

115 Uppsatser om Round - Sida 3 av 8

Med sikte på Counter-Strike : Om pro gamers val av gaming gear

Counter-Strike has established itself as one of the most popular computer gaming phenomenon the last decade with a major online community and loyal fan base. Within the world of e-sports it has also become one of the most lucrative games to compete in. In order to keep up with the competition it has always been important to use the best hardware available for the task. This thesis is about these tools that gamers use to play - gaming gear - and how pro gamers train to increase their chances of winning. We investigate various factors that might be important in their choice of gaming gear when they play, and how they train to use these artifacts more efficiently to get maximum performance.

Design och konstruktion av sparkcykel för sommar- och vinteranvändning

This thesis has been carried out in collaboration with the IT Company MPQ consulting AB in Halmstad. The task we were assigned by MPQ concerned the development of a scooter that can be used year Round. We have with the companydeveloped the criteria and requirements for the product in which the goal is toproduce a primary solution that meets the set criteria and fall within the project'sboundaries.The project involves a wide range of different design methods for idea generationand idea development. The project also addresses engineering methods such asprinciple and primary engineering. Occurringmethods in the project include FredyOlsson principle and primary engineering in cooperation with SVID's - Swedishindustrial design process, etc.The final solution will be presented in the form of sketches, CAD models withassociated drawings and a rendering from the program Keyshot..

Reglerad reproduktion - En studie över abortdiskursen i Kina och abortmotståndet i USA

This thesis is on the subject of different views on abortion. With a qualitative analysis of the family planning policy in China and interviews with four persons living in China I try to answer what abortion can mean in this context. I use the results from an earlier study of the antiabortion lobby pro-life and the last republican candidate Mitt Romney to compare how abortion is being constructed in different ways. Reproduction is in both USA and China, among other countries, a subject for regulation. Following thesis wish to explore how that is done and what consequences it brings.

Läsförberedande arbetsböcker i förskoleklass och skola : Arbetsboken, en ö i havet

Workbooks are used and has been used for a long time in teaching context with younger children. Given that children start grade 1 after one year of preschool, I will in my study examine what type of activities that are presented in textbooks used for teaching younger children in pre-school and school grade 1. The purpose of the study is, through a selection of published skill-training materials investigate its pedagogical basic view related to reading and write form of education in pre-school and school grades 1. In line with the aim of the study and to answer the study questions, a qualitative text analysis and pictures analysis was carried out. The result shows that there are more similarities in content than the forms of the textbooks, there are assumptions about language as well as how images should be interpreted in a right way.

Spill från rundbalspress med och utan knivar :

When harvesteing ley there is always mechanical losses from the harvest machines. During the last years the Roundbalers with knives,cutting the material-are more common, This use increase the mechanical losses of material. MATERIALS AND METHODS The Roundbaler which used in this test was a Krone Vario Pack 1500 Multi Cut. This Roundbaler has 17 knives. The theoretical length of cut was 64 mm. During the test we stretched a rubber tarp under the balechamber and collected the materials which fell down from the balechamber.

Kodgenerering i CASE-verktyg : En undersökning hur CASE-verktyg uppfyller experters kodgenereringskrav

Denna rapport undersöker krav, tagna från ett ramverk för evaluering av CASE-verktyg i ett kontextuellt sammanhang, i två representativa CASE-verktyg. Ramverket utnyttjar en modell som föreslagits av Lundell och Lings för att extrahera både krav och förväntningar som en organisation (www.it.volvo.com) hade på vad ett CASE-verktyg är och kan utföra.Ramverket extraherar krav i ett organisationell kontext, dvs. utvärderingen utfördes innan verktyget som evaluerades användes i organisationen. Detta indikerar på att kraven inte är knutna till ett specifikt verktyg, samt att CASE-verktyg inte säkert stödjer dessa krav.Resultatet för denna rapport är att viss semantisk förlust uppstod vid transformering av kod och modeller..

Utveckling av differentierade transportersättningar för rundvirskestransporter med lastbil

Approximately 60 million cubic meters of Round wood are transported every year with trucks in Sweden and stand for 15 % of all truck transportation in the country. The big amount that is transported results in many haulage companies works in different parts of the country with different conditions to get a good flow on their transports. Today the transport pricing is very general and the payment consists of the unit Round wood they are transporting and the distance of the transport. The purpose of this study were, from the freighter and the haulage company?s perspective, try to find ways to change the today applied transport pricing to more differentiated and compare them to historic payment of transportation.

Sjuksköterskans möte med Anorexia Nervosapatienter : vägen till en relation. En litteraturstudie

Anorexia nervosa is a severe and multifaceted eating disorder generally found in the female population. Throughout anorectic starvation relationship related conflicts revolving Round power and autonomy are bound to happen. For that reason the most crucial part of treatment should be to build a trusting relationship.The aim of this study was to describe relationship promoting strategies a nurse can use during care of anorexia nervosa patients. This literature study derives from a qualitative analysis of scientific articles. The findings indicate on five different strategies a nurse can use during care of anorexia nervosa patients.

Stridsyxor eller båtyxor : En diskussion om symboliken och dess betydelse

My intention with this paper is to try to understand the meaning of the double sex symbols which can be identified on a number of Neolithic so called battle axes from the region Round the lake Mälaren in Sweden. My conclusions are drawn after having studied a number of archaeological thesises. I have realized that the society was egalitarian from what is said about the funeral habits since women and men were buried with the same care. Ceramics from the Skogsmossen site show a very long continuity over 15-20 generations. These facts indicate a peaceful society without traumatic breaks where knowledge would have been lost.

Charlie åker karusell : En undersökning av produktionsmetoder anpassade för film

Denna rapport innehåller en redogörelse för mitt examensarbete, Charlie åkerkarusell, som gjordes vid Carl Malmsten ? Furniture Studies, LinköpingsUniversitet, våren 2012. I mitt arbete undersöker jag hur man kan serietillverkaen liten produkt med hjälp av mallar och fixturer anpassade för film och hur mandokumenterar processen med hjälp av film. Jag har tittat på olika filmer som rörämnet och olika typer av mallar för att sedan formge en liten figur vid namnCharlie, som serietillverkades i en serie av 30 stycken. Jag utförde några avmomenten i serietillverkningen med hjälp av en typ mall som jag konstruerade.Mallen, som jag valt att kalla för karusellmall, är inte den mest rationella men ärdäremot betydligt mer spännande och spektakulär än en traditionell mall.

Facebök : En studie om förflyttning mellan nätverk

Aim: The aim of this study is to understand why people have changed their preferred community over time. What are the main factors when changing to a new one?Method/material: The method has consisted of personal interviews with six different people in the ages between 20-22 and of different gender. The main material that has been used in this essay is the theory of Uses and Gratifications as explained by Denis McQuail, the theory of Convergence culture by Henry Jenkins and the theory about Communites of Practice by Etienne Wenger.Main results: This study shows a heavy affection that the use of communities often centers Round the people aRound the community, rather than the functions that the communities themselves provides. Having people that you know on the community you choose is a vital part for people or at least having the support of other people and changing to another community at the same time.

USA:s bomullssubventioner - effekter på världsmarknaden och utvecklingsländer

The aim of this thesis is to discuss and analyse the American cotton subsidies? effect on the world market in general and developing countries in particular. The amount of U.S. subsidies is substantial compared to most other countries, but a great deal of the effect is due to the USA?s significant share of the market.

Bemötande av anhöriga vid traumatiska dödsfall - En litteraturstudie om omhändertagandet av de anhöriga och deras behov

Traumatic deaths hit relatives hard and a fast and professional encounter can make crisis management easier. The purpose of this literature review is to find partly how relatives after traumatic deaths are taken care of and how nursing staff fulfil the relatives' needs and also how nurses prepare themselves before this encounter with the realatives. The method in this study consists of a literature review. This was done through critical examining a number of articles within this area. The result shows how a nurse could encounter relatives after traumatic deaths.

Personliga nätverk: en fallstudie om personliga nätverk inom musikindustrin

The purpose of this thesis was to illustrate the connection between personal networks and entrepreneurial business in the music industry. It also aims to examine how and why entrepreneurs in the music industry use personal networks in their entrepreneurial business activities. In order to explore the extent to which entrepreneurs in the music industry obtain support through personal networks, a case study was conducted based on interviews with entrepreneurs in various areas of the music industry. The study has shown that entrepreneurs in the music industry clearly see distinct advantages through the use of their personal networks, especially in terms of an enhanced supply of resources and through an increased amount of business opportunities. Personal networks have also shown to constitute a considerable amount of moral support for the entrepreneurs in the development process of the entrepreneurial business.

Cirkulationsplatser ? estetik och design :

The purpose with this final thesis has been to study the aesthetics and design of Roundabouts and to ascertain important factors that influence the experience of them. The investigation was carried out through literature-, field studies and interviews with persons that in different ways have participated in the formation of Roundabouts. Furthermore, six Roundabouts have been explored in more depth so that the survey would get a more practical link. These six Roundabouts all occur in the rim of a city and do thereby have an important role as a gateway. The environments in such contexts are often complex which adds additional difficulty in achieving a visually appealing design, especially when taking into account the usually high traffic intensity.

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