

1017 Uppsatser om Remote usability testing - Sida 18 av 68

Användbarhetsenkäter och lo-fiprototyper : En studie som jämför hur pass lika och hur väl SUS respektive PSSUQ fungerar för att utvärdera en lo-fiprototyp

Möjligheten att snabbt kunna utvärdera system är något som blir alltmer aktuellt och populärt. Två metoder som ofta kombineras för att kunna få svar på användares upplevelse och specifika problem med system är användbarhetsenkäter och prototyptestning. Frågan är dock om det finns någon användbarhetsenkät som utvärderar lo-fiprototyper bättre än andra, och hur pass lika lo-fiprototyper utvärderas av olika användbarhetsenkäter.Denna uppsats handlar om hur pass lika användbarhetsenkäterna System Usability Scale (SUS) och Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire (PSSUQ) utvärderar en lo-fiprototyp och om det finns några praktiska skillnader med enkäterna som underlättar eller försvårar när man utvärderar en lo-fiprototyp. Lo-fi-prototypen som testades var en tidig, pappersbaserad version av en att-göralista för handläggare. Testdeltagarna fick först testa att utföra ett par scenarion och interagera med prototypen under 10-15 min, de fick sedan fylla i båda enkäter.Resultaten visade på indikationer att poängen som produceras av SUS och PSSUQ vid lo-fiprototyptestning är lika, men att det skulle behövas vidare studier med fler testdeltagare för att kunna säga detta säkert.

Aktivt balanserad cykel

To conclude this year?s introductory course in Mechatronics the students, in groups of 6,constructed a prototype based on the technical requirements established by the course teachers.This year they consisted of the following: two wheels only, active balancing, remote controlledand able to stop when crossing a pre-determined marker on the ground. The project lasted for 7weeks and the result is a working prototype and this report.The report reviews the chosen solution, subsystems and the finished prototype as well assuggestions for improvements, discussion and analysis.The prototype constructed embodied most of the group?s earlier individual technical specialtiesand consists of the following: a flywheel for balancing, ultrasound for angle measurement, areflective photomicrosensor to detect the marker and Bluetooth for the hand control..

Drömjournalen : En studie av vårdmedarbetares upplevelser av samtida och framtida vårdkommunikation

The effectiveness of communication in the Swedish healthcare system context has long been the subject of debate. Issues stemming from usability, accessability and interpretation affect the lives of patients, and yet the vocal groups in the healthcare communication debate are patients and administrators, not healthcare professionals. With the advent of eHealth services and new demands being put forth on the ability of healthcare professionals' to handle increasingly numerous and innovative systems, it is of more importance than ever to understand the healthcare professionals' work context. This article is based on interviews with five healthcare professionals concerning their views on electronic health records (EHR), eHealth services, trends in healthcare services development in Sweden, as well as their views on the future of eHealth solutions and health information technology (HIT). Analysis of collected information shows an apprehension among healthcare professionals towards electronic communication, as well as a dissatisfaction with the usability of modern healthcare systems.

Ett ordersystem för reklamfilm

This report has explored how to design and develop an ordering system for television and DOOH commercials. Usability theories have been considered and also guidlines for system devoloping, this includes the making of a PACT analysis and a demand specifcation. To ensure that the users of the systems are in focus a pre studie has been performed on location of the company which is the intended user of the system. Finally an interactive prototype of an orderingsystem has been created to illustrate the functions and tools which the fnal product should have..

Parkeringsapplikationen : Utveckling av en mobilapplikation för iPhone.

This report describes procedures and preparations made for developing a mobile application.Using a questionnaire and usability tests, I have developed a design document for a parkingapplication for the iPhone 4. The purpose of the application is to help drivers find allowedparking spaces thus making roads safer for everyone while the driver avoids parking tickets..

Ludwig Wittgenstein som folkskollärare

This paper studies the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein during his years (1920?26) as an elementary school teacher in remote Niederösterreich, Austria. The paper gives a survey of his life, and also a brief account of three of his main works: Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Philosophical Investigations and Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics. Attention is given to his alphabetical word list, Wörterbuch für Volksschulen, published for educational use in elementary schools. The study is focused on Wittgenstein?s educational practise, and establishes a connection between his experience as a teacher and his late philosophy..

Jippieserien : En kvalitativ studie om hur multimodal media kan nå ut till barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar och deras föräldrar

This report describes the work process to an interactive movie addressed to children with neurodevelopmental disabilities, where Jippieserien is the client. The aim is to explore how multimodal media can convey Jippieseriens message to children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their parents, by taking the users needs into account.It is important to focus on the people who will use the system when designing interactive systems. This project is therefore using the designprocess human-centered design for interactive systems. The process includes four basic elements and provides guidelines for user-centered design. These parts are analysis, prototyping, implementation, and evaluation (Johansson.

Branding för distansarbetande kreatörer : Förbättra din nätnärvaro

In the fragmented network economy of toady remote work for creative designers becomes mor eand more prevalent. This is good for a number of reasons. Mainly, creative designers can find work inside and outside of their region irrespective of where they choose to live. However, competing for jobs in a global market is harder, and the online presence of the creatives becomes their main shopping window. We have conducted a study, interviewing digital creatives in Västerbotten.

Analysverktyg för webbsidor med JavaScript

New technological innovations like tablets and smartphones have a taken significant market share on the web and puts new demands on webpages, the user interface and compatibility among different client devices. The full test of a web-based system prior to the publication is often regarded as an important part of the process to create a complete and successful website. This bachelor thesis investigates the possibility to analyze mobile-adapted web sites using a system that first records the visitor's activities and then replays them for an expert analyst to provide valuable information to developers about how their site can be improved.The essay begins with a litterature study on today's most common web development tools and then examines the possibility to apply them during the development of the analysis tool. The work also describes two methods, pair programming and waterfall method used during the project. Three different evaluation methods are presented and one of the models is applied on the finished system.The project results in a web-based analysis tool written mainly in JavaScript using the jQuery library.

Bloggtider för bibliotek och bibliotekarier? - Studie om bloggars användbarhet i bibliotekssektorn

The usability of the Internet increases for every year. The Weblog phenomenon makes it possible for anyone to easily publish, find information and get in touch with other people through the net. This Essay treats the possibilities the Weblog medium offer Swedish libraries and librarians in library contexts. The purpose of the study is to examine the Web phenomenon: Weblogs, and their significance for a total of eleven Library Heads and librarians together with their view on the Weblog activity at each library connected Weblog, to get comprehension and new knowledge on the usability of Weblogs in the library sector. The foundation for the Essay consists of a qualitative interview study, built on asynchronous e-mail interviews and telephone interviews with blogging librarians and Heads of libraries.

En grafisk webläsarkomponent med hjälp av WPF i Visual Studio

WPF is a newly introduced graphical system that is a part of Microsoft?s .NET Framework. This report will evaluate WPF and its features. A comparison is made mainly towards the previous version of .NET which is .NET 2.0. The work is partly theoretical and partly implementational.

Testverktyg för test av mobila applikationer : En jämförande fallstudie

Användandet av mobila applikationer har växt radikalt de senaste åren och de samverkar med många system. Därför ställs det högre krav på kvaliteten och att applikationen ska anpassas till många olika enheter, operativsystem samt plattformar. Detta gör att test av mobila applikationer blivit viktigare och större. Detta arbete har bedrivits som en jämförande fallstudie inom området test av mobila applikationer samt testverktyg. Syftet har varit att beskriva hur testning av mobila applikationer sker idag vilket gjorts genom litteraturstudier och intervjuer med IT-företag.

Quantitative thermal perception thresholds, comparison between methods

Skin temperature is detected through signals in unmyelinated C-fibers and thin myelinated A?-fibers in the peripheral and central nervous system. Disorders in thin nerve fibres are important and not rare but difficult to diagnose by the most common neurophysiological methods. In this pilot study different methods for quantitative sensory testing, QST, were compared to give some ideas about which method could be the most efficient to use in order to point out injuries of the sensory system in clinical practice. The comparison was made between Békésy (separate warmand cold thresholds) and Marstock test (combined warm and cold thresholds).

Responsivitet på menyn : Produktnavigering på en e-handelsplats som är både flexibel och säljande, går det?

The competition in sports equipment and sports fashion today is fierce. And as e-commerce grows, the competing players has to remain accessible and usable regard-less of the device their customers visit the website on. Stadium is Swedens biggest player on the market and puts a lot of effort on their online activity. Something Stadium found interesting was the possibility of introducing elements that would increase the conversion rates directly into the product menu. This study explores the possibility to find a responsive solution for the product menu at Stadiums? e-commerce website which could contribute to increased conversion rates.The study is built upon an experiment and the foundations of the experiment is based upon a market analysis of used design patterns for product navigation in the domain of sport resellers.

Iterera, iterera, iterera : En studie om hur en upprepande designprocess kan förbättra användbarheten i Provbankens interaktiva distansprov

Provbanken är en del i ett nationellt provsystem som är tänkt att vara ett bedömningskomplement till existerande prov i gymnasieutbildningen. Växjö universitet har varit delaktig i utvecklingen av prov för de yrkesinriktade ämnena sedan 1997. Eftersom innehållet i dessa numera webbanpassade prov är det väsentliga, måste utformningen av provet göras lättförståelig. Användbarheten måste m a o vara självklar och inte ställa till problem för användaren. Som en av utvecklarna av dessa interaktiva prov, ville jag finna ett sätt att minimera problemen och öka användbarheten.

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