

521 Uppsatser om Retail display - Sida 18 av 35

EQ i undervisningen : En studie om elevers uppfattningar och tankar kring EQ i undervisningen.

With examples from a single classroom situation, several educational moments show what goes on between the teacher and the student. The teacher?s responsibility in the learning process is, with a gesture frozen in the air of the moment, to lead and follow the student in her tentative efforts at seeking knowledge. Initially, it is an attempt to shed light upon the "not yet seen" with a certainty that the student herself possesses the capacity and the aptitude to reach greater insight and clarity in her understanding. The Validation/Feil Method presented in this instructional situation illustrates how best to communicate with elderly people suffering from Alzheimer?s dementia.

"Vill du röra på dig får du gå ut" : En studie om pedagogers syn på barns stillasittande i skolans tidigare år

This study aims to discover pedagogues perceptions of children?s sedentary behavior linked to the school and its activities. Questions that the study sought to answer was: What do pedagogues think of when they hear ?sedentary children?. How do the pedagogues look at their own and the schools responsibility? Advantages and disadvantages with sedentary behavior? Relationship between physical activity and sedentary behavior and the impact of environment connected to sedentary behavior? The study is qualitative and implemented through seven interviews with pedagogues in the schools earlier years.

Apor i fruktdisken!: eller påverkan av icke-musikaliska ljud inom detaljhandeln

Retail marketing is a field with many different enbranchements. Some of these can be considered relatively well explored, while the lack of knowledge concerning others is almost total. For example, the existing knowledge regardng the possible impact that non-musical sound can have on the customer can be considered non-existent. With this in mind, the intention with the thesis was to closer investigate how non-musical sound can influence the customer's decision process and attitude in and to a grocery store. The authors started out with theories on associative networks and automatic processing.

Barnen som inte fanns : En kvalitativ studie baserad på självbiografier med fokus på individers upplevelse av omsorgssvikt

The aim of this study was to describe and understand how individuals in adulthood experienced a childhood with neglect, and how they handled neglect. In order to reach the perspective of the individuals who grew up with neglect, we chose to use autobiographical books as our empirical material. The criteria the autobiographies had to meet in order to fall within the scope of this study was that the biographies had to display the experience of neglect during childhood, and thereto the books had to be written by individuals who themselves experienced neglect. Based on the aim of this study we sought answers to three questions: How do the individuals describe their upbringing with a mentally or socially disabled parent? How have the individuals coped with the neglect they?ve been exposed to? What consequences have the neglect supposedly led to? The findings of this study show that the extent to which the individuals experienced neglect were profound and comprising.

Fans of Brands - The revival of fan clubs

Our purpose is to display the meaning of fan clubs and further reveal the potential value of fans. This study has an abductive approach with a qualitative data collection, where empirical material has been collected through a micro netnographic study along with qualitative interviews. IKEA and IKEA Family have been applied together with virtual fan clubs to study the fan club phenomenon. The study is based on prior literature concerning loyalty, customer clubs and brand relations. This theoretical framework was chosen to fulfil the purpose of unveiling the meaning of fan clubs and the potential value of fans.

Japansk trädgårdsdesign i Sverige : en förlorad känsla

This is a BA thesis in landscape planning at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate why Japanese gardens, created in Sweden, often lack the feeling connected with Japanese gardens. The thesis includes a short study of Japanese history, spanning from the Middle Ages to the 19th century, to create a mild understanding of how the Japanese society changed, due to political, religious and cultural influences. The traditional Japanese garden styles, developed during this period, have been concisely compiled separately to create a homogeneous image of each style. In order to display opposite views of garden design in the European garden styles, some of the european styles have been concisely compiled as well. To produce a higher level of understanding of the Japanese garden, a consice compilation of the fundamental design principles has been included, as well as variuos types of decoration typical to the Japanese gardens, since the miss-use of these is a certain way of losing the feeling of a Japanese garden. The thesis is concluded by a consice compilation of possible reasons as to why the feeling connected with Japanese gardens is absent, as well as some attempt to include the feeling in the Swedish versions of Japanese gardens..

Profiling the Fortified Health Food Consumer - a study of Swedish margarine

The purpose of this thesis is to gain a holistic understanding of who are the consumers of fortified health food products; moreover to highlight what are the characteristics of the consumers who are likely to purchase these products. This thesis employed a quantitative strategy with an inductive and a grounded theory approach. The data was collected from a research company. Existing theories in the area of functional food were not possible to find. Considering that the area is new this seems plausible; however, previous studies provided insight for substantive framework.


Arbetet är ett examensarbete i högskoleingenjörsutbildningen, inriktning datateknik, på Linnéuniversitet. Arcoma AB är ett företag i Växjö som utvecklar och tillverkar kompletta röntgensystem. Företaget har som mål att förbättra användarvänligheten av systemet med hjälp av en LED-display. De kan förbättra systemet genom att byta ut en enhet som styr röntgengeneratorn mot LED-displayen. Detta leder till att användaren får bättre kontroll och styrning av systemet, samtidigt som patienten behandlas.I rapporten beskrivs implementering av både hårdvara och mjukvara till displayen, samt den tekniska bakgrunden som till exempel HDMI och LED-tekniken.

Den konstruerade verkligheten : En studie om porträtteringen av män och kvinnor i filmtidningen Cinema

There are many researching studies to be found that describes how media relates to men and women differently. Even if it?s a newspaper research or a magazine research they all display the same information. That there are differences in the way that women and men are described or portrayed in articles and pictures. Most of these gender studies are made on a basis of magazines that are mainly intended to men or to women.

Förskolor med passivhusteknik : En utredning av passiva förskolor

As a result of directives from EU, with the ambition to reach environmetal goals, The German organisation Passivhaus Institut has defined a passive house. A passive house is a building that is very energy efficient and makes a small impact on the environment. The energy from the inhabitants as well as the appliances & fixtures in the building should equal the energy that is required to heat the building. A Swedish version of the passive house definition has been defined, taking into account the climate conditions and the difference in building regulations.This thesis is a request from Skanska on how it can improve and develop an ongoing passive house project, involving an infant school. The intention of this thesis is to identify difficulties & display potential development areas for infant schools.The method of research conducted is as follows: interviews of clients, ventilation consultant, consultant for heating system and an energy calculation consultant, an inspection of the infant shcool in process, investigation of completed infant schools and a study of relevant literature.From this research it was found that it is difficult for infant schools to pass the criteria for passive houses. The conclusion of this thesis provide several guidelines on how to improve the outcome of existing projects & the steps needed to be taken for future development in this area..

Den svenska monarkin - Ett försvarbart statsskick En normativ analys av den svenska monarkin och en innehållsanalys av tidningsartiklar om Bruneiaffären

Although Sweden has democracy implemented in its Constitution, because of being a monarchy, it has a non-elected Head of State. The purpose of this thesis is on the one hand to show if it is possible to normatively legitimate the Swedish monarchy and on the other hand to display if and how the three biggest Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Expressen justify monarchy by making a content-oriented analysis of their coverage of King Carl XVI Gustaf's political statement during his state visit in Brunei 2004.By using consequentialism and deontology as perspectives I will show that it overall is not possible to normatively justify the Swedish monarchy compared to a Swedish republic with an elected Head of State. This is mainly because democracy is implemented in the Swedish Constitution. In all three newspapers there is only little debate on the Constitution. Most commonly journalists criticize the King's statement but not monarchy as an institution.

Krukväxter med mervärde till dagligvaruhandeln :

The supermarkets are taking more and more market shares for potted plants the last years, and a greater part is bought without prior planning. Signals from several European countries, for example Denmark and UK, indicate that potted plants with added value have become more and more popular and the added value is based on present trends. The meaning of added value in this thesis is fancy pots, packaging, pins or arrangements. Potted plants with added value sold in supermarkets offer the consumer the advantage of getting a ?ready product? quick and easy.

?Utveckling av kaffekvarns användargränssnitt

Denna rapport behandlar den process då ett befintligt koncept på en kaffekvarn skall utvecklas med hänsyn till interaktion och gränssnittsdesign.Litteraturstudier utfördes för att få en djupare kunskap inom ämnen som designprinciper, färglära, semiotik och användbarhet. I förstudien gjordes en marknadsanalys där målet var att få användarens syn på den kaffekvarn som används. Samtliga tillfrågade användare var nöjda med den kvarn som brukas och ansåg att det ljud som uppstår vid malning är en viktig signal som ges till användaren. Med de kommentarer som uppstod och den marknadsanalys som utfördes skapades en kravspecifikation med krav som att kvarnen skall vara lätt att rengöra och användaren skall förstå dess funktion utan manual.Konceptgenereringsmetoder som moodboard och stimulianalys användes för att generera nya koncept som utvärderades med hjälp av pluralistisk genomgång. Utefter dessa metoder, och den information som under tidigare faser erhållits skapades ett slutligt koncept; en kaffekvarn med lutad display för att öka användarens betraktningsvinkel samt böjda gejdrar för en smidig insättning av filterhållare.

Jakten efter den röda tråden : - En studie om hur mobiltelefonen kan integreras i marknadsföringen

Forskningsfra?ga? Hur kan mobiltelefonen integreras i detaljhandelsfo?retags marknadsfo?ring?SyfteSyftet med va?r uppsats a?r att urskilja och analysera likheter och olikheter mellan fo?retag och konsumenter ga?llande marknadsfo?ring med sto?d av mobiltelefonen. Detta go?r vi genom att klarla?gga:Konsumenters upplevda va?rde via mobiltelefonenFo?retags anva?ndning av mobiltelefonen som marknadsfo?ringsresurs  MetodUppsatsen har baserats pa? en kvalitativ studie som kommit att anta en deduktiv ansats med inslag av induktion. Vi har gjort den empiriska insamlingen genom semistrukturerade intervjuer da?r vi valt att intervjua tre va?lka?nda fo?retag inom detaljhandelsbranschen samt fokusgrupper.SlutsatsVa?r analys visar att mobiltelefonen kan integreras i detaljhandelsfo?retags marknadsfo?ring pa? olika sa?tt.

Oh, look - It's coffee o'clock! : En studie om konsumentens beslutsprocess vid köp av homogena produkter, samt studiet av ett företags arbete med varumärkesstärkande aktiviteter på en homogen produktmarknad

It is important, for companies operating on a homogeneous product market, to understand and adapt to customer needs. Since coffee is a homogeneous product in food retail it is vital for coffee companies to work extensively with differentiation and the fierce competition. The prevailing homogenity makes it difficult for companies to develop the product itself and must therefore work to create added value to the product.The purpose of this thesis is to carry out a study on consumer decision-making when purchasing homogeneous products, and to examine how companies work to strengthen their brand and gain market share in a homogeneous product market. The market that this thesis highlights is the coffee market.To answer the purpose of this thesis the writers have conducted a questionnaire survey regarding consumers? decision-making process and interviewed two marketing managers for two major actors on the coffee market.

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