

599 Uppsatser om Risks. - Sida 14 av 40

I globaliseringens vågrörelse; en etablering i Lycksele kommun.

This study describes how a larger investment by a private company in the northern interior can affect a municipality?s economy. The mobility to the municipality is expected to increase and some of the direct and indirect effects that this investment can implicate on their economy are discussed. The method for this study is qualitative. Interviews have been made with the initiative owner of the company LHG Learning Center and with civil servants in the municipality of Lycksele. The conclusions drawn in this study are that the establishment of LHG Learning Centers in Lycksele will include both opportunities and risks for the municipality?s future.

Kommunikationens betydelse vid implementeringsprocesser

Discussions started on how to handle liquidity problems crises in credit institutions and investment with the financial in 2008 as a research background. This led to the establishment of a new legislation regarding the current managing of liquidity risks which involves major changes in organizations. The changes will address the problems on how a successful implementation work could be completed and what is required of the organizations. Good communication is essential in order to have a successful changing process when everything an organization undergoes requires clear and ongoing communication.The purpose of this paper was to examine if Organization X application communications to the same extent as a deployment model shows. Organization X was the company we chose to investigate as they are one of many banks that are facing the upcoming change.Communication Concepts such as understanding, dialogue, discussion, open mindness, transparency and participation, have been key words during our work.

Nutritionens betydelse för akut traumatiskt hjärnskadade patienter

The aim of the literature review was to illuminate the importance of nutritional management to patients who have sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and describe nurses responsibility and meaningful function in the nutritional support. TBI patients tend to be associated with hypermetabolism and hypercatabolism, resulting in negative nitrogen balances. The results reveal increased energy expenditure and assessments of needs energy requirements at the TBI patients. This study determining the route of feeding: enteral versus parenteral nutrition. Furthermore describes complications associated with enteral feeding.

Medvetenhet om risker och konsekvenser med dataspelande bland ungdomar

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att belysa problematiken kring dataspelsberoende och ta reda på hur unga män (killar) förhåller sig till detta. Vi ville ta reda på hur de ser på risken för att bli beroende på ett negativt sätt av att spela dataspel. Ser killarna det som ett allvarligt problem och har de några strategier för att inte påverkas negativt. Studien genomfördes i form av intervjuer i två fokusgrupper som bestod av fyra killar i varje grupp. Som grundläggande material för arbetet valde vi att använda oss av teorier om modernisering, stämpling, hyperverklighet och neutralisation.

Att skriva sig till läsning : Möjligheter och begränsningar ur ett pedagogiskt perspektiv

This thesis intends to analyse conditions for a successful implementation of consociational democracy, as a democratic model in Afghanistan. The lack of critical reviews regarding the democratisation-process in Afghanistan initiated the purpose of this study.Lijpharts democracy model was used as the basis in the comparative study. Along with empirical evidence regarding how the complex process of democracy in Afghanistan is progressing, the study investigated whether the identified conditions occurred or not.The choice of which democracy model to use can be crucial for the democratic possibilities to even survive and become established in conflict-affected communities. The principle of consociational democracy is that it is an empirically based normative model that aims to organise the state in a way that works against the risks of majority domination and oppression against the minority.The empirical case study revealed that a majority of the conditions were not met, which then can counteract the possibilities for consociational democracy in Afghanistan. The study has critically examined the prospects for the success of consociational democracy in Afghanistan, and it can be assessed that there is a limited probability for a successful applying of this model..

Hunden-människans bästa arbetskamrat? : En kvalitativ studie om hundens inverkan på arbetsmiljön

The study examines the meaning of having a dog in the workplace of personnel who work with therapy. The purpose was to examine the personnel?s view of dogs in their work envi-ronment. The study uses two theories. One is ?psychosocial work environment? and the other theory used is ?symbolic interactionism?.

Marknadsföring av en god sak : Marknadsföringens karaktär inom insamlingsbranschen

This study will focus on the fund raising market and what characteristics that can be found in marketing in this market. The donations to fund raising organizations has increased lately and therefore we found it interesting to study how their marketing has developed over time and what risks that can be found. When talking about marketing in fund raising organizations it?s difficult to not include the donors. Therefore have we also studied what value creates for the donors and how the organizations work to gain their trust.

Anhörig, den osynliga kraften. : En studie om hur det är att vara partner till en person i en depression och/eller med bipolär sjukdom.

This study aims to examine how social workers, in the Swedish social services, perceive and interpret LVU § 3 from a gender perspective. In total eight social workers participated in the study, attending interviews based on a vignette. From a gender perspective we wanted to found out how the social workers define "other socially destructive behaviour" and understand their thoughts about this subject. Moreover, we aimed to see if social workers perceive any differences between boys and girls behaviour. Based on several theories, two gender theories and concepts we have analysed our result from the interviews.

Avloppsrening med relining.

There are many elderly buildings, particularly those constructed during the million program, in need of renovations and plumbing replacement. An alternative to the traditional plumbing replacement is the relatively new and untested technique called relining. The purpose of the study is to thoroughly investigate the different types of relining that are currently available on the market to help enhance Peab?s knowledge before purchasing relining services. The theoretical part of this report is based on relevant information provided from companies, previous studies, investigations and reports within the area.

Det stormar i öster - en prognos över Turkiets EU-kandidatur

Turkey has taken part in regular negotiations to gain membership in the EU since 2005. At the same time is Turkey a candidate that stands out from those of earlier rounds of enlargement, and its possible membership got both supporters and critics amongst the Unions member countries. The aim of this thesis is to, trough a textual analysis, investigate the prospects and obstacles Turkeys candidature faces. The material consists of documents from a number of think tanks connected to the European Commission, as well as the Commissions own documents regarding Turkeys negotiations.A recurring picture is that Turkey is treated differently then earlier candidates, and that the Commission has a hard time keeping an unambiguous line in its negotiation frame. The material of the think tanks attributes the public opinions distrust of the member countries of EU as a hindrance, and Turkeys meddling in the conflict on Cyprus is problemized.

Hur framställs hälsa i media? : En diskursanalys av Aftonbladet, Tara och Iform.

Health and fitness are two controversial and not easily defined topics that affect people in our modern society every day. We believe that we can find a link between individualism, globalization and the stress concerning weight and appearance ideals. Our bodies have turned into a popular subject for the media, and there is no indication that the interest will decline. As the world gets more artificial, "natural" ideals are getting more attention, such as the concept of a strong and healthy body. But there is also a downside, for example with health issues such as cardiovascular disease increasing following the birth of high-fat diets.

Afghanistans demokratiseringsprocess : En kvalitativ fallstudie om förutsättningarna för att lyckas med konsociationell demokrati i ett av världens fattigaste länder.

This thesis intends to analyse conditions for a successful implementation of consociational democracy, as a democratic model in Afghanistan. The lack of critical reviews regarding the democratisation-process in Afghanistan initiated the purpose of this study.Lijpharts democracy model was used as the basis in the comparative study. Along with empirical evidence regarding how the complex process of democracy in Afghanistan is progressing, the study investigated whether the identified conditions occurred or not.The choice of which democracy model to use can be crucial for the democratic possibilities to even survive and become established in conflict-affected communities. The principle of consociational democracy is that it is an empirically based normative model that aims to organise the state in a way that works against the risks of majority domination and oppression against the minority.The empirical case study revealed that a majority of the conditions were not met, which then can counteract the possibilities for consociational democracy in Afghanistan. The study has critically examined the prospects for the success of consociational democracy in Afghanistan, and it can be assessed that there is a limited probability for a successful applying of this model..

Vilka attityder unga män och kvinnor på gym har till dopning och kosttillskott : En enkätundersökning i Gästrikland

The aim of this study was to investigate which attitudes young men and women at gym have to doping and supplements in Gästrikland. Method: This study is based on a cross sectional study design where a quantitative approach was used by 60 questionnaires which were distributed at different gyms in Gästrikland. Result: It was found that the majority had a relative negative attitude to doping, those who used supplements had a slightly more positive attitude to some of the statements compared with those who did not use supplements. Overall, the results showed a positive attitude to supplements. Compared with previous studies, it was found in the study that a smaller proportion didn?t agree that it is up to each one to use doping substances.

Sociala mediers påverkan på ungdomars hälsa

In the age group 16-25 years, the Internet is the most powerful source of information. This age group is also the main user of social media. The purpose of this study was to investigate young people's experience of social media and any associations between social media and adolescents health by answering the questions: ?how does young people use social media?, ?what risks can occur in young people's use of social media? and ?how can social media influence young people's lifestyles?. The survey was conducted by a quantitative cross-sectional study using questionnaires.

Inte som i Gökboet : sjuksköterskors beskrivningar av omvårdnadsprocessen inom den rättspsykiatriska vården : en kvalitativ studie

Forensic psyhiatric care protects the society by giving patients care to diminish risks of serious crimes. In their work the nurses use different care methods to help and support the patient in managing his or her life situation. To clarify how a group of nurses describe the nursing process in forensic psychiatric care. A qualitative study based on interviews. Six nurses were interviewed about their work in four different forensic psychiatric care units.

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