

1017 Uppsatser om Remote usability testing - Sida 41 av 68

Två vägar till samma mål: Kontrasterna av Richard Holbrookes och Carl Bildts medlingssätt och strategier i Bosnien

This study focuses on international mediation and mediation theory. The aim of the study is to bring into light, a critique on already exsisting mediation theory and the need to oversimplify generalisations and results. This study focuses on a comparison between Richard Holbrooke and Carl Bildt, and their roles? as mediators during the war in Bosnia and Hercegovina 1995. I have deliberatly chosen two very different actors on the same case, to show that traditional belif on why the war ended is oversimplyfied and wrong.This study uses Curran, Sebenius and Watkins paper on mediation as a template in defining how to use the criterias for analyzing a mediator.

Experimentell jämförelse av Cassandra, MongoDB och MySQL

Context. Performance and resource usage is often an important factor for database driven services. Depending on the purpose of the application, choosing the wrong type of database may require unnecessary hardware upgrades or replacements. Objectives. This study investigates the differences in performance and resource usage between different SQL- and NoSQL-databases. The study is a comparison that focuses on how the databases perform in different applications.

Automatisk viktkontroll av glascontainer

This degree project has been carried out in cooperation with Gedevelop in Helsingborg.Gedevelop has developed a camera that can calculate the weight of a liquid glass mass.Because of the density and viscosity changes in the glass, the weight information issometimes incorrect given. Glass industry is today addressing the problem by an operatorperforming a manual weighing of a few bottles which, in turn, calibrates the camera system.The project aimed to develop an automated system to control the weighing of glass bottles forglass industries. This system must be so flexible that it can be easily mounted on plants withdifferent production equipment around the world.The project includes design and construction of equipment that meets the requirementsformulated together with Gedevelop. Work has been done both in Halmstad and Helsingborgand has included both calculations and review of the theory to understand the forces thatinfluence the design of different construction parts. A prototype was produced that meets theoperating requirements for the design and can be used in testing features.

Visual User Interface for PDAs

This report is a part of a diploma work, conducted as a part of a Master of Science degree. The diploma work consists of a preliminary study, two case studies, a user study, a paper and this report. It was created at the Linköping University for the department of Science and Technology, in cooperation with Unilever Research in the UK, and partly with the EC founded project, Smartdoc IST-2000-28137. Hand-held, mobile devices like Personal Digital Assistances (PDAs) are becoming increasingly popular in today?s wireless world.

Sparbankernas vara eller icke vara - En kvantitativ studie av sparbankernas bidrag till attraktivitet, företagande och regional tillväxt i de kommuner de verkar i.

This thesis investigates the 200 year old phenomena of savings banks and if they increase the economic growth (GDP) in the local region they act in. That is being done by testing three hypotheses; the savings banks increase the attractiveness of the region they act in; the savings banks increase the entrepreneurship in the region they act in; and the savings banks increase the economic growth in region they act in. This quantitative cross-sectional study with data from the year 2010, finds that the savings banks increase the attractiveness of the local region, most likely through the efforts and financials they put into different local projects. A positive result is also found for increased entrepreneurship in the regions that have a local savings bank. The result is explained by the savings banks relationship lending, which increase the likeliness for a company to get the credit they need to start and develop.

Avskilda Butiker : En studie i avlägsna butikers dragningskraft

För att lyckas driva en butik som är belägen långt från närmsta tätort så är det viktigt att ha kännedom om vad det är som driver kunder till att åka långa sträckor på ofta dåliga vägar för att ta sig ut till butikerna i fråga. Vid öppnandet av en avlägsen butik är denna kunskap viktig att besitta då det är ett faktum att kunderna utgör butikens livskraft. Utan kännedom om vad som lockar kunderna finns risken att butiken öppnar på helt fel plats eller nischar in sig helt fel och fokuserar på fel faktorer.Denna rapport har som syfte att ta reda på vilka faktorer det är som gör att kunder väljer att åka till dessa avlägsna butiker. Kundens perspektiv är i fokus där deras åsikter kom fram genom enkäter. Butikschefer för två avlägsna butiker har också intervjuats för att få deras syn på saken.

E-handel : Inte bara guld och gröna skogar

 The purpose of this essay is to analyze and understand which difficulties that e-company's struggles with the most, and what their strategies are to overcome this problem. Sales of clothing through e-commerce have made the shopping experience faster and more comfortable, but on the other hand it has created a couple of problems which makes a big difference in the purchase of clothing, we are partly talking about the absence of the testing opportunity. To not know whether or not the shirt or pants will fit, leads customers to a game of gamble every single time they purchase a garment. Another problem which makes customers nervous before a purchase is the absence of a physical salesperson. This might lead customers to question whether or not the company exists.

Ett användbart IT-stöd för balanserat styrkort i ett vårdbolag - problem och möjligheter

Bakgrund:Balanserat styrkort är ett av de mest populära prestationsmätnings-verktygen för att förbättra och styra organisationer. Förutom de ekonomiska strategimålen finns ett värde att identifiera sina ogripbara,tysta värden ? humankapital, kundrelationer, varumärken, inno-vationskapital och företagskultur.Utbudet av mjukvara för IT-stöd för balanserat styrkort är idag stort men vilka faktorer bör finnas med i ett IT-stött balanserat styrkort för att ge organisationer den helhetssyn och flexibilitet som krävs?Syfte:Att identifiera de faktorer som bör finnas med i ett användbart IT-stöd för balanserat styrkort efter de förutsättningar och önskemål som finns i vårdbolag.Metod:Utifrån systemsynsättets tankesätt att helheter alltid avviker från summan av dess delar har en explorativ fallstudie genomförts ge-nom att studera befintligt system och genom intervjuer med användare.Slutsats:De viktigaste funktionerna i ett IT-stöd för balanserat styrkort bör fokusera på att tydliggöra strategier och samband i organisationen, det bör innehålla verktyg för kommunikation, dokumentation av gemensamma synsätt och mål och mätningar och det bör stödja ut-veckling av styrkort. För att kunna genomföra ett framgångsrikt styrkortsarbete är IT-stödet bara en faktor av många. Andra faktorer är minst lika viktiga för att skapa ett verkningsfullt styrkort..

Internkommunikation och beslutsprocesser inom Åtvidabergs FF : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Åtvidabergs FF

AimThe purpose of this study has been to help Åtvidabergs FF to find development opportunities by reviewing the internal communication and decision making process within the organization. In this study we have used two models, Johari window and Administrative man.Our study has two main questions. The questions at issues are:? Can Åtvidabergs FF with help of the communication model Johari window identify how the internal communication can improve?? Can Åtvidabergs FF use the Administrative man as a decision model?o Will the use of the model Administrative man lead to better decisions will be made?MethodWe have made a qualitative case study in a positivistic spirit. Data has been collected through half structured interviews.

Kommunikation med barn: Skapandet av en bilderbok : En litteraturundersökning om bilderboksriktlinjer samt tillverkning av en bilderbok

Many people believe that the analogue picture book is a dying media due to the increase of digital media. Contrary to popular belief, the publishing of children?s book in Sweden is continually increasing, which makes mapping the field quite significant. But to regulate the creation of a children?s picture book is problematic, because one does not want to impede the personal style of the writer or the illustrator of the children?s book.If the children?s book creator has an understanding of how to better communicate with children, the children?s book might have a grater impact on the child.

Förmedling av skönlitteratur via bibliotekets webbplats

Mediation of fiction has always been one of the main tasks of the public library. The focus on information technology is often seen as a threat and competitor to this task. But technology can also offer new ways to mediate fiction, and the aim of this thesis is to examine how library websites and blogs can be used for this purpose. The research questions are:? What forms of fiction mediating material exist on library websites and blogs?? How is the fiction mediating material presented?? Are there any differences between the fiction mediating working methods on websites and blogs compared with those in physical libraries?The thesis is based on a qualitative content analysis of eight Swedish public library websites and three blogs, and on a theoretical frame work including literature and research on mediation of fiction, library websites and blogs, web design and usability.

Uterummet i undervisningen : en läromedelsanalys inom biologi

This paper describes Tempus Custode, a smartphone application with which the user may register working hours and travel time during the work day. The application communicates with a database via a server. The data stored in the database may be manipulated using an administrator tool, mainly for the composition of time reports. In this way, the user?s task of time reporting his day is greatly simplified.The application is able to automatically discriminate between work time and travel time, as it continuously fetches positioning data from the smartphone GPS receiver.

Varför digitalisera? En studie av tillkomsten av Kungl. bibliotekets digitaliserade samlingar

The Royal Library (KB) of Sweden harbours great collections of different objects through a special law from 1661. This master degree paper is exploring a part of KB?s digitisation of those collections. It deals with the questions about what the KB had chosen for digitisation, why those choices were maid and who is responsible for making these decisions. The paper will also for example seek out different patterns and trends in the information.

Analys av det nordiska kraftnätets påverkan på det svenska elspotpriset.

During the last few years, there has been a lot of debate regarding the price ofelectricity on the Swedish market. According to a recent survey from Sifo, anon-bias governmental institute for consumer research and testing, the priceof electricity is what worries Swedish households the most. An investigationof the eciency of the Nordic power grids inuence on the Swedish spotprice is therefore both relevant and valuable. Three quarters of all electricityproduced in the Nordic region is traded at the Nord Pool Spot power market.This survey examines how much of the variation of the swedish spot pricecan be descried by the variation of the nordic system price and how much iscaused because of ineciencies in the power grid. Primarily, linear regressionwith adjustments for endogeneity and heteroskedasticity has been used in orderto analyze data obtained mainly from Nord Pool Spot and Vattenfall AB.The results show that the variation of the system price can account for all butabout 40% of the variation in the Swedish spot price.

Konstruktion av datainsamlingskort för mätsystemet COMET

During test flights SAAB uses the data acquisition system COMET 16. The part of the system that receives the signals from the sensors and converts them is called KSM 15. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a data acquisition module on stacked PC/104 modules with a lower production cost. Our work has been divided into one part about analog signal conditioning and a second part with digital filtering and memory management of the sampled data. The analog part, designed of regular components like instrument amplifiers, voltage references, operational amplifiers and multiplexers, adjusts the sensors signal levels for the ADC?s that converts the signals.

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