

512 Uppsatser om Remote Weapon Station - Sida 11 av 35

Folkomröstningen som korrektiv : - en jämförande studie av riksdagens val av beslutsmetod i frågorna om EMU och EU-konstitutionen

Sweden has been a member of the European Union since 1995 and the power of the organisation to make decisions has increased over the years in a rate which hasn?t been followed by an equally increase in democratization. This is partly due to the lack of participation in the decision making process and at the national level the citizens don?t possess enough channels to compensate the loss of influence. To solve this democratic dilemma, more and more countries are turning to the referendum.

SMS för personer med kognitiva och kommunikativa funktionsnedsättningar ? en intervjustudie av användares upplevelser

Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging.

Olika uppvärmningssystem : en fallstudie i mellansverige

The purpose with this project is to compare different fuels when investing in a central combustion station at a case study farm. I have chosen to write about biofuel from an economical perspective. This because the heating costs are steadily increasing. Also because the farm in this case study has several different heating systems, which are neither profitable nor easy to work with. I have made calculations regarding usage of splinter, wood and grain for the heating system.

Laserdata i skogsbruket : - och möjliga tillämpningar för privata skogsägare

Data retrieved from airborne laser scanning represents a new source of forest data. Today, the technology has matured so that it can function in an operational environment. The aim of this study was to compile areas of application of laserdata in forestry. Moreover to analyze costs and accessibility of laserdata. The goal was to provide private forest owners information to support assessments of possible benefits of laserdata.

Mätstation för rullmotstånd i massiva gummihjul

        This is a report that describes the entire process of design of a measuring station for rolling resistance. The report is structured with elements of Fredy Olsson's method.The report also includes a brief presentation of HGF, the company that will manufacture the machine. Requirements and preferences are set up and used in a weighting of criteria by which product suggestions are based. These suggestions are used in the evaluation to produce a final draft product. Solutions to major functions are produced by criteria?s. Component selection for all components is performed, a CAD-based model is developed and an economic analysis is set up. FMEA analysis is set up. The report ends with a brief summary, critical review and suggestions for further work..

Melleruds Resecentrum - Förslag till ombyggnad av befintlig järnvägsstation

SAMMANDRAGDenna rapport är en del i ett examensarbete på byggingenjörsutbildningen vid Chalmers Tekniska Högskola. Som komplement till rapporten finns ritningar på idéförslag samt ett program som beskriver byggnadens nutida utformning samt kraven på en ombyggnad.I denna rapport utreder vi möjligheterna att bygga om den befintliga järnvägsstationen i Mellerud till ett modernt resecentrum, på uppdrag av Melleruds kommun. Rapporten behandlar flera olika grundläggande lösningarav utformningen. Med dessa som utgångspunkt utformas sedan de olika delarna i den bästa av de grundläggande lösningarna. Målet med rapporten är att utforma ett resecentrum som tillgodoser resenärernas behov.

Analys med effektivitetsbegreppet TAK : En fallstudie på Ericsson i Hudiksvall

        This is a report that describes the entire process of design of a measuring station for rolling resistance. The report is structured with elements of Fredy Olsson's method.The report also includes a brief presentation of HGF, the company that will manufacture the machine. Requirements and preferences are set up and used in a weighting of criteria by which product suggestions are based. These suggestions are used in the evaluation to produce a final draft product. Solutions to major functions are produced by criteria?s. Component selection for all components is performed, a CAD-based model is developed and an economic analysis is set up. FMEA analysis is set up. The report ends with a brief summary, critical review and suggestions for further work..

Analys av monteringslinan för luftbehandlingsaggregat (EC)

The purpose of the work is to analyze and balance an assembly line at Fläkt Woods in Jönköping. The work is going to answer the questions about today?s throughput time, how much waste that occurs, number of staff at the assembly line, how the supply of material works and possible improvements that can be made at the work stations. The work is also going to give a proposal of improve-ments that can be made.The methods used to get the result include observations and measurements, con-versations with technicians and operators and also data from Fläkt Woods? data-base.Large variations in throughput time are measured during the measure period, from 3 hours up to 5 hours and 35 minutes.

Dada ser första världskriget i Berlin : En studie av kopplingen mellan George Groszs, Hannah Höchs samt Raoul Hausmanns visuella konst och första världskriget

The First World War had a definite impact on all of Europe, not to say the entire world. The domain of art was no exception. In Zürich, neutral Switzerland, a group of young creative intellectuals who shared a hostile approach towards the structure of the bourgeois society, with its non-democratic rulers and current nationalism which lead up to the war, united under the artistic movement we today call Dadaism. After the war Dadaism sprung up in several cities throughout Europe, among those Berlin. In Berlin Dadaism became a socialist weapon of propaganda, with its norm breaking artistic manifestations, against the camouflaged conservative government of the new Weimar republic.

-BLB- M/S Calmare Nyckel : Ballast-, Läns- & Brandsystemet på M/S Calmare Nyckel

Rapporten är skriven för att dokumentera den befintliga installationen av ballast-, läns- och brandsystem ombord på fartyget M/S Calmare Nyckel. I enlighet med uppdragets specifika-tioner kommer även förslag på förbättringar att presenteras. Förslagen bygger till största del på fakta från en leverantör av ventilkomponenter och av klassen ställda krav på installationen. Förbättringarna beaktar i huvudsak minskade risker och ökad säkerhet. De största skillnaderna med de nya förslagen är att länsvattensystemet skiljs från de övriga systemen, de viktigaste funktionerna fjärrstyrs med hjälp av pneumatik och systemets komponenter märks enligt branchstandard..

Kan du hoppa jämfota? : en studie om skillnader i elevers motorik

Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet är att ta reda på om en utökad undervisning i idrott och hälsa har ett samband på skolelevers motoriska färdigheter. Detta syfte kommer vi undersöka genom att besvara frågorna ?hur ser de motoriska färdigheterna ut hos eleverna i en Bunkefloskola jämfört med i SIH-projektet?? och ?finns det något/några områden inom de motoriska färdigheterna där skillnaderna är särskilt utmärkande??MetodDatainsamlingen bestod av två stycken observationstillfällen där vi observerade 60 elever, från en Bunkefloskola i Sverige. Eleverna uförde NyTidstestet som syftar till att testa deras allsidiga rörelsekompetens. Skolan som eleverna går på arbetar med Bunkeflomodellen som karaktäriseras av att ha fysisk aktivitet på schemat varje skoldag.

Konstruktion av snabbkoppling för elektropolering.

Lansen Technology develops and sells alarm systems. The communication between the system devices are wireless. The radio protocol used by the system is developed by Lansen with the purpose to be energy efficient. The alarm systems target groups are individuals, businesses and government agencies. The current system is installed, configured and controlled from a control panel for all audiences.

Om kommunalt beslutsfattande kopplat till bostadspolitik. En jämförande studie av två Socialdemokratiskt styrda kommuner.

Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging.

Lika makter leka lika? Sanktioner eller dialog, varför skiljer sig USA respektive EU handlingsplaner från varandra angående Irans kärnvapen?

In this thesis I will discuss how US respectively EU general international security policies are formed with the scientific theories Rational Choice and Cognitive theory in mind. I?ll discuss how come US tends to go towards a more sanction orientated strategy while European Union seems to prefer a dialog and diplomatic problem solving strategy. I?ll exemplify respective security strategy through the qualitative cases study of Iran and analyse why they have taken different cores of action while trying to solve the problem with Iran's alleged nuclear weapon.

Blandfoder i automatiska mjölkningssystem

A totally mixed ration (TMR) is a mixture of all the necessary feed components for the cow. She will eat the exact same feed in every bite which will make the rumen pH more stable and always supply her with a constant proportion between roughage and concentrate. This will make it possible for the cow to eat more dry matter (DM) a day because the fibre requirements are fulfilled. If a part of the concentrate is given separated from the mixture it is called partly mixed rations (PMR) and is almost always used when using an automatic milking system (AMS). When using TMR and PMR it is important to have a high hygiene, be accurate when mixing the feed and to look after cows in a good and strict way. The aim of this study was to document different farms with PMR in an AMS to see which routines they have and how they are managing their production.

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