1780 Uppsatser om Safety and welfare. - Sida 18 av 119
Dammsäkerhetsanalys via stabilitetsberäkningar för Långströmmens kraftverk : En jämförelse mellan olika dimensioneringsmetoder
A detailed dam safety evaluation (in Sweden called FDU) was performed in 2009 by WSP where stability control was performed for Långströmmen power plant with associated spillways. This evaluation concluded that stability could not be ensured, and risk of sliding occurred. The evaluation is based entirely on the recommendations outlined in RIDAS, the power companies guidelines for dam safety, and it is clear that extensive renovations are necessary to stabilize the dam.In this work, the stability will also be checked with guidance through new proposals on guidelines for concrete dams sliding stability, ELFORSK?s report 08:59. This report considered the guidelines in RIDAS as oversimplified, both from an international perspective, but also with regard to the current state of knowledge regarding dam safety.
Om synen på ?utanförskap? : Socialsekreterare och nämndpolitiker om arbetslösa unga vuxna med försörjningsproblem.
During the study's first stage we noticed that the Swedish term ? utanförskap? was constructed for political purposes, the term?s ambiguity what was first raised our interest. Therefore the aims of this study was to examine how social workers at the social welfare office and the labor market related project Framtid Kronoberg as well as politicians within the administration of Arbete & Välfärd (Work & Welfare) relates to utanförskap as a social phenomenon. The study?s second aim was to examine how the aforementioned persons consider utanförskap to be counteracted among young adults.
Djurskyddslagen och renskötseln
The aim of this literature review was to discern which legislations and regulations related to animal welfare that comprises reindeer and their significance in reindeer husbandry. The Swedish Animal Welfare Act (1988:534) was enacted July 1, 1988 and its main purpose is to ensure a good animal health and environment. Animals that live in a good environment with good health is considered to have good welfare, which can be described as an individual's condition in relation to its surroundings. Reindeer herding is an extensive form without daily management. In reindeer husbandry there are eight specific seasons over the year and reindeer are handled as they migrates between pastures, get earmarks, are sorted for transport and slaughter.
Upplevelser hos socialsekreterare som arbetar med barn och unga inom myndighetsutövning : - En studie av kritiska incidenter
AbstractWorking with child and youth welfare is one of the most difficult challenges a social worker might face in the field of social work. Those who work with child and youth welfare are more exposed to stress and burnout than other comparable human service occupations. Research links the prevalence of stress and burnout to several key variables, such as demographics, working conditions and personality factors. In contrast, even though social workers in this field face many negative work-related problems they report a high job satisfaction. The aim of this study is to examine how uplifting and straining experiences affect social workers, who work with child and youth welfare, through the use of The Critical Incident Technique and interviews.
Villkor. En kvalitativ studie om hur enskilda socialsekreterare resonerar kring att villkora det ekonomiska biståndet.
This paper examines how individual social welfare officers argue about the conditions in foreign aid. The paper is a qualitative interview study there nine social welfare officers from four local governments have been interviewed.The results are divided into two areas. First, the client's responsibility over their own lives and self-determination. These two areas are then analyzed separately.The analysis assumes an aletisk hermeneutics where the basis for the attribution of the result is Max Weber's vocation ethics and the more recent research about foreign aid.The conclusion of the study was that social workers believe that the client's responsibility for their own self-sufficiency outweighs supply. Financial assistance must be justified in order to be paid regardless of whether this causes rejection of application for financial aid..
Uppfödning av okastrerade hangrisar - ett alternativ till obedövad kirurgisk kastrering av smågris
Pigs kept for meatproduction are often surgically castrated to prevent aggression and boartainted meat. Castration without analgesia and anesthesia is painful and causes a lot of stress to the pig. There are alternatives such as to surgically castrate the male pigs with analgesia and/or with anesthesia, immunocastrate or keep them as intact males. In Sweden the most common practice is to surgically castrate the pigs before they are seven days old. The impact on the pig is that the incision causes pain and stress, which may lead to changes in behaviour, reduced appetite, reduced growth and a higher risk of infections.
Diskussioner om trygghet i planeringssammanhang :
This is a bachelor?s essay in the landscape architect programme in Alnarp.
The purpose of the essay is to describe discussions about security in planning contexts in Sweden. Written material from three levels of the discussions has been studied: Swedish research, governmental directives and practisers. I have tried to obtain a variation in types of material.
Värdepremium på den svenska marknaden - En residualvinstvärdering med säkerhetsmarginal
This paper attempts to investigate the correlation of 12 month abnormal returns and the fundamental value of stocks in theSwedish stock market between the year 2000-2011. Also, the paper tries to apply and evaluate the concept of the margin ofsafety. In estimating the fundamental value we use the residual income valuation model and three different estimationapproaches of the beta coefficient in order to correct for financial and operational biases. We find that our different portfoliosearn abnormal returns. However, this could be explained by the size effect and P/B effect.
Våga fråga: Faktorer som påverkar psykologisk trygghet i team
This thesis aims to further study the interpersonal risk taking within groups and thereby the importance of a climate promoting a reflective behavior. The increased demand in complexity and exposure towards teamwork leads to increased call for knowledge integration, which can be explained as the ability to integrate the collective knowledge within the group. We have therefor identified a need for better understanding what makes a group more effective. Key factors for self-estimated effective collaboration have been shown to be a group's reflective behavior and ability to coordinate the skills that each individual possesses. These factors are greatly affected by the psychological safety within the team.
Den norska pensionsreformen 2005. En studie av en välfärdsreforms tillkomst ur tre maktperspektiv.
The aim of this thesis is to spread some light over the coming into being of the 2005 Pension Reform in Norway. The point of departure lies within an interest in Welfare State politics and the development in this field. Pensions constitute a cornerstone in the Welfare State. Making use of J. Kingdon´s Theory of the Agenda Setting Process, Discourse Theory and Institutional Theory the thesis seek to visualize the implications of structures, central actors and discourses on the reform processes.
Hur ska skogsfastigheter värderas?
This thesis aimed to describe how the ideological dividing line concerning the welfare state has changed between the two largest governmental parties in Sweden, the Social Democrats and the Moderaterna, during 1990 to 2010. The scientist Mark Blyth points out that ideas are important instruments for structural and institutional change by identifying ideas as weapons, blueprints and cognitive locks, which were being used in the theoretical framework. The empirical data was made by a qualitative analysis of the parliamentary speeches and debates from both parties held every year. The results shows that the budgetary law passed in 1997 became a new institutional blueprint, which changed the political conditions for the Social Democrats. Furthermore, the results point to a change in the Moderaterna?s rhetoric concerning the welfare state to a more pragmatic view. .
Riskhantering av kritiska infrastrukturtjänster : En studie av Apotekens Service ur ett HRO-perspektiv
Risk management has become a key ingredient for businesses all over the world. High Reliability Organizations (HRO) has distinguished themselves as experts in this area. By continuously focusing on improving their ability to manage risks they?ve been able to successfully avoid catastrophes in environments where normal accidents can be expected due to complexity and risk factors.The aim of the thesis is to improve the risk management at Apotekens Service by applying theories from HRO and safety culture. In July 2009, following the re-regulation of the Swedish pharmacy market, Apotekens Service AB was appointed national pharmacy infrastructure supplier for the Swedish health care system.
Social kontakt för hund i rastgård ? när kan kraven anses uppfyllda?
People in Sweden have more and more dogs in their care, and several of these dogs are kept in kennels in back yards for various reasons. According to Swedish animal welfare legislations the need for social contact for dogs has to be met. However, there are few details presented on how to meet the need and when it can be considered satisfied. Does the dog need human contact to fulfill the need, or is the company of other dogs enough? This study aims to specify what can be acceptable when it comes to fulfilling dogs? social needs in accordance with the Swedish animal welfare legislation.
Sex jourföräldrars upplevelser av sitt arbete - samspelet med socialförvaltningen, det placerade barnet/ungdomen samt de biologiska föräldrarna
Short-term-fostercare has a huge burden of work, hence they get harder and harder cases since placements in institutions decreases and short-term-forstercare increases. We wanted to study short-term-fosterparents experiences of their work, since they makes an important effort. The aim of the study was to describe the teamwork with them and the groups: the social care, the children/youth and the biological patents, from a short-term-fosterparent perspective. We´ve also been interviewing two fostercare-secretaries, hence we wanted to get an insight in the organization of short-term-fostercare. The study is a qualitative attempt and we´ve done six interviews with short-term-parents.
Djurvänlig hantering av lantbrukets djur i samband med transport
Handling, loading, transport time and unloading in connection to transport of farm animals affect animal welfare. Induced effects include both psychological and physiological stress responses in animals. The physiological parameters may be measured through blood analysis while behavioural changes often manifest themselves through increased vocalisation, escape attempts and apathy. Physiological parameters are additional parameters of importance when measuring animal stress responses.
The handlers behavior during transport has been shown to have major impact on animal welfare and the quality of meat. Animal friendly handling and driving of animals create a more manageable work environment for the handlers.
To further increase animal welfare in connection to transport, stables should be built with well adapted drift passage and ramps on the transport vehicle.