

5334 Uppsatser om Risk Premium - Sida 2 av 356

Estimering av kapitalkostnad för onoterade företag

The cost of capital for traded companies is basically assessed on information from thefinancial market. Small and non-traded companies are lack of this necessary financialmarket information in order to determine an appropriate equity Risk Premium and tocompute the cost of capital.In the absence of financial information necessary for an external investor, it is difficult toevaluate a non-traded company with the Capital Asset Pricing model (CAPM), which isbased on the financial market information. It measures only the systematic risk, which isthe contribution of one share to the market risk of a portfolio. It is therefore important tofind models that reflect the small and non-traded companies? real business value and theirunique characteristics.

Hedging Core and Non-Core Risks: Evidence from Forestry and Paper Industry

A great number of empirical researches show that hedging is associated with higher firm value, particularly hedging interest rate and exchange rate. However, there is no clear support for value-added risk management hypothesis in the case of producers of commodities. Moreover, according to Shrand and Unal (1997), there are two types of risks, core business risks (or core risk) and homogeneous risks (or non core risks), which are based on a firm's comparative advantages with respects to the source of risk. Firm can earn economic profits for bearing core risks in which it has a comparative information advantage. Firm earn a zero economic rents for bearing non-core risks, where it has no advantage information than its competitors.

Downside Risk - En studie av riskkompensation på den svenska aktiemarknaden

This paper investigates the compensation for risk in the context of the Swedish stock market with a special focus on downside risk. Using daily market data collected from the A-list of the Stockholm Stock Exchange between the years 1983 and 2005 the purpose is to answer the question whether Swedish investors are compensated for holding stocks with high downside risk, measured as downside beta. Using panel data analysis it is shown, in accordance with most previous evidence in international research, firstly that stocks with high beta values on average experience higher returns than stocks with low beta values, and secondly that stocks with high downside beta values experience higher returns than stocks with high beta values in general. On the other hand, cross-sectional regression methodology using a bivariate regression approach shows that downside beta does not explain excess returns very well. Instead, regression analysis suggest that high upside beta does a much better job in explaining excess return over this time period compared to downside beta.

Establishing in China?s ?good-enough? market - - A benchmarking study on Scandinavian engineering industries? further establishment in China

Title: Establishing in China?s ?good-enough? market - A benchmarking study on Scandinavian engineering industries? further establishment in China. Problem discussion: The Chinese market is gaining importance for Scandinavian engineering industries and is by many considered a crucial market to be successful in. These companies have a tradition of producing premium products for premium customers. However, in China many are currently experiencing the threat from local competitors producing products of somewhat less quality aimed at the vast Chinese middle market - the good-enough market.

Företags motiv till finansiering med realränteobligationer

The long-term external financing of a corporation is satisfied through the bond market where issues of index-linked bonds, which are discussed in this thesis, is one alternative. (Finnerty&Emery 2001) An index- linked bond is a debt instrument where the investor is guaranteed the principal and premium amount in real terms. As the bonds cash flows are indexed to the inflation this implies that the issuer of an index-linked bond assumes an inflation risk. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe and examine corporate motives for choosing index-linked bonds as way of financing their business. Realization: Primary data was collected through interviews with corporate issuers of non-swapped index-linked bonds.

Premiepensionen : ger ett aktivt val en högre pension?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida en aktiv individ får högre framtida pensionsutbetalningar än en individ som låter kapitalet vara kvar i Premiesparfonden.Vår undersökning har en deduktiv ansats, då ekonomiska teorier har utgjort grunden för de beräkningar som har gjorts. Beräkningarna bygger på hårddata, i form av historiska fondvärden, och studien är därmed kvantitativ. Tidigare undersökningar och beräkningar används för att styrka uppsatsen, som i och med detta är en sekundäranalys.  Den placeringsstrategi som visade sig ge högst framtida utbetalningar med hänsyn tagen till risken var den aktiva placeringen. De portföljer som de aktiva premiepensionstagarna har att välja mellan i vår studie, ger alla högre framtida utbetalningar än Premiesparfonden. Vidare kan tilläggas att Premiesparfonden är ett av alternativen som har för hög risk i förhållande till dess låga avkastning.Det skulle vara intressant att om några år, då Premiespar-fonden har förändrats till generationsfonder, göra om denna studie och då undersöka om detta leder till högre pensionsutbetalningar för de icke-aktiva premiepensionstagarna.Denna studie bidrar med och stärker, genom konkreta exempel, det som en del andra författare redan påpekat, att de icke- aktiva premiepensionsspararna får lägre framtida utbetalningar än de som är aktiva i sitt sparande..


En kvantitativ analys av budpremier och kursutveckling i samband medföretagsförvärv på Stockholmsbörsen..

Riskpremie i UIP - möjlighet till cross-currency arbitrage? - en jämförande studie av ränta och växelkurs mellan Storbritannien, Tyskland och Sverige.

The thesis explores the Uncovered Interest rate Parity (UIP) and the possibility of cross-currency arbitrage between England, Germany and Sweden. The data is gathered between May 1999 and December 2005 on a monthly basis and is compared using simple regression analysis. The aim is to find out whether UIP holds and, if it does not, a Risk Premium exists that makes it possible to make arbitrage gains on moving capital between England, Germany and Sweden. It is discovered that UIP does not hold and that cross-currency arbitrage possibilities exist. In the end a an attempt is made to practically show how the arbitrage possibility could be used for a real investor to make risk free gains from the Foreign Exchange market..

Tack för kaffet! : - en analys av konsumentbeteende hos Premium Coffees potentiella kunder

Hur resonerar potentiella kunder kring inköp av produkten som ens företag tillhandahåller? En av de främsta frågorna hos en marknadsförare, men också en fråga som är aktuell i vår marknadsekonomi i stort. Konsumentbeteende är därför ett givet fält inom företagsekonomin. Men hur går det till när konsumenten är ett företag? Vilka aspekter är viktiga och varför? Vilka marknadsföringsinsatser bör genomföras utifrån denna adderade förståelse? Det är utgångspunkten för denna uppsats.

En doft av framgång

The main drivers of luxury consumption is to obtain prestige and status, therefore the possibility of visible consumption of products is a key dimension of the product. Typical examples of luxury goods include cars, handbags and watches. These are consumed in the public arena where the possibility to show off the product and the brand is the greatest. When examining luxury products and what drives men and women to pay premium prices for a brand and for a logo, a fascinating finding is that there are products that fundamentally lacks these attributes, but which are considered to be classic luxury products. An example of this is perfume.

Lyxvarumärkens överlevnad vid lågkonjunktur : Hur resonerar svenska lyxföretag, och vilka strategier är lämpliga att använda sig av?

 The luxury market has steadily grown from the industrial revolution and onwards. Changes in society, trends and the increased living standards has enabled more people to consume luxury goods.The world is going through a major economic crisis at the moment. Studies shows that companies that have focused on added value rather than lowering prices has survived past financial crisis. It is also obvious that companies act very different during times of crisis. Adding to the problem is trends that point to a more careful consumption and environmental awareness.

Riskbedömning och riskhantering i samband med vägbyggen

The aim with this thesis is to investigate the risk management at the department Road construction, The National Road Administration Region Mälardalen. The aim is also to study how the risk management could be improved to better support the project leaders. Included in theses aims is to examine potential problems with the current risk management and to suggest changes. It is of utter importance to define the concept of risk, to study how risk can be measured and in which ways risk can be analyzed. In doing so, a literary study has be done and fourteen respondents has been interviewed.Risk is to be seen more as a concept than a quantity.

Funktioner inom Video on Demand-tjänster : En användarstudie inom online streaming

Sedan 2013 har allt fler börjat använda sig av streamingtjänster för film och TV på internet (Findahl,2014). I takt med att användningen ökar är det viktigt att tjänsterna är välutvecklade och lättillgängliga för användaren. I denna uppsats undersöker vi funktioner på de tre största Video on Demand-tjänsterna (VoD) i Sverige ur ett användarperspektiv. Med hjälp av befintliga teorier och litteratur diskuterar vi användarbarhet och genomför en områdesanalys av de utvalda VoD-tjänsterna. Utifrån analysen har vi gått vidare med tio funktioner för att avgränsa studien.

Den svenska swapspreadens förklaringsfaktorer : en empirisk analys

This paper presents empirical evidence on the determinants of interest rate swap spreads in Sweden during the period 1999-2003. The results suggest that the spread between STIBOR and the general collateral repo rate is positively related to shorter maturity swap spreads. The Risk Premium associated with commercial bonds is positively related to swap spreads of all maturities. A negative relationship is observed between the term structure of interest rates and swap spreads. The short-term interest rate is positively related to spreads with shorter maturities.

Vad styr den etiska fondefterfrågan? : Om vilka faktorer som som påvekar den etiska fondförmögenheten.

This paper examines what affects the demand for five Swedish ethical funds between the years 1997-2007. The purpose of this study is to examine if there is a relation between fund value and other values than just financial. This study examines if the number of conflicts in the world and the media?s coverage of the climate change debate could have an impact on the demand for ethical fund. A multiple linear regression shows that we don?t have a significant result from the examined variables except for household wealth.

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