

512 Uppsatser om Remote Weapon Station - Sida 9 av 35

Ludwig Wittgenstein som folkskollärare

This paper studies the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein during his years (1920?26) as an elementary school teacher in remote Niederösterreich, Austria. The paper gives a survey of his life, and also a brief account of three of his main works: Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Philosophical Investigations and Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics. Attention is given to his alphabetical word list, Wörterbuch für Volksschulen, published for educational use in elementary schools. The study is focused on Wittgenstein?s educational practise, and establishes a connection between his experience as a teacher and his late philosophy..

Laborationsutrustning till 1FF21I Fartygs- och Verkstadsförlagd utbildning

För att täcka ett behov av laborationsutrustning för enklare felsökningsövningar på dieselmaskinerför första-års-studenter vid Sjöfartshögskolan, Linnéuniversitetet, startades det här projektet. Syftetvar att tre stycken laborationsstationer skulle byggas ovanpå tre stycken kasserade dieselgeneratorersom skolan hade stående. Det skulle på varje station gå att simulera fyra stycken olika fel, och detskulle även finnas underlag för felsökning till varje station. Eftersom utbildningen är engrundutbildning skulle även hänsyn tas till att många studenter helt kan sakna kunskaper ocherfarenheter av förbränningsmotorer.Projektet har arbetat enligt en praktisk metod där problemet formuleras och struktureras samtlösningen planeras och genomförs. Struktureringen gav vid handen att felsimuleringarna bordeomfatta en förbränningsmotors grundläggande system, samt förbränning.

Branding för distansarbetande kreatörer : Förbättra din nätnärvaro

In the fragmented network economy of toady remote work for creative designers becomes mor eand more prevalent. This is good for a number of reasons. Mainly, creative designers can find work inside and outside of their region irrespective of where they choose to live. However, competing for jobs in a global market is harder, and the online presence of the creatives becomes their main shopping window. We have conducted a study, interviewing digital creatives in Västerbotten.

Oenigheter på arbetsplatsen : En studie om konflikter och konflikthantering bland vuxna i förskolans verksamhet

AbstractThis essay discusses the negotiation of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and the process that led up to a signed agreement. The CTBT forbids all nuclear weapon test explosions and all other types of nuclear explosions. The purpose of the study was to distinguish the critical steps of the negotiations that resulted in the success of the CTBT. Based on these insights, my intention was to identify relevant events and actors in the process around the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT), which has been on the nuclear disarmament agenda for over a decade. Furthermore, my ambition was that the examination of the CTBT negotiation would give me some clarity in what the next step would be to get the FMCT back on track.

Insättningsrutinernas effekt på tillväxt samt effekten av klinisk sjukdom på ätbeteendet hos kalvar i gruppbox med automatisk mjölkutfodring :

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of strategy for grouping calves into group pens with automatic milk-feeding systems on the calves' health and growth rate. The usefulness of changes in feeding behavior recorded by the computerized milk-feeder during periods of illness to identify calves with clinical diease was also studied. In the first experiment, 64 calves were moved in and out of group pens in a continuous way, while 46 calves were transferred into group pens until the the pen was considered "full". The calves in the latter groups were then held together until weaning. It was found that calves in the fixed groups grew approximately 100 g / day more compared to the calves in the dynamic groups. Signs of clinical respiratory disease were less frequent in this group, while the incidence of diarrhoea was slightly higher. In the second experiment health parameters, milk consumption and feeding behaviour was recorded daily for 46 calves.

Utveckling av yteffektivt elfordon för hyrsystem

Dagens bilar är gjorda för långa resor med högt ställda krav på bekvämlighet och komfort. Studier har visat att de flesta resor som görs i Storstockholm är korta, och därför är kravet på prestanda och komfort minimalt.Syftet med detta projekt var att ta fram ett enkelt pendlingsfordon som del av ett hyrsystem. Användaren hyr fordonet vid en station och lämnar av den vid en annan.Fokus har legat på att utveckla en parkeringslösning som spar plats. Att bygga parkeringsstationer i förbindelse med befintlig kollektivtrafik är svårt, och marken i Stockholm är både begränsad och dyr.Efter en omfattande förstudie fastställdes en kravspecifikation som låg till grund för den fortsatta konceptutvecklingen.Det slutgiltiga konceptet blev Electric Commute Vehicle, ett elfordon avsett för personlig transport och pendlingstrafik. Fordonet döptes till X-traffic (Cross-traffic) och har utrustats med en unik parkeringslösning där fordonen packas likt kundvagnar.

Automobike: en cykel med aktiv balans

During spring 2012, six students at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm carried out agroup project in the field of mechatronics as part of the thesis for the bachelor degree. The resultwas a robot with active balancing and the purpose of this report is to describe the development,manufacturing and problems that arose during the project. The finished robot has two wheelsmounted in line with each other, like a bicycle. Measurement data from an accelerometer and agyroscope are used together in a complementary filter for determining the angle from the verticalplane. For balancing, a PID controller was used to control the rotation of a reaction wheel, whenaccelerating causes a straightening torque.

Prim, Stadsförnyelse i Barcelona

This final project discusses renewal and upgrading of the area of Prim. It is discussed how this industrial area can be an attractive neighborhood with a varied range of services and commercial trade. Prim is located 2km north-east of the center of Barcelona. The area boarders to a deep railway valley that historically has separated Prim from its neighboring districts. At present there is almost no housing, services or commercial trade within the area and the industry is discontinued or the existing industrial buildings are derelict. There is also a lack of green recreational areas.

"Men KBT tycker jag e problematiskt" : en samtalsanalytisk studie av interaktionsmönstret i radioprogrammet Morgonpasset i P3

This paper discusses how four people in the Swedish Radio station P3, together interact to account therapy trends towards a third party. The focus is on whether, and if so, how they collaborate to make the conversation intelligible for radio listeners. This is done by means of conversation analysis and methods developed by the CA. The result is interesting when the conversation participants do not follow their expected roles as broadcasters and experts while they disagree about the communicative projects to be carried out..

Västerbottens färgrika stenskatter : spatiala presentationer och analyser av skifferfynd i Västerbottens län

ästerbottens färgrika stenskatter - Spatiala presentationer och analyser av skifferfynd i Västerbottens län(The colorful stone treasures of Västerbotten ? Spatial presentations and analysis of slate artefacts in Västerbotten County)This essay pertains to the spatial distributions and analysis of slate artefacts in Västerbotten County, Sweden. The authors aim is to give answers the issues of what the distribution patterns of slate artefacts can tell us about the prehistoric humans in this area. By using GIS software and geospatial analysis the author strengthens the theories about separate interior and coastal economies, as well as the theory that the main share of production of slate artifacts are linked in the interior of the County, the author also refers to earlier research, both domestic and international. The theories of non-pragmatic preferences by the late Mesolithic and Neolithic people for red colored slate are also added to.

Mobile weighing station

Examensarbetet syftar till att konstruera operatörsgränssnittet till en UGV (eng Unmanned Ground Vehicle) för mobil rekognosering i tätbebyggt område. Operatörsgränssnittet består av både mjuk- och hårdvara. Till operatörsgränssnittet har ett grafiskt användargränssnitt utvecklats där tonvikten legat på användbarhet med funktionalitet för positionering med geografisk presentation och sensorpresentation. Förutom en presentationsenhet för sensorinteraktion och manövrering av farkost ingår en sändtagarenhet för kommunikation mellan operatör och farkost. Två uppsättningar av systemet levererades till försvarsmakten för användning vid metodförsöksstudier..

Foldback System

This project concentrates on musicians who work in a professional music studio.The task of this project was to design a new headphone system called Foldback system.The advantage of this system is that all involved in a music project could influence their ownlistening during the project. With a couple of adjustments should each and everyone get theirown individual listening from their headphone station.This report shows different methods, theories and results that came along in development ofFoldback system. The project has resulted in a finished product that will be in use atStudiomega..

Station Haga - En studie om Västlänkens sociala konsekvenser på lokalområdesnivå

I Göteborg pågår planeringen för en ny tågtunnel som ska binda samman pendeltågstrafiken tillgenomgående linjer. Västlänken, som den kallas, går under centrala staden och två nyastationslägen ska etableras. Trafikplaneringen har en viktig social dimension som inte alltiduppmärksammas i tillräckligt stor utsträckning. Infrastrukturella förändringar påverkar livet istaden, samt hur platser används och uppfattas. I Sverige finns inget lagkrav på att kartlägga socialakonsekvenser av ingrepp och projekt, något som däremot gäller för miljökonsekvenser.

Tungelsta med trädgårdstema :

In this project, an area in the small town Tungelsta south of Stockholm, is in focus. Tungelsta is placed in the municipality of Haninge and it is for the planning department on the municipality, this project is made. The task is to compose an arrengement of buildings and open spaces for a 50 hektar area. Today the area is consists of agriculture fields and forests. The area is placed near the railway station, in the city centre of Tungelsta, which makes it interesting and important to work with. There are different opinions about the future plans for the area.

CAP KC3-12 : Design and finite element analysis

In offshore oil production FMC Subsea systems use a product called cap. The cap´s mainly task is to protect hubface and seal areas on inboard hub against dirt, corrosion and mechanical damage under installation of a subsea system. A new model of a cap has been designed and analysed using finite element method. The model is called KC3-12 and has a new function, emergency release, which is a backup method for the ROV (remote operated vehicle) to release the cap from the hubface when it is placed under water. The cap KC3-12 was found to fulfil the criteria under the test load pressure, according to ASME VIII, div2.

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