

8623 Uppsatser om Research awareness - Sida 7 av 575

Läsutveckling : En studie av elever i år 4

Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka, analysera och diskutera lärarens, elevers och föräldrars medvetenhet och engagemang om elevernas progression inom läsinlärningen. Analys och slutsatser byggde vi på våra resultat och modern forskning om barns språkinlärning. Detta gjorde vi med hjälp av en klass bestående av 1 lärare, 19 elever och deras föräldrar. Vi använde oss av kartläggningsmetoderna God Läsutveckling och Ordkedjor, enkäter och intervju. Resultatet av vår studie visade att kartläggningsmetoden var betydelsefull, men metodvalet inte var det avgörande för läsutvecklingen hos eleverna.

Säkerhet i smarttelefoner : En jämförelsestudie mellan bärbara datorer och smarttelefoner i verksamheter

Smartphones have become more common as business tools within the workplace. With its many features and great flexibility, the smartphone has stormed the business world and become an alternative or complement to the laptop. As these mobile units' popularity has increased, the interest of businesses to invest in this new technology has increased, but has security kept up with the technology developments?This study aims to conduct a study to see if the companies in the IT industry have the same safety awareness for smart phones to laptops.The study shows that companies have greater safety awareness and higher safety requirements for laptops than smartphones. Meanwhile, both end-users and management are well aware of the risks and threats that the smartphone is facing..

Spiritual and Existential needs in palliative care

Background: Previous research has shown that the understanding and knowledge about the spiritual needs is not given high priority among nursing staff. During the latest years the body and its functions has controlled the healthcare and the spiritual needs has been placed in the background. All humans have spiritual needs that must be satisfied irrespective of religious background. Aim: The aim of this study was to in a caring perspective illustrate patients? spiritual and existential needs in palliative care.

Motion eller relation? : En kvalitativ studie om sex chefers syn på hälsofrämjande arbete inom äldreomsorgen.

The aim of this thesis was to study the view on workplace health promotion among leaders in elderly care, to see how their views can influence employee health. The research questions of this study were: How do leaders in elderly care define the term health? What conditions do leaders in elderly care experience that they need to maintain or improve employee health? How do leaders in elderly care experience their role in workplace health promotion?The thesis is done with a qualitative approach and is based on six partly structured interviews with leaders of care homes within Stockholm municipality. The results from the interviews were analysed against Aaron Antonovskys theories about the salutogenic model and sense of coherence as well as with previous research. The result from the study showed that the leaders´ had an awareness of the meaning with health promotion, however, they had not reached the stage where they implemented the health promoting thoughts in their actual work with health.

Den rosaklädda, modiga, prinsessan: En hjältinna på egna premisser : En kvalitativ studie om hur barnförfattaren Per Gustavsson framställer kvinnligt genus i fyra av sina prins-och prinsessböcker

Gender awareness is considered of absolute importance to Swedish school?s and preschool?s main mission ? equal opportunities for all children. Gender portrayal in childrens literature is now one subject of vast study, since literature often carry underlying messages of the perception of male and female. With this in mind, the purpose of this thesis was to analyse, mainly through Maria Nikolajeva?s scheme of gender ideal types, how the Swedish writer Per Gustavsson portrayed girls in four of his so called Prince- and princess books.

Råvaruinflöde inom träindustrin : En fallstudie på ett norrländskt pappersbruk

Today's global market means that raw materials are sought and bought from all over the world. This creates an higher demand for a well-functioning supply chain. In our thesis we have studied a large paper mill in northen Sweden which experiences issues with flow of raw material. Our aim has hence been to examine which aspects affect the flow of raw materials to the mill, and how these can be adressed using an IT-system. The question we sought to answer was; What factors are important to consider and how do these affect the ability of an IT-system which will support the flow of raw material at the paper mill? We have found that the problems are strongly connected to the low amount of information sharing between the mill and the suppliers.

Att göra demokrati : En kartläggning av forskningen om Botkyrkas demokratiarbete

By studying a place or a phenomena research contributes to the creation of the image of the thing that he or she studies. Also, planning is seen as a democratic tool, a way to ?make? democracy. In order to see what democratic ideals that is being express it becomes important to study the research about democracy in Botkyrka. It is from this thinking this study about democracy and research has been formed.

Konsten att lyckas med förankring

The purpose of this thesis work is to formulate a model with methods that describe key success factors to get understanding and awareness in organizational change projects. We have used a project within the township of Gothenburg as a case and connected to this single project the purpose is to identify key success factors to get understanding and awareness among employees within the township of Gothenburg. We hope that our result will be useful in other large organizational change projects. Theoretic basis for our study have been models and methods, while our purpose have been to construct a model with suitable methods for anchoring. Theories about coaching and process management are examples of methods to get understanding and awareness among employees in change projects.

Rabies awareness, incidence and vaccination coverage in Lilongwe, Malawi

Rabies kills about 55 000 people every year and more than 90% of infected humans are considered getting the disease from dog-bites. To control the disease and eventually eliminate human rabies, the most efficient and economic method is to keep the dog population vaccinated. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the situation of canine rabies in two urban areas in Lilongwe, Malawi, where canine rabies is enzootic. In each area 200 household-interviews were conducted in September and October 2013. Focal points were awareness of the disease, human incidence as well as vaccination coverage in the dog population.

The welfare of bottlenose dolphins and killer whales in captivity

The aim of this paper was to investigate whether or not it is possible to keep bottlenose dolphins and killer whales in captivity while maintaining good animal welfare. Today, many zoos and aquariums claim that their primary function is to conserve species and educate people about conservation and threatened species. The keeping of wild animals is justified by conservation programs and by the information spread to the zoo visitors. This does however not seem to be the case for marine mammals such as bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) and killer whales (Oricnus orca) since these species are not threatened in the wild and neither of them are listed as threatened in IUCN's Red List. Bottlenose dolphins and killer whales are entirely aquatic carnivores and are distributed in all coastal and pelagic waters from the Arctic ice in the north to the Antarctic ice in the south.

Brukarorganisationers syn på ICF som arbetsredskap ? och dess betydelse för erkännande och omfördelning

This study was about disability organisations opinion concerning ICF: s importance in their work to receive the same recognition and human rights for their members as citizens. The aim has been to elucidate disability organisations awareness about and use/non use of ICF and to increase the understanding of ICF: s importance for recognition and redistribution. Three different methods have been used: literature study, questionnaire survey, both on counties' (27) - and national (26) level and interviews (5) on national level. There is also a distinct difference between the disability organisations that represents people with visible impairments, who don?t think that ICF is so useful and they that represent people with invisible impairments, who thinks that ICF is a useful tool.

Mindfulness-träning med kognitiv psykoterapiinriktning för patienter med långvarig smärta

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of mindfulness training in the treatment of chronic pain, estimate the degree of mindfulness before and after intervention, and to describe the participants experience of mindfulness training. Mindfulness is defined as moment to moment, non-judgmental awareness. After the treatment of chronic pain 16 patients were offered and nine agreed to participate in mindfulness training. The intervention group took part in an 8-week group-program. The comparison group, not randomized, was 16 former patients.

Forskningsfronten inom informationsvetenskap ? en bibliometrisk analys

The aim of this study is to analyze and describe the research front within information science. To reach this purpose we ask the following research question: Which research themes can be identified within the subject field of information science by using bibliographic coupling in combination with cluster analysis.The data for our study consists of articles from the journals Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology and Journal of Documentation throughout the years 2004-2006. The bibliographic information from the articles was analyzed with the combined methods of bibliographic coupling and cluster analysis. This gave fifteen clusters within which we identified research themes. When analyzing these results we found four main fields of research within the research front of information science: Information retrieval, bibliometrics, knowledge organization and information science as research discipline.

Motivation för kreativitet : - En studie om hur ledare kan påverka produktiviteten i svenska medieproducerande företag

Since the mid 1900s the organizational perspective in media producing companies has changed. The focus has shifted from just being a laborer to the person behind the effort. The most important for an efficient and smooth organization is the motivation of the employees and the social working environment. Former research argues that managers must be coaches and that crucial factors for the survival of organizations are creativity, innovation and adaptability. With this study we investigate what motivates employees to use their creative skills.

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter med postoperativt delirium efter hjärtkirurgi

ABSTRACTAim. To describe intensive care nurses´ experiences of caring for patients with postoperative delirium after heart surgery.Background. Delirium is a common condition after heart surgery. Previous research has focused more on pathophysiology, incidence, etiology, prevention, detection and management, and less on how nurses caring for patients with delirium experience it.Design. A qualitative interview study.Method.

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