

599 Uppsatser om Risks. - Sida 6 av 40

Inflation och Investeringar med Särskilt Fokus på Realränteobligationer

Title: Inflation and Investments, with Focus on Inflation-linked Bonds.Investors face many types of risks when allocating assets in a portfolio, e.g. volatility and inflation risk. Inflation risk will mainly affect investments in the long perspective. This thesis will examine those risks that an investor is commonly exposed to when allocating assets in a portfolio and in particular inflation-linked risk and how to eliminate it. We examine the correlation between different assets and inflation to determine the assets? ability to hedge inflation risk.

Flamskyddad textil Konservatorns problem?

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen ikulturvård15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2008:10GÖTEBORGS.

Kontaktpressningssystem : En studie av elsäkerhet

This work covers a broad analysis of the risks that could impact the achievement of electrical safety of electrical installations. The work includes both electrical equipment such as the installation of electrical equipment.The report illustrates the main technical characteristics of electrical connections greater than 10 mm2 and provides an introduction to the crimping systems for copper and aluminum conductors. In addition to that analyzes the factors that are important to assure the quality of an electrical connection throughout the value stream in terms of both materials such informations. Furthermore analyzed deeper the need for skills development of technicians and other staff.The different parts of this work are analyzed and presented, in theory to studies carried out both at Elpress AB and partly with the help of other scientific reports dealing with similar subjects. In addition, presents a survey that will help understanding the current perception of the electrical connections and cable crimping systems among end users.

Potentiellt förorenade områden i Ljungans avrinningsområde i Västernorrlands län : Finns det anledning att prioritera om arbetet med avseende på riskläget för översvämning, ras och skred?

Due to the climate change natural disasters expects to increase and in some areas the conditions for dissemination of hazardous pollutants from contaminated areas could be affected. Different inventories and mapping has been made to identify areas of risk for flood or avalanche around the country. At the same time inventory and treatment of potential polluted areas (MIFO objects) is progressing. In Ljungans run of area in Västernorrlands county is a exposed area due to the amount of clay and silt in the ground that are sensitive in the context avalanche. The area has also a lot of MIFO objects and risks of flood.This essay aims to investigate what data material that is available regarding MIFO objects, flood- and avalanche risks in Ljungans run of area in Västernorrlands county.

Riskhanteringens utmaning : En studie som identifierar svenska organisationers riskhantering avseende informationssäkerhet samt dess prioritering.

Background: Risk Management plays an important part of the enterprises strategic business activity. Efficient Risk Management will secure the businesses survival, assets and creates market advantages. The interest of information security has consequently gained in Swedish corporations. Corporations have realized the importance of the information which is stored in the IT systems. IT is the tool for businesses future progress and growth and therefore a source of Risks.

Utredning av potentiella hälsorisker i samband med slagg- och slaggvattenhantering vid Hedenverket, Karlstad

In this study potential health risks for employees in connection with handling of bottom ash and bottom ash water at a Municipal Waste Incineration (MWI) plant have been investigated. Air surrounding the bottom ash and the bottom ash water has been examined. MWI is one of the primary ways to manage solid household waste, and bottom ash is the main solid residue produced by the incineration process. Bottom ash constitutes about 15-20% of the original waste. The bottom ash is extinguished in a water bath (bottom ash water).The study was carried out in a MWI plant in Karlstad, Sweden.

Social ekonomi: Staten och det civila samhällets betydelse utifrån ett rättighetsperspektiv

The increasing significance of social economy as a concept is linked to general global processes such as the crisis of the welfare state, neoliberal globalization, anti-bureaucracy tendencies and decentralization, but also to a growing political interest in human rights and social development. In Sweden the idea of the social economy generates wide support within civil society as well as within the government and across party political boundaries. Furthermore, what is problematic in this context is the fact that the discussions on the subject tend to be relatively uncritical and often it seems as if though the expansion itself is the main objective. The emphasis on cooperation and the third sector in terms of welfare production implies a set of risks in relation to state responsibility, democracy and the autonomy of civil society. This paper aims to explore those risks and how they can be dealt with within the Swedish context..

Outsourcing - Ett alternativ att nå kostnadseffektiva lösningar

Background: outsourcing is one of the most obvious and continuous trends that has been able to study during the past ten years and also has had a strong development in the industry. What consequences will follow from an extended outsourcing? Purpose: the study?s overall purpose is to investigate what possibilities and risks that can be connected to an outsourcing decision and how the order of the service will handle the Risks. The study will also investigate what management philosophy that will be used and regulate the outsourcing relation and how the company?s strategy will affect the decision and how the process of outsourcing will look like.

Projektprioritering för teknikintensiva företag : Vad projektprioritering innebär på TranSiC

The purpose of this paper is to get a conception how prioritization and decision making works in technologically advanced companies. We wanted to understand how to administrate models and how to prioritize the best ideas and relate these to technologically advanced companies. How does the company make these decisions and who is responsible?We have chosen to observe TranSiC, a Swedish technologically advanced company that manufacture silicon carbide transistors. They currently have nine employees and mange 10-20 projects simultaneously, but are aiming to expand their business.

Vem fångar FISK:en?

In recent years, several scandals have been revealed where public employees been involved. Some researchers argue, moreover, that the NPM's rampage has led to an increase in the risk of corruption in public administration. The Regulation on Internal Control shall, according to the government, lead to adequate protection against corruption by analyzing and managing Risks. However, Riksrevisionen have criticized the authorities' protection against corruption to be too unstructured and unsystematic. In addition, they questioned whether the regulation really has significance in the work against corruption.

Med ryktet som insats: - En fallstudie i tre svenska storföretags ryktesarbete

The purpose of this thesis is to gain understanding of how companies proactively can manage their reputation. The thesis analyzes three multinational companies in Sweden and uses two theoretical approaches - the reputation risk view and the reputation strengthening view - to gain an overall perspective of how companies work with their reputation. It focuses on investigating which key areas of reputation risk the focal companies identify and how they manage the reputation risks within these areas. Moreover, it examines which stakeholders the companies believe are most critical from a reputation point of view and in what ways the companies work with strengthening their reputation among those stakeholders. In order to find a general approach, the thesis investigates the similarities and differences that exist between the respective companies in the study.


An organisation in Skåne, Miljösamverkan Skåne, presented a project in 2011 concerning food labeling. All municipalities in Skåne, audited certain products in several stores, in order to determine if they were labeled correctly according to law. Stores who produced their own food where also audited. As Swedes generally have an interest in buying and cooking food from different countries, the demand is increasing, which makes stores provide the customers with a large range of different products to accommodate the demand. This essay will discuss the results of the project and how incorrect food labeling can affect human health.

Entering a new market ? A model for evaluating a new commercial real estate market

The development for Skanska Commercial Development (SCD) during the last years has been positive on all markets and Skanska therefore plans on expanding their activity. Central and Eastern Europe has had a considerable economic development, what is assessed to continue during the next following years. Bucharest is one possible alternative in the CEE for a new establishment by SCD. However, the investigation before an entry is a process with many factors that need to be taken into consideration. There are today no models on how and what a developer as SCD should evaluate in terms of opportunities and risks on a possible new market.

Behövs det kommunala uppföljningsansvaret?: Tjänstemäns syn på uppföljningsansvaret och avhopp från gymnasieskolan i Helsingborgs kommun

The number of young people that graduate from upper secondary education has decreased while a growing number of young people are in an outside position in the sense that they neither work or study or have any other known occupation. In addition to this the labour market has gone trough changes, which has brought difficulties for some groups to establish themselves on to the labour market. One of the groups that have been affected by this is the young people. As an answer to the increasing number of young people in an outside position, a new law was introduced on the 1st of July 2005. The law is called (kommunala uppföljningsansvaret) and it stands for the municipality's responsibility to follow up on young people between the age of 16-19 years that is not enrolled in any upper secondary school and that does not have any other known occupation.The purpose of this essay has been to examine how the responsible administrations in Helsingborgs municipality view their responsibility to follow up young people between the ages of 16-19 years and the practical application of the law, and also if they can see any risks with not following up on young people in that age span.

Skiljer sig riskuppfattning och riskhantering mellan kvinnliga och manliga privata skogsägare? : en enkätundersökning bland privata skogsägare i Sverige

As a forest owner you always have to consider hazards and uncertainty when planning your forestry actions. The aim with this report is to test my hypothesis that there is an overall difference between men and women when it comes to perception, estimation and management of hazards/risks in forestry. I will look into if there are differences in how men and women estimate risks in production forestry from an economical point of view. The aim is also to look into if there are differences between male and female private forest owners, in how they perceive and manage hazards in connection with a possible climate change. To fulfil this aim, an inquiry survey was undertaken in three different areas of Sweden, two areas in the south and one in the north. But in this report I have evaluated the three areas as a whole.

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