

1463 Uppsatser om Rhetorical tools - Sida 54 av 98

Från boklådor till agentbyrå - läsfrämjande åtgärder för barn och ungdomar i Jämtlands läns glesbygd åren 1997-1999

The purpose of this master thesis is to examine how librarians/cultural workers act in projects in order to stimulate and promote reading among children and youth in sparsely populated regions in the county of Jämtland during a period of three years, and if/how these projects differ. The examination is based upon the progress of these projects in four of eight communities. Four librarians and two cultural workers have been interviewed in order to get their view of the proceedings of the projects. The results indicate that the four communities all made up plans for three years but in different ways. They mainly collaborated with the school but also with the board of children's health and the preparatory school.

Behandling av dubbeldiagnos: finns en gemensam målsättning med behandlingen?

Clients with dual diagnosis have difficulties to recover and have a tendancy to fall between two stools. Among other things this is due to the fact that caregivers have different approaches, values and focus. The purpose of this study is to compare how clients, therapists and socialworkers look upon the aim of the treatment, its form, residential care, the conception of goalfulfillment and participation. In our study we have applied the theories of Aaron Antonovsky, Howard Becker and Erving Goffman. The paper consists mainly of qualitative interviews with clients, therapists and socialworkers.

Kritiska Prestations Indikatorer (KPI), Hur väl fungerar KPI:er som verksamhetsstyrning inom den producerande industrin?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how key performance indicators are being used as performance management tools within the production industry. Specifically the purpose is to investigate how the KPI:s within the telecommunications industry drives reusability regarding production test systems. This thesis will also highlight today?s cost models and suggest improvements of the KPI and what new ones could be introduced. A case study at Ericsson AB has been performed.

Konstruktionen av en diversifierad normalitet : En studie av hur det interkulturella perspektivet kan yttra sig i några förskolepedagogers didaktiska överväganden och praktik.

The aim of the present study is to describe and analyse how an inter-cultural perspective presents itself in the didactic considerations and in the practice of preschool teachers on a multiethnic preschool.The theoretical perspective upon which the study is founded is social constructivism, but in addition to this Ingegerd Municio?s idea of two existing discourses present within the institutions in the Swedish educational system, as well as René León?s concept of a diversified normality, has been used as theoretical tools and points of departure.The empirical investigation consists of a qualitative field study at a multi-ethnic preschool, where participating observation and group interviews have been used to collect data. In these teachers from the preschool have participated.The results and the analysis of the data show that an inter-cultural perspective surfaces in the didactic considerations and in the practice of the preschool teachers in their construction of a diversified normality. The diversified normality thus constructed is constituted through different social processes. I have here identified the following ones: the preschool teachers emphasize differences among the children in general, they allow that the children behave differently and they allow them to be different; they recognize ?cultural? differences, differences in origin, and frames of reference, and they recognize that the children at the preschool are bilingual..

ETT POLICYDOKUMENTS UPPGÅNG OCH (UT)FALL - En studie om hur styrning och autonomi inverkar vid implementering inom kommunal förvaltning.

The purpose of this essay was to study the implementation of a policy document, which concerns questions of integration, in a municipality with an indirect government. I have especially focused on issues regarding how civil servants describe the usage of a specific policy document and to what extent their autonomy and the indirect government have had an impact on implementation, and to what extent signals from surrounding institutions have had an impact on the creation of the policy document. The study was based on qualitative interviews in groups, pairs and with single individuals with twenty-seven civil servants and politicians working with issues concerning the specific policy document.One of the conclusions of my study is that the reason for producing the document in the first place is that the municipality as an organization strives to acquire a sense of legitimacy. The intentions of the document have only partly been implemented by the civil servants and politicians, since the document is not used in their daily work. Here, their autonomy has played an important part, as the choice to not use the document is the servants' own.

En fjärran framtid : införande av digital teknik i gruvor

Traditionally, mining has been performed mechanically with implementation ofyesterdays (and older) data. Several mining companies have started to useautonomous technology and robotics in the production areas although the harshmining environments make it unsuitable for today's electronic equipment. Despite allthe obstacles along the way of digitization, there seems to be no end in sight as thisdevelopment continues. This thesis focuses on what the mining industry is aiming forand why the mining companies are interested in these technologies. The actors of themining industry can be found to have a vision for the future mine, a production with ahigher degree of digitization and resemblances to a factory.

Språkstimulerande pedagogisk verksamhet : En empirisk fallstudie utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande

It is important that children develop their communicating skills to be able to interact withother persons in different social contexts. Without the necessary skills, the child will struggleto understand others, as well as to be understood. My qualitative research takes place in a preschoolclass at a primary school in Stockholm, where I from a sociocultural perspective onteaching and learning aim to clarify how the students? ability to develop their linguisticperformance and their communicative competence is stimulated within this primary preschool?seducational framework. Empirical data was collected both through observations ofthe daily activities in the pre-school class as well as through interviews of three employedteachers.My research indicates that the educational framework in this pre-school class is structured tocomply with the official Swedish Curriculum, Lpo.

?Det gäller att hänga på?- en studie om marknadsföring av folkbibliotek via sociala medier

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine how public libraries use socialmedia for marketing purposes, and what librarians think about this. My focus of this thesislies on what librarians think about marketing of libraries through social media and if theythink that marketing through social media can create a better relationship between the libraryand its users. The questions I wanted to answer were:? Libraries using social media, for what purpose do they use them? ? Do the libraries choose to use social media to market their organization? Why? ? What attitudes exist among librarians about marketing through social media?The theoretical framework for this thesis is Evert Gummessons model off Relationshipmarketing and the process of Internet marketing, which both are based on relationalperspective. The methodology used for this study was structured interviews.

Framställningar av svenskhet i media : - En diskursanalys av tidningsartiklar om invandring och integration

The media plays a key role in constructing identities and categories, as its messages influence the way we understand the world. In the debate on integration issues, categories such as ?Swede? and ?immigrant? are often treated as obvious and unproblematic. ?Swedish?, being the norm, is seldom defined   and   frequently appears   with   subtlety.   This   paper   set   out   to   study   what   characterizes Swedishness in newspaper articles on integration issues, and how it is represented in relations to immigrants.

Jämlik strokevård : En analys av skillnader mellan patientgrupper avseende vård på strokeenhet, åren 1995-2009

The main objective of this study is to divide a number of colorectal cancer cases into subgroups based on their molecular features using cluster analysis. The data used is supplied by a research group at Pathology, the Department of Medical Biosciences, Umeå University, and consists, after some preparation, of 455 observations which is a larger data set than many similar studies. The molecular variables that the clustering is based on are CIMP (CpG Island Methylator Phenotype), MSI (Micro Satellite Instability), BRAF- and KRAS-mutations. These are categorical variables and consequently the clustering method used is PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids) which is particularly useful with data on diverse variable level. The final analysis results in four subgroups that are represented by different combinations of attributes on the aforementioned variables.

Analys av mätdata från nätstationer

Fortum has in a pilot project installed metering equipment with wireless communication in secondary substations in Stockholm. So far, the collected data are used only in specific projects.This master thesis was carried out at Fortum Distribution AB in Stockholm during 2013. The purpose of this study is to simplify and enhance the use of data in for example network planning process, by giving suggestions on how data can be managed and giving examples of analyzes that collected data can be used for.The electricity meter which Fortum has installed is a EDMI-Mk10A which is set to measure max/average/min values with a one hour time resolution of the following parameters: voltage (per phase), current (per phase) andactive power and active and reactive energy.In order to analyze the collected data an analysis tool is required. During this thesis two customized tools in Microsoft Excel have been developed, one for sorting data and one for analyzing.One aim of the thesis is to show examples of what collected measurement data can be used for. This work shows an example of analysis of active power, power factor, voltage, occurrence of interrupts and the relationship between outdoor temperature and power.This master thesis has among others resulted in the following advice: Expand the number of secondary substations with measuring equipment.

Djuren i skolans värld

The purpose of this essay is to closely study different studies and texts within the subjects ofanimals and nature in order to, from different themes, analyze and determine whether or not animalsis a useful tool to apply in school as well as preschool. Above all else, this study serves to answerwhat animals and nature can bring children, and when you as an educationalist can benefit from it inyour classes within school and preschool. This study also serves to point out what you should keepin mind when using animals as a tool in your classes, since there are a few obstacles to consider.The method used to analyze the different themes is discourse analysis, which is a sort of textanalysis.About one hundred years ago when our society was industrialized, different theories and theimportance of preserving and to sojourn into nature began to grow among some theorists, biologistsand educators. The value of spending time outdoors was realized, which we today have a greatunderstanding of. Our interest for the impact of animals on us is also starting to grow, and there is alot of research that is of the opinion that animals are good for children in many different ways, andfor many different reasons.

Renovering av miljonprogrammet till Umeå kommuns nybyggnadskrav för energianvändning

A lot of houses built during the Million Homes Programme are in need of major renovation. Today?s technology and materials are better than in the 60?s and 70?s. Both Swedish government and the European Union have set climate goals regarding energy consumption by 2020 and 2050. Achieving these goals would require better standards in buildings than the Building regulations demands, such as Umeå municipality?s construction requirements for new buildings.The report aims to investigate if a renovation of apartment buildings from the Million Homes Programme can reach Umeå municipality?s construction requirements.

Skadedjursbegränsare i horisontella avloppsrör

The purpose with this project was to invent a product that secures buildings sewersystems against rats. The problem was presented to us by a local building maintainer inHalmstad, who had experienced big problems with rats in his real estate. The project hasbeen carried out by Per Johansson, Robert Lidén and Niclas Nilsson under our ownauspices. We are primarily sponsored by AMLI Business Partner but also byInnvationsgruppen, Halmstad Fastighets AB and Anticimex.To be able to secure a whole building with only one product we came to the conclusionthat the product must be placed in the horizontal sewer pipe that connects with themunicipal sewer system. Our goal was to invent a product that prevent rats from passingand at the same time not affect the water flow.

Investeringsbeslut i affärssystem : En fallstudie på TOOLS Momentum AB

Denna undersökning har till syfte att belysa vilka hinder och möjligheter det finns för pedagoger på fritidshem att inkludera barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar som läser enligt Lgr 11 (Skolverket 2011). Genom undersökningen exponeras vilka hinder och möjligheter pedagoger stöter på i sitt dagliga arbete. Har de kunskaper om anpassningar för barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar( NPF)? Får de det stöd och den fortbildning från ledningen som behövs för att jobba inkluderande?Metoden som använts är en kvantitativ studie med kvalitativa inslag i form av en webbenkät med frågor av olika struktureringsgrad för att få så mycket information som möjligt. Sedan har resultatet bearbetats och analyserats med hjälp av den sociokulturella teorin och Antonoivskys KASAM teori.Arbetet ger en kort allmän översikt kring fritidshemmet och barn i behov av stöd, en beskrivning av vilka funktionsnedsättningar som  undersökningen   avser samt vilka anpassningar pedagoger kan använda sig av på fritidshemmet.Resultatet visar att det finns en avsevärd kunskap kring NPF ute på fritidshemmen men det efterfrågas mer utbildning och resurser.

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