

1017 Uppsatser om Remote usability testing - Sida 8 av 68

Google Bilders användbarhet : Gränssnitt, sökfunktioner och återvinning

This essay explores to what extent the Swedish language version of Google Images meets the usability requirements of average everyday users. Previously published studies on user behaviour and users? interface and search option preferences define the usability requirements, which are matched against Google Images? actual interface and search options. The retrieval method of Google Images is also briefly discussed, and users? opinions about Google Images too, as they come across in the previously published user studies.The findings are that Google Images lack some of the things that users ask for, but it still seems to be the most used image search engine among average internet users and more appreciated than other search engines.

Texturbestämning genom fält-, pipett- och hydrometermetoder :

Texture is an important soil property and accurate particle size analysis of soil texture is therefore crucial. There are a number of well-established and newly developed methods available for determining soil texture. In order to compare the results of these methods, the differences between them must be determined. The difficulties, problems and differences regarding texture class determination were examined through a study performed on forest soil samples. The study compared different methods (pipette, hydrometer and field methods) and two types of dispersing agents (sodium pyrophosphate and sodium hexametaphosphate (calgon)) commonly used for particle size analysis.

En nutida analys av reseguidehemsidor

In this research our goal is to conclude the aspects of interactivity which can prove to be important during the creation of a website. The focus in this essay is websites functioning as travelingguides, because we live in a time of traveling, experiance and learning. How can an analyzing method of websites be shaped? What can an analyze of interactivity on current travelingguides provide for recommendations by the creation of interactive travelingguides? The analyzingmethod is based on three shapingmethods and a poll that was answered by both national and international people. The analyze gave us quite clear results, if you follow the basics of Use Case, Personas, Usability and design, the website will have a bigger chanse of attracting people than if it doesn't..

Utvärdering av responsiv design : En kvalitativ användarstudie av responsiv webbdesign för utvärdering av Hi-Fi prototyp

In my study, I have chosen to examine how the user interface and content must conform to design guidelines for responsive design makes it suitable for diverse desktop environment and for varied mobile platforms. The purpose of this study is to examine the extent recommended design guidelines based on scientific research has a positive impact on user performance and perception when using this study delivered hi-fi prototype. The goal of this study is to provide a Hi-Fi prototype with high usability that will introduce and inform the public about BrasilCine according specifications. Study findings from user testing and supplementary questionnaires show that the implemented technologies as design guidelines for responsive design and design features have a positive impact on user performance and perception. The study results are therefore relevant for further prototype development..


Det problem som denna uppsats hade för avsikt att besvara var varför hemautomation inte används i fler hem. Genom resultaten från en enkät som distribuerades kunde slutsatsen att kostnaden för de befintliga lösningar som finns på marknaden idag inte låg i den prisklass våra respondenter ansåg rimlig. Författarna utvecklade då problemet och ställde sig frågan om en hemautomationslösning verkligen måste ha en så hög kostnad som de befintliga lösningarna har idag. För att belysa detta problem implementerades en egen kostnadseffektiv lösning där respondenternas mest önskvärda funktioner togs i beaktande och en testmiljö implementerades utefter dessa. Resultatet blev en hemautomationslösning med stor potential och med en betydligt lägre kostnad än dagens befintliga lösningar..

Utvärdering av mikrofon- och högtalarelement för högtalartelefonsapplikation

The project deals with the evaluation and testing of speaker and microphone elements as well as microphone cavity.The first part of the report comprises a comprehensive theoretical part about drivers, microphone elements, and to some extent microphone cavity.The goal was to , on the behalf of the company Limes Audio AB, develop proposals on microphone element and cavity as well as drivers for a speakerphone application, based on specific factors. The main factors were performance, price and form factor.The aim was to create the best possible conditions for Limes Audio's software developers to implement the company's audio-enhancing software, mainly adaptive echo cancellation.The testing was carried out using Adobe Audition and MatLab. The test methods were developed in conjunction with Limes Audio and are described below.The project will result in suggestions for a speaker, a microphone and a cavity. The cavity were removed from the product because the results indicated that the cavity matter little for the end result.The report concludes with a discussion on how the measurements could have been enhanced to simplify the interpretation of the results and making the testing more efficient..

Stockar och stenar falla där, istället för tårar : en studie av häxprocesserna i Torsåker, Ångermanland 1674-1675

The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to examine how user-friendly the OPAC of the Märsta public library is considered to be.Theoretical basis are HCI and Allwoods definition of usability. Issues are: Is the OPAC suited to its task? Is the OPAC user-friendly? How well does a user accept the OPAC? and What degree of competence is shown by users of the OPAC? The source material consists of six interviews in the form of .avi files. The method I have chosen is qualitative semi-structured interview form. The result is that, based on Carl Martin Allwood?s defini-tion and with exception for the using of help-resources, the usability of Märsta?s library OPAC can be considered less good..

En utvärdering av synthesizern OP-1 utifrån ett användbarhetsperspektiv

Denna rapport handlar om en användbarhetsutvärdering av synthesizern OP-1, utvecklad av företaget Teenage Engineering. Studien är kvalitativ och undersöker bara den omedelbara användarupplevelsen av produkten. Rapporten baseras på resultat från ett antal användbarhetstester, utförda på företaget i fråga. Användbarhetstesterna avser att undersöka hur en användare kan förstå hur OP-1:s kan användas och hur de kan förstår dess olika lägen och vidare på vilket sätt detta påverkar den initiala användarupplevelsen.Totalt nio av fjorton tillfrågade personer har ingått i användbarhetstesterna. Urvalsgruppen bestod av personer med tidigare, dock varierande mängd, erfarenhet av synthesizers.

Ett tydligare System C2 : Användargränssnittsutveckling med stöd av användarcentrerade metoder

User friendly and usable are two words that are often mentioned in the context of marketing new products. By doing so it adds an extra sense of quality to the product. The meaning of these words is therefore something that every product wants. But what is it that makes a product usable and user friendly? What methodology exists formaking sure that a product is usable? Does it exist applicable processes to ensure user centered development? These questions together with a practical example are parts of what will be addressed in this report.The thesis was carried out for C2 Management, a company that works with supporting other companies in their work with quality and constant improvements.

Metodik för identifiering av T-stycke med risk för termisk utmattning

Thermal fatigue is a serious problem in todays power plants. A large amount of damages around the world circles around that subject. The damage can come from the mechanism of two flows mixing with different temperatures in a T-junction. It is a fundamental prerequisite that these T-junctions are frequently tested for damages. An amount of criterias steers the rate of testings.

C2-monitor : en rapport om utvecklingen av ett mobilt gränssnitt

This report presents the development process of a mobile interface for the C2-monitor. A monitoring tool used to support the operations for the broadcasting services of Ericsson Broadcasting and Media Services (EBMS). With the support of the C2-monitor, operators can monitor hundreds of channels and services produced from EBMS. To enhance a more flexible working environment, the C2-monitor needs to be developed further to support mobile devices with a customized design to take advantage of mobile phones features and functionality. Established and well-recognized design methods and principles have been applied in the development process and user testing have been made iteratively throughout the project.

Hardware-in-the-Loop simulering av motorservon på ett inbyggt system

This report presents a master thesis project performed at Elekta AB during the fall of 2013 and early 2014. Elekta is a medical technology company and their main product in the Stockholm office is a gamma knife used for radiosurgery. The gamma knife contains a cluster of a dozen motor servos and motors used for adjusting the patient and the radiation sources over a CAN bus. A self-developed hardware-in-loop simulator running on a PC with LabVIEW is currently being used for integration level testing of the control system of the gamma knife. The simulator has some problems with it not running in real-time and having other performance issues.

Teststrategier och användning av testautomation : En studie utförd på företaget Extenda AB

In today?s IT world where software is constructed in a rapid pace, testing has become a crucial area to master when testing has to be done at a greater speed. To still be able to handle the demands of high quality software, companies have to spend more resources on testing and introduce test automation. By automating test cases the testers can gain time which they can spend on doing more complex testing and thereby increase the quality of the software.In this thesis we have helped Extenda AB, who delivers systems to retail companies, to introduce test automation in one of their customer specific projects. This has been done using their own in-house ?capture/replay? tool ECP (Extenda Cashier Player).We have also derived a process that explains how Extenda can introduce test automation on other customer projects.

Gränssnittsanalys av Video On Demand tjänster : En gränssnittsanalys av fyra stycken VOD-tjänster på fyra stycken plattformar

This paper works as an assignment from the Video On Demand Company Headweb, who wanted aninterface analysis of their own and their competitors VOD services. The purpose is to help Headwebwith their own interface by studying theirs and others interfaces and make an analysis on how theyfunction, how they look and how good the usability is with every service, with hope to findsomething that could make the VOD service of Headweb better.I have also studied how the interfaces of the VOD services look on different platforms, to see howthey are designed as a whole. This has been an expert analysis where I have studied the differentVOD-services by myself, without any external users.To find advantages and disadvantages with the services and their platforms, I have used differenttheories, models and design patterns to frame areas such as filmsearch, categorization, registrationand navigation. I have compared the VOD services with each other and drew conclusions for eacharea to see how the interfaces differ between the services, but also between platforms.My analysis has shown that all VOD services in this project have a very unique interface, eventhough they all have the same goal, to allow the user to control their viewing of film. They usevarious functions and structure and use their own page names and categorizations.

Vilken mjukvarubaserad fjärranslutningslösning är passande för ett mindre företag?

 Syftet med denna undersökning är att ta reda på vilken mjukvarubaserad fjärranslutningslösning som passar för ett mindre företag, då de har mindre ekonomiska tillgångar än ett större företag behöver de vara mer noggranna med sina produktval. Arbetet är utfört med litteraturstudier och en enkätundersökning till ett tiotal mindre företag, samt en laborationsmiljö där tester av de olika fjärranslutningslösningarnas egenskaper har utförts.Område valdes då ämnet fjärranslutning knappt behandlads under utbildningstiden, och fördjupar sig därför inom området.Resultatet visar vad mindre företag anser vara de viktigaste egenskaperna med en fjärranslutningslösning. Även de värden som uppkom vid tester i laborationsmiljön kommer att presenteras i resultatet. De samlade resultaten kommer sedan visa på vilken mjukvarubaserad lösning som passar bäst för ett mindre företag. .

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