

1472 Uppsatser om Resistance training - Sida 20 av 99

IKT i den nya lärarutbildningen : En kritisk granskning av det fjärde perspektivet

The aim of this paper is to investigate how well information and communication technology (ICT) is implemented in the new teacher training program in the subject of Swedish and how this is presented in the applications for examination licence to the National Swedish Agency for Higher Education. This is an interesting field of study, since ICT has been selected, by an investigation chosen by the government to be one of four overall perspectives that are supposed to permeate the teacher training program. There have been several difficulties involved in this project of which one has been the extent of the material.  27 applications and all curriculums in the subject of Swedish belonging to them have been examined. Another difficulty was that the applications and the curriculums are written by different persons under different conditions such as time and resources.

Servicekvalitet på lyxhotell : Ur ett lednings- och personalperspektiv

Service quality occurs in service encounters where both customers and employees come together in an interaction. It is therefore important that the staff give their best because the interaction usually takes place in real time, which is referred to as the moment of truth.The aim of this study was to find out how luxury hotels are working to ensure good service quality, and how the staff are motivated to deliver this service. We wanted to examine this from a management perspective, and an employee perspective. Information was gathered through various interviews, where the staff at the Hotel Kämp in Helsinki and at the Sheraton Hotel Stockholm participated.Survey results show that employee motivation, training and empowerment have a significant impact to provide service in high quality. The results also show that the surveyed hotel, to certain level work in the same way, but it reveals some differences even when both hotels are part of the same concern..

"Jag visste inte vad jag skulle tycka om sjalen" : En genusteoretisk och postkolonial analys av Marjane Satrapis serieroman Persepolis

The purpose of this essay is to examine Marjane Satrapi?s comic novel Persepolis from a gender and postcolonial perspective. To reach this I have used several theories from mainly three different fields of theory: gender studies, postcolonial theories and theoretical texts which focus on the form of comics.My analysis has shown that idols, heroes and other cultural symbols are important for the creation of the main character Marji?s identity, but that she at the same time has many Marxistic influences. These casts of mind do not stand in opposition, but become an expression for her hybridity.

Vinculo Vivo : José María Arguedas, Miguel Angel Asturias och Paulo Coelho

The principal questions that are high lightened in this study are: How is the discrimination of the Indigenous people in Latin-America represented in the works of Jose María Arguedas and Miguel Angel Asturias? How are these two authors interrelated in terms of the defense of a cultural belonging? And finally, can these be associated to Paulo Coelho?s narrative content and techniques?This work shows how, as Nelson Gonzalez-Ortega names it, a narrative discourse of resistance (based on the consequences of the cultural merging of the European and Latin-American people) is expressed and transformed into modern literature. It shows how the works of these authors protect and transmit the interests and the cultural origins of the Latin-American Indigenous people. These origins are expressed by language, myths, storytelling techniques and the presentation of an alternative perspective of the world. It also shows, through analysis of their writing, how some of these authors as dual cultural human beings struggled to balance the two cultural elements they are constituted of.Focus will be on Asturias Hombrez de Maiz, Arguedas Los ríos profundos and Coelhos 11 minutos and El Zahir..

Den offentliga upphandlingen implementeringsproblem.

This thesis is a cultural theoretical case study of the art project (O)önskad samhällsförbättring.Via an analysis of the project, that is based on theories of power, resistance and contemporaryurban development, it examines the construction of urban space, its impact on public art including the ability of art to initiate evolvement of the urban public space.The last decades art has plaid an important role in what is called the creative city; to become attractive nodal points of the global economy, larger cities increasingly invest in art,culture and creative industry. Simultaneously the urban public space is limited to activitiesand expressions of art that are presumed to create economic growth. This introduces animpression of what is allowed and what is not allowed, possible and not possible, wished andnot wished which, as a consequence, evolves the public space. The events during the artproject and the reactions that followed enlightened these limitations. This tells a story, not only about the structuring process of the local urban space, but also important changes that are created as a simultaneous effect at different levels in society, as well locally as globally.

Förskollärares skyldighet att anmäla oro till socialnämnden

This is a thesis in Personal- och Arbetslivsprogrammet at Dalarna University with thepurpose of evaluating an education initiative in Borlänge kommun. The educationCoaching Leadership is an initiative for the managers in the organization to exercisegood leadership and the education also serves as an incentive for managers. Eightbusiness managers and one from the HR staff have completed the training. Out of thetotal 9 participants in the training, six of them took part in this evaluation. Based on thethesis aim and questions we wanted to explore participants' attitudes to the education,and what skills and abilities they have acquired on the basis of educational goals andcontent.

Att leva i ett kulturellt ingenmansland : En studie om adopterade och deras upplevelse av etnisk identitet i ursprungslandet

The aim of this paper is to investigate how well information and communication technology (ICT) is implemented in the new teacher training program in the subject of Swedish and how this is presented in the applications for examination licence to the National Swedish Agency for Higher Education. This is an interesting field of study, since ICT has been selected, by an investigation chosen by the government to be one of four overall perspectives that are supposed to permeate the teacher training program. There have been several difficulties involved in this project of which one has been the extent of the material.  27 applications and all curriculums in the subject of Swedish belonging to them have been examined. Another difficulty was that the applications and the curriculums are written by different persons under different conditions such as time and resources.

Implementation of manoeuvre warfare in the Swedish army

Sweden and the surrounding countries have reorganised their armies towards a manoeuvre warfare concept. In Sweden new regulations were produced in the middle of the 90s using manoeuvre warfare as a basic idea. The purpose of this paper is to produce a clearer picture of the Swedish manoeuvre warfare concept and how it can be implemented. An inductive method of working has been used, qualitative data has been gathered and studied.The Swedish manoeuvre warfare concept has been difficult to define because of indistinct actions. It is only after complementing interviews that the picture has cleared up.

Mikroorganismer och antibiotikaresistens vid otitis externa hos hund. :

Canine otitis externa is a common reason for a visit to the vet. Predisposing factors often complicate treatment and may result in a chronic disease progression. All otic preparation for topical use in Fass Vet contain antibiotics, corticosteroids and a fungicide. Sixty cerumen samples from dogs with external otitis, sent to the Department of Bacteriology at SVA, were categorised according to their profile of isolated microorganisms. Staphylococcus intermedius alone or together with Malassezia pachydermatis were the most common organisms found. Fifteen percent of the samples contained M.

Går det att säkerställa ljudmiljön i en träningslokal? - en studie om ljudnivåövervakare på träningslokaler i Göteborg

In Sweden, exercise takes a great part in people?s lives. Health and a good conditioned body go hand in hand. Many Swedes exercise in groups, with aerobics or a similar form of workout at a training facility. A regular workout lasts for about an hour and is accompanied by music.

Abstrakt lagprövning : är det förbjudet enligt svensk rätt?

This is a thesis in Personal- och Arbetslivsprogrammet at Dalarna University with thepurpose of evaluating an education initiative in Borlänge kommun. The educationCoaching Leadership is an initiative for the managers in the organization to exercisegood leadership and the education also serves as an incentive for managers. Eightbusiness managers and one from the HR staff have completed the training. Out of thetotal 9 participants in the training, six of them took part in this evaluation. Based on thethesis aim and questions we wanted to explore participants' attitudes to the education,and what skills and abilities they have acquired on the basis of educational goals andcontent.

Bemötande av självskadebeteende ur omvårdnadspersonalens perspektiv : En litteraturstudie.

Background: Patients with self-harm seek hospital care when something traumatic occurred. Self-harm was a way to cure pain and was expressed overdose, cutting, or by swallowing objects. They described that the staff were derisive, didn?t show empathy and engagement. Aim: The aim was to describe factors that effects staffs answer to self-harm behaviour through their perspective.

Datorprogrammets gränssnitts skyddsomfång : en vidgning av upphovsrätten i ljuset av EU-rätten

This is a thesis in Personal- och Arbetslivsprogrammet at Dalarna University with thepurpose of evaluating an education initiative in Borlänge kommun. The educationCoaching Leadership is an initiative for the managers in the organization to exercisegood leadership and the education also serves as an incentive for managers. Eightbusiness managers and one from the HR staff have completed the training. Out of thetotal 9 participants in the training, six of them took part in this evaluation. Based on thethesis aim and questions we wanted to explore participants' attitudes to the education,and what skills and abilities they have acquired on the basis of educational goals andcontent.

Hyperglykemi hos kor med löpmagsdislokation :

The main interest of this study was to investigate whether there is hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia in cows suffering from abomasal displacement and to evaluate the effect of transport on blood glucose. Thirty-six cows with left- or right-sided abomasal displacement were included in the study together with 17 cows with other diseases for comparison. Fifteen cows with abomasal displacement and 7 cows with other diseases were sampled before transport. One third of the cows with abomasal displacement had hyperglycemia when the transport effects were corrected for. Separating this group in left- and right-sided abomasal displacement we found significantly higher blood glucose and insulin levels among cows with right-sided abomasal displacement. An explanation for this difference may be a strong stress response secondary to the right-sided dislocation.

Barn med autism : Integrera eller segregera

AbstractThe purpose of my study is to describe what view teachers, which are working with autistic children, have about how the individual autistic child will have a good schooling? If children with autism should be integrated or segregated. I also want to find out how ?a school for all? shall be worked out to fit children with autism. To reach my purpose I?ve chosen to use a qualitative method and to hand out questionnaire to three teachers which are working in a training school.To get a background to this study I?ve presented what researchers have to say about this subject.

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