary, good leadership, good relations to colleagues and a sense of participation were important factors to be an employer of choice. In the organization at hand good colleagues were the most fulfilled factor whereas good leadership were the least fulfilled factor.

Folkskolläraren i stad och på landsbygd - En komparativ studie mellan Halmstads Folkskola och Alsingska skolan i Veinge socken, södra Halland 1832-1882

During the 19th century the Elementary school and its teachers emerge in the city of Halmstad and in the parish of Veinge as well as in Sweden overall. The aim of the essay is to enthrone these teachers? conditions and a comparison is done between the teachers in these two places. The mate-rial that is used is for example minutes from the board of education in Veinge and the city council of Halmstad, collected works about the elementary school of Halmstad as well as litera-ture regarding the subject. The essay starts with a short background history about the Elementary school and its teachers.

Ingångslön, en fråga om kön : Ingenjörsstudenters förväntningar

Svensk lönestatistik visar att manliga och kvinnliga ingenjörer har ojämnlika lönenivåer, till männens fördel. Tidigare studier har belyst att kvinnor har bristande tillit till sin förhandlingsförmåga och många studier har också visat att män har högre löneanspråk än kvinnor. Aktuell studie har ämnat identifiera faktorer som påverkar studenters förväntade löneanspråk för ingångslön. Resultaten här baseras på en enkätundersökning besvarad av 137 ingenjörsstudenter. Studiens resultat bekräftar tidigare studiers gällande mäns och kvinnors löneanspråk och förhandlingsförmåga, män anger högre värden för båda dessa variabler.

När vikten blir det viktigaste

The aim of this investigation work " What was it called...Equality...? is to study a clinics current gender equailty plan from a gender approach and by a field survey see if, and in that case, how it can be improved. A connection between existing gender norms and gender power strukctures is applied in the results of this survey in order to illustrate their significance from an individual as well as a structural perspektive.The survey has been carried through by a field survey as well as a discourse analysis as method. Yvonne Hirdmans gender power system is on of the main theoretical points of departure.The results that I have achieved in this essay is that gender can be looked at in different ways within the labour market where women have the main responsibility over the family and are considered more nursing then men. Men on the other hand are thinking of their carriers and have higher Salary requirements.

Det handlar om att höja statusen! : en studie om vad män som arbetar i grundskolans tidigare år tycker behövs för att få fler män att välja att arbeta där

The purpose of this study is to stress what experiences men working in the earlier school years share about being a minority group and what thoughts they have about why other men tend to avoid this profession.In this survey I have interviewed four male teachers in the earlier school years. In previous research it is claimed that men choose not to get a teacher training for the earlier school years partly because this profession is known to be dominated by women where it is difficult for men to feel at home. It is also claimed that teachers in training choose the later school years in order to focus more on teaching than looking after the children. None of the interviewed men sees it as a problem being a minority group, neither during training nor in teaching. What the men in this survey state as the main reasons for why other men do not choose to become teachers are the low levels of status and Salary.

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