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Konceptframtagning av testinstrument för vattendetektion baserad på MIP
Water is vital for all life on earth. But it can also be dangerous, even fatal, if it is polluted water. 60 percent of child mortality can directly be deduced to dirty water. Not only developing countries are affected, even in the western world epidemics are breaking out by partake or bathing in dirty/polluted water.MIP, Molecularly Imprinted Polymers, is a biosensor technology that can provide faster and more reliable response than the current methods of water analysis. It is also cheaper and due to that more samples can be taken and analyzed.
Affekter för hållbarhet
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka samband det finns mellan
värderingar, föreställningar och normer kring miljön till agerande för
ekologisk hållbarhet i det vardagliga livet. Vår hypotes var att det finns
samband mellan affekter kring miljöns framtid och agerande till hållbar
utveckling. För att söka svar på syftet och bekräfta hypotesen har enkäter med
frågor gällande individens värderingar, föreställningar och normer om miljön
samt frågor om miljömässigt agerande skickats ut via e-post till 119 deltagare
i åldern 23-65 år. Svarsfrekvensen var på 59 procent. Resultatet visade att det
fanns ett flertal starka samband mellan miljömässiga värderingar,
föreställningar och normer till individens agerande och hypotesen om att det
fanns samband mellan affekter och agerande för hållbar utveckling verifierades.
Effects of brown bear (Ursus arctos) odour on the patch choice and behaviour of different ungulate species
The return of large predators to regions where they were previously extirpated has created a need for knowledge about their effect on prey species, not only their lethal but also their behavioural or risk effects. In this study the behavioural risk effects of brown bear (Ursus arctos) were tested on fallow deer (Dama dama), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), red deer (Cervus elaphus), moose (Alces alces) and wild boar (Sus scrofa). This was done by using
patches of fur to simulate the presence of the novel predator (brown bear), a novel nonpredator (reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and no fur as control. These three treatments were then compared. The response variables measured were increased vigilance, decreased feeding time
and change in patch use.
Modersmålsstöd på mitt vilkor? : En studie av pedagogers upplevelse av möjligheter och begränsningar gällande modersmålsstöd på förskolan.
It is common today that many children in Sweden grow up in families that speak two or several languages. Language and identity building is connected to each other. So is also Languages and learning (Becknert m. fl. 2008:13).
Olika motiv till samma ämne?! : En studie om motivation till deltagande i Idrott och hälsa A bland gymnasieelever på studie- och yrkesförberedande program.
Aim and question at issue: The aim of this study is to compare the motivation to participate in the course Idrott och hälsa A between students studying vocational and further education preparatory programs at upper secondary school.What level of motivation do the students of the two programs have towards participation in the course Idrott och hälsa A.What kind of motivational factors are important for students in the two programs concerning participation in the course Idrott och hälsa A According to the students of the two programs, what type of motivational factors would increase the motivation to participate in the course Idrott och hälsa A. Method: A quantitative study has been carried out using a questionnaire. Thirteen randomly chosen upper secondary school classes were included in the county of Stockholm, 7 of them in the vocational program and 6 of them in the further education preparatory program. The questionnaire was filled out by 278 students, 120 in the vocational program and 158 in the higher education preparatory program. The response frequency for the study was 92 %.Results: The results of this study show that the majority (77%) of all students in the population are highly motivated to participate in the course Idrott och hälsa A.
Mobilbetalning : en studie om konsumenters förmåga att acceptera nya betalningsformer
Aim: Banks? settlement of handling cash and the technological developments of our payment services, leaves us guessing at the outlooks of consumers? payment systems. One of the new payment options arising from this development is mobile payment. With access to internet, mobile payment can take over the role as the primary method of payment, as it can be used on any occasion. Questions are raised about which factors that are affecting the future users? attitude to use mobile payment, and if the service can be a threat to the traditional card payments.Method: This study is based on a quantitative method by the means of a survey design.
El Niño Southern Oscillation och dess atmosfäriska fjärrpåverkan.
This paper is a literature study aiming to describe scientists newest theories andknowledge concerning the El Niño and Southern Oscillation. Firstly I have described the?normal? conditions with rising and sinking air in Hadley- and Walker-cells in theequatorial Pacific and from there moved on to explaining the reversed circulation patternsand higher sea surface temperatures (SST) leading to rising air and anomalousprecipitation in eastern Pacific constituting the El Niño phenomenon. My outermostinterest regarding El Niño has been the associated teleconnections, especially in nontropicalareas. I have described the El Niño effect on the Indian summer monsoon, ontropical cyclones and on storms and precipitation on higher latitudes.
Mjukvaruplattform för riggstyrning
Today the competition in the automobile industry is getting all tougher. The technology behind cars becomes more advanced. To get ahead of competitors car companies has to look into new areas of innovation.One important area is vehicle safety. Bigger companies have come so far in vehicle safety that difference between cars more depends on the car type (size) than the technology behind it.There is one area where vehicle safety that still has great opportunities for improvement, which is in active safety. The term active safety states that the car has the ability to identify treats and automatically respond to the treats.
Matvanor bland anställda vid Västerbottens läns landsting : En enkätstudie
Bakgrund Dåliga matvanor är en viktig bakomliggande orsak till sjukdomsbördan i Sverige och undersökningar har visat att arbetsplatsen är en bra plattform att förbättra matvanorna för att främja hälsan hos befolkningen. Syfte Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur matvanorna ser ut bland de anställda samt hur matsituationen är på olika arbetsplatser inom Västerbottens läns landsting. Metod En enkätstudie genomfördes vid Västerbottens läns landsting där 79 arbetsplatser tillfrågades att delta. Efter bortfall ingick totalt 207 deltagare från 18 olika arbetsplatser i studien. Data bearbetades och analyserades i SPSS 20.0 med chi-2 test och multiple response set, signifikansnivån sattes till p<0,05.
Stockholm Prides kriskommunikation 2011 ? en retorisk analys av försvarsstrategier
SYFTE Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur föreningen Stockholm Pride kommunicerade efter pridefestivalen 2011. Festivalen gjorde ekonomisk förlust och föreningen kunde inte betala alla sina räkningar. (Enligt årsbokslutet gick man back med 3,9 miljoner kronor.) Man kan tänka sig att en sådan situation hotar förtroendet för Stockholm Pride hos festivalens besökare, volontärer, sponsorer, artister, olika aktörer och intressenter. Frågan hur man försöker återvinna förtroendet blir intressant. Hur kommunicerar Stockholm Pride? Hur försöker Stockholm Pride återskapa förtroende?TEORI Att återskapa förtroende är centralt för en organisation i kris.
The laboratory rat : improved welfare for mothers andpups through breeding in an enriched environment?
Maternal behaviour is crucial for the development of the rat pups? behaviour and stressresponses later in life. There are numerous studies evaluating the effects of the dams?behaviours on the pups, but not many addressing what can be made for wellbeing of the ratdams when breeding. Few studies have addressed the question of how the commonly usedrearing environment effects the dams? behaviour and in the long run how it effect the ratsreared to become our research models.
Uptake of 137Cs by fungi and plants due to potassiumfertilization in Heby municipality in response to theChernobyl nuclear accident
The fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear accident resulted in large deposits of caesium, iodineand strontium as well as noble gases in various parts of Sweden. 137Cs has a radioactive halflifeof about 30 years and is therefore one of few radio-fission products remaining inmeasurable quantities in the Swedish soil. Radiocaesium behaves similarly to potassium insoil-plant systems and is easily absorbed by plants. It is important to understand how 137Csbehaves in different ecosystems in order to minimize the risk toward humans.The aim of this study was to determine how potassium fertilization influences radiocaesiumcontent in different forest plants and fungi. Potassium fertilizer was spread once in 1992 withapproximately 200 kg KCl per ha.
Socialtjänstens utmaningar i mötet med minoritetsgrupper : ? En kvalitativ studie om muslimska kvinnors upplevelser och erfarenheter av bemötandet inom socialtjänsten.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the lived experiences and treatment of Muslim women in their encounters with the social services. The primal themes for this study was: How does Muslim women experience the treatment of their case in the social services in a situation of need? How can the encounter and experience with the social services affect the clients trust in the social services? What is the ideal treatment of women with a Muslim identity by the social services?The aim of this study was to investigate and capture the respondents lived perceptions and experiences with the social services, and thus the qualitative interview methodology was implemented to answer the research questions and hypotheses. Seven interviews with Muslim women were conducted in various districts of Stockholm, a city in northern Sweden. Five of the respondents were of ethnic Swedish origin and two were of other ethic origin.The results show that the majority of the respondents experienced a negative response at least once when in contact with the social services.
Inventering av bergborrade brunnar för dricksvatten i område med risk för salt grundvatten : en utredning av grundvattensituationen i Vreta-Ytternäs i Uppsala kommun
The city of Uppsala and its surroundings are a very expansive area. A prerequisite for a sustainable development of the area is well-functioning supply of drinking water. In Uppsala municipality, the Uppsala esker and Vattholma esker are the groundwater storages for drinking water. Besides the eskers, other sources of qualitative groundwater in the Uppsala municipality are relatively poor and more than half of the area consists of ground conditions with a risk of saline groundwater. The neighbourhood of Vreta-Ytternäs is situated 10 km south of Uppsala, in the area with risk of saline groundwater but outside the municipal water supply.
The movement of the rider?s hand related to the horse?s behaviour and the stride cycle
One way of signalling commands to the horse during riding is through applying tension on the reins to create bit pressure in the horse?s mouth (Terada et al., 2006; Clayton et al., 2011). The skilfulness of the rider in using the hands when applying bit pressure has consequences both for the horse?s performance and welfare (Manfredi et al., 2010). At the trot there are large vertical deviations of the horse?s body which the rider must adjust and adapt to (Terada et al., 2006) and an unsteady hand due to inability to follow the horse?s movement can be a source of discomfort and conflict behaviour in the horse (Heleski et al., 2009).