

5299 Uppsatser om Risk of undernutrition - Sida 27 av 354

Attitudes towards hedging by diversified and non-diversified farmers : a comparative qualitative study

Deregulation on the market for agricultural products leads to a more globalised market with increasing price fluctuations. This, in turn, places the farmer in positions influenced by new risks but also improved opportunities. The farmers are faced by uncertainty in terms of financial outcome. To be able to utilise these new market conditions it becomes increasingly important for farmers to continuously follow the price trend, and to develop strategies how to manage the risks exposed by a volatile market. Farmers with different conditions perceive risk in different ways. Hence, their risk management behaviour will vary.

Socialtjänstens barnskyddsarbete En studie av socialsekreterares riskbedömningar avseende barn som utsätts för våld eller sexuella övergrepp i hemmet.

The overall aim was to examine how the public interest to protect children from violence and sexual abuse at home, is realized by social workers. The study´s central focus was the risk assessments as Social services are obliged to do when they receive a report containing concern that children are being exposed to violence or sexual abuse at home. The study addresses the following questions:o How do social workers go about practically, and what support and knowledge is being used to determine whether the Social services need to intervene for the protection of a child?o What risk and protective factors are taken into account by social workers in the assessment process?o What contextual factors do social workers experience are affecting them in the assessment process?o Which support does the documentation system BBIC provide in the assessment process?The study material was collected through qualitative group interviews, with a modified vignette methodology as tools. The study included a total of twelve social workers, with varying numbers in each interview group.

Hedgefonder : Hur kan dess risker och möjligheter förmedlas

We have in this essay studied the Swedish Hedge Fund Market available for the average Swedish private investor. We have closely looked at the risk measurements that are applicable on the evaluation of Hedge Funds today, and furthermore studied how they are communicated and what they actually contribute with in terms of risk and yield. Our survey attempts to clarify the shortcomings in the communication between the Hedge Fund Managers and their smaller investors. Do they really know where they put their money? The market is rapidly expanding and our goal was to find improved ways to inform about the Hedge Funds risks and opportunities.

Kan företag genom sin redovisningsinformation påverka volatiliteten i aktiekursen?: en studie av sambandet mellan informationskvalitet och risk

The purpose of this paper was to examine the potential presence of a relationship between the quality of corporate financial disclosure and the volatility in stock price in the Swedish market. This was carried out by investigating the hypothesis that an accurate annual report with high information quality results in a decrease in volatility. Previous studies have been done with this approach and in some cases the above stated hypothesis was found to be true. Thus, in the absence of a perfect efficient market the level of information quality may to some extent explain the volatility in stock price. However, the result of our study gave no evidence in support of this hypothesis.

Kapitalförvaltarnas arbetsmetodik vid förvaltandet av den diskretionära potföljen

Background: The devolopment in the exchange market has attract a large number of investors. The information flow is extensive and it might be hard to follow the dynamic market. Some investors therefore choose to place their capital in a stock portfolio which is manged by a professional firm with no influence from the capital owner, this management is called discretionary managing. Purpose: the purpose of the thesis is to examine the working methods and the rationality regarding the management of the discretionary portfolios. The purpose is also to try to examine whether there is a relation between the selected risk, return and fees.

En jämförande studie av fluiddynamiken för olika fluidiseringsmedium i en kallmodell av en 100 kW-anläggning för kemcyklisk förbränning

To reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologieshave been developed. Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is a CO2 capture technologywith the CCS framework, and at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg,Sweden, a 100 kW chemical looping combustor has been built.This project aimed to investigate to what degree air can replace helium as the uidizinggas for uid dynamical studies in a CLC cold ow model of the above mentioned 100 kWfacility. Experiments were performed using air and helium separately as uidizing gas andpressure data were obtained, which formed the basis for the comparison. The project alsoaimed to investigate uid dynamics in the uidized bed and study when the risk of sluggingoccuring was greatest. The results were presented in the form of figures and tables dividedinto pressure, concentration and standard deviation of the pressure.The results obtained showed that air as uidizing gas did not create the same uid dynamicsas helium over the entire fuel reactor.

Asymmetrisk information, moral hazard och riskhantering ? för Venture Capital-bolag

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka ?venture capital?-branschen och hur omfattande problemen med asymmetrisk information och ?moral hazard? är samt hur risk hanteras. Syftet är också att arbeta fram en hypotes för framtida kvantitativ forskning. Ansats/metod: Med en deduktiv ansats har en kvalitativ studie genomförts. Datainsamling av empirisk primärdata har skett genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Teoretisk referensram: Det teoretiska kapitlet tar upp grundläggande teorier kring asymmetrisk information, ?moral hazard?, ?agency costs? och riskhantering.

Riskbedömningsmodeller. Kan användandet minska frekvensen av postoperativt illamående och kräkning?

Inledning Postoperativt illamående och kräkning är ett välkänt problem efter sövning medgenerell anestesi och drabbar mellan 20 % och 30 % av alla patienter som blir sövda. För attminska de obehag och lidande som illamående och kräkning kan ge den postoperativapatienten vore det optimala att profylaktiskt behandla de patienter som löper en stor risk attdrabbas av postoperativt illamående och kräkning. För att avgöra hur hög risk patienten har attdrabbas av postoperativt illamående och kräkning beskrivs i litteraturen ett flertalriskbedömningsmodeller som sjuksköterskan kan använda sig av. Syfte att granska omanvändandet av en riskbedömningsmodell kan minska frekvensen av postoperativt illamåendeoch kräkning hos patienter som erhållit generell anestesi. Metod Litteraturstudie.

Påverkar BMI vårdinsatser vid risk för undernäring?

SammanfattningDet har tidigare visats att överviktiga patienter riskerar att bli förbisedda i screening för undernäring och att vårdpersonal har negativa uppfattningar om överviktiga individer. Det har även visats att överviktiga själva upplever att de behandlas sämre än andra. Men trots hög förekomst av undernäring bland sjukhusvårdade patienter har få studier utforskat om patienter med risk för undernäring får olika vårdinsatser beroende på deras BMI. Således är syftet med denna uppsats att undersöka om vårdinsatser vid identifierad risk för undernäring i någon utsträckning är beroende av patientens BMI.Datamaterialet kommer från en retrospektiv tvärsnittsstudie baserad på genomgång av 56 journaler för vuxna patienter med risk för undernäring, inlagda på somatisk vårdavdelning på tre svenska sjukhus. Denna studie undersöker möjliga skillnader beroende på patients BMI för förekomsten av 1) bedömning av mun och sväljförmåga, 2) kostregistrering, 3) dietistkonsultation, samt 4) kostanpassning.I detta begränsade urval finns inga sådana skillnader som uppfyller kraven på statistisk signifikans, men analysen påvisar några tendenser i datamaterialet som antyder att patienter kanske behandlas olika med avseende på BMI.

Specialistsjuksk?terskors erfarenhet av att identifiera ?ldre personer med risk f?r suicid utanf?r den psykiatriska specialistv?rden

Bakgrund: Personer ?ver 65 ?r utg?r 17 procent av befolkningen, men de svarar f?r 25 procent av all suicid, vilket g?r gruppen ?verrepresenterad. Suicid f?rekommer i alla samh?llsklasser och ?r ett folkh?lsoproblem. P? varje fullbordat suicid genomf?rs cirka 30?40 suicidf?rs?k hos den yngre befolkningen.

Valet och kvalet kring kapitalstrukturen : om kognitionens inverkan på finansieringspolitiken

Background: A company?s choice of capital structure is influenced by the access to internal and external capital but also by the opportunities and threats that the management perceives in the environment and the management?s attitude towards risk. How an individual perceives and interpret the environment depends on the cognitive structures, which are shaped by personality, background and earlier experiences. Accordingly cognitive structures can be expected to influence the choice of capital structure. Purpose: Out of a cognitive perspective we intend to study the relationship between the way a company views it?s environment and what capital structure it chooses to have, in order to contribute to an increased understanding about what lies behind a company?s capital structure policy.

Metabola syndromet kopplat till fysisk aktivitet och konditionsstatus

Abstract  The development and onset of diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and Type 2 diabetes are closely linked to genetics and lifestyle factors including physical activity and diet. A cluster of metabolic disorders called the metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a high-risk factor in developing these diseases. Acording to the International diabetes institute, one fourth of the worlds adult population has MetS. These individuals are twice as likely to die from CVDs compared to individuals without MetS. Physical activity (PA) and exercise has been shown to provide a number of positive effects that are considered to reduce the risk of developing sickness and premature mortality among both men and women of all ages, independent of other risk factors.

Laryngospasm hos barn : riskfaktorer i samband med generell anestesi

Laryngospasm a?r ett livshotande tillsta?nd hos barn som kan uppkomma i samband med generell anestesi. Hantering av luftva?gen a?r den mest riskfyllda momentet inom barnanestesi. Syftet med studien var att underso?ka vilka riskfaktorer fo?r laryngospasm som finns hos barn vid generell anestesi.

Finansiella nyckeltalens samspel som investeringsstrategi : En kombinationsmodell för att uppnå riskjusterad överavkastning

This study is based on a statistical analysis of fundamental key ratios on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during the period 2004-2012. In total 35 financial ratios of 90 companies were tested, ultimately five ratios remained within the 5% significance level. These ratios were ROA, P/B, Total Yield, EV/EBIT and Operating Margin. A custom made investment model was created based on the purpose to achieve a risk-adjusted excess return. The results in general did not show any significant difference in return between the model's portfolio and index.

?Utan spaning, ingen aning? : en kvalitativ fallstudie på Svenska Tennisförbundet utifrån en Risk management-modell

Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet med uppsatsen var att explorativt kartlägga de eventuella risker som kan drabba Svenska Tennisförbundet utifrån en Risk management-modell. Kartläggningen gjordes för att undersöka om det var ett arbetssätt de kan tillämpa. De frågeställningar som vi utgick ifrån var: På vilket sätt kan vi anpassa en befintlig Risk management-modell till Svenska Tennisförbundets verksamhet samt vilka risker finns inom Svenska Tennisförbundets verksamhet?MetodEmpirin till vår kvalitativa fallstudie insamlades via sex personliga djupintervjuer, en e-mailintervju, ett samtal samt sekundär data. Det metodiska angreppssättet utgick ifrån en befintlig teori som vi önskade testa på en existerande verksamhet.

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