

1017 Uppsatser om Remote usability testing - Sida 49 av 68

Design av en användarvänlig Androidapplikation för trådlös kommunikation med Electronic Control Unit för bil eller testmiljö

Det här examensarbetet har utförts inom programmet högskoleingenjör datateknik vid Linköpings Universitet under våren 2015 och utförts på begäran av ArcCore i Linköping. Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att skapa och designa en användarvänlig Androidapplikation som trådlöst kan kommunicera med electronic control units i bil eller testmiljö.Androidapplikationen består av fem huvudskärmar, fyra vars uppgift är att skriva ut informationen som åker över CAN bussen. De fem skärmarna är start, felkoder, sensorer, ECU extract och overview. Start tar dig vidare till de andra skärmarna, felkoder skriver ut alla felkoder, sensorer skriver ut alla sensorvärden, ECU extract skriver ut all information och overview visar en virtuell instrumentbräda. Användarutvärderingar har utförts för att ta fram både designen och layouten på applikationen.

Energieffektivitet Hos Dubbelskalsfasader

Today multi-touch technology is the basis for many new techniques designed to improve interactions with computers and mobile devices. It seems that multi-touch screen interface makes the user handling very natural in the sense that there is no need for a manual in how to interact with the object on the screen. The aim with this paper is to establish a fundamental set of design principles intended specifically for large multi-touch interfaces. To reach this goal we have implemented a couple of sub-goals beforehand: It was essential that we acquired a good understanding of the current state of the multi-touch interface and the different implementations that exist today. To make this possible we constructed a multi-touch display, "Rosie". Knowing how the hardware is produced today will help us understand the limitations and also the possibilities of the design implementations today and in the future. We also needed to devise a sound interaction design process that conveys the modern designers work.

Evaluering av Secure Connection Manager : med fokus på användarvänlighet och effektivitet

In today?s computerized society more and more companies choose to utilize new applications that can ease the way of handling the information. For many of us is imperative that the process as efficient as possible if one takes in consideration the size of savings that this new application can bring.The developer of the evaluated system is SYSteam AB Huskvarna and they are the ones that gave us this assignment. The application that we evaluate is SCM (Secure Connection Manager). It is already used today by big companies such as Telia and Ericsson to search for errors in telephone servers placed all over the country.

FRISTADS ? Supply Chains, från tråd till arbetsbyxa

The Swedish Textile industry has since the beginning of the 70-ties moved their production to countries with cheap labour further and further away. The production in the Baltic countries and Asia has become reality for many Swedish manufacturing companies. With today?s technology the communication with remote countries has ceased to be a problem. The difficulties have instead turned out to be more focused on transportation of goods and just in time deliveries to Sweden.

A Strategic Decision-Making Model for Supply Chain - A Void to be Filled

Many researchers emphasize the increasing strategic importance of supply chain management, but there is still a lack of concrete guidance for managers faced with strategic decisions in supply chain. Within decision-making theories, the rational decision-making model is the most commonly used. This because of its suitable foundation, enabling a structure to the complex decision process. The rational decision-making model is today not developed to include the aspects of strategic decision-making made in supply chain. The purpose of this research is to adjust a structured rational decision-making model, making it applicable for strategic decision-making in supply chain.

Att visualisera en utställning på Internet i Flash : - ett arbete för Norrköpings Visualiseringscenter C

SammanfattningSyftet med detta examensarbete har varit att, genom att kombinera kunskaperna inom interaktionsdesign med kunskaperna inom visuell kommunikation, ta fram en designlösning åt Norrköpings Visualiseringscenter C som presenterar innehållet i deras utställning ?Att visa det man inte kan se? på deras hemsida.För att nå detta syfte har utvalda teorier och metoder använts och i uppsatsen beskrivs designprocessen steg för steg - hela vägen från uppdragsbeskrivning, genom teorier och metoder till den färdiga designlösningen.Teorierna i denna uppsats handlar om interaktionsdesign, gränssnittsdesign, användbarhet, visuell kommunikation och teknik. Metoderna för att få reda på användarnas åsikter behandlar användartester, Card sorting, LoFi- och HiFi-prototyper.Resultatet av rapporten beskriver hur Adobe Flash kan användas för att skapa en interaktiv design för en webbsideapplikation med kontroll över interaktion, visuell kommunikation och användbarhet.Resultatet visar också hur användarnas återkoppling under användartesten påverkade slutresultatet. Resultatet visar även att en designprocess är olik från gång till gång men att det finns vissa riktlinjer som kan hjälpa en designer genom processen på ett kontrollerat sätt..

Amningsbh : Produktutveckling av amningsbh enligt en identifierad kravbild

Definitionen av en amningsbh är en bh där bröstet lätt kan tillgängliggöras för barnet vid amning, till exempel med en öppningsbar kupa. Vidare ställs det höga krav på att amningsbh:n ska vara anpassad för den moderna mammans livsstil och samtidigt ta till hänsyn de komplikationer som kan uppstå vid amning. Hos ett svenskt modeföretag, vilket studien riktar sig till, finns det ett behov av att vidareutveckla sitt sortiment av amningsbh. Syftet med studien är att granska vilka krav en amningsbh ska uppfylla, samt hur kraven ska uppfyllas. Dessa riktlinjer ska sedan sammanfattas och verifieras i framtagningen av produktionsunderlag för en första prototyp.

Personaliserade rådgivare ? en studie om relationer i bankernas Internettjänster

Problem: Den svenska bankmarknaden befinner sig under förändring. Och i takt med att världen med hjälp av tekniska innovationer blir mindre, blir det också lättare för globala storföretag att etablera sig på nya marknader. Konkurrensen tenderar att öka bland Sveriges banker och det kan leda till att det blir enklare för bankkunder att välja en annan bank. Nu är det upp till bankerna själva att erbjuda tjänster och produkter som motsvarar kundernas krav. Syfte: Uppsatsen ska undersöka attityder samt belysa vikten av relationer och förtroende till personliga rådgivare i banker.

Undersökning av svetsförband med avseende på svetsgeometri, diskontinuiteter och blästring med stålkulor

Breakdowns of welded structures are usually a consequence of fatigue loading. Fatigue fractures are commonly initiated in the region close to the weld toe but can also initiate from the weld root and from discontinuities inside the weld. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the weld quality of welded joints produced at Volvo Wheel Loaders factory in Arvika. The goal of the investigation is to give a clearer insight regarding factors influencing the fatigue strength of the welded joints and thereby give a better foundation for fatigue strength calculations.The investigation is including examination of the weld geometry, weld discontinuities and the effects of shot peening. Mainly three different methods for collecting test data have been used: Plastic replicas cast on the weld profile, weld specimens from a rear frame belonging to a wheel loader of model L110E/120E and Almen testing of the shot peening.The results showed that it is not possible to control even transition between the weld material and the base material without after treatment.

Flickors kroppsuppfattning och måltidsmönster : Förändring under pubertet och moderns betydelse

Within the ambulance care in Uppsala County a vacuum splint is used to immobilize fractures on extremities. The research available on which method of immobilizing to prefer during pre-hospital treatment is limited. The purpose of this pilot study was to examine the perceptions of the ambulance personal in Uppsala County on the issue of usability of SAM-splint and vacuum splint when immobilizing extremities. The project was also aimed at researching if SAM-splint could be seen as an alternative or a complement to vacuum splint, and to get an apprehension on any evident differences in patients? perceived pain when treated with the two different approaches. A descriptive comparative study was carried out. All patients, regardless of age and sex, with the need of immobilizing supposed fractures, were included.  Patients with suspected femur fracture, collum fracture, or where pre-hospital care was not possible or in question, was excluded.

Vidareutveckling av PV/T-receiver för koncentrerat solljus

The rising demand for electricity and heat raises a big challange for the society and engineers. Many products have been introduced to the market to supply more energy to the energy systems. Absolicon AB is a Swedish company that develops and markets a combined heat and power generating product. The product, Absolicon X10, uses a parabolic trough to concentrate the radiation of the sun onto a receiver. The receiveris equipped with mono crystalline solar cells and is cooled by a circulating liquid media.

Varumärkesutvidgningar för Personliga varumärken vs. Företagsvarumärken - Same same, but different

Today, branding is not a phenomenon but rather a prerequisite for a brand to be able to both survive and grow stronger. During the last couple of years, personal branding has come to be an established term, just like corporate branding. With the growth of the social media and the thousands of ways to interact with each other personal brands face great competition. It is more difficult than ever to maintain a strong brand, partly because of this. There are several growth options for brands.

Sketching a set of multi-touch design principles

Today multi-touch technology is the basis for many new techniques designed to improve interactions with computers and mobile devices. It seems that multi-touch screen interface makes the user handling very natural in the sense that there is no need for a manual in how to interact with the object on the screen. The aim with this paper is to establish a fundamental set of design principles intended specifically for large multi-touch interfaces. To reach this goal we have implemented a couple of sub-goals beforehand: It was essential that we acquired a good understanding of the current state of the multi-touch interface and the different implementations that exist today. To make this possible we constructed a multi-touch display, "Rosie". Knowing how the hardware is produced today will help us understand the limitations and also the possibilities of the design implementations today and in the future. We also needed to devise a sound interaction design process that conveys the modern designers work.

Customer Relationship Management : Hur ser behovet av CRM ut för små och medelstora tillverkande företag i Sverige?

An increasingly globalized market is leading to hard competition among manufacturing companies, which means that they are forced to become more customer focused to survive in the market. A Customer Relationship Management system is a system that will be of assistance to help companies succeed in building long term relationships with their customers. Best of Breed and ERP-based are two types of CRM systems. The study has focused on analyzing and examine the need for CRM systems at manufacturing companies. Our question formulation has been:? What need do businesses want to satisfy with a Best of Breed-based and ERP-based CRM system?? Are there any differences in the use of Best of Breed-based and ERP-based CRM system?In this study, we have chosen to carry out interviews and quantitative surveys with manufacturing companies to get their view of CRM-systems.

Aktiebolag utan revisor : ett bolag utan extern finansiering?

This work is a study of subject teachers in social studies and science understand the concept of sustainable development. The work uses a qualitative and a quantitative approach. Teachers in various schools and stages have been answering questions about how they perceive sustainability, how they implement it in teaching and if they feel that school is important for the future of sustainable development at large.The theoretical background is based on environmental ethics as well as the different meanings and definitions of the concept of sustainable development. These theories and definitions are coupled with the empirical results.The study concludes that all teachers throughout the study perceive the concept of sustainable development as something ecological, something that has to do with nature. A few teachers also state economic and social dimensions.Questions about how the teachers in the study implement the concept in their teaching can be seen as three different approaches.

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