

3770 Uppsatser om Role conflict - Sida 2 av 252

Konflikthantering med hjälp av dramatisering

The purpose of my work is about how teachers work with dramatization. How they solve a conflict, and if they use dramatization to solve a conflict. I have therefore chosen to interview two teachers how they work with conflict and dramatization.I was inspired to look into this when I had drama at college and we would solve different conflicts using dramatization.The results of my interviews were that teachers do not use dramatization to solve a conflict. They use discussion as a method to come up with solutions to the students, but they would like to learn more practical methods to solve conflicts..

Kvalitetschefens Roll och Kompetens Inom Svenska Organisationer och Företag

The role of the quality manager has evolved from being a quality controller to work with a more global business. Within many organizations in Sweden, however, the traditional role of the quality manager's remains and the tasks categorized as quality control still takes up most of the quality manager's time. The survey conducted as part of this master thesis shows that the quality manager in most businesses has multiple roles in addition to the role of quality manager, which can create a Role conflict. One consequence of this is that each improvement is not given priority due to time constraints. Although the importance of a clear and committed leadership is the key for succeeding as the quality manager.

Demokratins väktare? : En kvalitativ studie av hur personliga handläggare på Försäkringskassan upplever och hanterar målkonflikter

The purpose of this essay is to examine how administrative officers at the Swedish social insurance agency experience and deal with the goal conflicts they may experience. Furthermore, the purpose is to gain a greater understanding on how they perceive their role in the implementation process, and their position as the link between the citizens and the state. Two potential conflicts are examined; between quantitative goals and performance measures and those more qualitative and hard to measure; between economic values such as cost efficiency and productivity and democratic values such as the rule of law. The other conflict examined is that between implementing and following the laws set forth, take into account the individual needs and interests of the citizen. The theoretical framework consists of Lundquist?s theory on public officers as the guardians of democracy, which means that they should not only implement laws and rules according to political intentions, but also make sure that the democratic values and principles are followed in the relationship between state and citizen.

Att uppleva historia : eller publik arkeologi i Sydafrika

My thesis is based on a qualitative study in which I have selected six professional teachers in a school in Greater Stockholm, and their views on the phenomenon of conflict management. My questions were the following.How teachers perceive the phenomenon of conflict in the world of school?What strategies do teachers use to resolve conflicts with students?In order to analyze my informants, I have chosen different books that deal with conflict man-agement, policy documents and books on the teaching profession meaning. Through my investigation I found that some teachers used tools and strategies through expe-rience and reflections, and resolve conflicts together or individually. My informants described that there are some teachers how choose to hide and pretend not to see the problem.

I spänningsfältet mellan kontroll och stöd : en kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare kan uppleva sin yrkesroll

This is a qualitative study based on two focus group interviews with a total of six social workers who work with assessing financial aid in two municipalities. The study aims to examine how the social workers experience and handle their ambiguous professional role, on the basis that they are expected to support and control the client. The theoretical framework is the theory about discretion and role theory. The results show that social workers find it difficult to combine these different approaches. Two different groups of strategies that social workers use to manage their professional role have been distinguished, the first is used to combine the different approaches (combination strategies), which are: empathy, to be distinct and to "blame" the organization.

En del av spelet : En studie av fotbollsdomarnas tillvaro i Gästrikland

There is a clear difference between the way football players and leaders regard the role of the referee, compared to the way the refereeing body looks at it. The refereeing body regard themselves as fundamental for the existence of the sport, while the other mentioned parties merely see them as functional justice makers. This view places the referees outside the field of football. This establishes a football culture, which is conflicted when it comes to the role of the referees on the field. The conflict comes to its edge in youth football, where the referees are under severe pressure.

Att arbeta med konflikthantering : implementering och undersökning av en form av fokusgruppsamtal i skolan

I have chosen an action research approach for this essay. I want to incorporate a method of conflict management in the work of the personnel at a school and also discuss their thoughts and experience in conflict management. I wanted to incorporate modern knowledge about constructive conflict management for everyday use and I stress that if we can evolve these skills among the personnel in schools then we have a better chance of helping children with deviant behavior which often end up in conflict because of it. This will also help all the other children and personnel to manage conflict situations in a better way. I want to introduce a new way of thinking about conflict management which in many ways is different from how it is today. Briefly the method which I advocate revolves around paying attention to every ones basic needs and says that everyone can win and no one has to loose. he main purpose of this essay has been to find out if focus group conversations is a viable method for improving conflict management in the school system. Several of the participants has in their evaluations written that it was a rewarding and interesting way to work.

FN och internationella administrationer

This paper's purpose is to examine the mandate and the role of the UN as an administrative actor. Today, we often see post-conflict territories in the need of governance. In the absence of local supported government the UN has the ability to fill that void. The paper will look at two actual examples where the UN has assumed the role as administrator; West Papua and East Timor. I will conduct the research by using books and scientific articles from journals..

Konflikthantering genom drama : En studie om dramats roll i undervisningen

Abstract The purpose of the essay was to investigate how you can work with conflict management through drama, to promote the meeting with children from many different cultures. I also wanted to see how the work may be different in a heterogeneous or homogeneous group of children.In the background I lift up what a conflict can be, what kind of conflict management methods there are, how to work with drama education as well as what ethnic conflicts can be.The literature studies have shown that there are different types of conflicts and that the conflict management methods are many. In an attempt to get answers to my questions I?ve had drama lessons focusing on conflicts in a heterogeneous and homogeneous group of children in grades 3.My study has shown that conflict management through drama can increase the understanding of other cultures and promote the meeting between children. Just as the literature describes conflicts, they can be difficult to solve and it is important to find a method that suits the class you work with.Key- words: conflict, conflict management, drama, homogeneous, heterogeneous..

Du ser inte ut som en bibliotekarie! ? Kläder och identitet i bibliotekarieyrket

The aim of this study is to examine whether the image of the stereotype librarian has created conflict in young librarians´ personal identity and/or professional identity and if this has shown in their choice of clothes? Our purpose was to find out, with the help of their choice of clothes, the young librarians view of themselves as individuals and professional librarians. We have searched for the answers to the following questions: - Do young librarians experience that clothing at their workplace has any significance and if so, what do they want to signal with their clothing? - Do they experience that clothing and appearance has any impact on their personal and professional identity? - How do they relate, by their choice of clothes, to the stereotype images of the librarian? We have performed qualitative interviews with eleven young female librarians. As a theoretical framework we have used ideas and concepts from different areas of research; semiotics, social psychology, business administration and ethnology.

Politikerrollen - en självständig individualist eller en väljarbunden folktribun

In this essay, the aim is to study the role the politicians play in relation to the people they represent. This is manly a theoretically study, which focus is on the theories behind the way we choose to identify the role of politicians. We ascribe different underlying values to the role of politicians and as a result from these different values a conflict can arise. Two central terms in my discussion are the way the politicians represent people's values and meanings combined to the possibilities for the people to hold the politicians responsible. Depending on which ethic values you put to the role, you have different views about how the politicians should act.

FN och EU ? två aktörer inom det konfliktförebyggande området - en studie av FN och EU: s konfliktförebyggande åtgärder i Makedonien

Conflict prevention is a term which has gained much influence during the last decades. To prevent conflicts from occuring have both humanitarian and economic incentives as the cost for war are much greater than the cost of acting preventive. To act in this matter has been regarded a priority for the United Nations during several years, and the European Union have also expressed a wish of playing a more active part. The essay compares the actions taken by the international organisations in Macedonia, a country which headed toward a violent conflict. The UN acted through the mission UNPREDEP and the EU through the mission of Concordia.

Kommunicera mera - En studie som belyser människans behov av erkänsla i samband med arbetsplatskonflikter

The aim of the study is to investigate conflicts in working lifefrom an individual and a relational perspective, as well as to illustrate how a conflict ishandled as part of a work organisation and a working environment.When a person experiences a conflict at work what do these experiences involve and how dothey affect the well-being of the person involved and the picture he or she has of him orherself?How does a workplace conflict develop over time and how can we understand its origin andcourse?How do individuals experience the way a conflict is handled in a workplace in relation to thestructure of the organisation and leadership?The study is based on a qualitative interview method with threeindividuals who have experienced workplace conflict. Through our study we endeavoured tofind an in-depth understanding conveyed through the life world perspective of theinterviewees, which is our empirical data. The analysis is related to the study?s background ofearlier research and theory within the field of workplace conflict.On the basis of our study can we illustrate that in order to prevent and handleworkplace conflict, clear communication and individual resources are required; these include:a reflexive ability to work out issues independently.

Man är som en hamburgare: man har stora krav både uppe- och nerifrån. : En kvalitativ studie om mellanchefers upplevelser av sin roll som mellanchef i olika former av människobehandlande organisationer i offentlig sektor.

The aim of this study was to explore and gain understanding of the situation between managers in different forms of human service organizations. I chose to use a qualitative method and conducted semi-structured interviews with five professional middle managers in the public sector. To accomplish my purpose, I worked on the basis of several questions. The questions dealt with the role of middle management and what it involves, how it is perceived and what the middle managers think of the specific requirements for them and their leadership in organizations that provide services relating to people.  As a result of the analysis I have used the theory of social roles that describes the meaning of the different roles and Role conflicts that arise in connection with various and conflicting expectations. The review of the results shows that middle managers in human service organizations experience to have to deal with a complex leadership role.

Rollkonflikter inom IT-konsultföretag : En kvalitativ studie om hur interna rollkonflikter kan uppkomma, hanteras och förebyggas

Background/Problem: Since the IT-burst in 2000 it has been recession within IT-consultant firms (Sif 2004). The tendency is, however, changing slightly and IT-consultants firms are getting more assignments again (Arbetsmarknadsstyrelsen ? AMS, 2004). IT-consultants firms are however still related to stressed per-sonnel (Handelskammaren 2004; Hallstedt 2001). Another critical factor is the communication between management and workers.

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