

1017 Uppsatser om Remote usability testing - Sida 34 av 68

Utveckling av generell testklient för Nordic Growth Market

Development and accuracy tests of advanced exchange trading systems require well adjusted tools for testing. Aptness of these tools are probable to have a major impact on identification of bugs and verification of new functionality. Identifying erroneous parts and bottlenecks of the trading system is of outmost importance for the exchange as a whole since stability and correctness are two of the determinant factors its viability is measured by. This paper covers how this test-tool was created and the motivation behind the design choices made. The tool was created with the goal to be broad enough to cover the majority of cases that could arise, fast enough to be able to test the trading systems speed limitations (i.e.

IDQ Viewer: För enklare Visning av Databasstruktur : Viewer : För enklare Visning av Databasstruktur

The social community is structured around data, a lot of that data is stored in different types of databases. The meaning of this essay is to develop an interactive tool that will change the way database visualization is done, and also to research in which fields a tool of this type can be used. With the help of different methods we discovered areas where it could be of use, such as; presentation of a database, development and documentation of a database. The primary goal of the prototype was to make viewing of database structures easier, even people without prior database knowledge should be able to understand the structure. During the development we used prototypes.

ATP bioluminescence to establish a test procedure for hygiene testing of liners and tubes on farm level : an investigation of the effect of ageing on the hygienic status of rubber liners and tubes

When rubber equipment in a milking system ages, physical and chemical deterioration occurs and cracks, crevices, as well as deposits of organic and inorganic material is formed on the surface. Bacterial colonization can accumulate, especially on ageing rubber equipment and if the cleaning procedure is not functioning properly. Formation of biofilm in milking equipment could in turn cause bacterial contamination of bulk tank milk. ATP bioluminescence is a fast and easy way to determine the hygienic status of a surface based on its ATP content, and results are given in relative light units (RLU). The method measures both bacterial contamination as well as residues from other organic material.

Arbetsprov i fält på ridhästar

Sport horses are widely used for performance in jumping, dressage, endurance etc. To enable comparisons of horses, training facilities, programs or physical status, an exercise test can be used. Exercise tests are also important to increase knowledge about exercise physiology of the horse considering different ways of training to compare training methods or individual qualities, development of an individual or other investigations of equine exercise physiology. Since several investigations are done on standard- and thoroughbred horses but less on sport horses, it is of great importance to get an overview of the investigations done. Most common is to investigate heart rate and lactate concentration.

Framtida möjligheter för mobil styrning av hemmet :  

Målen med denna undersökning har varit att studera vilka tekniker som idag finns för att möjliggöra mobil styrning av hemmet och därigenom underlätta elanvändarens roll i en uppgradering av det befintliga elnätet, vilken/vilka tekniker som bör få störst betydelse för framtidens smarta hem, samt hur en implementering av en mobil applikation för fjärrstyrning av hemmet skulle kunna tas fram. Undersökningen har i första hand genomförts genom en omfattande förstudie och informationsinhämtning, genom jämförelser av för- och nackdelar mellan olika nätverkstekniker, samt genom utredande av lämplig utvecklingsmiljö baserat på tillgång till öppet utvecklar API, produkttillgänglighet och support, samt initialkostnad för utvecklingsverktyg och system för testning. Undersökningen har visat att det idag inte finns någon klar vinnare bland nätverksteknikerna på området, även om Zigbee, Z-Wave och Wi-Fi är de starkaste kandidaterna till att vinna stora marknadsandelar. Det är således inte uppenbart att någon teknik kommer att få mycket större utbredning än de övriga då teknikerna istället kan komma att komplettera varandra då de är starka på olika områden. Undersökningen har också visat att som utvecklingsmiljö är det svenska företaget Telldus produktlösning (Tellstick) en relativt billig och enkel produkt att använda för att komma igång med styrning av hemmet, samt att de tillhandahåller två öppna APIer och uppmuntrar tredjepartsutveckling av applikationer för deras system..

Utveckling av ett centraliserat informationssystem

CML Data AB is a small IT-company that offers complete IT-solutions adjusted to the needs of the customers. It is hard for the employees to bring all necessary papers, files and software when visiting a customer. They also have difficulties planning their daily work and to keep track of each other, because of the lack of a shared calendar.The purpose of this report is to answer the following questions:- How do you develop a centralized information system for CML Data AB where it is possible for the employees to gain access to files, plan their days and where the customers can get access to relevant information?- How do you develop an information system that is easy to manage?- How do you make it easier for the employees at CML Data AB to update their homepage?We discussed the problems and the future information system with the employees and were able to establish a set of needs and requirements which we then used as a foundation during the software development. We used user centered system design during the whole process and focused a lot on usability and interaction design.The project resulted in a stylistically pure and user friendly portal.

Copingstrategiers och det sociala stödets samband med upplevd stress hos vårdpersonal

IKEA HaparandaTornio employ some two-hundred people in its furniture retail store.Keeping track of staff statistics and employee information has previously been achievedthrough the use of a basic Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet. The store?s human resourcesdepartment requested an upgrade to this system with the hope of speeding up andsimplifying the administrative process, as well as to make it easier to monitor HR-relatedtarget statistics. The following report documents the development process of that upgrade ascarried out by the author. The project draws on research in usability design and cognitivepsychology to develop a user-friendly interface.

Re-design av kommunikationsbyrån Åkesson & Currys webbsida : En rapport som beskriver produktionsprocessen för kommunikationsbyråns nya webbsida

Den här rapporten redovisar produktionsprocessen för en re-design av en webbsida. Kommunikations-byrån Åkesson & Currys webbsida har funnits i över fem år. I dagsläget tycker inte företaget att webbsidan representerar vilka de är, därför var ett led i produktionsprocessen att undersöka hur de ser på sin identitet. Målet var att med en ny vision av Åkesson & Currys identitet producera ett designförslag över en webbsida som presenterar dem på ett representativt sätt. Re-designen ska möjliggöra att användaren blir intresserad av byrån och gärna initierar till en ny kontakt med Åkesson & Curry efter ett besök på webbsidan.

Energieffektivisering i offentliga byggnader : Jämförelse i elanvändning för ventilation med olika luftflödesstyrsystem

I got interested in this subject when I came in contact with Västtrafiks new paymentsystem myself during my visits in Gothenburg. I suspected problems with the informationmaterial regarding it and others seemed to share my opinion that the payment system wasdiffcult to understand. When I contacted Västtrafik and asked them about the paymentsystem they confirmed that some understanding diffculties had occurred. With thatconfirmation I decided to make it my project to look in to the matter.Some methods were used to identify the problems. The methods could again confirm thatthere were some problems with the payment system and that the information material wasa vital reason.

Design och konstruktion av laborationsutrustning till en kraftelektronikkurs

The purpose of this degree project was to build laboratory equipment for a new course in power electronics that starts this autumn 2010 at Uppsala University. The equipment is intended for student labs and it covers the most important areas of the course including rectifying, buck-/boost-converters and PWM-modulation. It is built as one sealed unit where all the electronics are built-in but visible and it has a connection board where students safely can connect the different circuits. The project has advanced from theoretical studies of circuit design, choosing of components and simulations to drawing the printed circuit board (PCB), soldering, case building, final testing and troubleshooting - basically most steps from an early idea to a final product. Measurements on the final product gave about the same results as the earlier simulations of the circuits and the result is overall satisfying..

Bättre med Scrum? : En studie om den "nya" utvecklingsmodellen

The Thesis purpose is in the context of system development validate the Scrum Methodology. Projects concerning information technology are difficult to manage and tend to fail in quality, time or costs. Scrum presents a new view of the system development. Better cooperation between customers and developers, continuous follow-up on daily basis and extensive communication in the development team are all characteristics of Scrum. Scrum is described as a new paradigm by its founders but has been criticized by experts of system development too.

Studie av materialinnovationer med ett brett applikationsspektra : Tillämpat på Disruptive Materials

This master thesis attempts to answerthe question if a startup with amaterial innovation needs a specialbusiness development model. Mainstreambusiness development literature is notwell adapted to the rigor of testing anew material and bringing it tomarket. This was studied using threedifferent methods. First of thetheories that are considered canonicalfor high tech business development wasexamined. The next step was to go into the role of a business developer inone of the hottest high tech materialinnovation startups this decade,Disruptive Materials.

Kontrollbox för häftare A6102

This report describes the construction and development of a control box, which is a tool for testing and verifying a certain model of Rapid?s built in staplers (model A6102). Basically the function of the control box is to interpret any errors that may occur in the stapler and to make it possible to test fire the stapler.The control box should be able to communicate with the stapler using a specialized communication protocol. The different data such as errors, firmware etc. from the stapler is presented in plain language on a display.

Opera i Stockholm, Stadsgårdskajen

This thesis was developed as an assignment from Ludosity Interactive where the goal was to develop a copy of the Xbox Live Indie Games-marketplace from the Xbox 360. Ludosity Interactive had a necessity to easily test a game's attractiveness to potential customers using testing people from outside the company in a simulated Xbox Live Indie Games test environment; excluding this developed system there is no other way to do such an analysis without actually releasing the game on the Xbox Live Indie Games marketplace and then analyze the resulting sales from the product.The finished system had to be similar to the original system to the degree that a user could see past the interface itself and use the system just as he/she would have used the real marketplace. It also had to be easy to change and add games to the system so that Ludosity Interactive easily could show the games and the data that they deemed interesting for their tests. The final product was developed using C#, XNA and XML together with an Agileinspired development method in combination with Pivotal Tracker. This report describes how this product was developed..

Faktorer som inverkar på prisbildningen inom factoring

Banks have been some of the biggest operators on the market of business customers financing. When the Swedish Förmånsrättslagen was changed 2004 the banks became more restrictive to allow traditional bank loans. The change made it more difficult for customers to get their loans granted. For that reason customers had to find other forms of financing. Factoring is an alternative that means companies can mortage/sell their claim on customers to finance companies.

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