

257 Uppsatser om Retirement pension - Sida 2 av 18

Synen på munhälsa och tandvård hos pensionärer som deltar i olika pensionärsföreningar - en enkätstudie : The opinion of oral health and dental care now and in the future among retirement individuals that participate in different retirement organization.

The aim of this study was to examine retiared individuals view of oral health and dental care. A questionnaire was sent to three different retirement organizations and answared by 106 participants. Our studie showed that irrespective of education or health status, the majority considered oral health and dental care was important and will become so in the future. Most elderly individuals can consider getting help with their oral health with oral health care in the future. This studie showed that the elderly are concerned about their appearance.

Contemporary Challenges of Public Pension Systems and Their Effects on Pension Reform Choices in European and Candidate countries

The process of European Integration and creation of the single market revealed many questions and boundaries on the development and improvement of the European Social Policy. Pension?s sustainability has become the priority issue especially during the EU enlargement processes. Different policy instruments and institutions available to governments of Member States in realization of social objectives resulted in a growing diversity of pension polices which produced different combinations of public and private provisions - ?private-public hybrids? , with the state exercising different degrees of influence in their development.

En jämförelsestudie av AP-fonderna och bankernas Sverigefonder 2003-2010

Background: In 1999 the Swedish pension system was reformed with an aim to create a stable and high return on pension assets. First, Second, Third and Fourth general pension funds, hereby referred to as AP1-AP4, had an important part in the reform. AP1-AP4, also called the buffer funds, was assigned to secure long-term, big parts of the pension capital. The funds objective is by law, to manage the fund's assets in a manner that provides maximum benefit for the state pension. The funds will also invest pension assets with an overall low level of risk while achieving a sustainable high return.Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the First-Fourth AP-Funds is meeting its objectives regarding risk and return according to Swedish law.

Avsättningar till pensioner : En studie om IAS 19 och konsekvenserna av dess implementering

Background: At the turn of the year 2004/2005, IAS 19 replaced Tryggandelagen (TrL) and RR 29 as the accounting standard in Swedish concerns. This introduction was associated with a certain apprehension for the possible changes in the companies? pension liabilities and equity.Purpose: To illustrate the difficulties of the introduction of IAS 19 by observing how it differs from TrL, and what kind of problems these differences can cause.Procedure: Individuals who are well up in, and work with pension liabilities have been interviewed. After this follows an example of the calculated pension liability of a company, to illustrate the differences between the calculations according to TrL and IAS 19. To conclude the chapter, a comparison between a number of companies from the Stockholm stock exchange is made to establish their various actuarial assumptions.Method: The essay mainly follows the qualitative research method, since this method is more appropriate when the substance in the matter is based on detailed differences and opinions.Results and conclusions: The introduction of IAS 19 has taken time and been an expensive matter, although the expenses weren?t as great as feared.

Kommunernas dolda pensionsskuld

Background: In 1998 it was stated that Swedish municipalities would report the pension liabilities according to the mixed model where the pension liabilities before 1998 was moved from the balance sheet. The mixed model has been criticized by economists for not showing the total pension liabilities. To remove some of the liabilities in the municipalities balance sheets means that the solvency improves. Some municipalities have decided to go against the municipal accounting law and recognize all of the pension liability as a liability according to the full funding model. When two accounting models are being used the comparison of the municipalities' financial statements is much harder.Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to study the reason why some municipalities apply full funding model rather than the mixed model.

Vilka möjliga faktorer ligger bakom individernas varierande pensionsålder?

Fewer and fewer people from the age of 60 and upward are still in the working life according to a working survey from Central Bureau of Statistics. Only one of twenty can consider retiring after an age of 65. According to another survey that National Insurance Administration put through year 2000, just about 40 % of the working population desires to finish working before an age of 65. This trend towards lower seceding age seems to continue. There are number of factors that seem for lower retirement age and others for a higher retirement age that we prove in our study.

Nordea Liv och Pension under finanskris

Title: Nordea Life and Pension during financial crisis Subject: Business administration, Candidate thesis 15 p. Authors: Seyithan Öngörur och Adnan Yari Instructor: Peter Lindberg Date: 2010-01-13 Key words: Nordea, the financial crisis, advice, marketing, customer relationship Purpose: The purpose of the study is to provide an understanding of how the financial crisis has affected Nordea Life and Pensions market growth based on market share. We also want to give an understanding of what factors may be responsible for the outcome that it may be helpful in future financial crises. Method: A qualitative study was the basis for the study, where three interviews were carried out by the respondents from Nordea Life and Pension.  Theory: In this section we have focused on relevant theory and has divided them into different themes, advice, current legislation, marketing, consumption and buying behavior. Conclusion: The study shows that Nordea Life and Pension had a positive growth during the financial crisis and a number of factors are presented that may be the basis for the outcome.Proposal for further research: Since this study was limited to one company it may be intresting to investigate and examine the consuling industry market as a whole affected by the financial crisis. Contributions: This paper has provided an understanding of how Nordea Life and Pensions affected during a financial crisis, based on market share and the factors that may have been the basis for this..

Att vara 50+ på arbetet : Äldre lärare om utveckling, åldrande och pension

Äldre yrkesverksamma är en ökande grupp på arbetsmarknaden. Det är inte ovanligt att stereotypa uppfattningar kring denna grupp resulterar i åldersdiskriminering. Det är även känt att människor förändras, både till det bättre och sämre, genom åren och att detta påverkar individens yrkesutövande. Sex grundskolelärare intervjuades med syftet att beskriva och förstå hur de ser på åldrandet, pensionen, hur de upplever att de utvecklats under åren samt hur de upplever att omgivningen ser på dem. Erfarenheter ansågs vara det mest positiva med att vara äldre medan distansen till eleverna var det negativa.

?Good citizenship? - The IKEA-Way? : ? En studie som bygger på berättelser om IKEA:s arbete med etnisk mångfald

I uppsatsen undersöker vi vilken grupp av låg-, medel- och höginkomsttagare som kan tänkas gynnas mest av det nya pensionssystemet. Vi har gjort beräkningar för att få fram skattning av hur mycket respektive grupp kan tänkas få i pension i förhållande till sin slutlön beroende på hur man placerar sin premie- och tjänstepension. Utifrån dessa resultat har vi även undersökt vilken grupp som har störst nytta av att placera sin premie- och tjänstepension i låg- och högriskfonder. Undersökningen pekade på att ju lägre inkomst man har desto högre kompensationsgrad får man vid placering i högriskfonder. Däremot fick höginkomsttagarna störst nyttoökning av att placera sin pension i högriskfonder.

Tjänstekvalitet för pensionssparande : En studie om vilka faktorer som påverkar den upplevda tjänstekvaliteten för pensionssparande

Our purpose of this paper is to seek an understanding of which service quality factors that affects customers in their decision making progress regarding purchasing financial services such as pension products. We also seek to evaluate the different service quality factors by compare their relative strength against each other. The study aim to investigate if there are any connections between customer behavior variables such as gender, age and income in comparison to these service quality factors related to pension products.The findings aim to help a small financial institute such as our case company Plain Capital to understand how their customers experience service quality regarding pension products.In order to find empirical results we conducted a qualitative research as well a quantitative research. The qualitative research employed both a focus group interview with pension savers and an interview with our case company Plain Capital. We were able to identify the service quality factors for pension?s products with help from the focus group interview.

Det nya pensionssystemet - vem gynnas?

I uppsatsen undersöker vi vilken grupp av låg-, medel- och höginkomsttagare som kan tänkas gynnas mest av det nya pensionssystemet. Vi har gjort beräkningar för att få fram skattning av hur mycket respektive grupp kan tänkas få i pension i förhållande till sin slutlön beroende på hur man placerar sin premie- och tjänstepension. Utifrån dessa resultat har vi även undersökt vilken grupp som har störst nytta av att placera sin premie- och tjänstepension i låg- och högriskfonder. Undersökningen pekade på att ju lägre inkomst man har desto högre kompensationsgrad får man vid placering i högriskfonder. Däremot fick höginkomsttagarna störst nyttoökning av att placera sin pension i högriskfonder.

Utrikesfödda och institutionella förändringar i det svenska pensionssystemet

Syftet med denna studie är att analysera och jämföra inkomst från privat pension mellan utrikes födda individer som kom till Sverige före år 1970 och inrikes födda individer. Grupperna som har observerats är utrikes födda och inrikes födda, män och kvinnor som år 2008 var i åldrarna 65-66, 70-74 samt 75 och uppåt. Syftet är att, med utgångspunkten att de utrikes födda erhåller lägre inkomstsnivåer från offentlig pension än de inrikes födda, analysera om de kompenserar med högre nivåer från privat pensionsinkomst. Studien visar på att utrikes födda i åldersgruppen 75 och uppåt erhåller något lägre inkomstnivåer från privat pension än motsvarande inrikes födda, i åldersgruppen 70-74 är skillnaden större medan utrikes födda i åldersgruppen 65 erhåller avsevärt lägre nivåer än inrikes födda. Således kompenserar inte utrikes födda en lägre offentlig pension med privat pensionssparande.

Ett aktivt val? : En studie om äldre personers boende och vilka mekanismer som styr deras val av boende

The objective of this study was to explore the mechanisms controlling elderly people's choice of staying in there own home.The main questions were: What makes some people move to retirement homes while some people stay in their own home? What is the emotional relation to housing for people in general and elderly people in particular? How does the assessment of aid and application of the law affect elderly people's possibility to choose their way of living? What mechanisms during the twentieth century have controlled the society's way of looking on elderly people's housing? What future scenarios can we expect concerning elderly people's housing?Our method consisted of a literature study combined with qualitative interviews.The authors found a complex picture concerning elderly people's relationship to their housing and the will, wishes and possibilities to move to a retirement home or stay in their own home. One factor that affects elderly people's will to move is a deteriorated health. Another is the increased need of a safe living and access to personnel at all time. Also the assessment of aid and application of the law affect elderly people's possibility to stay at home or to move to a retirement home.

Äldres berättelser om åldrandet

ABSTRACT Our main objective with this essay is to provide a description of old people?s stories about aging. The essay is based on the empirical source of four qualitative interviews with older people over the age of eighty years young. The main goal is to inquire answers about; their time in the workforce; retirements; healthissues; media/advertisements; adolescence/youthfulness and attitudes. The following main questions have been dealt with: What do the elderly emphasize when they describe ageing? Are healthissues the prime subjects the elderly talk about? Do the elderly experience positive or negative attitudes towards ageing? What is their point of view of younger generations? In what way do they describe their years as workers? In what way do they describe aspects about their retirement? We reserved to consider the opinion of their own, to be the most valuable source in our study.

Arbetsmotivation i äldreomsorgen: en explorativ studie av uppfattningar hos medarbetare och chef vid ett äldreboende

An explorative study on the work motivation of employees at a retirement home. The three main factors are internal motivation, external motivation and control. A comparison between how important they estimate the different factors to be and how they experience them today reveals which factor is their key motivator and which areas that need improvement. Results indicat that internal and external motivation are slightly more important than control. And the amount of perceived control reflects the amount of creative and initiative behaviour of the individual.

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