

529 Uppsatser om Reporting - Sida 11 av 36

Det här är Mixed Martial Arts! : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om hur svensk dagspress framställer MMA

Purpose/aim: This study was performed in order to describe how Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is reported in Swedish daily newspapers during a five-year period. MMA is a relative new sport in Sweden and it is important that the description by the Swedish daily newspapers is accurate and balanced. Then this sport will have the same opportunities to grow as already well-established sports in Sweden. Material/Method: The material consists of 159 articles from six different daily newspapers gathered from 2006-12-07 to 2011-12-07. Quantitative content analysis is used to investigate how the newspapers describe MMA. The result from this quantitative analysis are then compiled, analysed and discussed by applying theories of agenda setting, framing and moral panic. Main results: The result shows that the Swedish daily newspapers give a relative neutral and balanced picture in their coverage of MMA but they are affected to a certain degree of moral panic.

Att leda - N?r juridiska krav kolliderar med personliga v?rderingar

This study aims to analyze the effects of the proposal regarding mandatory Reporting for undocumented individuals within the Swedish public sector and how this potentially affects leaders in their efforts to motivate their employees to comply with this requirement, which is considered ethically charged. The primary focus is to understand how these leaders can motivate their employees considering legal requirements that are both legally binding and ethically sensitive. By interviewing leaders from various sectors within the public domain in multiple Swedish municipalities, this case study seeks to highlight the challenges arising from the amalgamation of legal mandates and ethical dilemmas. Its goal is to provide insights that can support these leaders in their complex decision-making regarding such issues. The study addresses theoretical aspects such as change management and critical organizational theory. The study's findings indicate that political decisions play a pivotal role in the processes of change within public operations. Resistance to change varies and takes various forms.

Global Reporting Initiative : Om balans mellan positiv och negativ information i svenska börsnoterade företag

Företag och organisationer påverkar den värld vi lever i bland annat genom att sysselsätta individer och producera varor men även genom att förbruka resurser. I takt med allmänhetens ökade miljö- och klimatmedvetenhet har trycket på att företag ska ta ansvar ökat. En väl använd term i sammanhanget är corporate social responsibility (CSR) som tar sikte på företags ansvar i samhället. Utifrån dessa förändringar har företag börjat redovisa sitt miljö-, ekonomi- och sociala arbete i särskilda hållbarhetsredovisningar. I uppsatsen undersöks svenska börsnoterade företags miljöredovisning och specifikt miljöredovisningen som är en del i Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) ramverk för hållbarhetsredovisning.

Global Reporting Initiative : En komparativ studie om efterlevnaden av initiativets riktlinjer mellan Ericsson och Vattenfall

Title: Global Reporting Initiative - A comparative study on compliance with the initiative's guidelines between Ericsson and Vattenfall.Authors: Peter Leidhammar, Mattias ThorénSupervisor: Bo EnquistExaminer: Margareta BjurkloSeminar Date: 2009-01-14Background and problem formulation: The interest and the requirements that stakeholders have for companies sustainability issues are becoming increasingly important. Thus more companies are increasing their work on their sustainability reports. As there are no laws governing how these are to be designed, standards have been created by various organizations that companies voluntarily can follow. Now, after the Swedish government gave them the directive to follow the GRI's guidelines the Swedish public companies have started to follow this trend. The question then stand how much the private companies' sustainability reports differ from state companies and whether this can be traced to the differences in the companies' ownership and their stakeholders picture.Objective: The purpose of the paper is:· analyze how the GRI's guidelines are followed by the two organizations· highlight differences between them from a theoretical perspectiveLimitations: This paper is limited to two companies, one company owned by the government and one privately-owned company.

Omvärldsanpassning inom ideell sektor : en fallstudie om förändring i strukturen av internationella avdelningen på Svenska kyrkan

Over the last few years, many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the aid sector have grown and become important economic, social and political actors in Sweden. However this sector has also been hard criticized in terms of aid effectiveness. Church of Sweden (CoS), a well established organization in this sector, has faced new challenges in form of demands from their environment regarding Reporting aid work. These demands have pushed the International Department of Church of Sweden into a process for adapting the structure in order to meet the new effectiveness requirements. Using both, Contingency Theory and Resource Dependence Theory as theoretical framework and a single case study as research strategy, this master thesis goes in deep into the description of the change of the structure of the International Department. This work shows how the different parts of the organization functions and what impact will these changes in the structure mean for the future of the organization. The analysis of the empirical evidence related to the theoretical framework shows that the organization responds to external demands through a more centralized structure than before.

Kroppsuppfattningen hos kvinnliga och manliga högskolestudenter. -En kvantitativ undersökning.

Introduction:A good work environment and good resources among district nurses? and general nurses? are important in the provision of good nursing care. For patient security it is also very important that resources and time are used in an appropriate way. A lot of time is spent on non-core activity, for example administration takes more and more time, which can result in feelings of stress.Aim:The aim was to describe how district nurses? and nurses? in primary care perceived their work environment, how their worktime content was distributed and if there was some connection between perceived work environment and the distribution of work time.Methods:A mapping of the content of the work was made in two parts.

Mänskliga rättigheter - hur redovisas de?

Globaliseringen har bidragit till nya möjligheter men också hot för företag. Västvärldens företag kan lägga produktionen i delar av världen där kostnaden för att tillverka en vara är lägre än i hemlandet. I dessa leverantörsled kan missförhållanden uppstå såsom kränkningar av mänskliga rättigheter. Intressenter av olika slag fordrar mer transparens av företagen, det vill säga de kräver information utöver den finansiella i företagens rapporter.Hållbarhetsredovisning är en form av redovisning som har blivit allt vanligare och anses generellt innehålla information om företagets ekonomiska, miljömässiga och sociala prestanda. I jämförelse med den finansiella redovisningen existerar det ännu inga standarder för denna form av rapportering.

Dags att lägga ner snacket om förorten : En kvalitativ studie om Göteborgs-Postens rapportering kring skottlossningarna i Biskopsgården och Hisingsbacka hösten 2013

On September 4, 2013, two men were shot in the suburb Biskopsgården in Gothenburg. This was the catalysts to a very problematic autumn in both Biskopsgården as in another suburb, Hisingsbacka. The local media reports of the events were very through, where the newspaper Göteborgs-Posten took a leading role. It?s these reports which form the basis, the so called material of our essay.

Kulturens betydelse för hållbarhetsredovisning : jämförelse mellan Nordens länder

Problem: Det finns skillnader kring hållbarhetsredovisning mellan länder när det gäller reglering, tillämpning av GRI:s (Global Reporting Initiatives) riktlinjer, intressenternas makt att påverka med flera. Dessa skillnader kan ha uppstått på grund av många orsaker men i denna uppsats kommer det att utredas om kulturen kan förklara dessa skillnader.  Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och förklara i vilken utsträckning kulturen har en inverkan på hur de olika nordiska länderna väljer att lagstifta kring hållbarhetsredovisning och hur företagen tillämpar GRI:s riktlinjer. Men även om intressenternas makt att påverka företagen att göra en hållbarhetsredovisning har någon förklaring i kulturen.Metod: Den insamlade datan är huvudsakligen kvalitativ men har kompletterats med en del kvantitativ data. Insamlingen har skett genom litteratursökning, telefonintervjuer och en e-mailkontakt.

Granskning av Parken Zoo i medier : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om mediernas bevakning av Parken Zoo händelsen

The purpose of this study was to investigate how media has followed the Parken Zoo incident and analyse how media convey the issue about the Parken Zoo incident. The different results have been compared. To answer the purpose of the study three issues has been formulated:  how do the different media relate to the ideal of objectivity? Who come across and get to speak in the different media? What differences and similarities are in the media?   The theories that have been used in this study are mainly McCombs theory of agenda setting, Strömbäck?s theory of framing and theory of media logic, Kovach & Rosenstiel theories of journalism and Manning?s theory of objectivity. The methods that have been used are a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative semiotic analysis.

Revisionsbranschens relation till massmedia - En studie om hur revisionsbranschen påverkas av massmedias rapportering

Background: Media has for a long time been Reporting about the audit industry, often focusing on so-called auditing scandals. Economic journalism has grown stronger, the corporations are given more and more power in society and the public interest is increasing. We intend to examine how mass media affects the expectations gap and how the auditing firms operate strengthening the society?s confidence in the industry after mass medial exploitation. We also want to investigate whether the relatively new phenomenon social media is affecting the auditing firms and industry?s external communication, as well as what consequences negative publicity may have for the individual auditor.Aim: The aim of the study is to create an understanding of the audit industry?s relation to the media as well as to describe and analyze how mass media?s coverage is affecting the audit industry, auditing firms as well as the individual auditor.

Beroende i leverantörsrelationer : En studie om IT-outsourcing och organisationers storleksmässiga betydelse

This report describes the process of translating Russian financial information in accordance with Russian Accounting Standards to IFRS, International Financial Reporting Standards. The author describes the two regulatory frameworks and reveals a number of risk factors in the process. These risk factors may affect the reliability of figures from Russian companies. The conclusion states some recommendations on how these risk factors can be managed..

Kan man lite på ryska siffror? : en kritisk granskning av RAS ich IFRS

This report describes the process of translating Russian financial information in accordance with Russian Accounting Standards to IFRS, International Financial Reporting Standards. The author describes the two regulatory frameworks and reveals a number of risk factors in the process. These risk factors may affect the reliability of figures from Russian companies. The conclusion states some recommendations on how these risk factors can be managed..

Disclosure Tone in Environmental Reports ?A study of companies in the energy sector

Background and problem discussion: Sustainability Reporting has recently risen in importance and a rising number of companies choose to issue voluntary stand-alone sustainability reports. Their non-regulated nature increases the opportunity for management to angle the information in these disclosures to their own advantage. Lately the focus has shifted from examining what kind of information is provided in environmental disclosures, to analyzing how the information is presented.Purpose: The purpose is to examine if managers in the energy sector use optimistic tone when issuing sustainability reports. The aim is to find out if the tone applied in environmental disclosures is in congruence with either the environmental or economic performance or if an excessively positive tone is being used to mislead readers.Limitations: This study is limited to information found in environmental disclosures from private companies in the energy sector, issued in 2012 or 2013. Environmental performance is defined as the amount of CO2e emissions and economic performance refers to annual company revenues.Methodology: The quantification of optimistic tone is conducted using a content analysis, relying on a pre-specified wordlist and a pilot study.

Hur mycket naturbetesmarker har vi idag? : skattning av areal via nationella, stickprovsbaserade inventeringar samt jämförelse mot befintliga informationskällor

To reach objectives within EU?s Habitatdirective and the national environmental objectives, more information about semi-natural pastures is required. The expression semi-natural pasture is used for pastures that during the latest time are uncultivated and unfertilized. Semi-natural pastures are important in many respects for example to conserve the biodiversity and for our cultural history. The aim of my study was to compile and calculate the area of semi-natural pastures by use existing sources of information.

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