

1463 Uppsatser om Rhetorical tools - Sida 63 av 98

Landsbygd i förändring : en jämförelse mellan bouppteckningar från1840-talet och sekelskiftet 1900 på Gotlands södra landsbygd

During the beginning of the 19th century Sweden is effected by the Napoleonic Wars and in the aftermath of the war Sweden looses Finland to Russia. This loss leads to the dismissal of King Gustav IV Adolf and the introduction of the Bernadotte dynasty on the Swedish throne. Over the century the industrialization plays a big part in the progress of Sweden. The growth of the industries leads to developments in the areas of agriculture. With this essay I would like to examine if the people on the countryside of Gotland keep the same pace as the people on the mainland in their introduction of new things.

?Mode är på modet? : - en kvalitativ studie av fenomenet modebloggar -

AbstractTitle: ?Fashion be in fashion? ? a qualitative study of the phenomen fashion blogs (?Mode är på modet? ? en kvalitativ studie av fenomenet modebloggar)Number of Pages: 46 (54 including enclosures)Author: Maria RydströmTutor: Else NygrenCourse: Media and communication studies DPeriod: Spring semester 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science,Uppsala universityAim: Contribute to the understanding of a yet unexplored domain, fashion blogs. And contribute to a discussion of the roll of fashion blogs in the swedish fashionindustry.Method: Qualitive textual analysis of three fashion blogs and interviews with the authors to the three fashion blogs. Completed with six interviews with experts from the fashionindustry and the blogworld.Main results: The authors behind the fashion blogs are young women living in big cities.They write about fashionnews, runway trends, fashion items and style outfits worn by them selves. Fashion blogs provide a new way to follow trends and spread them to the society.

Framtidens barnbibliotek - Verksamhet och visioner

The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine the theories and visions of five futuristic projects at children's libraries in Sweden and Denmark to investigate if these projects have approaches that are significantly different from today's best practices of the libraries and the current theories behind the children's sections.More specific questions are also asked:Are the projects taking advantage of the children's perspective or is it the adult vision of children's needs that is governing?Are the projects promoting collaborations with other actors, thereby facilitating a future development of the children's library by others than librarians?The comparisons reveal that new methods and tools are beeing developed, while the traditional ambitions and views on children and children's needs are essentially unchanged. The role of the library as a social room and meeting place has increased, while its role as a place for finding and transferring information has been challenged by Internet and home computers. The library can still compete as a public place offering relevant contents and assistance by attentive, well-educated adults.In conclusion, the futuristic projects are expected to promote greater variations between children's libraries, by presenting literature, media and information in many different and more innovative ways. Such greater diversity and multiplicity would allow the libraries to market themselves with a clearer message in order to compete with other (commercial) activities for children..

Cultural Meetings in Child Health Centers : An Interview Study about Child Health Nurses experience of Intercultural Communication.

Increasing immigration to Sweden has transformed a culturally homogeneous society into a more heterogeneous one. As a consequence intercultural communication and interaction have been increasing. Child health care agencies have encountered these increases. The aim of this study was to examine what the health care professionals experienced and communicated in these intercultural environments. Eight interviews with child health care nurses were carried through at four child health care centers in the south of Sweden.

Skolhälsovårdens roll i elevhälsan vid några av John Bauergymnasierna

Background: School health services of today focus on prevention and health promotion within the school. A collaboration between the school health services and the student care team from the guidelines with focus on the student, is expected. Purpose: The purpose was to illustrate School nurses  vocational experiences and what the role of school health services in the student care team at upper secondary schools of John Bauer in relationship to the vision of the school. Method: Qualitative content analysis with inductive approach was used (Lundman &Hällgren-Graneheim, 2008). Data was collected by interviewing  school nurses at  School of John Bauer.

Jesu uppståndelse: centralt tema eller detalj? En jämförelse av framställningen av Jesu uppståndelse i 12 läromedel för gymnasiet

The following study pertains to investigate the Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus as it is portrayal in text books aimed at the course Religion 1 for Swedish upper secondary school. The study was carried out by looking at 12 selected books meant to function as teaching aids suitable for the course. The methodology covers both qualitative and quantitative aspects. The study shows that the topic of the resurrection is dealt with in a ratherneutral fashion. A survey of the evidence does not give credence to the notion that the textlength assigned to the resurrection, in any way gives greater importance to the resurrectionbeing of superior value as an Christian article of faith.The results are further discussed, and suggestions are given for how theresurrection of Jesus can function as a didactic tool for the purpose of teaching Christianityfor Swedish speaking upper secondary school pupils, in agreement and harmony with theSwedish syllabus.

Omvärldsanalys delight : En studie av hur små till medelstora företag kan få igång ett omvärldsanalysarbete

Syftet med uppsatsen är att kunna erbjuda små till medelstora företag förslag på lämpliga modeller och IT-stöd att använda till omvärldsanalys. Genom att föreslå modeller och IT-stöd samt hur de används kan företag upprätta ett omvärldsanalysarbete utan att hyra in extern hjälp. Större företag har ofta en större budget och även resurser som aktivt arbetar med att bevaka omvärlden. Den sortens resurser finns inte i mindre företag eftersom kostnaden att hyra in konsulter för hjälp med omvärldsanalysarbete är för hög. Det i kombination med att kunskap saknas om hur ett omvärldsanalysarbete kan genomföras resulterar i att det ofta inte blir av.

Förekomsten av systematiskt säkerhetsarbete och riskhantering i skolan : En studie av respektive utbildningsplaner för lärare och rektorer

AbstractThe Swedish school is the biggest place of work in the country. Statistics about the Swedish school shows that both students and teachers work in an environment who has elements of violations, threats and violence, and study environments where many students do not feel they have a study environment during class. The purpose with this study has been to investigate if teachers and principals is given the right conditions in their respective educations to pursue their professional profession to achieve the objectives of the goals with the systematic safety and work environment of the school's safety concerns. The study has been designed as an investigation about respective educations syllabus and has been examined by the presence about systematic safety and knowledge about work environment law in respective courses. The examination about respective educations syllabus has been done by a qualitative content analysis.

Historien om jägarna : En fallstudie om rapporteringen av Kalixhärvan i lokala medier

This study focus on how two local news papers in the northen part of Sweden reported about the investigation of illegal hunting, called Kalixhärvan, in the years of 1983-1984. The study also adress how this newspapers presented the agents that is mentioned in the newsarticles, who played an importent part during the investigation. The study is based on the analysis of eight articles involving the investigation. The aricales is selected from march 1983 to march 1984. The analys is made using the method of critical linguistics and with the theoretical ground in theories of masculinity and stereotypes.

Att ämnesbestämma bilder: En teoretisk undersökning

The aim of this master ´s thesis is to understand why there are difficulties in finding joint methods and standards in the field of image indexing. The main focus for interpreting these issues is on Sara Shatford ´s article Analyzing the Subject of a Picture: A Theoretical Approach. In the article Shatford discusses a theoretical basis for identifying and classifying the subject in a picture. In doing so she uses concepts taken from The Philosophy of Art, Meaning in Language and Visual Perception. With the aid of S.R.

Givarkonstruktion för beräkning av sådjup

This report shows the process of the development of a sensor module for the seed drills of Väderstad Verken AB. The module is supposed to replace existing solutions, provided that it is better from both a constructional- and an economical aspect. The purpose of the sensor is to continuously give the driver information about the level of height of the front- and drilling tools and the main purpose of the sensor is to allow the seeds to be placed at the desired depth. The sensors which have been taken into consideration have all been of an analogue type and have a protection class of minimum IP67.The methods applied have been taken from the book ?The Mechanical Design Process? by David G.

Betydelsen av skogsbruksplaner som verktyg vid anskaffning av virke

Forest management plans have been sold to private forest owners by wood supplying companies for a long time. These plans are considered to be effi-cient tools to identify measures and wood volumes, and are simply a starting point for discussions between private forest owners and round wood pur-chasers. However, large variations are observed between different purchas-ers, in their usage of the plans. The purpose of this report is to identify to what extent a forest management plan can promote an increase in the amount of wood which a round wood purchaser can obtain and to find differences in the way of using the plans between different wood purchasers. Furthermore, the purpose is also to ana-lyse if varying owner structures can be underlie variations in the selling of forest management plans. Qualitative interviews with nine of Stora Enso?s round wood purchasers were performed.

Frilekens betydelse för barn i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie av några pedagogers syn på den fria lekens betydelse för barns lärande

The aim of this study is to increase knowledge and understanding of free play or free fun time importance for children of age around five years in preschool, in order to promote children?s development and learning. The focus was on exploring and better understanding of teacher?s and educators? approach to the free fun play time as a tool in their educational work, and also about their own role in this context as well as analyzing of forms, rules and structures spontaneously created by groups of children having free play fun time. Another important moment of this study was to give more light on approaches to this issue in education theories by Piaget, Vygotsky and Freud among others.As to the practical experimental part of the study it has been performed at a preschool and kindergarten in a suburb at the outskirts of Stockholm, with four employed educators there and with groups of children of age around five.

Tools and Techniques for Project RiskManagement: Perspective of Micro toSmall Scale Construction Firms in Ghana

Detta examensarbete gick ut på att enligt utvecklingsprocessen på Motion Control utveckla en prototyp av en kabelersättare för en produkt på företaget; USB I/O. USB I/O är en mät- och styrenhet och datainsamlingsenhet för USB-porten med flera in- och utkanaler som i flera applikationer har som nackdel att den är kabelbunden. Tanken var att göra en enhet som man ansluter USB I/O till och som kan kommunicera direkt med konventionella ?Bluetooth-dongles? som är vanligt förekommande på konsumentmarknaden.Tre undersökningar gjordes. Den första var en marknadsundersökning för att se lämpliga systemkoncept samt vilka konkurrenter som kan finnas.

STUDENTERS INFORMATIONSHORISONTER: Användning av Google och sociala nätverk i informationsökningsprocessen

The theses discuss information seeking with a focus on Google and social networks. Students attending the librarian program in Lund have been examined by means of two methods; diaries and information horizons, where they had to solve a specific assignment. The information horizon as a method contributes to getting a structural perspective on the information search process instead of viewing information search as a procedure. Information horizons use social network analysis.The aim of the theses is to investigate the importance of the social network in information search, with a particular focus on Google as a search tool. Our hypothesis is that Google acts as a compensator to the social network when the students search for information and in the educational program.The research indicates that there is no direct correlation between usage of the social network and usage of Google.

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