

1472 Uppsatser om Resistance training - Sida 1 av 99

Effekterna av praktisk ocklusionsträning periodiserat med ett traditionellt styrketräningsprogram på anaerob prestation

Background: Practical blood flow restriction (pBFR) combined with Resistance training has been proven to facilitate muscle strength despite training at low intensity. However, research investigating the effects of long-term pBFR-training and its periodization with strength training (ST) at a higher intensity is lacking, as well as the effects of occlusion training on blood lactate levels (BLL) over time.Purpose: To compare the effects of 2 weeks of pBFR training followed by 2 weeks of ST (BFR-ST) with 2 weeks of ST followed by 2 weeks of pBFR training (ST-BFR) on anaerobic performace and BLL.Method: 5 adults (age 23 ± 2 years) with a minimum of 1 year of ST experience were recruited and randomized into BFR-ST (n=2) or ST-BFR (n=3). Anaerobic performance was measured using a 30-s Wingate-test and BLL samples were collected <1 and 5 minutes post-Wingate. Data and samples were collected before the intervention and after the 2 protocols.Results: No differences were seen between groups in anaerobic output or BLL after 4 weeks of training (p>0,1 for all values). A decrease in time to peak power (tPP) were seen in both groups with an advantage for BFR-ST (-37 ± 8 %) over ST-BFR (-27 ± 22 %).

Utomhusgym, några fördelar? : En studie om affekter vid styrketräning inomhus respektive utomhus

PurposeThe aim of the study was to examine the affects perceived by young people aged 18-19 years old after Resistance training outdoors versus Resistance training indoor. The aim of the study was also to examine if the rate of perceived exertion was affected by whether the Resistance training took place outdoors or indoors. What immediate affects are perceived in conjunction with Resistance training outdoors and indoors in people aged 18-19 years?What immediate affects are perceived after Resistance training outdoors compared to equivalent Resistance training indoor in people aged 18-19 years?What perceived exertion level can be seen in conjunction with Resistance training outdoors compared to equivalent Resistance training indoors in people aged 18-19 years?How does exercise habit correlate with affects and exertion in conjunction with Resistance training? Method22 pupils in a secondary school conducted two Resistance training sessions, one outdoors and one indoor. A questionnaire about their mood and exercise habits was answered before and immediately after the training session. Rate of perceived exertion rate was also included in the questionnaire the participants received after the workout.

Pensionärers motionsvanor med fokus på styrketräningens roll för dem

Introduction: Elderly people have much to gain when it comes to physical activity andResistance training. Ageing is a process that every human being has to go through. The mostimportant physical attributes changes, when it comes to handle everyday life and ailment thatusually occurs in the later stages of life. Physical activity and Resistance training may help thecommon problem among the elderly, when it comes to cope with issues of pain and strenuouseveryday life that occurs under this ailment. Objective: To identify a senior citizen´sperception about physical activity and attitudes about Resistance training.

Dynamisk styrketräning av M : Quadriceps femoris hos personer i övre medelåldern

AbstractElderly people are going to be a growing number in Europe. Between one third are going to be 60 years or older at 2025. For Sweden the situation is going to be similar. A reduced muscle function could lead to complications for the individual to perform daily tasks and will lead to a higher rate for falling and getting bone fractures. The positive sides are that for men and women there are a possibility for maintaining physical function and strength even in older years.

Motstånd vid förändring av ekonomisystem - utifrån institutionell teori

The purpose of this study is, on the basis of institutional theory, to contribute with moreunderstanding about resistance to management accounting change and also to survey reasonsfor the resistance and how to cope with the resistance.The study is a qualitative case study and semi-structured interviews have been used tocomplement the study?s theoretical area, consisting of scientific articles.The conclusion from the study is that resistance to management accounting change can beunderstood and explained by the institutions of each organisation and its underlying structures. Afurther conclusion is, with the structures in mind there are many reasons for resistance and alsomany ways to cope with the resistance. A model has been produced in purpose to createunderstanding and to survey the resistance to management accounting change..

Hållbar utveckling och CSR : En begreppsutredande studie

Bakgrund: I Sverige drabbas cirka 30000 personer av stroke varje år varav 20000 är förstagångsinsjuknade och cirka 10000 dör varje år. Cirka 85 % får hjärninfarkt och 15% får hjärnblödning. Nedsatt gångförmåga är vanligt bland personer med stroke och styrketräning och gångträning är två metoder som kan användas i syfte för att förbättra gångförmågan Syfte: Syftet med studien var att sammanställa litteratur kring uppgiftsorienterad träning och styrketräning som behandlingsmetod för att förbättra gångförmågan för strokepatienter. Metod: Litteratursökning på databaserna PEDro och PubMed med sökorden stroke AND gait i kombination med training, Resistance training och strength Resistance training samt task-oriented training. Efter att ha gjort sökningarna och sållat hittades 12 artiklar som ansågs relevanta för studien.

Icke utövande Kvinnors relation till styrketräning : Om Kunskap, Fördomar, Arbetsgivaruppmuntran och Manslukt

In this study it has been investigated what is missing in non-strength training women to begin exercise regular strength training. It has also examined the level of knowledge about the health benefits and the employer's encouragement to maintain good health. The study was designed in a qualitative methodology and data collection was designed in form of semi-structured interviews. Six women were interviewed between the ages 22-51år. The results showed that women possessed a very low level of knowledge about strength training and also fears and prejudices existed among them.

Styrketräning och uppgiftsorienterad träning som behandlingsmetod för att förbättra gångförmågan för strokepatienter: En kunskapssammanställning

Bakgrund: I Sverige drabbas cirka 30000 personer av stroke varje år varav 20000 är förstagångsinsjuknade och cirka 10000 dör varje år. Cirka 85 % får hjärninfarkt och 15% får hjärnblödning. Nedsatt gångförmåga är vanligt bland personer med stroke och styrketräning och gångträning är två metoder som kan användas i syfte för att förbättra gångförmågan Syfte: Syftet med studien var att sammanställa litteratur kring uppgiftsorienterad träning och styrketräning som behandlingsmetod för att förbättra gångförmågan för strokepatienter. Metod: Litteratursökning på databaserna PEDro och PubMed med sökorden stroke AND gait i kombination med training, Resistance training och strength Resistance training samt task-oriented training. Efter att ha gjort sökningarna och sållat hittades 12 artiklar som ansågs relevanta för studien.

Funktionell och aerob träning för U16 ishockeyspelare

The aim of this study was to examine if it was possible to improve fitness and strength in young ice hockey players with help of a training programme based on functional training and aerobic training. The training programme was performed on Halmstad Hockey U-16 team where 17 boys participated in the study. We performed the training in a period of sex weeks with three training occasions each week. These consisted of two functional training sessions and one fitness session. In the beginning we emphasized the importance of a correct performance and technique.

Har kombinerad konditions- och styrketräning en hämmande effekt på utvecklingen av muskelstyrka jämfört med enbart styrketräning?: En systematisk litteraturstudie

Introduktion: Under de senaste tre decennierna har forskare försökt nå konsensus kring frågan om den möjliga hämmande effekten av kombinerad konditions- och styrketräning avseende utveckling av muskelstyrka jämfört med enbart styrketräning. Senaste meta-analysen inom området fastställdes 2012 och har kartlagt forskningsresultat fram till 2008, där konklusionen påvisar att forskningsresultaten är tvetydiga. Syfte: Att genomföra en systematisk litteraturstudie i form av en aktuell kunskapssammanställning över den forskning som bedrivits inom området för kombinerad konditions- och styrketräning för att undersöka om kombinerad träning har en hämmande effekt på utvecklingen av muskelstyrkan. Metod: Studien är en litteraturgenomgång där data samlats in via de medicinska databaserna; PubMed, Web of science, CINAHL, Scopus, AMED, Cochrane library och Physical education index. De sökord och sökordskombinationer som användes var; Concurrent training AND Endurance training AND Combined, Concurrent training AND Physical fitness AND Resistance training och Concurrent training AND endurance training AND Resistance training.

Förbättrad resistansmätning för grova aluminiumledare

The goal with this master thesis has been to evaluate and to examine the stationary resistance bridge. The resistance bridge uses a 4-point measuring to determinate the resistance, which is used in the manufacturing of the conductor. It is then used when the resistance is to be decided for coarser aluminium conductors. A conductor has to fulfil certain demands to be able to move forward in the process. One of these demands is the resistance in ohm/km, which has demands that the measure values of the resistance bridge are as true and precise as possible.

Förbättrad resistansmätning för grova aluminiumledare

The goal with this master thesis has been to evaluate and to examine the stationary resistance bridge. The resistance bridge uses a 4-point measuring to determinate the resistance, which is used in the manufacturing of the conductor. It is then used when the resistance is to be decided for coarser aluminium conductors. A conductor has to fulfil certain demands to be able to move forward in the process. One of these demands is the resistance in ohm/km, which has demands that the measure values of the resistance bridge are as true and precise as possible. The stationary resistance bridge had been examined through various kinds of measurements to be able to see how stable the system is and how to obtain a measure value as optimized as possible.

Galoppträning och körning med två travare

The aim of this study was to evaluate whether gallop training, rather than regular drive training, is worthwhile for trotters race performance. Another aim of the study was to expand the author?s riding- and driving capacity, and get more practical experience on the impact of interval training on trotters. The sample population in the study was two trotters, one Standardbred, and one cold-blood. Given the small sample population, the results of the study is only indicative on the effects of gallop training on trotters, and not conclusive.

If there is violence, there is resistance.

This thesis is a discourse analysis of six rape trials, with the intention to analyze how the plaintiffs?? resistance is described. The overall aim is to investigate whether there are forms of resistance that the courts find more desirable and if there are any rules for how resistance should manifest itself. I will also investigate how the rape is itself described by the plaintiff and courts, respectively. I will analyze how this affects the understanding and attitude toward what has happened.

Högbeläggningssystem för frigående värphöns : erfarenheter 2011

The aim of this study was to evaluate whether gallop training, rather than regular drive training, is worthwhile for trotters race performance. Another aim of the study was to expand the author?s riding- and driving capacity, and get more practical experience on the impact of interval training on trotters. The sample population in the study was two trotters, one Standardbred, and one cold-blood. Given the small sample population, the results of the study is only indicative on the effects of gallop training on trotters, and not conclusive.

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