

49 Uppsatser om Rolls royce - Sida 2 av 4

Magnetfältssignaturer från Birkelands- och jonosfärsströmmar

This thesis is divided into two parts. Part one contains a general description of the flexographic printingtechnique. Part two contains a more detailed investigation in the areas substrate, inktransfer and trends, which are only briefly commented in part one, and conclusions and comments.The major problem concerning substrate is washboard. This phenomena can be limited if one can control and minimize the amount of glue applied in the single- and double facer, use high surface weight on liner, use low surfaceweight on fluting and control the humidity during the conditioning of the corrugated board. Corrugated board with a smooth surface radically increases the quality in print.

Wavelettransform med Morletwavelets för analys av satellitmätdata

This thesis is divided into two parts. Part one contains a general description of the flexographic printingtechnique. Part two contains a more detailed investigation in the areas substrate, inktransfer and trends, which are only briefly commented in part one, and conclusions and comments.The major problem concerning substrate is washboard. This phenomena can be limited if one can control and minimize the amount of glue applied in the single- and double facer, use high surface weight on liner, use low surfaceweight on fluting and control the humidity during the conditioning of the corrugated board. Corrugated board with a smooth surface radically increases the quality in print.

Modell för beräkning av inläckning till avloppsnät

This thesis is divided into two parts. Part one contains a general description of the flexographic printingtechnique. Part two contains a more detailed investigation in the areas substrate, inktransfer and trends, which are only briefly commented in part one, and conclusions and comments.The major problem concerning substrate is washboard. This phenomena can be limited if one can control and minimize the amount of glue applied in the single- and double facer, use high surface weight on liner, use low surfaceweight on fluting and control the humidity during the conditioning of the corrugated board. Corrugated board with a smooth surface radically increases the quality in print.

Klichéer : Några unga människors uppfattning om klichéer i vardagens samtal

This thesis is divided into two parts. Part one contains a general description of the flexographic printingtechnique. Part two contains a more detailed investigation in the areas substrate, inktransfer and trends, which are only briefly commented in part one, and conclusions and comments.The major problem concerning substrate is washboard. This phenomena can be limited if one can control and minimize the amount of glue applied in the single- and double facer, use high surface weight on liner, use low surfaceweight on fluting and control the humidity during the conditioning of the corrugated board. Corrugated board with a smooth surface radically increases the quality in print.

Bältarbo tegelbruk och Sveriges tegelindustri under 1900-talet

This thesis is divided into two parts. Part one contains a general description of the flexographic printingtechnique. Part two contains a more detailed investigation in the areas substrate, inktransfer and trends, which are only briefly commented in part one, and conclusions and comments.The major problem concerning substrate is washboard. This phenomena can be limited if one can control and minimize the amount of glue applied in the single- and double facer, use high surface weight on liner, use low surfaceweight on fluting and control the humidity during the conditioning of the corrugated board. Corrugated board with a smooth surface radically increases the quality in print.

Flexorafiskt tryck på wellpapp

This thesis is divided into two parts. Part one contains a general description of the flexographic printingtechnique. Part two contains a more detailed investigation in the areas substrate, inktransfer and trends, which are only briefly commented in part one, and conclusions and comments.The major problem concerning substrate is washboard. This phenomena can be limited if one can control and minimize the amount of glue applied in the single- and double facer, use high surface weight on liner, use low surfaceweight on fluting and control the humidity during the conditioning of the corrugated board. Corrugated board with a smooth surface radically increases the quality in print.

Transportör : Lokal logistik

This report is the result of a project work carried out at Karlstad University in conjunctionwith the local consulting firm Camatec where most of the work has been performed.The work can be classified as a classic engineering work with supportive theories andcalculations which in this context is relevant.The engineering project has focused on developing new standards for a conveyor that is usedin the Värmland paper industry where large rolls of paper are produced. A conveyor can takeits appearance in many different forms but in this thesis it has been an exemplary look and ithas also become modulatable with a central section, a drive end and a turning end.The construction work has been build under CAD programs such as Pro Engineer, drawingshave been created and costings have been analyzed. Strength calculations have been made andcooperation from several different companies have erected to explore different solutions andideas for a modern and sustainable conveyor..

När vikten blir det viktigaste

The aim of this investigation work " What was it called...Equality...? is to study a clinics current gender equailty plan from a gender approach and by a field survey see if, and in that case, how it can be improved. A connection between existing gender norms and gender power strukctures is applied in the results of this survey in order to illustrate their significance from an individual as well as a structural perspektive.The survey has been carried through by a field survey as well as a discourse analysis as method. Yvonne Hirdmans gender power system is on of the main theoretical points of departure.The results that I have achieved in this essay is that gender can be looked at in different ways within the labour market where women have the main responsibility over the family and are considered more nursing then men. Men on the other hand are thinking of their carriers and have higher salary requirements.

Valsningsteknik för extremt höghållfasta tunna stål

New high strength steels require improved cold rolling techniques. The aim of this degree project was to develop a new and money saving cold rolling technique to manufacture steel strip for saw blades. The work is based on earlier rolling experiments made with a high carbon steel grade at LuCoil Steel AB. The work also focused on the mill requirements to cold roll high strength steels. The results show that LuCoil?s existing cold rolling mill was actually designed for rolling low carbon steel.

Emotionellt socialt arbete : En studie av professionellas former för och hantering av känslor och upplevelser i arbetet med unga tjejer med självskadebeteende.

This study elucidates the feelings and the experiences by working with the complex of problems of self-injurious behaviour, of six professionals. The purpose with this study has been to examine the feelings and the experiences of the professionals, coming up when they meet and treat young girls with self-injurious behaviour. The empirical basis of this study is built on interviews of six female professionals, working in the County of Kalmar. The statements of the informants were analyzed out of Goffman?s Role Theory and the norm perspective on social behaviour.

Det Duala Ledarskapet - den heteronormativa strukturens upplösning

The purpose of this investigation is to reveal those hidden factors, which influence how leadership is practised, as well as the roles male and female play in their professions. Furthermore this investigation aims to elude the expectations and demands that leaders experience and their origin.The investigation is based on six interviews of senior managers, two male and four female. A qualitative approach has been utilized to penetrate the subject and understanding of the identified phenomenon. The theories employed to analyse the finding are Lincoln, Gerth & Mills and Merton. To further highlight certain specific results parts of Ahrne, Beck & Beck-Gernsheim theories have also been empoyeed.

Vad det nu hette...Jämställdhet...? : Ett utredningsarbete på en klinik

The aim of this investigation work " What was it called...Equality...? is to study a clinics current gender equailty plan from a gender approach and by a field survey see if, and in that case, how it can be improved. A connection between existing gender norms and gender power strukctures is applied in the results of this survey in order to illustrate their significance from an individual as well as a structural perspektive.The survey has been carried through by a field survey as well as a discourse analysis as method. Yvonne Hirdmans gender power system is on of the main theoretical points of departure.The results that I have achieved in this essay is that gender can be looked at in different ways within the labour market where women have the main responsibility over the family and are considered more nursing then men. Men on the other hand are thinking of their carriers and have higher salary requirements.

Att effektivisera ett förvaltarbolag

Executive SummaryThis final thesis has examined the effects of an increased centralization and better coord­in­ation of the distribution logistics at ABB in Västerås. The company is today strongly decent­ralized and there is a minimum of collaboration between the 20 business units. This is why the questions were raised; how could the business units coordinate outbound logistic activities and what effects would that provide. The obj­ect­ive of this final thesis is to provide basic data for a future decision-making which desc­r­ibe these effects.The report has mapped out the factors that are important to ABB in an evaluation of their logistic activities and how the outbound logistics work today. The four factors are cost efficiency, delivery service, environmental impact and logistics capability.

Framtidens distributionslogistik : - Effekter av en ökad centralisering hos ABB i Västerås

Executive SummaryThis final thesis has examined the effects of an increased centralization and better coord­in­ation of the distribution logistics at ABB in Västerås. The company is today strongly decent­ralized and there is a minimum of collaboration between the 20 business units. This is why the questions were raised; how could the business units coordinate outbound logistic activities and what effects would that provide. The obj­ect­ive of this final thesis is to provide basic data for a future decision-making which desc­r­ibe these effects.The report has mapped out the factors that are important to ABB in an evaluation of their logistic activities and how the outbound logistics work today. The four factors are cost efficiency, delivery service, environmental impact and logistics capability.

Om att leva i den "snåla världen" : En kvalitativ studie om ensamstående föräldrars och barns upplevelser och strategier i dagens konsumtionssamhälle.

Poverty among children has received a great deal of attention in the media the past few years. The group in which poverty among children has increased most is among single parents; therefore we have chosen to examine this group in this study. The purpose of this study is to take part in single parents and their children?s experiences of living within a very tight budget and the strategies they use. We found it interesting to put this information in relationship to the consumer society we live in today.

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