

151 Uppsatser om Restraint in the right of disposition - Sida 5 av 11

Studenters användning av referenstjänster: en användarundersökning vid Lunds universitetsbibliotek UB1, ht 1996

The main purpose of this study was to establish to what extent undergraduate students use reference services, what knowledge they have about those services and what their views of them are.The survey took place at Lund University Library, UB1, the main library responsible for collections in social sciences, humanities, theology and law. A total of 476 undergraduate students were asked to fill in a questionnaire, 273 accepted. The study is quantitative and was carried out during the autumn semester, 1996.The results show that the service used most frequently by undergraduate students is the reference collection. The least used service is the Internet, more than 50 percent of the students never use Internet at the University Library. In general, students are very pleased with the service given by the reference librarians, and with the collection of reference books.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av tvångsvårdsåtgärder på patienter med psykisk ohälsa ? en litteraturstudie

Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att utföra tvångsvårdsåtgärder av patienter med psykisk ohälsa samt att granska de valdaartiklarnas urvalsmetod.Metod: Föreliggande litteraturstudie har en deskriptiv design som inkluderar artiklar av bådekvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats, litteraturstudien innefattar totalt tolv artiklar.Resultat: Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av utförande av tvångsvårdsåtgärder inkluderar ett brett spektrum av känslor som engagerar bland annat enmotstridighet av känslor då patientens autonomi fråntogs. Resultatet visade skilda erfarenheter hos sjuksköterskor gällande uppfattning om tvångsvårdsåtgärder gynnade patienten i fråga eller inte. Majoriteten av sjuksköterskorna upplevde att utförandet av tvångsåtgärder används för lättvindigt samt att de äventyrar den terapeutiska alliansen med patienten. Sjuksköterskor gemensamma åsikt var att det fanns behov för att få möjlighet att ventilera åtgärdsförfarandet.Slutsats: Resultatet visade att majoriteten av sjuksköterskor ansåg att tvångsvårdsåtgärder medförde negativa erfarenheter. Ett återkommande utslag i samband med tvångsvårdsåtgärder var motstridighet av känslor hos sjuksköterskorna till följd av det etiska dilemmat som uppstod.

Fobibehandling.com : en pilotstudie av behandlingseffekt och deltagarupplevelse av en Internetbaserad behandling för specifik fobi.

This pilot study investigates possible treatment effects and participants' experience in an internet-based treatment of specicfic phobia. Changes in self-reported phobic fear were examined in a series of case studies and changes in attitudes towards avoidance and approach strategies were examined at group level. Seventeen DSM-IV diagnosed patients with specific phobia participated and 10 out of these completed the treatment.The results show that 80 % of the completing participants were clinically improved after the treatment and that the completing participants were significantly more negative towards avoidance strategies after the treatment. The evaluation of the disposition and user-friendliness of the treatment showed that the participants' overall view of the treatment was positive. The main advantage perceived was the flexible nature of the treatment, while the main disadvantages were the high level of motivation and discipline required from the participants.

Bonnstan - Skellefteå kyrkstad : kyrkstadens funktion i tid och rum

This essay is about Skelleftea church town which is named Bonnstan and refers to the city for farmers. Originally, its mission was to function as temporary residence for long distance travelers of the villages, during weekends intended for religious gatherings. Bonnstan have furthermore periodically and in lesser extent been used as permanently abode for domestic workers. Nowadays the area consists of 114 cottages with nearly 400 chambers.The earliest known documentation of Skelleftea church town's existence is from the 17th century even though it may have its origin from the Middle Ages. These early church cottages burnt down in 1835 and were restored two years after the accident.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av fasthållning av barn vid kliniska procedurer inom somatisk vård : En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Fasthållning av barn används vid ett flertal kliniska procedurer. Barns samt vårdnadshavares upplevelse av situationen är ofta negativ. Etiska principer samt lagar och riktlinjer utgör en teoretisk grund i en fasthållningssituation. Barnets autonomi samt sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsplikt är två utgångspunkter i fasthållning som fenomen. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av fasthållning av barn vid kliniska procedurer inom somatisk vård.

Läraren, eleverna och klassrummet. En studie av klassrummet som fysisk miljö.

Denna studie undersöker hur två lärare valt att utforma sitt klassrum med avseende på den fysiska miljön, en kartläggning av denna fysiska miljö samt hur elever agerar i den givna miljön. Det vi avser med fysisk klassrumsmiljö är möblemang, utsmyckning, disposition av läromedel, elevarbeten och allt annat som av läraren har placerats i klassrummet. Vi använde oss av intervju och observation som metod, intervju av lärarna kring detta ämne och genom observation såg vi hur eleverna agerade i den fysiska miljön som var deras hemklassrum. Vi fann att de båda studerade lärarna på olika sätt förde resonemang om vad som är viktigt i en fysisk klassrumsmiljö men på olika sätt. Vi fann också att de båda lärarna ställdes inför olika problem i utformandet av den fysiska klassrumsmiljön, problem utifrån exempelvis ekonomiska resurser.

Psykisk störning och samhällsskydd : Finns det ett behov av att kunna  skydda samhället mot vissa särskilt farliga individer?

Background For patients in need for psychiatric care who refuse treatment, coercive care might be necessary due to The Law of Psychiatric Compulsory Care, LPT. The purpose of this law is to make sure the patient later on will be able to increase autonomy. The most frequent patients in coercive care suffer from psychosis, heavy depression or having high risk of committing suicide. One of the most important tasks in the nurse profession is to increase patients? autonomy.

Företagsbibliotekariers identitet, kompetens och professionsutveckling : Exemplet Astra Zeneca

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the identity, competences and professional development of corporate librarians. I have done an empirical study based on semi structured interviews with 11 information professionals who were working at Astra Zeneca at the time of the re-organizations of the company in 2009 which ultimately led to the closing of the libraries. I have also examined the views on competences and professional development of librarians in general, both in Sweden and in Denmark. I have used Thomas Brante?s theories on profession types as well as Anders Ørom?s theories on librarian identities as my theoretical framework.

Samspel mellan elever med autism och utvecklingsstörning

ABSTRACTTitle:The town's largest employers, is there a need to exchange?Level:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Emmelie Eriksson, Malin StrömSupervisor:Lars EkstrandDate:2012 ? JuneAim:?Gain a deeper understanding of the topic corporate culture?Get an understanding as to how corporate culture influences the daily operations?Possibly be able to help with any concrete to help the investigated company toimprove its corporate cultureMethod:Data collected through both quantitative and qualitative surveys in the form of aquestionnaire answered by 71 people, three interviews with the employees with leading rolesat the investigated company and an observation. The material is analyzed with a hermeneuticsapproach, which means that we have assumed facts and then built our work on trying to findan understanding and to draw our own conclusions based on the perspective that we found.Result & Conclusions:The results of this study show that the company needs to work on itscorporate culture. We have found a few points we would like to improve in the company weexamined. We believe that it is the company's reputation and it begins already in thecompany's own recruitment process it is the main finding from our study.Suggestions for future research:Interesting would be to seek employment with thecompany you want to investigate to see how the whole recruitment process goes on toperform deeper analysis, another idea would be to ask the employees that enjoy to work thereagainst those who does not enjoy to work at the company to find the basic building blocks ofcorporate culture to this particular company.


ABSTRACTTitle:The town's largest employers, is there a need to exchange?Level:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Emmelie Eriksson, Malin StrömSupervisor:Lars EkstrandDate:2012 ? JuneAim:?Gain a deeper understanding of the topic corporate culture?Get an understanding as to how corporate culture influences the daily operations?Possibly be able to help with any concrete to help the investigated company toimprove its corporate cultureMethod:Data collected through both quantitative and qualitative surveys in the form of aquestionnaire answered by 71 people, three interviews with the employees with leading rolesat the investigated company and an observation. The material is analyzed with a hermeneuticsapproach, which means that we have assumed facts and then built our work on trying to findan understanding and to draw our own conclusions based on the perspective that we found.Result & Conclusions:The results of this study show that the company needs to work on itscorporate culture. We have found a few points we would like to improve in the company weexamined. We believe that it is the company's reputation and it begins already in thecompany's own recruitment process it is the main finding from our study.Suggestions for future research:Interesting would be to seek employment with thecompany you want to investigate to see how the whole recruitment process goes on toperform deeper analysis, another idea would be to ask the employees that enjoy to work thereagainst those who does not enjoy to work at the company to find the basic building blocks ofcorporate culture to this particular company.

Klarspråk och malltexter : En studie om klarspråk och malltexter för att främja läsbarhet i beslutsbreven från Stadsbyggnadsförvaltningen i Eskilstuna kommun

I denna studie studeras klarspråk och malltexter i tre beslutsbrev om överklagan av kontrollavgift från Stadsbyggnadsförvaltningen i Eskilstuna kommun. Syftet med studien är att främja läsbarheten för mottagarna och att förenkla och kvalitetssäkra klarspråksarbetet i Eskilstuna kommun genom att förändra beslutsbrevens utformning.De metoder som använts är textanalys i form av en läsbarhetsanalys och Klarspråkstestet och en kvalitativ intervju med en handläggare på Stadsbyggnadsförvaltningen. Med textanalyserna har jag undersökt hur de befintliga breven är utformade utifrån begreppen klarspråk och läsbarhet. Genom intervjun kunde jag undersöka hur en handläggare på Stadsbyggnadsförvaltningen arbetar med beslutsbreven och hur hen resonerade kring språkanvändning när beslutsbreven skrivs.Utifrån mitt resultat och gällande riktlinjer och principer för klarspråk har jag skapat tre nya beslutsbrev. Beslutsbreven har utformats efter mottagarens behov vilket lett till en förändrad stil i tilltal, disposition, ordval, meningar och rubriksättning för ökad begriplighet.

Finns tröjan i grönt? : En retorisk analys av H&Ms Conscious Actions Sustainability Report.

As consumers we want to know from whom we buy, what we buy and the impact the company has on our planet. In recent years there been an increasing number of scandals concerning child labour, dangerous chemicals and falsely labelled meat. A good way for companies to communicate their environmental efforts is to establish a sustainability report, where they describe their work and their impact on our environment. By concentrating on H&M?s sustainability report, as well as conducting a rhetorical analysis, we have been able to focus on the following research questions:  ? Why do companies establish CSR reports? ? How do companies gain legitimacy through their rhetorical choices? ? How do companies try to influence recipients? attitudes to the company? We begin by studying the context, which is of importance when using a rhetorical method and thereby attempt to understand in what situation the text is created.

Integration, separation och allt där emellan - En studie om romska barns skolsituation

Our purpose was to investigate the schools and the social welfare´s experiences of Roman children´s school situation in a Scanian town. We have done a qualitative investigation, interviewing 14 persons from both school and social welfare. Through the interviews we wanted to find the factors which influences the Roman pupils schooling and which efforts the professionals has to their disposition to influence these children´s school situation in a positive direction.The main result of our study is that the majority of the Romans is an isolated group, both in the Swedish school system and in the society. The Romans got access to the Swedish comprehensive school first in 1965, which implies that the Romans have a young school tradition. Most of the Roman pupils have a high absent, which is grounded in a complex of problems.

Retorisk undervisning : En studie om svensklärares förmåga att praktisera retoriska ämneskunskaper i klassrummet

Lärare i svenska har ett uppdrag att undervisa eleverna i retorik. Med detta uppdrag kommer dock inget om att läraren själv ska tillämpa disciplinen. Denna studie undersöker därför om lärarna tillämpar sina ämneskunskaper i retorik i sin undervisning. Undersökningen genomfördes genom fallstudier av tre lärares lektioner i svenska på gymnasiet. Lektionerna observerades utefter ett observationsschema som lyfter fram specifika delar av retoriken.

Hjälptyglars inverkan på hästen

The horse has been domesticated for several thousand years. It has gone from being used primarily for food and transportation, to become one of the most popular pets in Sweden. With over 150,000 practitioners, horseback riding is one of the biggest sports in Sweden and there is a variety of specializations to choose from. One orientation is western riding which is a broad sport with several disciplines where most originate in cattle work and other ranch tasks. Western riding is a growing sport in Sweden with an increasing number of practitioners and with many different organizations and associations, it is important that the correct knowledge of the equipment used is disseminated. Artificial aids are available in a variety of designs and the most common variants used by western riders in Sweden is draw reins or some forms of martingale.

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