13419 Uppsatser om Risk Management Culture - Sida 4 av 895
Risk Management : Revisionsbyråernas arbete med att hantera risker vid klientaccepterande
SAMMANFATTNINGGenom de skandaler som revisionsbranschen mött har ökande krav på branschen uppkommit. Det kan finnas risker i dagens samhälle som inte existerat eller varit aktuella tidigare men på grund av de förändringar som skett i samhället nu framträtt. Vi ville studera hur revisionsbyråerna förhåller sig till dessa samt hur de finner en väg att hantera dem. Studiens syfte var undersöka om det finns något aktivt arbete med att hantera de risker som är förknippade med accepterandet av klienter, det lyder:Syftet med vår uppsats är att studera om det finns ett aktiv arbete med Risk Management på revisionsbyråerna samt i så fall hur detta går till och vilka risker som de då främst vill undvika vid accepterande av klienter. Vi vill även studera hur revisionsbyråerna hanterar de risker som de väljer att acceptera.Då vi hade uppfattningen att det är ohållbart för revisionsbyråerna att inte på något vis hantera de risker de ställs inför föll det sig troligt för oss at de större byråerna aktivt arbetar med Risk Management.
Fint och fult i film : En studie av finkulturell och populärkulturell diskurs i svenska filmrecensioner
The discussion about high culture and popular culture in our society has been going on for decades. In few places is it as loud as within culture journalism and the critics? society, where the question of what is good taste and what is dumb entertainment constantly gets brought to the surface. Film is a particularly vulnerable area, since it is such a universally appealing and rather young medium. In America and England several studies have been performed of the reviewing society and reveiwers? use of high and low art-discourse in their writing.
Risk och osäkerhet vid inträde på den svenska apoteksmarknaden: En studie om nya aktörer på en marknad under omreglering
The Swedish pharmacy market will be re-regulated in July 2009 which will present private actors with an opportunity to enter the market. Several risks and uncertainties are associated with such an entry. The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of identification and management of risks and uncertainties associated with entering the Swedish pharmacy market. We also intend to investigate similarities and differences in risk identification and risk management as well as create an understanding of the underlying reasons for these similarities and differences. Three companies interested in entering the market have been interviewed and the interviews were conducted with an open approach to avoid influencing the companies? answers.
Klassificering av processutrustning - en grund för riskbaserat underhåll
In this report a systematic working procedure for risk classification of processing equipment from a maintenance point of view is described. How this system has been worked out is also an important part of the report. The classification system is adapted for use in complex processing plants. Preemraff Göteborg has been subject for the underlying study and application of the system.The system aims to give a good overview of the maintenance related risks at the plant. Furthermore, the analysis result is a good motivation for the suggested maintenance activities and as motivation for extended or decreased maintenance resources in total.
Hur uppfattas riskinformationsbroschyrer? - teoretisk analys och experimentell studie av riskinformation
Information about the risks involved shall be distributed to the people living in the area nearby to potentially dangerous installation. Swedish law stipulates strict requirements on what information should be supplied, but the law itself does not give any guidance on presentation. The main purpose of the study is to give recommendations on how to improve the information brochures. Within the study, eight people working with risk information have been interviewed and seven different risk information brochures have been studied. Also, a theoretical analysis and a practical experiment were performed using brochures from two municipalities.
Operationell risk i banker: Hantering och offentliggörande av operationell risk ? En studie av skandinaviska banker
Starting in January 2007, capital adequacy of internationally active banks will be regulated by the new Basel Capital Accord, International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards ? a revised framework, [Basel II]. The framework introduces for the first time minimum capital requirements for operational risk and encourages market discipline of capital adequacy by initiating requirements for public disclosure of quantitative and qualitative information on operational risk exposure. This thesis examines the nature, definition, management and public disclosure of operational risk in Scandinavian banks based on regulations and recommendations presented in Basel II. We find that the models currently available for addition of operational risk to the capital requirement do not reflect actual operational risk exposure of banks.
Prestationsmätning av Kreativt Arbete : en kulturstudie
Authors: Maria Bergholtz, Alexander WestessonTutor: Daniel EricssonTitle: Performance Measurement of Creative work ? a culture study at PS CommunicationKeywords: Key Performance Indicators, Organizational Culture, Macro-culture, Subculture,Micro-culture, Art, Business, Creativity, PS CommunicationIn the paper?s introductory chapter, the chosen problem area regarding art and business willbe presented. The paper?s studied empirical case will also be introduced here. This then leadsto the reports chosen research questions:How do the company management and the companies? creative personnel approach differ inthe discussion regarding performance measurement on PS Communication?-What causes these differences?What impact does the corporate culture have in the discussion about performancemeasurement of PS Communication?-Is the corporate culture weak or strong?The purpose of this paper is to resolve the stand still in the discussion regarding performancemanagement by creating an understanding of different people active in the organization?sapproach to performance measurement.
Assessing the Risk of a Disruptive Technology Emergence, a Case Study of Ericsson Mobile Platforms
En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..
Riskhantering och kreditvärdighet : En undersökning av Enterprise Risk Management och dess relation till företags kreditbetyg
Background: Investors use companies? credit ratings as a base in their buy and sell decisions. Companies? credit ratings are also used as indicators of safety in the legislation. This means that credit rating agencies have an important role in the society because they communicate the company?s credit rating to investors and other actors in the society.
?Det handlar om k?randa??. En studie om organisationskulturen inom Polismyndigheten med s?rskilt fokus p? tystnadskulturen
The aim of this research was to gain a comprehensive understanding of how daily activities impact the organizational culture within the Swedish Police enforcement agency, Polismyndigheten. The study specifically explored the influence of the purported culture of silence on organizational culture. Employing a case study approach, data were collected with a qualitative method from a total of 15 individuals, including students and officials affiliated with Polismyndigheten. The findings were categorized into five distinct groups, revealing a noticeable gap between employees and management. Additionally, the study identified generational disparities and a lack of a clear set of core values.
Organisationskulturs inverkan på kunskapsdelning: en forskningsöversikt
A research review shedding light over organizational cultureand its affect on knowledge sharing. The purpose of thereview was to give an overview of the current researchmeanwhile answering the research questions how and whyorganizational culture influences knowledge sharing.Through careful selection of articles, from Journal ofKnowledge Management, a review of the material led toareas of emphasis being identified: motivation, trust,organizational structure, management, communication andrewards. For each area of emphasis the results from thechosen articles were presented and analyzed, leading toconclusions that the how and why of organizational culture?sinfluence is due to mainly individual motivational factorsamongst staff. This implies that organizations need to keepfocus on the psychological factors affected by organizationalculture when looking to make knowledge sharing moreefficient.
Konsumenters kommunikationspreferenser vid risksituation
En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..
Mångfald eller företagskultur : En fallstudie om den pratadoxala relationen kring mångfald och företagskultur
ABSTRACTCourse/level: Enterprising and Business Development, Bachelor Thesis, AUT2012, 2EB00ETutor: Magnus ForslundAuthors: Linn Danielsson & Alexander OlofssonKey words: Strong diversity, Consistent Corporate Culture, Core Values, Corporate Strategy,Definition of Diversity, Working with Diversity, Management, Standardization.Title: Diversity or Corporate Culture ? A case study on the paradoxical relationship betweendiversity and corporate cultures in corporations and organizations.Background: Diversity and corporate culture can in various ways result in corporate andorganizational advantages. While diversity promotes innovation, creativity and companydevelopment corporate culture possesses advantages such as efficiency, community and unity.Diversity and corporate culture seems to create various benefits that are both beneficial forcompetitive advantage.Problem discussion: I would be beneficial for companies and organizations to maintain bothdiversity and corporate culture since they complement each other. However, diversity andcorporate culture have different purposes and benefit in different ways. The question is howtwo such different strategies can meet.Question for research: How does diversity and corporate culture co-exist in corporations andorganizations?Purpose: The aim of this study is to create further understanding for the co-existence betweendiversity and corporate culture in corporations and organizations.Method: The study is made qualitatively with a hermeneutic approach and based on a casestudy on two corporations within the real estate industry.
Kontorsskiftets påverkan på organisationskulturen : - Ett skifte från cellkontor till öppet kontor -
The essay discusses the effects that changes to the office plan have on organizational culture. Information about actual change as well as expected change in organizational culture was gathered before the empirical research was initiated. The empirical research was carried out at the Customer Logistics department at Ericsson through: an interview with a manager in charge of the relocation and design of the office, a manager for the specified department and also five employees of this department. The empirical studies show that there was a significant change in organizational culture and that results were not always as expected. There was a loss in symbolic actions, which needed to be compensated for, a perceived reduction in spontaneous communication, and a mixed response of perceived change in social interaction.
Den gotländska Stridsyxekulturen : migration, interaktion eller regionalitet?
This one-year master's thesis investigates the late part of the Middle Neolithic on the island of Gotland. This thesis has been written without the influence of a singular theoretical pespective, and has therefore seen input from the processual, and postprocessual theories. By using several perspectives, an attempt is made to view the material remains used in the most objective manner possible. The specific aim of this thesis is to investigate whether the Mid-Neolithic inhabitants of Gotland were a part of the Corded Ware culture (or as it is called in Sweden, the Battleaxe culture or the Boataxe culture). Most recent literature has concluded that Gotland was never a part of the Battlexe culture, though this thesis has discovered many parallels with the mainland culture, including the production of similar objects and ritual practices.