

1463 Uppsatser om Rhetorical tools - Sida 27 av 98

Politiska ideal kommer och går, men kärnfamiljen består : en diskursanalys av riksdagsdebatten om vårdnadsbidraget 2007/2008

This thesis takes as its point of departure the Swedish governmental family policy and the debate on the proposed reform ?vårdnadsbidraget?. The supporters of the reform present it as something that will increase the freedom of choice for families and benefit the children, whereas the opponents warn for decreased equality and a return to the male breadwinner-model.From a constructivist perspective, language is closely related to power through defining and ascribing meaning to reality. By applying a feminist political theory on the debate within the Swedish national parliament 2007/2008 and conducting a discourse analysis, the aim of this paper is to analyse which concepts are used and how they construct to what makes a family within the political debate ? is there any difference or similarity between the view of the opponents and the supporters of ?vårdnadsbidraget??The main conclusion of this paper is that even though the political ideal and rhetorical concepts differ between the supporters and the opponents, they still constitute the heterosexual nuclear family as an obvious norm in family politics.

En för alla, alla för en : Vad är sammanhållning och vilken innebörd har begreppet sammanhållning för SISU`s idrottskonsulenter.

The purpose of this study was to find out how SISU reason about cohesion with respect to its own operations, as sports consultants.There is no previous research on how sports consultants using cohesion as a pedagogical tool. However, there is research on cohesion linked to sport. Earlier research sees cohesion as a multidimensional phenomenon. This means that multiple factors determine the experience of cohesion. Such factors include how how-knit the team or group are, individual and joint objectives and that the individuals share common experiences.

Förslag till ombyggnation av klipp- och bockningsmaskin

This thesis work has been performed on request by SWT (Scandinavia WeldTech AB). SWT manufactures, develop and sell ready to assemble building systems for concrete rafter beam applications. The beams in this system consist of a u-beam that is welded to a flange. To be able to fill the beams with concrete there is holes in the beams top end. The holes are made in a ?punching machine?.  These holes are cut out and the remaining steel piece is bent down in the u-beam.

GIS-baserad habitatmodell för mindre hackspett, ett verktyg för att bevara skyddsvärda lövskogar inom Umeälvlandskapet :

Deciduous forests are, according to the National Environmental Quality Objectives, a priority area. Deciduous forests are rich in species and the occurrence of dead wood is an important factor for biodiversity. In order to identify valuable deciduous forests for bio-diversity, conservation needs good analyses and planning tools. Habitat models combined with geographic information systems can be used to study the spatial structure of suitable habitat. The Lesser spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor) has been proposed as an indicator species for deciduous forests, since this species is highly specialized on insect larvae in dead wood and requires large areas of deciduous-rich environments. Many riparian forest with high species richness and high nature conservation values are found along the Ume river in Umeå municipality.

Allsvensk fotbollssponsring

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the ERK model's relevance, validity and potential need of development to better reflect how it looks today (2013). Method: The study is conducted through three surveys; the first two were face interviews with companies that sponsor Swedish soccer teams and the third study was conducted with a questionnaire to supporters outside a soccer stadium. Results: A model that would better reflect the reality of today (2013) could contain company pride, chairman?s whim, exposure, relationships and associations..

Stölder och förebyggande åtgärder : en studie hos Holmen skogs entreprenörer och egna maskinlag

This master thesis was performed as a mission from Holmen Skog with the purpose to investigate to which extent their own machine teams and engaged contractors were exposed to theft and vandalism, and most common preventive measures used. With the help of collected data the study should lead to proposals of preventive measures that can help the machine teams in their struggle to minimise theft and vandalism. Theft and vandalism are a big problem for Swedish forest contractors. In a scarce economic situation thefts and vandalism rapidly decrease the profit for the contractors. However, the last years have resulted in a positive awareness of thefts, and more and better preventive measures have been developed. With the initiative of this master thesis, Holmen Skog show that they are aware of the situation and that they wish to take control of the problem. A total amount of 108 questionnaires was sent out to Holmen?s own machine teams and engaged contractors.

Varumärkesbyggande i kreativa näringar: en fallstudie på festivaler

The purpose of this thesis was to illuminate how festivals are building their brand. We aimed to investigate how festivals build their brand equity and how they use their web site as a brand-building tool. In order to understand the brand-building process within festivals, a case study was conducted based on interviews with three respondents from three different festivals. The study has shown that festivals are aware that the brand constitutes an important competitive advantage. They use both online and offline marketing tools in their brand building process.

Duende : En analytisk studie av Federico Garcia Lorcas estetiska begrepp och dess inverkan på Bruno K. Öijers Trilogin

This paper examines how the Swedish nationalistic political party Sverigedemokraterna communicates regarding the crisis they experienced when the Swedish newspaper Expressen published a few video clips of three, in that time, highly important party members that got in an argument after a late night of drinking. Two of the party members were at the time of the publication the members of the Swedish parliament and all of them had important senior positions in the party. In the argument one of the party members used abusive, offensive, sexist and racist language while all acted threatening and even armed themselves with iron bars from a nearby construction site.The aim of this paper is to examine how the party Sverigedemokraterna conducts their crisis communication, if they apologies and the fashion of the apology. A press conference with the party leader and the most active user of abusive language and also an interview with the second member of parliament who is involved in the argument are studied. The rhetorical arena is used to describe and pinpoint the most important stakeholders in the crisis.

Under ytan ... det onämnbara vid sekelskiftet 1900 : En studie av hur Hallwylska museet med utgångspunkt från museets samlingar gestaltar en tillfällig temautställning

This paper, from Hallwylska museum collections to the exhibition ?Beneath the surface ... The Unmentionableat the turn of the 20th Century? is a survey of how the Hallwylska museum on the basis of its collections createsa temporary exhibition. The paper is focusing on how Wilhelmina von Hallwyl`s collections together with theexhibitor`s different intentions from the exhition.

Riktiga män äter kött och kvinnor äter inte alls : En kvalitativ bildanalys av omslagen på sex olika livsstilsmagasin för män respektive kvinnor.

This study was a qualitative analysis of the covers of six lifestyle magazines, three addressed to women and three addressed to men. We have studied the cover photographs, the teasers and their relations. The purpose of this study was to answer the questions: According to the magazines, what are male interests and what are typical female interests? Who is the ideal man and who is the ideal woman? Is there a certain way you need to look to be able to be on a magazine cover? And how often do the magazines encourage you to consume? The study was based on thirty covers, five from each magazine. The Swedish magazines are VeckoRevyn, Amelia, Damernas Värld, King of Sweden, Café and the American version of GQ. We?ve used semiotics and rhetorical methods to analyze the material.

Direktdemokrati och representativ demokrati : En jämförande analys mellan två demokratimodeller och en definierad idealtyp

The essay?s main focus has been to investigate and analyze the political actions behind the 2015?s grade compromise; an agreement to introduce grades from the fourth year in primary school. Through a game-theory analysis, mainly based in Leif Lewin?s and Jörgen Herman's research on rationality in politics, this study examined the grade debate  during a fifteen year period. The primary task has thereby been to explain the grade compromise through game-theory.

Krisen på Wall Street : En analys av sju artiklar från tidningen Affärsvärlden och fem artiklar från tidningen XINHUA om banken Lehman Brothers konkurs 17 september 2008

The crisis on Wall Street. This essay is a comparative study of how two business newspapers report on the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings in September 2008. Seven articles from the Swedish European financial newspaper Affärsvärlden (Business World) and five articles from the Chinese-Asian news agency XINHUA FINANCE are examined. The aim is to analyze, understand and evaluate from a rhetorical perspective. My thesis is that rhetors storytelling can tell us more about how we cope with crisis in the global economic discourse. The texts can portray man as a narrative creature when identification as a rational actor is not enough. The analytical methods used are linguistic analysis with an emphasis on metaphor analysis, narrative analysis based on pentad - Critical dramatism, and discourse analysis with doxological outlook. The results show that both newspapers seek to defend the global economic discourse, but they do so in different ways. Affärsvärlden advocates calmness and conveys a cautious attitude. The heart of the crisis, as well as its solution, is on Wall Street. XINHUA advocates control and expresses confidence in authorities and the system. Asia is presented as Wall Street's savior..

"Någonstans måste man ju dra en gräns, ska man leva eller hålla på och jobba ihjäl sig" : Arbetsgruppens normer och balans mellan arbete och privatliv

This essay studies how advertisements in various anti-smoking campaigns can influence and persuade by using anti-logos as counter-arguments to the tobacco industry's logos. In contrast to tobacco advertising arguments such as freedom (logos), pleasure (pathos) and trademark (ethos) the anti-smoking campaigns create anti-logos arguments with various connotations such as repulsive pictures and sexual implications to influence groups of people not to start smoking or to quit smoking.Advertisement of tobacco does not exist nowadays due to legal restrictions in the western world; however several decades of myths created in the consumer consciousness still exist. Thus one can speak of a tobacco advertising ideology that exists and the various anti-smoking campaigns trying to change that ideology.The purpose of anti-smoking campaigns is to conduct a kategoria of myth that tobacco advertisement has created over the years. Anti smoking organizations do this by creating a new ideology to affect consumer?s attitude toward smoking and the tobacco myth with an anti-myth.

VIBRATIONSSKADOR - FÖREKOMST OCH FÖREBYGGANDE : Analys av ett strukturerat arbetssätt inom bostadsproduktion

Ask any constructional worker and there is a high probability that this person knows a colleague with pain or other disorders caused by working with power tools.According to the Swedish Work Environment Authority 71 percent of the Swedish constructional workers is exposed to vibrations at least 25 percent of the working hours. Despite this, the number of reported occupational sicknesses caused by vibrations is as low as 1, 4 percent.JM Ltd. is one of the largest constructional companies in Sweden. Their main business is new housing and development of residential areas. God quality and low impact on the environment is a part of great importance in the company?s long-term goals.

Valda verkligheter : En studie av svenska och engelska tidningars konstruerande av verklighet i rapporteringen kring Julian Assange

This is an analysis of how the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet and the English newspapers The Independent and The Guardian reported about the sexual molestation and rape charges that were alleged against the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in August 2010. Through a critical discourse analysis, a theme- and proposition analysis and a process analysis this paper aims to investigate how the above mentioned newspapers create reality in their articles. The purpose is to shed light upon with what means the journalists through the inherited structures of the newspaper illustrate actions and events, how they let other people get visible in the text and who is described as responsible for current events.    The results of the analysis shows that Aftonbladet uses a relatively large amount of propositions and speech cues to create an image of the reality that is almost explicitly angled. Dagens Nyheter and The Independent claims a higher degree of objectivity and through micro themes with different perspectives and few explicit statements they create a reality with plenty of room for the reader to make her own conclusions. The Guardian creates an image of the world where the Wikileaks is a great force of democracy and where actions are performed by humans as well as by objects and organizations.   .

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