

207 Uppsatser om Riparian zone - Sida 2 av 14


Bakgrund: Kaliningrad är den mest västliga ryska regionen som ligger mellan två EU-länder. I takt med den höjda levnadsstandarden och på grund av det gynnsamma geografiska läget ökar svenska företagens intresse för regionen. För att öppna upp regionens ekonomi för direkta investeringar från utlandet introducerades Special Economic Zone. Syftet med SEZ-Kaliningrad var att kompensera regionen för det isolerade läget genom tull- och skattelättnader för varor som tillverkas där. SEZ-insatsen i Kaliningrad har attraherat en del direkta investeringar, men resultaten har hittils inte varit speciellt imponerande.Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att genomföra en studie av de skandinaviska företagens erfarenheter av SEZ-Kaliningrad.

Svensk Affärsetablering i Kina -en fallstudie av Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone

Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone är geografiskt utmärkt placerad vid bedrivande av handel och utgör idag en internationell hub. Området har också tillgång till en god infrastruktur som ständigt förbättras. Waigaoqiao erbjuder sakkunniga konsulter och har ett starkt styrelsestöd. I framtiden då Free Trade Zones inte kommer att vara det enda valet för svenska företag som vill etablera sig i Kina, utan att behöva ingå joint ventures eller liknande avtal, kommer Waigaoqiaos handelsbefrämjande miljö att vara avgörande vid ett etableringsval i just det området. De skattefördelar och tullfördelar som idag existerar i Waigaoqiao kommer att försvinna när Kinas WTO-avtal i sin helhet träder i kraft.

Koncentrisk hämning och stimulans av bakterietillväxt i agarkulturer

The aim of this study is to elucidate factors that effect growth of Sarcina lutea and Bacillus subtilis, exposed to the growth inhibitor SDS (Sodiumdodecylsulfat). Agar diffusion experiments revealed repeated, concentric zones of inhibition and stimulation upon exposure to Sodiumdodecylsulphate or to Amoxicillin. Temperature, nutrient concentration and inhibitor concentration were controlled. Formation of successively repeated zones of inhibition, stimulation, inhibition and stimulation is discussed: ? The extension of the primary inhibition zone is due to the concentration of applied Sodium dodecyl sulphate.? Immediately outside the primary inhibition zone the bacteria have access to diffusing nutrients that have not been consumed in the primary inhabitation zone.? In zones of dense bacterial growth the bacteria may produce inhibiting substances, affecting growth of bacteria in adjacent zones.? In zones of dense bacterial growth the nutrients will soon become depleted, thus affecting bacteria in adjacent zones..

Klövspaltsinflammation : bakteriologi, terapival och möjliga anledningar till terapisvikt

Research concerning movement patterns of wild animals has been advancing since GPS technology arrived. But studying the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) is still difficult because of the harsh territory it inhabits in Central Asia. This study took place in south Gobi, Mongolia, and aimed to estimate the time spent at kills and the maximum distance away from kills between visits. Snow leopards were monitored with GPS collars that took a location every five or seven hours. Potential kill sites were established by identifying clusters of GPS-locations in ArcGIS and visited in the field for confirmation.

Insect communities inhabiting Inonotus radiatus growing on Alnus glutinosa trees at northern and southern shores of boreal lakes

This is a study of the insect community associated to the wood-decaying fungus Inonotus radiatus found on Alnus glutinosa trees growing in riparian forests at the northern and southern shores of boreal lakes in the province Uppland. Little is known about this particular bracket fungus and its inhabitants. Insects were reared out at the laboratory from samples of fruiting bodies of the fungus taken at five lakes. During the fieldwork in 2009, data about several environmental variables was also taken. After the rearing period, these variables and their effects over the insects were analyzed.

Movement patterns of snow leopard (Panthera uncia) around kills based on GPS location clusters

Research concerning movement patterns of wild animals has been advancing since GPS technology arrived. But studying the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) is still difficult because of the harsh territory it inhabits in Central Asia. This study took place in south Gobi, Mongolia, and aimed to estimate the time spent at kills and the maximum distance away from kills between visits. Snow leopards were monitored with GPS collars that took a location every five or seven hours. Potential kill sites were established by identifying clusters of GPS-locations in ArcGIS and visited in the field for confirmation.

Vattenvård vid slutavverkning : före och efter vattenvårdsutbildning på Stora Enso Skog, distrikt Siljan

In 2006, Stora Enso Skog implemented an education program in water management for harvester operators, timber purchasers, cut block planners and supervisors. The focus of the program was creating stream crossings with minimal harm to the stream and the surrounding riparian area. This main purpose of this study was to determine the difference in work procedures before and after participating in the program. The methodology consisted of field studies and interviews with harvester operators and their supervisors. The field study looked at how the streams had been crossed concerning the number of crossings, visible damage to the stream and/or the riparian area made by the machines. Biological parameters such as the width and dept of the stream and amount of large woody debris in the stream were also measured. The field result from 30 harvesting sites showed no significant difference between sites that had been harvested before or after the education program. But the harvester operators and their supervisors experienced an increased concern for watersheds after the educational program.

GIS-baserad habitatmodell för mindre hackspett, ett verktyg för att bevara skyddsvärda lövskogar inom Umeälvlandskapet :

Deciduous forests are, according to the National Environmental Quality Objectives, a priority area. Deciduous forests are rich in species and the occurrence of dead wood is an important factor for biodiversity. In order to identify valuable deciduous forests for bio-diversity, conservation needs good analyses and planning tools. Habitat models combined with geographic information systems can be used to study the spatial structure of suitable habitat. The Lesser spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor) has been proposed as an indicator species for deciduous forests, since this species is highly specialized on insect larvae in dead wood and requires large areas of deciduous-rich environments. Many riparian forest with high species richness and high nature conservation values are found along the Ume river in Umeå municipality.

RUT-avdraget - jämställdheten i att betala för att slippa obetalt arbete i strävan efter lika villkor på arbetsmarknaden

Denna studie berör olika developer zones som idag drivs av företag i Sverige, och om hur dessa är uppbyggda. Den tar upp de problem som dessa företag har stött på, samt vad man ska tänka på vid uppstart och användning av en developer zone.Att låta sin developer zone vara helt öppen eller helt stängd är inte det mest optimala sättet eftersom man i den helt öppna versionen låter sin information vara tillgänglig för allt och alla. Den helt stängda versionen stänger ute kunskap från developer zonen. Genom att sätta upp en developer zone med båda delarna, dvs. en öppen del för utvecklare som intresserade att utveckla innovativa tjänster/produkter och en stängd del för företag som tillsammans med ägaren av developer zonen har ett ekonomiskt intresse, så uppnår man en mer kontrollerad form.

Automatiskt Nödstopp

In today?s industry it is starting to get more and more interesting with wireless systems and solutions for applications. To be able to reduce the amount of cables drawn to various machines which takes both space and an extra fee for every cable drawn. Some systems might require the user to use a handheld device that is directly connected by a cable which in some machines might be inelegant for the user.The goal with this bachelor thesis is to develop wireless monitoring of the machine operators position that is working with heavy industrial machinery. The thesis started out with researching different techniques for positioning a transmitter indoors, this was done in order to get a better understanding on how to go about.

Min framtids dag är ljus och lång -Musiker och musiklärare berättar om utbrändhet

Title: The future is looking bright - Studies of burnout among musicians and music teachers. Since late 1970's, the burn-out-syndrome has been researched in several ways, especially among people working in care-oriented employments. The object with this study is to find out the biggest issues about why musicians and music teachers burn themselves out. This is based on musicians and music teachers own stories when they got burned out. The method I have used is qualitative interviews and in the result chapter I will present summaries of the interviews.

Stjärnornas krig : kampen om it-kompetensen fortsätter

SammanfattningTitel: Stjärnornas krig ? kampen om IT-kompetensen fortsätterFörfattare: Kristina Bergmark och Elias ÖmanHandledare: Agneta HugemarkLärosäte: Uppsala UniversitetDatum: 2013-06-04Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att ge en ökad insyn i vad som uppfattas som attraktivt hos en arbetsgivare av arbetskraft med IT-kompetens som arbetar inom organisationen 3. Uppsatsen ämnar också ge insyn i vilka krav och normer denna arbetskraft tvingas underkasta sig till följd av sitt medlemskap i denna organisation.Metod: Datainsamlingen skedde genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna genomfördes med 6 anställda på företagets 3:s IT-avdelning och 2 HR-anställda inom organisationen. Materialet analyserades och diskuterades utifrån de teoretiska begreppen kollektiva resurser och zone of indifference.

Viltanpassad röjning längs skogsbilvägar som en foderskapande åtgärd för älgen

The moose is a keystone species in the boreal forest ecosystem, but the dense Swedish population do cause some serious problems. From a forestry perspective, their browsing on young Scot pine (Pinus sylvestris) causes extensive losses of revenue. Adjusting the cleaning along roadsides of low trafficked forest roads can favour the production of plant species preferred by the moose. This is thought to redirect the moose´s browsing to the roadsides and thereby decrease the damages on commercial forest.The aim of this study has been to present a first evaluation of the vegetation in roadsides, one year after wildlife-adapted roadside clearing has been undertaken. In the wildlifeadapted clearing operation, the roadside was widened by removal of some trees in the forest edge whereupon a complementary clearing with a conventional chain flail was conducted.

Skötselåtgärder vid nyetablering av skyddszoner vid bäckar i södra Värmland :

Buffer zones play an important role for the water quality in our watercourses. When harvesting a forest close to a watercourse a buffer zone should be left. When it's not left, it will lead to radical changes in the environment for the water organisms. The overall purpose of this thesis was to illuminate the production- and environmental thinking when establishing new buffer zones in south of Värmland. The partials goals were to determine choice of tree species, ways of regenerate, occurrence of soil scarification and the occurrence of machine tracks in newly established buffer zones.

Underkambriska böljeslagsmärkens bildningsmiljö : Ett försök att fastställa fossila ripplars avsättningsmiljö med hjälp av recenta sandbottnar

ABSTRACTThe fauna of the Lower Cambrian is far from fully understood, as is the environment of that epoch. Some of the most crucial moments in the history of evolution takes place during this epoch; the Cambrian explosion and the appearance of ecosystems as we know them. That makes it an important period to investigate. Doing so, the Lower Cambrian offers a lot of problems, one of which is that body fossils are seldom preserved. That has often left us with trace fossils to create an image of the Lower Cambrian life, but also some bedrock features such as ripple marks.The main purpose of this work has been to investigate the possibilities of relating the wave lengths and forms of recent wave-generated ripples to fossil ones, and also to evaluate the methods for that kind of comparison.

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