

21883 Uppsatser om Risk information - Sida 10 av 1459

Risk Management for commodity consumers -A study of the Airline industry-

The aim of this study is two folded. We wish to investigate if there is a value premium from hedging jet fuel exposure for American and European airlines. We also seek to answer if airlines can affect their probability to default by using Risk Management. During the period 2003 ? 2006 there existed a value premium for airlines that hedged their expected future consumption of jet fuel.

Föräldrars erfarenheter av att leva med barn med födoämnesallergi med särskilt fokus på anafylaxi/Parents experiences of living with children who has food allergy with special focus on anaphylaxis

Background: When a child is diagnosed with food allergy with risk of anaphylaxis, it affects the whole family. The child must learn to live with a chronicle disease and learn the importance of avoiding the specific allergens that may cause a life-threatening condition. The parents must adapt to a way of life with limitations in the everyday life as well as a constant concern for the child. They must learn to handle an auto-injector and to recognize symptoms of a coming anaphylaxis. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe parent?s experiences of living with children who has foodallergy with special focus on anaphylaxis.

Barriers to convert to organic farming and the role of risk : an empirical application on Swedish data

To understand the motives, and perhaps more importantly the barriers, for farmers to convert from conventional to organic farming is of great interest for policy makers as well as for academics. In Sweden and in other EU countries, proposed targets of the area in organic farmland have failed to be reached in spite of different kinds of policy measures. Most studies agree that the average profitability seems to be comparable to or better in organic than in conventional farming. This would indicate that there must be other factors of importance which can explain the low particiapation rate. A higher perceived risk in organic farming with respect to yield and price is frequently brought up as a potential explanation within a qualitative framework.

Förtroendeproblematik för privata pensionsförsäkringar i Ryssland

The first aim of the thesis is to analyse the problems of trust, according to game theory, in the Russian market for private pensions insurance. The second aim is to find suitable strategies to solve the problems. Problems of trust have arisen because, (i) buyers of insurance have had negative experiences when dealing with insurance companies and corruption has decreased trust for all players in the market, (ii) incomplete information makes it difficult to separate honest actors from dishonest, and (iii) dishonest insurance companies do not get punished because of corruption and weaknesses in the law. Mutual risk-sharing is a potential solution as necessary conditions already exist in the Russian society. There are groups who (i) share the same type of risks, (ii) are aware of moral hazards, and (iii) are able to control each other.

Det Intellektuella kapitalets påverkan på aktievärdet

Titel: Det Intellektuella kapitalets påverkan på aktievärdet Seminariedatum: 2008-01-15 Ämne/Kurs: FEKP01 Magisteruppsats, 15 ects Författare: Cecilia Englén Sofia Wikstrand Handledare: Leif Edvinsson Christer Kedström Nyckelord: bokfört värde, marknadsvärde, tillväxt, förnyelse, risk, förtroende förväntningar Syfte: Vi ämnar med uppsatsen att utifrån ett antal faktorer analysera hur företag informerar om sitt Intellektuella kapital. Metod: Undersökningen i denna uppsats bygger på tre ?pelare? i form av tre informationskällor. Informationskällorna är börsanalytikers principer, bolagsanalyser och bokslutsanalyser. I den första delen har vi använt oss av intervjuer, och i de övriga delarna har vi granskat tre bolag som är listade på Stockholmsbörsen.

Lantbrukarens inställning och medvetenhet kring prissäkring

Among farmers in Sweden hedging of product prices is a relatively new way of thinking. A deregulated market and a more volatile price picture are consequences of the free market and the movements towards globalization. The effects of globalization are largely a demand- and supply driven market. These factors give the farmers incentives to stay informed and to act on their own in order to manage their price risk exposure.The overall purpose with this study is to analyze the farmers? attitudes and awareness of price hedging and to examine what type of decision processes that characterize hedging decisions.The study covers the period 2006 until 2008 and the crops oil seeds, barley (malt), milling wheat, feed wheat, oats and feed oats.

Riskhantering i projekt : Modell för uppföljning

In April 2010 Vägverket (the Swedish National Road Agency) andBanverket (the Swedish National Railway Agency) will merge intoTrafikverket (the Swedish National Traffic Agency). Trafikverket willassume unified responsibility for the risk management that atpresent is responsibility of Vägverket and Banverket separately. Atpresent, as it will be shown in this thesis, Vägverket and Banverketshare the same theoretical background for risk management but usedifferent implementations often within the same agency. The use ofdifferent implementations results in a reduced transparency of therisk management both within and outside the agencies: this willbecome even more problematic when they will be fused intoTrafikverket.The aim of this thesis is to review the current risk managementmethodologies used at Vägverket and Banverket and to suggest aunified tool for the risk management at Trafikverket. This will bedone by focusing in particular on construction projects, one fromVägverket (Partihallsförbindelsen) and one from Banverket(Nynäsbanan).

Storbankernas Fondbolag eller de mindre fondbolagen? : En jämförelsestudie med hjälp av Morningstar

SammanfattningProblem: Det har skett stora förändringar i svenska privatpersoners fondsparande de senaste åren. Finns det skillnader i lönsamhet mellan Storbankernas fondbolags fonder och de mindre fondbolagens fonder? Tar fondbolagen olika stora risker och leder de alltid till en högre avkastning? Skiljer sig förvaltningsavgifterna åt mellan fondbolagen? Jämfört med benchmark, har fonderna presterat olika i de olika fondbolagen?Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att jämföra de Svenska Storbankernas fondbolags fonders prestation med Bancos och Kaupthings fonders prestation, genom att ställa fondernas avkastning i relation till dess risker och avgifter.Metod: Uppsatsen består av en deskriptiv kvalitativ undersökning med ett subjektivt urval. Vi använder oss av sekundärdata för att samla in information om de olika fondbolagens fonders utveckling när det gäller avkastning och risk.Referensram: I referensramen presenteras de olika riskmåtten och de riskjusterande måtten som används i denna uppsats. Portföljteorin och CAPM presenteras i detta avsnitt.Slutsats: Syftet med uppsatsen var att jämföra Storbankernas fondbolag med de mindre fondbolagen för att se om det fanns några uppenbara skillnader i deras avkastning i förhållande till dess risk.

Gränsöverskridande företagsförvärv : En event study av systematisk risk

Internationaliseringen har ökat under de senaste åren, och företag väljer att lägga delar av verksamheten utomlands. Tidigare forskning undersöker sambandet mellan denna diversifiering och dess konsekvenser för företagen. Gränsöverskridande diversifiering och företagsförvärv bör enligt tidigare forskning ge en lägre systematisk risk då risken sprids ut över flera marknader.Syftet med studien är att se om tidigare forsknings resultat går att tillämpa idag när svenska företag gör gränsöverskridande företagsförvärv. Vi har valt att applicera en event study-metodik för att undersöka detta samband enligt marknadsmodellen. Studien undersöker 66 svenska fall av gränsöverskridande företagsförvärv, gjorda under perioden 2005 ? 2007.Resultatet visar att tidigare empiri, att företagen skulle ha lägre systematisk risk efter ett gränsöverskridande företagsförvärv, inte går att tillämpa idag på de svenska företagen.

Riskkapitalbolags inverkan på risk för finansiell kris i portföljbolag: En studie av 53 transaktioner i tillverkningsindustrin

The aim of this small thesis is to investigate if the probability of business failure is higher at the time of divestment than at the time of acquisition for portfolio companies that have been subject to private equity ownership. The background for this thesis is the widespread critique aimed at private equity firms, claiming that they increase the risk in their portfolio companies. We have performed a study of 53 buyout transactions, involving Swedish manufacturing companies, covering a time span of 13 years, from 1995 to 2007. We find evidence of an increased risk of business failure for the portfolio companies with a short forecasting horizon (within one year). The absolute increase in the sample is however small.

Ett barns behov av akut skydd : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens omedelbara skyddsbedömningar

The thesis had its starting point in the first paragraph of the eleventh chapter in the Swedish social services act, which discusses the immediate risk assessments that has to be made when the social services receive a report about a child. The thesis highlights an area that has received a lot of attention in media since the spring of 2014, when an eight year old girl was fatally abused by her legal guardians. The social services had at the time received a report about the girl but it was left unread. This tragic case has brought attention to the routines used by the social services for dealing with reports and risk assessments. This thesis was conducted through individual interviews with social workers working with children and families in the social services, with the aim to acquire an enhanced understanding of how social workers perform immediate risk assessments and what these assessments are based on.

Klassificering av processutrustning - en grund för riskbaserat underhåll

In this report a systematic working procedure for risk classification of processing equipment from a maintenance point of view is described. How this system has been worked out is also an important part of the report. The classification system is adapted for use in complex processing plants. Preemraff Göteborg has been subject for the underlying study and application of the system.The system aims to give a good overview of the maintenance related risks at the plant. Furthermore, the analysis result is a good motivation for the suggested maintenance activities and as motivation for extended or decreased maintenance resources in total.

Vem kliar min rygg? : En studie av företagares uppfattning om personliga nätverk

AbstractPeople and organizations that network with one another have during the past decades, at a larger extent than before, replaced classical hierarchies. These networks have become increasingly important, as the globalisation has amplified the pressure for focused and flexibleorganizations. There is a risk of restraining the inventiveness of the firm and force customers and suppliers into cooperation by a too great commitment and dedication to the network. There are two sides to every penny, positive and negative aspects of networking.Concerning the negative approach to networking, there is relatively little theory present. The theory is regarded an emerging theory.

Risk och avkastning för tre portföljer på Stockholmsbörsen 2006-2010

Analys av portföljer, sammansatta av hög-, mellan- och lågrisk aktier..

Analys av bortfall i en uppföljningsundersökning av hälsa

The LSH-study started in 2003 at the department of Health and Society at the University of Linköping. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between life condition, stress and health. A total of 1007 people from ten different health centres in Östergötlands län participated. At the follow up, a couple of years later, 795 of the 1007 participated. 127 of the 212 in the attrition turned down the follow up, twelve people were not invited (for example in case of death) and the rest did not respond at all.

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