

5396 Uppsatser om Risk preference - Sida 3 av 360

Businessclass.se - En trollbindande marknadsföringshybrid? : En trollbindande marknadsföringshybrid?

The purpose of the study is to examine the difference in attracting advertisers to marketing hybrids versus general internet forums, this based on selected theories and advertisers' preference for our case study object, the marketing hybrid, businessclass.se..

Riskanalys av järnvägen genom centrala Halmstad

The purpose of this risk analysis is to investigate if the transport of dangerous gods through Halmstad is a threat to the surrounding area. The report shall serve as a component in the making of pre-plans and the planning of exercises..

Risk eller Resurs: En studie av hur riskbegreppet konstrueras i den svenska kärnkraftsdebatten

Looking at the debate on nuclear power in Sweden, the issue of risk is central to understanding the difficulties in resolving differences between proponents and opponents. I sought to answer the research question: "how is the concept of risk constructed in the nuclear power debate in Sweden?" Four main aspects of risk construction were defined and investigated to identify differences between sides in the debate. Through a qualitative study of the debate and its actors I found clear differences in respect to all four aspects of risk construction. First, the perception of nuclear power as a "normal risk" is common among nuclear opponents in contrast to a largely probabilistic view among proponents.

Icke förnyelsebara risker : Svenska gruvbolags riskhantering av en eventuell framtida metallbrist

A major issue that has been a subject for quite some time is whether there will be a scarcity of metals in the bedrock in the future and whether or not we might end up with a problem similar to that of the big oil crisis in the mid-seventies. Following the oil crisis many oil companies started up with risk management to control future risks. This work presents how Swedish mining companies work with risk management to handle risks that might come up in the future due to metal scarceness. How Swedish mining companies look at the possible metal scarceness and if they use risk management in their decision-making process is studied. By doing interviews with Swedish owned mining companies it was found that the mining companies did not see the future metal scarcity as a risk, even though 2/3 of the companies acknowledged the scarceness to be a reality.

Risk analysis and a study of risk awareness and risk communication at LEAF Gävle concerning dust explosions

The purpose of this report is to study the risk of dust explosions at the candy manufacturing plant Leaf Sverige in Gävle, Sweden. The risk analysis was conducted with a preliminary hazard analysis, PHA and event trees. The analysis focuses only on the risk posed to employees and material damages at the plant. No third person injuries have been considered. Another purpose of this report is to study risk awareness and risk communication concerning dust explosions.

Hur skapas en effektiv riskhantering? : En studie av telekomoperatörer

Background: As companies are operating in more globally and complex environments, the need for risk control is accelerating. In an ever-changing environment, companies cannot merely focus on traditional risks, which include financial and insurable risks. To maintain competitiveness, companies need to extend their risk management to include all risks, traditional as well as operational and strategic risks. Purpose: The purpose is to describe and position risk management for Telecom operators, in comparison with the risk management literature, with regards to structure, processes, learning process, visions and benefits. In addition, our aim is to link risk management perspectives with the different strategies for knowledge management.

Motiverad för riskmedvetenhet? En studie om stadsarkitekterna i Dalarnas läns medvetenhet om, motivation för och arbete med risker vid fysisk planering.

The purpose of this study is to examine how risk is perceived by the urban architect's in the region Dalarna, as well as how this is reflected in their everyday work with risk and decision- making according to urban planning. The ambition is also to show how their risk awareness could be improved. The study is written in cooperation with Länsstyrelsen Dalarna as a part of their regional long-term goal to improve the region's proactive risk' and crisis management. The study is based upon 12 semi-structured interviews with local urban architects conducted during the summer and autumn 2007. The result shows that some architects are motivated for working with risk and think that risk awareness should be integrated in their everyday work, while others are not motivated and think that risk is more of a passing trend.

Direktinvesteringar och risk : Finns ett samband?

Beslut om och var man ska genomföra en direktinvestering grundar sig på en rad faktorer. En av dessa är den risk som är förknippad med investeringen. Den här uppsatsen tar upp risk i form av volatilitet dels på aktiemarknader men också för växelkurser. Med utgångspunkt från två teorier där den ena säger att hög risk är förenat med en lägre nivå av direktinvesteringar samt en motsatt som istället menar att hög risk leder till en högre direktinvesteringsnivå undersöker jag situationen för USA och Sverige. Genom att undersöka just dessa länders marknader får man en bild av ekonomins storleks betydelse för huruvida risken påverkar direktinvesteringar eller inte.

Projektrisk : en studie av svenska bygg- och anläggningsföretag

Background: Today businesses are largely structured in projects and temporary organizations. In many companies, the ability to pursue projects is decisive for the business efficiency and competitiveness. The risk literature do not discuss identification and handling ofproject risk in building- and construction companies to a large extent, which has led us to investigate how project risk can be treated and handled in Swedish building- and construction companies. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to cover and describe business risk in Swedish building- and construction projects with focus on different risks and risk tools, and also to modify a model for evaluating the business risk maturity. Realization: This thesis has both traces of a case study and a cross-section study and examines eight different companies that are active in the building- and construction business.

Varumärkesvärdering : en studie om psykologiska egenskapers inverkan på en varumärkesvärdering.

Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva samband av revisorns bakomliggande psykologiska egenskapers påverkan vid värderingen av ett företags varumärke.Metod: Studien utgår ifrån en positivistisk vetenskapssyn där en kvantitativ ansats används.Teoretiskt perspektiv: Uppsatsens teoretiska kapitel utgår ifrån teorier om psykologiska variabler. De psykologiska variabler som i uppsatsen används är femfaktor-teorin samt riskbenägenhet.Empiri: Det empiriska materialet som används i denna studie är insamlat med hjälp av ett modellföretag samt en kompletterande enkät.Resultat: Studien i denna uppsats har visat att inga samband finns mellan revisorns psykologiska egenskaper samt dennes värdering av ett varumärke. Detta berör både faktorerna i femfaktor-teorin samt riskbenägenhet. Ett eventuellt samband finns mellan variablen agreeableness och varumärkesvärderingen,men då signifikans ej finns för hela modellen är det inget som statistiskt kan säkerställas..

Commodity Risk Exposure in the Forestry and Paper Industry

We aim to investigate the risk exposure against commodity prices in the forestry and paper industry. The intension is also to study the affect that the changes in commodity prices has on a company?s market value..

Nöjda kunder med risken i fokus : En studie i hur finansiell risk bör förmedlas

During the last decades major changes has occurred at the financial markets, meaning an increasing supply and a greater variation of financial instruments. The saving habits of the Swedish people have gone from traditional bank deposits to investments in equities, funds and bonds. All this together with the great rise in the stock market at the late 90?s has brought words like risk and return up-to-date, and is the background to the development of a new law concerning financial advising which come into force the 1th of July 2004. The contents of the thesis can be described as three bricks, representing the survey questions.

Riskbedömning och naturligt producerade dioxiner

The highly toxic man-made substance referred to as dioxin (polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs)) causes severe health damages both to humans and other organisms, with lethality as its worst. Because of the toxicity several risk assessments has been performed on dioxins trying to determine at what concentration there are no risk of exposure. Resent years of research has discovered that these substances are not only anthropogenically but also producedin natural processes, like volcanoes and forest fires. To investigate if there is a need to take these naturally formed dioxins into account in the risk assessment processes, interviews with persons at relevant institutions in Sweden has been made. Analyses of existing risk assessment methods and political documents were also made to complete the picture.

Plötslig spädbarnsdöd, ett känsligt ämne : En litteraturöversikt om risker, förebyggande åtgärder och sjuksköterskans roll vid SIDS

Background:The sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has always existed. In the early 1990's, researchers discovered that prone position was associated with a significantly higher risk for SIDS. This resulted in a lowered incidence of SIDS in the world. The campaign showed the value of risk knowledge and risk reducing methods, that's why new information campaigns about other risks regarding SIDS must occur.Aim:The aim was to describe the risk factors and preventive actions for SIDS, and the nurse's role regarding the preventive work. Method: A literature review based on 16 articles based on qualitative and quantitative studies.

Riskhantering i vägprojekt : Effekt, nytta och förbättringar

The aim with this thesis is to study the risk management in construction projects at the Swedish Road Administration, SRA. Furthermore, the aim is to find the effects of the risk management. The theorem of this thesis is that the positive effects of the risk management in construction projects create additional value to the project. These additional values are that the project itself becomes resilient and that the project goals are achieved without any significant disturbances.This thesis shows that the risk management in construction projects do not follow the guidelines set out by the SRA. This is due to a lack of education in the method and a difficult method all together.

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