

521 Uppsatser om Retail display - Sida 20 av 35

Implementering av felpredikteringoch frekvenshopp i ett 2,4 GHzradiosystem

Maxicap AB är ett företag som utvecklar och tillverkar elektronisk utrustning för bland annat olika mätuppgifter. Målet med detta examensjobb var att undersöka och implementera en stabil trådlös dataöverföringsmetod med den utrustning som Maxicap ville använda. Detta skulle åstadkommas/testas genom att sända temperatursensorvärden trådlöst med Nordic Semiconductor?ssändtagare (eng. transceiver) styrda av Atmel?s mikrokontrollers.

Framtidens bank : en studie av hur banker skulle kunna utformas med hjälp av användbarhet och social media

The retail banks are usually looked upon as conservative. Since the launch of internet banks in the 90's they have not developed much. Meanwhile the internet is developing in a fast pace and social websites are increasing in popularity. The purpose of this essay was to investigate how internet banking will develop in the near future based on interviews, literature and trend studies. With web 2.0 techniques the internet bank could develop to help the costumers take more informed decisions regarding their economic situation.

Upplevelser av vårdpersonalens bemötande vid självskadebeteende : En studie av självbiografier

Background: Since the end of the 1990`s the self-harm among adolescents have increased. Research is needed on how to improve the ability to care for these patients. That is why it is important to investigate how patients who self-harm and the next of kin are encountered by the caregivers.Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate the experiences of encounters with caregivers at self-harm.Method: The study was based on narratives, which in this case means analysis of autobiographies. Five autobiographies were analyzed in accordance with a description by Dahlborg-Lyckhage. Four of these were written by self-harmers and one by a next of kin.Results: Three themes and twelve subthemes emerged which describe both negative and positive experiences of encounters with caregivers.

Mobil videotelefoni som kommunikationshjälpmedel för individer med hörselnedsättning

De specifika syftena med studien var att undersöka om (a)taluppfattningen förbättras om man i en liten display får se den som talar, jämfört med om ingen bild alls visas, och om (b)taluppfattningen förbättras då kontextuella ledtrådar presenteras i samband med ett talat meddelande. Studien syftade även till att ta reda på deltagarnas upplevelser och inställning till tekniken. Därför genomfördes (a) en datainsamling av objektiv data i form av ett talåtergivningstest, och (b) ett videosamtal via mobiltelefon samt en insamling av subjektiv data i form av intervju, med 10 deltagare med hörselnedsättning.Resultatet av studien visade att både visuell och kontextuell information ökade taluppfattningen för deltagarna i studien, vilket innebär att videosamtal har potential att fungera som ett hjälpmedel för denna användargrupp. Ur intervjun framkom bland annat att hälften av deltagarna ansåg att konversationen förenklades med videosamtal, och hälften att den försvårades. De deltagare som tyckte att konversationen försvårades uppgav som skäl att ljudet kom före bilden i samtalet vilket gjorde det svårt att läppavläsa samtalspartnern.

HMX detektering i transparent plastslang

Orica Miningsservices är ett företag som tillverkar sprängämnen till civil förbrukning. I deras produktutbud finns ett sätt att initiera en sprängning utan att använda elektriska sprängkapslar.  De använder en plastslang som är belagd med ett tunt sprängämnesskikt runt kanten på insidan, och sprängämnen kallas HMX.De finns idag ett analogt detekteringssystem som är baserat på optisk detektering. En lasergivare skickar ljuset igenom plastslangen och den detekteras med en fotocell. För ett säkert mätresultat används två lasergivare med respektive fotodetektorer, de mäter horisontellt respektive vertikalt. Deras resultatvärden summeras i en OP-förstärkare.

"Att bygga broar över murar" : en studie av ett kvinnligt ekumeniskt nätverk

The purpose of this master`s thesis is to examine how the contemporary changes in society display itself in the network Ecumenical Forum of European Christian Women EFECW and to increase the understanding of networks. My main questions are: What does the networks structure look like? What does the networks relationships look like? How is identity created in the network and what types of identities is created? The objectives are reached by using two methods, qualitative inquiries and document analysis. The inquiries were carried out to nine members in the network of different countries. The theoretical framework of the thesis is Manuel Castells theories of the network society, and the study is also placed in context by a presentation of previous research on the field.

Talk the talk and walk the walk? -A study of the dissonance between the consumers? attitudes and actual behaviour towards local produce-

A debate on environmental issues and food safety has been ongoing in Sweden and it is suggested that consumers' are seeking local produce instead of global and exotic foods. Moreover, studies show that the consumers? positive attitude towards local produce does not reflect their actions. The purpose with this thesis is to contribute to a better understanding of the dissonance between the consumer?s attitudes and actual behaviour towards local produce.

Teststrategier och användning av testautomation : En studie utförd på företaget Extenda AB

In today?s IT world where software is constructed in a rapid pace, testing has become a crucial area to master when testing has to be done at a greater speed. To still be able to handle the demands of high quality software, companies have to spend more resources on testing and introduce test automation. By automating test cases the testers can gain time which they can spend on doing more complex testing and thereby increase the quality of the software.In this thesis we have helped Extenda AB, who delivers systems to retail companies, to introduce test automation in one of their customer specific projects. This has been done using their own in-house ?capture/replay? tool ECP (Extenda Cashier Player).We have also derived a process that explains how Extenda can introduce test automation on other customer projects.

Skönlitteratur på skärm: En explorativ undersökning om e-boken och dess konsekvenser för litteratursamhället

This thesis should be regarded as an integrated research synthesis. The purpose has been to analyse how the literary sociologist Lars Furulands model the literary process correlates in relation to todays book market for fiction. The central problem has been: In what different ways can some of the main actors featuring in Furulands model of the literary process use, produce or provide copyright protected works of fiction which are electronically distributed? Three questions have been considered to penetrate this problem: In what different ways can to judge from some projects which have been carried through at common public libraries electronic works of fiction be provided to their presumed readers? What reasons could there be as it appears in a number of texts that four Swedish authors have chosen to disseminate their works of fiction by the aid of the Internet? Which main functions may, according to current research, be supported by electronic media in connection with editing and retail of fiction? During this study a picture of two quite disconnected processes of publication has materialized. These processes seem to proceed parallelly to each other, without any close contact, in a traditional respectively an electronic circuit.

Vinkärlsetiketterna berättar : En textstudie

This paper examines the texts written on shards from wine-jars found at El-Amarna, Tutankhamuns tomb (KV 62) and Deir el-Medina. Information concerning the administration of wine and its production, found in these texts, is examined. Wine was an important element in Egyptian society and a common iconographic motif in tombs at Thebes during New Kingdom.A survey on previous research on the subject is presented. This is followed by analysis of the different reoccurring elements found in the texts. A definition of the standard formulation of the wine jar label texts is given and the minimal level of information needed for the administration of wine production and distribution is identified. The chapter of the analysis deals with the various types of information given in the label texts, such as date, wine classification, and function.

Konflikten i Baskien : -Kan konsensus uppnås?

The aim of this essay is to examine the background to the ongoing conflict between Spain and Basque. The conflicting parts and the opportunities of an agreement regarding a permanent cease-fire will also be examined. I chose to write about this conflict due to the fact that it has been going on for a long time, and is still going on.In order to be able to conduct the survey of this essay I have studied a wide range of books, reports from different institutions, and articles. I have strived for objectivity and to retail a fair description of the situation.To get a better understanding of the conflict the essay starts with history of conflict which has its beginning in the fifteenth century. Further on the essay is going to examine the conflicting parts that exist nowadays, and also the acting of different Basque political groups and the acting of the Spanish government.

Item-level tagging och RFID : Förutsättningar för en ökad användning inom detaljhandel

RFID har sedan 80-talet vuxit fram inom industri- och transport-branschen som ett sätt att under-lätta spårning av tillgångar och övervakning av informationsflöden genom logistikkedjan. Tek-nologin har idag många olika applikationsområden och används inom en mängd olika verksam-heter. Item-level Tagging (ILT) är ett sätt att utnyttja tekniken genom att märka enskilda varor för att på så sätt ge dem unika identiteter, vilket erbjuder enorm potential inom detaljhandel. Givet potentialen med tekniken vill vi med vår studie undersöka vilka förutsättningar som kommer att krävas för en ökad användning av ILT och RFID inom detaljhandeln. Detta mål uppnås genom att undersöka de barriärer som tidigare har hindrat en ökad användning samt hur dessa barriärer uppfattas i dagsläget.

Mode som narrativ : En analys av modets roll i The Picture of Dorian Gray

My aim with this study has been to examine how the fashion is a leading component in the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray.I have studied the role fashion plays in the novel and in which way it can be seen as a way of letting the reader know the important role of fashion in 19tcentury England and the morals of Oscar Wilde.To prove my thesis I have used literature that shows how Oscar Wilde uses influences from his own life in his writing of The Picture of Dorian Gray. I have also used Judith Butler's theory of performativity in analyzing the characters in ordet to display their way of staging themselves and their lifestyles and their dependence of that performativity in their interactions. Even though the theory of performativity often is used to hold the importance of the sexes, I have concluded that it has an important role in the novel when Dorian Gray interacts with the character Sibyl Vane who is an actress. My results have shown that fashion in the novel is often a way of letting the reader know important elements of a character in the way that certain fabrics and items are mentioned when Wilde writes about his characters. I have also found that fashion is an important factor when the characters judge each when they speak about the way they dress.

Skillnader i konsumentbeteende mellan försäljningskanaler

In todays' society e-commerce is growing at a rapid speed. 4,6 % of all retail sales on the Swedish market are done on the Internet. In the makeup category, which will be the category of focus in this study, 9 % of all the sales were done on the Internet during the last quarter of 2011. As it is today many suppliers do not have enough knowledge about e-commerce and instead of focusing on the development of the channel the focus should instead be on the development of the users of the channel.The purpose of this study is to understand the buying process with respect to the existing theories. The focus will be on the two stages information search and evaluation of alternatives.

Arkiv, bibliotek, museer: en jämförelse av katalogiseringselement vid tre minnesinstitutioner.

This masters thesis concerns three different types of cataloguing within three different memory institutions museums, archives and libraries. The focus lies on the cataloguing elements which are compared in order to illuminate similarities and differences. The Regional Archive and The National Museum of World Cultures - both in Gothenburg - were chosen and compared to KRS, the Swedish counterpart to the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, AACR2, 2: nd ed. The purpose of this comparison is partly to display the elements in order to make students disciplines, but also the staff within archives, libraries and museums to become conscious of each others cataloguing methods in regard to future cooperations within the memory institutions and to see if it is possible to create common cataloguing rules for archives, libraries and museums. The questions asked in this thesis are: 1.

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