

103 Uppsatser om Restoration - Sida 2 av 7

I medborgarnas tjänst?:En studie om avregleringens effekter på ansvarsfördelningen mellan offentliga och privata aktörer inom tre samhällsviktiga serviceområden i samband med orkanen Gudrun

The essay's aim is to explain how responsibility distribution between private and public bodies, primarily within three important service areas, can be visualised in light of the fact that they have experienced different forms of readjustment. We have chosen to study this by looking at the Restoration work taking place after the hurricane Gudrun swept across southern Sweden on January 8-9, 2005; and we have chosen to concentrate on the service areas of electricity- and telephone supply, and public transport. The responsibility distribution has been depicted by carrying out qualitative interviews with employees within both private and public bodies included in the Restoration work. The conclusion produced is that there were obscurities in the formal responsibility distribution between private and public actors taking place in conjunction with the hurricane Restoration work.In a deeper analysis, the result can be explained by a ?several hands? problem arising since the number of actors has increased as the public sphere has adopted leadership forms influenced by the private business sector.

Restoring biodiversity in degraded secondary rain forest in Sabah, Malaysia : natural regeneration of trees after restoration treatments

Many tropical rain forests has been lost or degraded as a result of human activities and environmental factors. Since the level of biodiversity is high in the tropics, maintaining these areas is of great importance. Forests like these are often assumed to benefit from forest Restoration and rehabilitation. The INIKEA project area in Eastern Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, aims to improve biodiversity and/or species richness in the degraded forest through enrichment planting with indigenous species. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate how different treatments (liberation, gap-cluster planting and line planting) affect the biodiversity of natural regeneration in different forest types in the Rain forest Restoration Experiment, located in the INIKEA project area.

Från tropisk hetta till arktisk kyla : En kvalitativ studie av Parken Zoos kriskommunikation på Facebook

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur Parken Zoo använde sig av Facebook för att kommunicera med sina intressenter under en kris som drabbade organisationen hösten 2012. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ textanalys studerade vi de Facebookinlägg som Parken Zoo hade publicerat under krisen. Därefter genomförde vi en kvalitativ intervju med marknadschefen på Parken Zoo, som var ansvarig för kommunikationen på Facebook under krisen.Med hjälp av ett analysverktyg baserat på situational crisis communication theory och image Restoration theory kunde vi avgöra vilka försvarsstrategier Parken Zoo hade använt i Facebookinläggen.Resultatet visade att Parken Zoo omedvetet hade använt många olika försvarsstrategier, men att tre tydliga budskap förmedlades i Facebookinläggen. Resultatet visade också att Parken Zoos syfte var att använda Facebook som ett dialogverktyg, men att de i själva verket använde Facebook för att sprida enkelriktad kommunikation.En slutsats vi kunde dra från studen var att det är viktigt för organisationer att vårda sina kundrelationer genom att bemöta intressenternas frågor och kommentarer på sin Facebooksida under en kris. En annan slutsats var att det är viktigt för organisationer att ha en god krisberedskap och att inkludera Facebook i den..

Gripsholms slotts besökarhistoria En analys av vägledningar från tre sekel

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet.

Fastighetsbestämning och särskild gränsutmärkning i Sverige

The purpose of this thesis is to describe property definition and special boundary demarcation and to analyze the differences between the two cadastral procedures. Property boundaries, especially unlawfully determined boundaries created through unofficial parcelling, can create conflicts between landowners and make it diffi-cult to know which land that a property contains of. It is possible to clarify the boundary conditions through a property definition or through a special boundary demarcation re-establish boundary marks.The methods used are: (1) A literature review to collect background information, (2) A case study to summarize court cases and (3) A questionnaire study to collect opinions from cadastral surveyors.The result is summarized in two comparisons. Firstly between Restoration of landmark and special boundary demarcation (which replaced Restoration of landmark in a legislative change in 2010), which demonstrated that the change in the law is considered positive because special boundary demarcation gives a legal effect on the boundaries. Secondly between property definition and special boundary demarcation which demonstrated that the two procedures are similar to each other.

Kalk- och gipsstuckatur En studie i traditionella hantverksmetoder, användningsmaterial och restaureringsåtgärder

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Konservatorprogrammet15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2015:08.

Energieffektivisering av befintlig bebyggelse med exempel från Göteborgsområdet

This thesis concerns to investigate renovations of existing buildings aiming at enabling energy efficiency, from a conservation and Restoration perspective. This includes performing case studies of three projects in the Gothenburg area where renovations has been done and an analysis of directives raised by the EU and later implemented by the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, Boverket. In addition to these, regulations enforced by the Swedish law, related to the topic, have been considered.The investigated projects in this case were the housing cooperative Välten in Brämaregården, the Solar Buildings in Järnbrott and Gårdsten as well as Katjas Gata 119 at Backa Röd. In order to measure and compare the results of these projects a comparison between the pre- and post-Restoration energy consumption have been performed. To capture additional perspectives the grading system Operation Kungsörn has been applied.Regarding the comparison of energy consumption the renovation of Katjas Gata 119 was found preferable but showed in my view lacking attention to the cultural heritage of the area.

Kan förändringar i bottenfaunan påvisas två år efter en bäckrestaurering?

The aim of this work is to analyze if a change in the benthic community can be detected two years after a Restoration of a small stream. The samples were taken in a small stream at Tinnerö Eklandskap just south of Linköping. In addition to the restored area, two reference sites upstream and downstream of the restored area were sampled to compare to the restored site. The method used for sampling of benthic fauna in the stream was kick sampling. ASPT, Berger-Parker and Renkonen-indices were used to find out if there was any difference between the reference areas and the restored area.

Restaurering av marmoreringsmåleri Behov av samsyn och kommunikation

Titel in original language: Marmorerningsmåleri ? behov av samsyn och kommunikationLanguage of text: SwedishNumber of pages: 45.

Begravningsvapen i ett urval kyrkor. Restaurering i ett idéhistoriskt och etnologiskt perspektiv

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamenKulturvård, Konservatorprogrammet15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2011.

Vi som inte fruktar döden : skildringen av samurajklassens hederskodex under Meijikejsarens styre i Den siste samurajen

This essay deals with the political upheavals which occurred in Japan with the Meiji Restoration of 1868 and its impact on the Samurai Class. This transitional period in Japanese history is portrayed in the film The Last Samurai from 2003, and it's the comparison between this Hollywood production and the current research on the subject on which this essay focuses. Two key figures who are portrayed in the film are Nathan Algren (Tom Cruise), an American soldier from the Indian Wars of the 1860/70s who travels to Japan to quell the Samurai rebellion but ends up in captivity; only to learn their codex of honor and way of life and eventually become a Samurai himself. The other character calls himself Katsumoto (Ken Watanabe) and becomes the representative of the Samurai's struggle for their existence. Their friendship and cultural exchanges will remain a cornerstone throughout the film.

Gårdssmedjor i södra Gästrikland En studie av Hedesunda och Österfärnebo socknar

Poorly maintained forges are a common sight in the province of Gästrikland. Because of their changed appearance, possible move from the origin location and poor items related knowledge they will rarely qualify for the range of funds available through Länsstyrelsen. Therefore this study deals with the problems associated with the forges in southern Gästrikland, i.e. Hedesunda and Österfärnebo parishes.The aim of the study is to increase the items related knowledge of forges and perhaps form the basis for Restoration projects in the area. Eleven forges have been examined and the changes they have undergone have been highlighted.A forge was erected on the farm and was used for the households needs such as producing and repairing tools.

En ficka full av frihet; hur användningen av pocket parks kan verka restorativt på människor i urbana miljöer

Ett livslångt intresse för psykologi och landskapsarkitektur ledde in på spåret att diskutera vad två av dagens stora frågor inom ämnet kunde erbjuda om de slogs samman; positiv psykologi (?Positive Psychology?) och hållbar stadsutveckling. Alla människor utsätts emellanåt för stress, vilken vi är konstruerade att kunna hantera. Trots det är en av de största orsakerna till sjukskrivning i vår tid just stress- och relaterade sjukdomar. En välkänd källa till Restoration eller återhämtning är grönska och natur. Så frågan i denna uppsats rör huruvida små grönområden i den täta staden kan verka restorativt på människorna som besöker dem.

Vasaparkens nya kläder : en studie av ett förnyelseprojekt i förhållande till platsens historia

In 2007 the project with the renewal of the Vasa Park in Stockholm won the Siena Prize. The architects responsible for the project described how they aimed for upgrading the park within its historical framework. Since the project was a renewal and not a Restoration of the park, I thought it would be interesting to study how the architects proceeded with this work. The aim of this essay has therefore been to examine how the last renewal of the Vasa Park has chosen to approach the history of the place. To understand the historical development of the park and how the renewal project was carried out, I started with a literature survey consisting of books, the program of the renewal and articles about the project.

Fröåtjärns föroreningshistoria : Utredning av hur metallbelastningen varierat över tid med hjälp av sediment som ett naturligt historiearkiv

The metal mining history goes thousands of years back. The downside of the mining industry is the large amount of tailings created during the mining operations. Drainage and leaching of heavy metals from these tailings may cause major environmental problems including acid mine drainage and leaching of heavy metals. This study examines a pond located near an old mining site, where part of the old mining facility has been recently (1990) restored. The objective was to assess eventual metal contamination from historical mining and the recently performed Restoration using a sediment core as a natural archive of historical metal inputs to the pond.

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